Steve Olt- Re Outcome of mtg on. Spn� Canyon Park Page 1�
From: Kathleen Benedict
To: Doug Moore; ndonovanlaw@earthlink.net
Date: 09/29/2005 2:26:11 PM
Subject: Re: Outcome of mtg. on Spring Canyon Park
Here is my shortened summary of my notes from the meeting
Regarding the shelter, hydrology of the regional detention pond preclude moving the shelter much further
east than it's present location. However Randy had suggested that it may be satisfactory if we could at
least gain 50' from the centerline of the drainageway. The attached drawing shows how BHA proposes
that this may be accomplished.
Regarding the pathway from the parking area. The structure that appearsa as a bridge is actually the
diversion structure that moves the major flood waters from the small drainageway in the trees towards the
regional detention pond. Since this structure is actually in the floodway, fencing may not be an option.
However we will check with the engineer to see what options we do have and can most likely provide
additional vegetation at the very least.
Regarding the Maintenance Facility, the design for the roof of the building is to be steel weathered to a
natural brownish/rust patina (Core -tin). Doug and I will meet out on Pine Ridge to try and visualize how
much of the building besides the roof would be visible from Pine Ridge since the slopes are so high
adjacent to the building. Park planning will continue to work with Natural Resource Staff as the final design
for the exterior of the building are being completed.
This is how my notes summarized. I know Doug is out of the office today but I wanted to let you know what
we can do now to help resolve your issues. Please let me know if there is anything else I can help with.
Kathleen Benedict
Senior Park Planner
City of Fort Collins
>>> <ndonovanlaw0earthlink.net> 9/29/05 1:03:20 PM >>>
Hi Kathleen,
I'm writing to see what happened yesterday at the meeting and whether any changes are proposed to the
design and location of the picnic pavilion, the screening of the path across the corridor from the parking lot
to the pavilion, and the design of the maintenance building to help it blend into the surroundings.
Thanks for agreeing to meet, and I regret that I was not able to attend.
CC: karand@frii.com; Marty Heffernan; Roger Sherman; Russell Lee; Steve Olt