February 5, 1990
Mr. Mike Herzig
Department of Planning
City of Fort Collins
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
Dear Mr. Herzig;
Dennis L. Donovan, P.E.
Land Development Services
4924 South Shields Street
Fort Collins, CO 80526
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As we have discussed previously, the applicant for the Orchard
at Clarendon Hills is requesting two variances to the City's
normal street standards as a part of the proposed subdivision
plat for the property. The variances and reasons for their
approval are as follows:
1. As discussed at the October 2nd 'conceptual review and at
subsequent meetings, the local streets in The Orchard at
Clarendon Hills are designed to a 25 m.p.h. design speed
(165' centerline radii). In my opinion this design will
function safely in this location. This opinion is based on a
number of factors, including:
- The AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design of-Highways_and
19) Streets states that:
"Design Speed is not a major factor for
local streets. For consistency in design
elements, design speeds ranging from 20 to 30
mph may be used....."
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Also as recommen a by AASMTO, this d sign�llows the
streets an. -lots' o fit more closely with the existing
topography of the site.
The 25 m.p.h./16,5' centerline radius has been incl.uded
in past. City Street Design Standards as a safe,
acceptable residential street if specif-ically reviewed.
Streets designed to this standard can be found in many
locations in Fort. Collins, and have proven to function
safely. ('�
The proposed design reduces the amount of.earthwork
d�(!v (cut) where the st eet crosses the existing irrigation
�8 J� lateral running rough the middle of the site, thereby
reducing the a ount of existing trees disturbed by
street construe ion.
- The curved treet, as designed, avoids awkward -
potentiall less safe - right angle intersections that
would otherwise be needed to serve perimeter lots.
A higher design speed is not needed on these minor
cul-de-sacs. Drivers operating safely would not be able
D� to achieve a speed of over 25 m.p.h. before reaching
the curves in question, either from Ashford or from the
ends of the cul-.de-sacs.
The same 25 m.p.h. design speed/165' centerline radius
�'vIS was used on Ashford Lane. This is specifically related
/• to the proposed location, as the 165' radius is
GQ�3�S�I�L immediately adjacent to The Orchard at Clarendon Hills,
,0,4810C/o J it carries more traffic than the proposed streets, and
`� it will serve a high percentage of the vehicles
�� traveling to and from the proposed cul.-de-sacs. This
curve has been in place and functioningsafely fo
two years_.
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2. The Final plat and utility plans show a proposed local street
cross section with 28' of pavement on a 46' right-of-way.
This second variance request (to allow a narrower section)
will further reduce the impact on the existing trees on the
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AASHTO's Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and
Streets indicates a desired local width comprising two
parking lane "at lleast 107fftwwide •should abe)parallel provided on
one or both sides, as conditions of lot size and
intensity of development may require."
- Past City Street Standards included a 28' street with
walks on one side only. Where these streets have been
installed (in Warren Shores and the. Landings, for
example), They have functioned --sa.fely, and are
considered to a an amenity by nei nb voo residents
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- The City has consistently allowed 28 meets as local
streets serving large lots, and as minor cul-de-sacs
with lots predominately fronting on one side of the
street. The Orchard is designed to be consistent with
both of these criteria.
The reduced pavement/utility corridor width reduces the impact
of grading within proposed lots which is desirable even where
existing trees are not a consideration.
Dennis L. Donovan, P.E.
Land Development Services
cc: Gary Nordic, Nordic Construction and Development
Eldon Ward, Cityscape. Urban Design, Inc.
Rob Persichi'tte, Intermil.l Land Surveying, Inc.