Steve Olt Fwd RE: Boarding houses Page 2 s
>>> "Kris" < myhouse(o)myfortcollinshome.com > 12/6/05 10:18 AM >>>
Shelby, a few questions for you today please. By making this a boarding
house does it become a commercial property? I ask that as I was instructed
to do commercial utilities. Has this always been the case or is this new.
Does this also mean that our property taxes will be commercial? Can you
give me an address of an older boarding house so that I can do some research
as to the increased costs we might have. Has there been a determination as
to if we need to pay for the prospect street expansion. I certainly
disagree with this as you already know. Please advise. Thanks
CC: Steve Olt
JiSteve Olt - Fwd: RE: Boarding houses
From: Shelby Sommer
To: Doug Martine
Date: 12/07/2005 9:45:40 AM
Subject: Fwd: RE: Boarding houses
Thanks Doug, and that's no problem. I'll make sure that Steve and I delete the comments from the
comment letters and follow-up with the applicants as necessary.
>>> Doug Martine 12/7/05 9:43 AM >>>
Unfortunately we had no reason to keep a list or a file for the boarding houses applications. Therefore, we
have no way to go back and edit DMS comments because we don't know where we have made those
>>> Shelby Sommer 12/07 9:32 AM >>>
Thanks for the update. This morning at Staff Review an applicant was told otherwise and that his 6
boarding houses would have to switch over to commercial service. Can you please make sure that all of
your staff members update their comments in DMS as soon as possible today so that we send out
accurate information in our comment letters this week?
Thanks again,
>>> Doug Martine 12/7/05 8:48 AM >>>
After much research and discussion, it has been concluded that boarding houses can be on the
residential electric rate. Rate ordinances from several years ago stipulated boarding houses to be on the
commercial rate, but the current rates are silent on boarding houses. Since the expected electric use
pattern is like that of a residence, we concluded that the appropriate rate is residential. There is very little
difference between the two rates anyway.
Let me know if you have any questions.
>>> Shelby Sommer 12/06 10:33 AM >>>
Doug -
Here's the email that brought up the commercial vs. residential issue for boarding houses. At Conceptual
Review she was told to switch to commercial service. Similar comments may have been entered in DIMS
for the boarding houses on Prospect, Blevins Ct. and Lake St. - I can give you a list of all of them if
necessary. Either way, let's just be consistent. Thanks a bunch!
Shelby Sommer
Associate Planner
City of Fort Collins Current Planning
.Steve Olt Boarding houses m m Page 1
From: Shelby Sommer
To: Jim Swanstrom
Date: 12/07/2005 9:46:45 AM
Subject: Boarding houses
Just a few follow-up items from today's meeting...
1. Light and Power has updated their comments regarding converting to commercial rates. Here is their
final decision, in writing:
After much research and discussion, it has been concluded that boarding houses can be on the residential
electric rate. Rate ordinances from several years ago stipulated boarding houses to be on the commercial
rate, but the current rates are silent on boarding houses. Since the expected electric use pattern is like
that of a residence, we concluded that the appropriate rate is residential. There is very little difference
between the two rates anyway.
-Doug Martine
Steve and I will make sure to update your comment letters to reflect this recent decision.
2. The applicant I mentioned who was satisfied with her drafting consultant is Kris Ticnor. Her email
address is mvhouse(@mvfortcollinshome.com and her office phone number is 970-689-8803. She is
aware that you may be contacting her.
We'll have your plans and comment letters ready for pickup no later than Friday afternoon. Feel free to
call if you have any questions in the meantime.
Shelby Sommer
Associate Planner
City of Fort Collins Current Planning
CC: Steve Olt