January 5, 2021
Ms. Brandy Bethurem Harras
Development Review Coordinator
City of Fort Collins Planning & Development Services
281 N. College Ave.
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Re: The Foothills - Sun Communities Comment Response
Dear Brandy:
The following are Atwell’s response to the comments provided in August 2019. Atwell’s responses are shown in red bold
Description of project: This is a request to develop a mobile home park to be
developed, owned and operated by Sun Communities at 6750 S. College Ave. (parcel
#9613200003, 9613100001). The proposed plan includes 211 dwelling units with a
1.8-acre amenity center and a .5-acre pocket park. Proposed access will be taken from S.
College Ave. to the west and E. Trilby Rd. to the north. The property is within the Low
Density Mixed-Use Neighborhood (LMN) zone district and is subject to Planning and
Zoning Board (Type 2) Review.
Comment Summary
Department: Development Review Coordinator
Contact: Brandy Bethurem Harras, 970-416-2744, bbethuremharras@fcgov.com
1. I will be your primary point of contact throughout the development review and permitting
process. If you have any questions, need additional meetings with the project reviewers,
or need assistance throughout the process, please let me know and I can assist your
team. Please include me in all email correspondence with other reviewers and keep me
informed of any phone conversations. Thank you! Response: Thank you
2. The proposed development project is subject to a Type 2 Review. The decision maker
for your project will be the Planning & Zoning Board at a public hearing. For the hearing,
we will formally notify surrounding property owners within 800 feet (excluding public
right-of-way and publicly owned open space). Response: Noted
3. A neighborhood meeting is required at least 10 days prior to formal submittal of a
development review application. For the neighborhood meeting, we will formally invite
surrounding neighbors to attend the meeting. Neighborhood meetings offer an informal
way to get feedback from surrounding neighbors and identify any potential concerns
prior to the formal hearing. Please contact me to assist you in setting a date, time, and
location. The neighborhood meeting is an opportunity for you to share your development
proposal; the assigned planner and the City’s Development Review Liaison will help facilitate the meeting.
Response: Neighborhood meeting was held.
4. For more detailed process information, see the Development Review Guide at
www.fcgov.com/drg . This online guide features a color coded flowchart with
comprehensive, easy to read information on each step in the process. This guide
includes links to just about every resource you need during development review. Response: Noted.
5. I will provide a Project Submittal Checklist to assist in your submittal preparation. Please
use the checklist in conjunction with the Submittal Requirements located at:
The checklist provided is specific to this Conceptual project; if there are any significant
changes to this project, please let me know so we can adjust the checklist accordingly. I
can send an updated copy of the Submittal Checklist to ensure you are submitting the correct materials.
Response: Noted.
6. As part of your submittal you will provide responses to the comments provided in this
letter. This letter is provided to you in Microsoft Word format. Please use this document
to provide written responses to each comment for submittal, using a different font color.
When replying to the comment letter please be detailed in your responses, as all
comments should be thoroughly addressed. Provide reference to specific project plans
or explanations of why comments have not been addressed, when applicable. Response: Noted.
7. The request will be subject to the Development Review Fee Schedule:
I will provide estimated fees, which are due at time of project submittal for formal review.
This is an estimate of the initial fees to begin the Development Review process based
on your Conceptual Review Application. As noted in the comments, there are additional
fees required by other departments, and additional fees at the time of building permit.
The City of Fort Collins fee schedule is subject to change – please confirm these
estimates before submitting. If you have any questions about fees, please reach out to me.
Response: Noted.
8. Submittals are accepted any day of the week, with Wednesday at noon being the cut-off
for routing the same week. Upon initial submittal, your project will be subject to a
completeness review. Staff has until noon that Friday to determine if the project contains
all required checklist items and is sufficient for a round of review. If complete, a formal
Letter of Acceptance will be emailed to you and the project would be officially routed
with a three-week round of review. Meetings to review comments with City staff are held
on Wednesday mornings after the three week review. Response: Noted.
9. When you are ready to submit your formal plans, please make an appointment with me
at least 24 hours in advance. Applications and plans are submitted electronically in
person with initial fees. Pre-submittal meetings can be beneficial to ensure you have everything for a complete
submittal. Please reach out and I will assist in those arrangements.
Response: Due to current conditions, a submittal appointment is not required per our previous
Planning Services
Contact: Meaghan Overton, 970-416-2283, moverton@fcgov.com
1. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: The development of a manufactured home
community/mobile home park will be subject to the applicable general development
standards contained in Article 3 of the Land Use Code, the applicable district standards
contained in Article 4 of the Land Use Code for the Low-Density Mixed Use
Neighborhood (LMN) Zone, and the regulations contained in Chapter 18 of the City’s Municipal Code.
Response: The Foothills has followed the City regulations and received zoning modifications for the
2. MIX OF HOUSING: In the LMN zone, a minimum of four housing types is required on any
project development plan containing 30 acres or more. A manufactured home community
is one type of housing and is limited to 80% of the total number of dwelling units. This
proposal will need to include three other types of housing to meet the housing type
requirement. Each of the three additional housing types must comprise at least 5% of the
total number of dwelling units. Please refer to Section 4.5(D)(2) of the Land Use Code for
more information about the mix of housing required in the LMN zone.
