Steve Olt #6 10/A Fort Collins Discove , iseum Page 1
From: Craig Foreman
To: Steve Olt
Date: 7/28/2010 3:47:44 PM
Subject: #6-10/A Fort Collins Discovery Museum
Comments on the Second Round of Review, August 4, 2010.
General: At today's staff review it was determined that Parks and Recreation will not be signing the plat.
Department: Engineering
Topic: General
No. 72: Mason North sidewalk connection: Covered at today's meeting
No. 121: Easements/agreements for project work on Park property: Ingrid is working on language in the
final agreement that will clarify these items for the installation and future maintenance, etc. Examples
Project tap to Lee Martinez irrigation system: The Discovery Museum (the Project) will provide all
drawings, specifications, permits and complete the instillation at their cost for the required meter and any
other apparatus for a connection to the Lee Martinez irrigation system. The use of water will be recorded
monthly with a repay to Parks. Any costs associated with the annual start-up and shut -down of the system
will also be the responsibility of the Project.
Project items such as landscaping, walls, parking lots, etc. shall be installed and funded by the Project.
Long term maintenance, repairs and replacements shall be at the expense of the Project.
The section of the 10' wide trail from Mason Court north for the fire access lane shall be installed at the
expense of the Project. The repair of any trail or other park damage caused by emergency vehicles
accessing the Project will be at the expense of the Project. Replacement of the 10' wide trail will be cost
shared with the Parks Department paying for the cost for 8' of the trail at a depth of 5'; with the Project
paying for the cost of the additional trail width, base, thickness and any reinforcing.
The installation of Project items, in the future, on Park property shall be coordinated with affected parties
and an agreement (?) prepared for each item indicating funding responsibilities for installation, routine
maintenance, repairs and removal.
Thanks. Craig
CC: Bill Whirty; Ingrid Decker; J.R. Schnelzer; Marty Heffernan; Ron Kechter
Steve it
Re: Museum Proect sidewal' i Mason St North property T mm Pagewji
From: Marc Virata
To: Ingrid Decker; Lindsay Kuntz; Ron Kechter; Steve Olt
Date: 7/28/2010 4:48:33 PM
Subject: Re: Museum Project - sidewalk on Mason St. North property
Thanks Ingrid. I'm not aware of which of the two scenarios you've outlined applies towards this sidewalk. I
concur with you and Lindsay on the conclusions for each, hopefully it's the first scenario and no additional
easement would then be needed. -Marc
>>> Ingrid Decker 7/28/2010 3:30 PM >>>
Hi, everyone -
Lindsay and I have been discussing whether the City needs any other easement from Mason Street North
to tear up and then replace the sidewalk in the area shown on the Site Plan. I wasn't clear from the
meeting this morning what exactly we are doing with the sidewalk on MSN property, but what it seems to
come down to is this:
If the only reason we are tearing out and replacing the part of the sidewalk that is on MSN property is to
put in the new sewer line, and we put the sidewalk back the way it was, then we shouldn't need an
additional easement because the City already has a utility easement on that MSN parcel that would allow
us to install the sewer line and restore the surface.
If we are planning to put the sidewalk back differently - for example, we plan to make it wider, better, etc. .
on their property - or we are doing sidewalk improvements that don't have anything to do with installing the
sewer line, then we'd need an agreement with MSN that we can do that.
I hope this makes sense, let me know if this needs further discussion.