Ornamental trees have been added and the canopy trees have been adjusted along
J.F.K. Parkway.
2. Please indicate in the General Notes or on the Site Plan exactly where the
walk-up A.T.M. is located.
The walk-up A.T.M. will be placed inside the foyer at the main entrance to the bank on
the south side of the building.
3. Is there any shade structure, trellis, canopy, etc. for the benefit of the drive -
through facilities? If so, please provide a character sketch or illustrative
depiction of what this looks like. The materials and color should neutral in tone
so as to not detract from the building. The Lighting Plan indicates that there are
to be recessed fixtures illuminating this area. What are these fixtures recessed
A note regarding the canopy design over the drive-thru facilities has been added to the
site plan. The lighting shown over the drive-thru facilities on previous plans was to be
recessed into the canopy. Since the canopy is not part of the design at this time the
lighting above the drive-thru facilities has been removed and will be added at the time
the canopy is designed.
4. Please indicate that any lighting associated with such structure shall be
fully shielded so the light source is not visible by expanding General Note
Number 5.
Note number 5 on the site plan has been revised.
Please let us know if you have any other issues.
Sandy McFeron
Project Manager
V.F. Ripley Associates, Inc.
Lee Watkins
Project Manager
JR Engineering
Trees have been adjusted to maintain the required separation distances.
Department: Stormwater-Water-Wastewaterlssue Contact: Wes Lamarque
Topic: Stormwater
Number. 56 Created. 31612006
[316106] Please provide drainage easements for the main storm sewers that carry
the 100-year flows to the detention ponds. Roof drain pipes do not need
Drainage easements have been provided as requested.
Number. 57 Created: 31612006
[316106] Please provide 10-feet of clearance between storm sewers and large
trees. Ornamentals can be closer.
Trees have been adjusted to maintain the required separation distances.
Department. Stormwater-Water-Wastewaterlssue Contact: Roger Buffington
Topic: Water/WW
Number. 63 Created: 3/8/2006
[318106] Meter pit detail has been updated. Include new detail.
The meter pit detail has been updated.
Number: 64 Created. 31812006
[318106] Provide note on removal of 4-inch service from manhole and replacement
with the 6-inch sewer service. ( ...something like " Remove 4-inch sewer service
from manhole, and grout 6-inch service in opening with non -shrink grout. Re-
shape MH bench/invert as needed to direct flow.')
A note has been added to the plan set.
Number. 65 Created: 31812006
[318106] Will a separate irrigation tap be needed?
Comment from Current Planning:
1. The spacing of street trees along J.F.K. now accounts for the two existing
street lights. Please investigate adding ornamental trees in the 80-foot
gap between street trees at the southern street light and to the north of
the northern street light. Keep in mind that ornamental trees are allowed
to be setback from street lights by only 15 feet.
[2116106] ADDRESS: Address numerals shall be visible from the street fronting
the property, and posted with a minimum six-inch numerals on a contrasting
Number: 48 Created. 211612006
[2116106] KNOX BOX. Poudre Fire Authority requires a Knox Box to be mounted
on the front of every new building equipped with a required, automatic fire -
sprinkler system.
This will be addressed during the building permitting process.
Number: 60 Created: 3/8/2006
[318106] This building must be equipped with a fire -alarm system.
This building will be equipped with a fire alarm system.
Number: 61 Created: 3/8/2006
[318106] The Emergency Access Easement shall continue north and east until it
intersects with the public street, or provide a turn -around on your property.
Minimum width of the EAE for this section is 20 feet.
The emergency access easement shown to the north in the shared drive was design by
Ron Gonzales and incorporated into our site plan and plat.
Number. 62 Created. 31812006
[318106] Fire Department Connection shall be on the north side of the bank
Department. Transportation Planning Issue Contact: Kurt Ravenschlag
Topic: Stormwater
Number. 59 Created: 31712006
[317106] Please dedicate trail connection to the west in a Public Access
This trail is not a requirement of the City and is not intended to be utilized as a public
trail. A public access easement has not been provided at this time.
Department: Stormwater-Water-Wastewaterlssue Contact: Roger Buffington
Topic: Landscape Plan
Number. 19 Created. 1211312005
[12113105] Maintain separation distances between trees and water/sewer lines.
