Neighborhood Information Meeting
Project: HJeLLr--NIL?LA7A JPDP
Meeting Location: ANMtlz.VMA RhPT1ST OHVRCH
Date: 3. 2(. 2067
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Response: (Applicant) On -street parking is not counted as part of the
minimum parking requirements. It is not known how many
spaces are located on Birch.
35. Question: (Resident) How are the units accessed?
Response: (Applicant) There are three stairwells to the upper levels and
there are corridors (4 to 5 feet wide) to each unit. No
elevators are proposed.
36. Comment: (Resident) The building seems too large and should come down
10 feet everywhere.
37. Comment: (Resident) The name "Hellenic Plaza' is too tied to the Greek
culture and the neighborhood would like to see a different
name so that it does not become a fraternity/sorority
supported use.
38. Question: (Resident) Who owns the property directly to the south of this
site? Are there any plans to develop it?
Response: (Applicant) It is owned by CSU and we are unaware of any
development plans.
39. Question: (Resident) Will the unpaved portion of Coy Dr. be improved
(paved) with this development?
Response: (Applicant) The improvements to Coy Dr. will be designed but
not built with this proposal.
40. Question: (Resident) The existing house on the northern property has
sewer service from the rear of the property. Will this change?
Response: (Applicant) The existing service at the rear of the property will
be abandoned.
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Response: (Applicant) No balconies are proposed to prevent parties and
noise problems. There are external corridors from the
stairwells that are about 4 - 5 feet in width.
30. Comment: (Resident) The NCB - Neighborhood Conservation Buffer zone
district does not seem an appropriate designation in this area
due to the density, height and commercial standards. The
neighborhood needs a buffer from the NCB zone.
31. Question: (Resident) What materials are proposed? Will you stick with
these materials?
Response: (Applicant) Approved plans include landscaping quantities/types
and building materials and cannot be changed. This building will
feature brick/stone masonry, stucco, horizontal siding with
copper roof and tile accents. ,
32. Question: (Resident) How will spillover parking on Coy be prevented?
Response: (Applicant) There will be no vehicular access between this
property and Coy, and pedestrian access will be limited with
landscaping or potentially a fence. Birch Street features on -
street parking so any spillover parking will likely be there
instead of Coy.
33. Question: (Resident) Will the existing trees be removed?
Response: (Applicant) There are several large Siberian Elm trees that will
be removed because they are a nuisance species. The City
Forester has determined which trees must stay and which ones
can be removed. Mitigation for the removed trees will be
required (more trees, larger than usual requirements will be
planted to mitigate the trees lost).
34. Question: (Resident) How many additional parking spaces are available on
Birch Street?
high and the steeple is about 38 feet. The Clock Tower
apartments are approximately 40 to 45 feet (3 stories).
24. Question: (Resident) How many dumpsters will be provided? Students
have lots of trash!
Response: (Applicant) Two fully enclosed and screened dumpster/recycling
areas are proposed.
25. Question: (Resident) How is the property controlled? Property manager?
Response: (Applicant) Site visits are conducted regularly and there are
good neighbor provisions in all of the leases. A property
manager might be provided for this project.
26. Comment: (Resident) Higher density projects like this might lead to fewer
students in the neighborhood, but homes near these higher
density areas end up losing.
27. Comment: (Resident) This winter, there was a ton of snow plowed onto
this site. Please address where all of the snow will be stored
when this property develops.
Response: (Planner) The building is set back from the road so that some
snow could be plowed into the parkway area between the curb
and sidewalk. Like in other areas of town, snow may need to be
hauled elsewhere if there is nowhere to store it on site.
28. Question: (Resident) Will stormwater drainage be addressed? Flooding
and standing water in this area is common.
Response: (Applicant) A drainage report is being developed and will
address historic and development -related stormwater impacts.
The City must approve this report in order for the
development to be approved.
29. Question: (Resident) Will the residential units feature balconies?
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Response: (Applicant) It should be noted that the project falls within a
small part of the NCB district, but is primarily in the MMN
District. The MMN District calls for higher density housing in
combination with moderate -intensity commercial uses that
serve the neighborhood.
17. Comment: (Resident) The most intense development is happening along
Shields and seems to be separating the neighborhood.
18. Comment: (Resident) The 3-unrelated ordinance does not seem to be
working in this area and is unenforceable, especially since many
property owners in this area do not live in town and are unaware
of the ordinance.
19. Comment: (Resident) David Roy is the City Council Member for this
district. It would be nice if he was present at this (and other)
neighborhood meetings.
20. Comment: (Resident) There is a general feeling in this area that the
single-family property owners (especially, owner -occupied) are
not listened to by the city and are bullied by developers and
overwhelmed by the student population in the area.
21. Comment: (Resident) The neighborhood has concerns with this
development and potential noise, light pollution and commercial
22. Question: (Resident) Will this project impact the bike lane or sidewalks?
Response: (Applicant) The sidewalks will be widened and the bike lanes will
not be impacted.
23. Question: (Resident) How tall will the building be in comparison to other
nearby structures?
Response: (Applicant) Approximately 40 feet with a 50 foot corner
"tower" element. The church ridge is approximately 26 feet
11. Question: (Resident) Is a traffic signal at the Shields/Birch intersection
Response: (Applicant) No, there are other signals located too close to
have one at this intersection.
