entrance. Current location is further away than vehicle parking. With current location cyclist will park in areas not
intended for bike parking. Be aware section A -A, vehicles will overhang curb approximately 2onto sidewalk
reducing the usable width. One solution may be to remove lighted bollards and provide lighting on the side of the
Thank you,
—If you leave for more than 2 minutes
—Be Brightand turn off the Light
Jennifer Petrik
Transportation Planning, City of Fort Collins
PO Box 580 : 250 North Mason
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
(970) 416-2471 office
(970) 221-6239 fax
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discussion will include removing or re -wording the comments if they were only meant as "nice additions" for
future consideration.
Just FYI, I'm out on vacation next week and will be back on Tuesday 4-5.
>>> On 3/26/2010 at 3:37 PM, Marc Virata wrote:
Hi Ward,
Since your reply was sent to myself and Jen, just thought I'd mention that my comment for the staff review was
pretty simplistic: "Should through the conclusion of the analysis of the TIS result in some sort of pedestrian
crossing improvement on Cherry Street, the design and specifications of such an improvement will need to be
shown on the construction and site plan drawings."
From my perspective though, it would seem to be beneficial to arrive at a conclusion common between the City
and Discovery Museum/City prior to hearing that either:
1) establishes that no improvement of Cherry is needed in which case the TIS should either be amended or
revised such that the conclusion of City staff is consistent with the TIS that is reviewed by P&Z, or
2) establishes that some sort of improvement (be it a ped refuge island, flashing lights, enhanced crosswalk,
etc.) will be done on Cherry Street and the funding of that improvement is established and agreed to by the
responsible party.
The discussion at staff review on other issues regarding the project actually made this item appear relatively
minor and Ron Kechter indicated that addressing all pre -hearing items (including this one) was his goal. If no
further discussion is made with the applicant or the applicant's TIS consultant within the next week or so, I think
this should be initiated further by the City for resolving, especially with the project appearing to be going to
hearing on April 15th.
>>> Ward Stanford 3/25/2010 10:49 AM >>>
Good comments. If it is not seen as inappropriate I would like to offer a suggestion and also have a question.
Suggestion: It may be very helpful to the design team to know what the inconsistencies are they need to
Question: I'm not sure I understand the remainder of Comment 2 regarding the crosswalk. Is the City
asking/requiring the Developer to fund crossing improvements even though they meet the City's LOS criteria?
Thank you,
>>> On 3/23/2010 at 6:27 PM, in message < 4BA9081A.2C05.007A.0@fcgov.com >, Jennifer Petrik wrote:
Hi Marc and Ward,
Kathleen, Matt and I were able to discuss this project at our staff meeting this morning. Below are Transportation
Planning comments entered into DMS.
Has there been any contact with Daz Bog regarding parking? The TIS and project plans are not consistent.
Please reconcile so project plans and TIS are consistent. Pedestrian crossing improvements may not be
required based on the Pedestrian Level of Service criteria; however improving the crossing Level of Service
would be advantageous given the use and proximity to the Transit Center. An enhanced crossing would improve
the Level of Service without interfering with a future left turn lane from Cherry onto Mason. ADA ramps are not
shown on plans. Please show ADA ramps. Suggest contacting DK Kemp the bicycle coordinator at
dakemp@fcgov.com regarding input on bicycle rack style and quantity of bicycle parking facilities. There is an
opportunity to develop a design that is unique to the Discover Science Center. Bicycle rack needs to be closer to
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Subject: Re: Discovery Science Center
Well, a revised submittal just came back in and the findings of the TIS has been revised stating that the
improvement to consider is the re -application of the painted crosswalk ("currently badly faded") along with
relocation of a ped crossing warning sign. Seems like the issue has been resolved assuming internal
concurrence on the revised report.
As a heads -up to Ward and Joe, the response letter from the applicant indicated that this recommendation of
restriping "can be accomplished as part of normal roadway maintenance operations by City crews". I'm
assuming that means they're of the belief that the restriping will be done by Traffic/Streets, not at the cost of the
Discovery Science Center. If there's disagreement on that, it should probably be indicated back to the Discovery
Center on who should be financially responsible for this.