[2116106] AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS: This building shall be equipped with
automatic fire sprinklers.
This building will be equipped with an automatic fire sprinkler system.
Number. 42 Created: 211612006
[2116106] STANDPIPE(FIRE PUMP: This building is required to be equipped with
an approved standpipe system and fire pump, capable of providing a minimum of
100 psi at the highest level of the building.
Acknowledged. This will be addressed during the building permitting process.
Number. 43 Created. 211612006
[2116106] WATER SUPPLY. Minimum water supply shall be 1,500 gallons per
minute at 20 psi residual pressure, spaced not farther than 300 feet from the
building, on 600-foot centers thereafter.
Per our discussions with the water -wastewater department, it is anticipated that the
minimum water supply mentioned above is available at the hydrants near the subject
Number: 44 Created: 211612006
[2116106] EMERGENCY ACCESS: A fire lane is required. It shall be visible by
painting and signage, and maintained unobstructed. Minimum width is 30 feet on
at least one of the long sides of the building, and 20 feet on the shorter sides.
A fire lane is provided, labeled and dimensioned on both the site plan and the plat. Fire
lane curbs shall be painted.
Number. 45 Created. 211612006
[2116106] SMOKE -REMOVAL: The atrium shall have an approved smoke -removal
This will be addressed during the building permitting process.
Number. _ 46 Created. 211612006
[2116106] TURNING RADII: Minimum turning radii in the parking lot is 25 feet
inside, 50 feet outside.
This has already been discussed and resolved with Ron Gonzales. The drive lanes are
wider than 20' allowing for the fire truck to maneuver more easily and complete a turn .
with less than the 25' inside and 50' outside radius.
Number. 47 Created. 211612006
Number: 54 Created: 31212006
[312106] There is no detail for the retaining walls other than what is shown with
the outlet structure details.
The retaining wall details have been added to the plan set.
Number. 55 Created. 31212006
[312106] Change the scales and dimensions on detail sheets to engineering style.
As discussed, this is industry standard.
Number. 58 Created. 3/7/2006
[317106] Show dimensions of cover over rebar for bridge sections.
A note discussing rebar cover is included on the subject sheet.
Topic: Plat
Number. 67 Created. 3/8/2006
[318106] Put the full company name on the. plat. When will the transfer of the
property occur? Owner/developer must be current at the time the DA and plat are
The plat has been revised accordingly.
Topic: Technical Services
Number. 66 Created. 31812006
[318106] Tech. Services Comments:
1. Legal closes, Boundary closes using measured info, record doesn't close.
Record info doesn't match the legal.
2. Basis of bearing note doesn T match the legal.
3. Subtitle needs to include "being a replat of a portion of Lot 2 Observatory
The plat has been revised accordingly.
Department: Natural Resources Issue Contact., Doug Moore
Topic: Zoning
Number. 40 Created. 211312006
[2113106] No remaining issues. Nice job of the landscape plan!
Department. PFA
Topic: fire
Number. 41
Issue Contact. Carie Dann
Created. 211612006
V Fr1iiP1aV.*s :1AT 6 iNG
Landscape Architecture Urban Design Planning
April 05, 2006
Mr. Ted Shepard
Fort Collins Planning Department
281 North College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80524
1" Community Bank Plaza — TYPE 1
Response to staff Project Review comments
ITEM: New Four -Story Office Building, Lot 2 Observatory Heights
Dear Mr. Shepard,
4T tj
We have reviewed the staff letter dated March 10, 2006 and have the following
Department: Engineering Issue Contact: Dan DeLaughter
Topic: General
Number: 49 Created: 31212006
[312106] Change the approved variance note on Sheet 2. The approved variance
was for a 70'setback, down from 100, not 50' down from 75'.
The note has been revised accordingly.
Number: 51 Created: 31212006
[312106] The proposed street cut on JFK will need to include the gas service
connection. Please revise the limits of construction.
Xcel will bore the gas service.
Number: 52 Created: 3/2/2006
[312106] Provide text boxes where hatching obscures text.
The text boxes have been added accordingly.
Number: 53 Created: 31212006
[312106] Signature boxes are missing on several detail sheets.
The signature boxes have been added.
Phone 970.224.5828 Fax 970.224.1662
401 West Mountain Ave. Suite 201
Fort Collins, CO 80521-2604