12. Comment: (Resident) The pedestrian crossings around town (especially in
front of the American Baptist Church on Shields St.) are
extremely dangerous and state crosswalk laws do not seem to
be enforced. Several accidents have occurred here and I would
like the City take some responsibility for enforcement at these
13. Comment: (Resident) There is an issue of fireworks in this neighborhood,
especially near the 4th of July, but also during all times of this
year. With more students in the area, fireworks will grow to be
an even larger problem. The nuisance ordinance needs to be
enforced for fireworks in this area because they are a danger
to the community.
14. Comment: (Planner) The issues of the pedestrian crossings and fireworks
are not related to this development only and cannot be resolved
as a result of this development. Transportation
Planning/Traffic Operations will be contacted about the
pedestrian crossing issue and the fireworks complaint will be
sent to the Neighborhood Services department.
15. Comment: (Resident) The neighborhood and city has become too dense and
this development will further exacerbate the problems related
to high densities.
16. Question: (Resident) What is the purpose of the NCB - Neighborhood
Conservation Buffer zone district?
Response: (Planner) It is intended to be a transition area between
traditional neighborhood areas and more intense areas such as
commercial, university and high traffic areas.
Question: (Resident) Will there be a property manager on site?
Response: (Applicant) That idea could definitely be explored. It would be
costly, but it is a large project and may warrant a full-time
Question: (Resident) Is there a commercial component on the applicant's
other projects (Atrium Suites, Clock Tower)?
Response: (Applicant) No, this is the first mixed -use project.
Question: (Resident) This would be the only 3 story building on the block
and one of few in the area. It seems out of character and too
Response: (Applicant) The Clock Tower project is 3 stories and several
fraternity/sorority buildings, plus Alumni Center and church
are of similar scale in the area.
Response: (Planner) This property also features different zoning than
most of the residential areas surrounding the property, and 3
stories are permitted. There are several buildings nearby of a
similar scale.
Question: (Resident) How far would the building be set back from Shields
Response: (Applicant) There would be a 10 foot parkway between the curb
and sidewalk, 6 foot sidewalk and 10 foot landscape strip
between the sidewalk and building for a total of 26 feet.
Question: (Resident) How far would the building be set back from Birch
Response: (Applicant) There would be a 6 foot sidewalk attached to the
curb and 6 foot landscape strip between the sidewalk and
building for a total of 12 feet.
of so
commercial space. On -street parking is also available on Birch
2. Question: (Resident) How many spaces will be for the commercial uses?
Response: (Applicant) 70 parking spaces are required by code at a
minimum. 92 will be provided. The spaces will not be assigned
to residential or commercial uses, they will be first -come, first -
3. Comment: (Resident) Students typically live with more than one person
per bedroom. This means that 178 occupants could live there.
Response: (Applicant) Leases are written for one person per bedroom and
this is not a likely scenario because of the price of the units
and the type of students who typically rent from the owner.
There are occasional visitors/significant others, but occupancy
is enforced though the leases.
4. Comment: (Resident) There is general concern about spillover parking into
the neighborhood. The neighborhood is wary of having enough
commercial parking based on the Shields St. Lofts project
5. Question: (Resident) How many students are allowed per unit? How big
are the units? How much will rent cost?
Response: (Applicant) Each bedroom is leased to one student. A 2-
bedroom unit is approximately 900 square feet, a 3-bedroom
unit is approximately 1,100 square feet. A 2-bedroom unit will
be approximately $800 plus utilities.
6. Question: (Resident) How are the leases enforced?
Response: (Applicant) Through the Colorado Revised Statutes and site
City of Fort Collins
Planning and Environmentalfces
Current Planning
PROJECT: Hellenic Plaza PDP
DATE: March 21, 2007
APPLICANT: Don Brookshire, Jeff Benham, Barbara Siek
CITY PLANNER: Shelby Sommer
PROJECT SUMMARY: This is a proposal to construct a three-story mixed -use
development on the properties at 609 and 635 South Shields Street. Located on the west
side of South Shields Street, north of Birch Street, the project site is approximately 1.67
acres in size. The proposal includes two buildings featuring 41 two and three -bedroom
dwelling units, 7,822 square feet of commercial space, and 92 parking spaces. The
buildings front on Shields and Birch Streets with the commercial space located on the
first floor of the building facing Shields Street. The residential units are located on the
second and third stories of the building facing Shields Street and on all three floors of
the building facing Birch Street. The existing single-family house at 609 South Shields
Street will be demolished with this development. The fraternity house 635 South Shields
Street has been demolished and the property is currently vacant. The properties are
zoned MMN - Medium Density Mixed -Use Neighborhood District (635 S. Shields)
and NCB - Neighborhood Conservation Buffer District (609 S. Shields).
...........................QUESTIONS, CONCERNS, COMMENTS, RESPONSES...........................
1. Question: (Resident) How much parking will be provided for this proposal?
Response: (Applicant) 92 parking spaces are proposed, 4 of which are
designated as handicap spaces. There are 42 total units
proposed (37 2 -bedroom and 5 3-bedroom units). There are
89 total bedrooms and approximately 7,000 square feet of
281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6750 • FAX (970) 416-2020