Shelby Sommer - Heffington Farm Subdivision
From: Shelby Sommer
To: Gregory Heffington
Date: 07/11/2006 10:00 AM
Subject: Heffington Farm Subdivision
CC: Dan DeLaughter; J.R. Wilson; Wes Lamarque
Hi Greg,
I haven't heard from you in a while and wanted to let you know that the appeal period has passed for your
project and the development review process is almost complete. There are a few items from your last comment
letter that need to be addressed before we can accept your final mylars (the letter is attached if you need
another copy).
Please correct the remaining issues and then submit 3 copies of the plat on mylar and 1 site plan on mylar. The
owner's block certifications should be signed in black ink by you (the owner) with a notary public stamp as the
witness, and the surveyor should also sign his statement. You may submit the mylars to me when they are
ready, and I will run everything by the folks who commented in the last round of review to ensure that all issues
have been corrected. Then I will obtain the remaining signatures (City Engineer and Planning Approval) and
stamps, and give the complete mylars to Technical Services to record.
Hope all is well with you and feel free to call me if you have any questions about wrapping things up.
Shelby Sommer
Associate Planner
City of Fort Collins Current Planning
file:HCADocuments and Settings\ssommer\Local Settings\Temp\GW)000O1.HTM 07/11/2006