>>> Jennifer Petrik 3/29/2010 8:54 AM >>>
Hi Ward and Marc,
We discussed this at our Staff meeting. I have modified my comment to clarify that the TIS indicates offsite
improvements and the site plan does not show offsite improvements.
We discussed that the applicant and their transportation consultant resolve any inconsistencies. We discussed
that we would not guide or ask the transportation consultant to modify their document.
Regarding the crosswalk, this is dependant on the TIS and Transportation Planning indicated that the Pedestrian
LOS may not require improvements. Transportation Planning is not independently requiring the crosswalk.
However the Transportation consultant would determine improvements and include in the TIS. If the applicant
and consultant make changes to the site plan or TIS they need to be consistent.
Transportation Planning is not suggesting the City fund a crossing improvement at this time. A capital pedestrian
improvement project would be reviewed against and along with the pedestrian project list for City/State/Federally
I hope this clarifies Transportation Planning comments. If more discussion is needed let's set up a meeting and
include Kathleen.
Thank you,
—If you leave for more than 2 minutes
—Be Bright and turn off the Light
Jennifer Petrik
Transportation Planning, City of Fort Collins
PO Box 580 : 250 North Mason
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
(970) 416-2471 office
(970) 221-6239 fax
>>> Ward Stanford 3/28/2010 11:58 AM >>>
Marc, I agree with you on figuring out if the City is going to require crossing improvements. If it is an
improvement the City wants to fund consideration should be given to reviewing it against other ped
improvements to see if it is more important than those other unfunded needs. Not saying this crossing couldn't
be improved but does it get funding ahead of other projects already looking for funding, possibly having a
greater need or benefit? Or are we going to somehow require the improvements from the project even though its
meets Ped LOS criteria? I'm confused as to what is taking place here.
I've input a DMS comment for the TE to explain his crossing improvement comment and to provide the
analysis/justification for it, in depth. I expect to hear from them to discuss my comment, from which I sure the
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Steve Olt - Re: Discovery Science Center
From: Joe Olson
To: Jennifer Petrik
Date: 4/6/2010 4:39 PM
Subject: Re: Discovery Science Center
CC: Kathleen Bracke; Marc Virata; Matthew Wempe; Rich Brewbaker; Scott Weeks; Sheri
Langenberger; Steve Olt; Ward Stanford
As I mentioned to Marc, we will take care of the crosswalk through our normal maintenance program. It will be
done sometime this summer when we are outdoing our annual crosswalk painting. I'll also have somebody go
out and check the signs sometime within the next week or so. I'm not clear what the consultant means
regarding the relocation of a sign but we'll look at it and see if something needs to be fixed.
Regardless, there should not be any requirements of the developer related to the crossing.
>>> Jennifer Petrik 4/6/2010 3:47 PM >>>
Hi Joe,
Will Traffic Operations be completing both the recommendations in the TIS, including restriping the crossing and
moving the sign? Transportation Planning requires the TIS recommendations be complete with this project. The
improvements could be paid for by City's maintenance program or the applicant. Steve Olt is preparing the staff
report. Would you mind touching base with him on the details of how the TIS requirements will be met and any
required documentation?
—If you leave for more than 2 minutes
—Be Bright and turn off the Light
Jennifer Petrik
Transportation Planning, City of Fort Collins
PO Box 580 : 250 North Mason
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
(970) 416-2471 office
(970) 221-6239 fax
>>> Joe Olson 4/1/2010 8:05 PM >>>
Marc, no disagreement here. We'll take care of the striping as part of our routine maintenance program.
----Original Message ----
From: Marc Virata
Cc: Joe Olson <JOlson@fcgov.com>
To: Jennifer Petrik <J Petri k@fcgov. com>
Cc: Kathleen Bracke <KBRACKE@fcgov.com>
Cc: Matthew Wempe <MWempe@fcgov.com>
Cc: Sheri Langenberger <SLangenberger@fcgov.com>
Cc: Scott Weeks <SWeeks@fcgov.com>
To: Ward Stanford <WSTANFORD@fcgov.com>
Sent: 4/1/2010 9:33:23 AM
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