A list of housing types that could be used to satisfy this requirement is below:
1. Single-family detached dwellings with rear loaded garages.
2. Single-family detached dwellings with front or side loaded garages.
3. Small lot single-family detached dwellings (lots containing less than four thousand
[4,000] square feet or with lot frontages of forty [40] feet or less) if there is a difference of
at least two thousand (2,000) square feet between the average lot size for small lot
single-family detached dwellings and the average lot size for single-family detached
dwellings with front or side loaded garages.
4. Two-family dwellings.
5. Single-family attached dwellings.
6. Two-family attached dwellings, the placement of which shall be limited to no more than
two (2) dwellings per two (2) consecutive individual lots.
7. Mixed-use dwelling units.
8. Multi-family dwellings containing more than three (3) to four (4) units per building;
9. Multi-family dwellings containing five (5) to seven (7) units per building.
10. Multi-family dwellings containing more than seven (7) units per building (limited to
twelve [12] dwelling units per building).
11. Mobile home parks.
Response: The Foothills applied for and received zoning modifications for the housing type
3. OVERALL COMPATIBILITY: The Land Use Code contains general compatibility requirements
outlined in section 3.5. These considerations differ slightly depending on the use
proposed. Some of the highlights of this section that are important to plan for early on include:
- Buildings should front streets to the maximum extent feasible with parking provided in
the rear or side of the site.
- To prevent monotonous developments, projects must provide a mix of unit types and
designs that provide variety while achieving a level of cohesion within the development.
- If buildings do not directly front onto a street, these buildings will need to front onto a
major walkway spine. A major walkway spine means a tree lined connecting walkway that
is at least 5 feet wide, with landscaping along both sides, located in an outdoor space that
is at least 35 feet in its smallest dimension, with all parts of such outdoor space directly
visible from a public street. Response: The Foothills will be designed and houses constructed to reflect
these requirements.
4. SITE DESIGN: The mix of housing types, street layout, garage placement (if applicable), lot
sizes, and lot dimensions should vary to avoid repetitive and monotonous streetscapes.
To the maximum extent feasible, please address these site design elements in your
formal application to accomplish this requirement. Response: The Foothills is incorporating a number of
smaller lots to provide an affordable housing option, optional garages will be offered and a mix of
parallel and perpendicular units have been incorporated into the site design.
5. NEIGHBORHOOD PARK: At least one acre of the site must be reserved for a neighborhood or
privately owned park. The location of the park must be within 1/3 mile of at least 90% of
the dwellings in the development, as measured along street frontage. Requirements for
small neighborhood parks are listed in Land Use Code Section 4.5(D)(6) and include
requirements for site location, accessibility, facilities, storm drainage, and ownership. The
pocket park as shown in this proposal is not large enough, nor is it located close enough
to all of the lots in the development. Response: A neighborhood park and amenity center is planned that
meets the size and distance requirements.
6. STREET NETWORK: Please see comments from Traffic and Engineering regarding the street
network on this site and the extension of Debra Drive, Kevin Drive, and connections to
nearby developments through the site. When addressing those comments, please note
that one of the purposes of the LMN zone is to encourage developments that are “fully
integrated into the larger community by the pattern of streets, blocks, and other linkages.”
The maximum size of a block within a development in the LMN zone is 12 acres. If any
block face is over 700 feet long, a mid-block (or 650-foot interval) crossing will be
required to provide safe and convenient pedestrian movement through the site. Response: Street connections
have been made, including the extension of Debra Drive across the site and a connection to Crown Ridge
7. CONNECTIVITY: When designing the layout of the site, pay close attention to the bicycle and
pedestrian connections throughout the development. These connections should lead to
destinations within the development and connect to the existing network of sidewalks and
bike lanes in adjacent developments. Response: The Foothills is constructing the sidewalk along Trilby
Road and will connect sidewalks to Debra Drive and Crown Ridge Lane. A bike lane extension is also
planned to be constructed on Trilby Road across the project’s street frontage.
8. CONNECTIVITY: Have you considered shared driveways for the pad sites? Limiting the
number of curbcuts and ramps by creating shared driveways could reduce costs and
improve pedestrian and bicycle safety. Response: There are no pad sites within the proposed development.
Each residential lot will have its own driveway.
9. INFORMATION ONLY: Students from the University of Colorado Denver conducted a design
charrette encompassing this parcel amongst others last year. This charrette developed a
framework of streets and open space that would be helpful to consider as part of your
design process. I can e mail you these materials if you would like. Response: Thank you.
10. The remainder of my comments provide details and Land Use Code references for
information that will be required as part of your formal application. Response: Thank you.
11. DENSITY: The maximum density of a project in the LMN zone shall be no greater than 9
dwelling units per acre as a whole. 10 acres of the development may reach a density of
12 dwelling units per gross acre if you provide at least 10% of the units in your
development to households earning less than 80% of Area Median Income. Is there an
affordable housing component to this proposal? If so, I would like to make sure you are
connected with our Social Sustainability Department. Response: The current density of the Foothills is
approximately 4.0 DU/acre. The project is an affordable housing project and will provide 30 units (15%)
that are affordable to households earning less than 80% of the Area Median Income. We will work with
the Social Sustainability Department on the affordable housing component of this project.
12. BUILDING HEIGHT: The maximum building heights in the Low Density Mixed Use
Neighborhood (LMN) zone district are:
1, 2, and 3 family dwellings 2.5 stories
Non residential and mixed use buildings 2.5 stories
Multi family buildings 3 stories
Response: The Foothills does not exceed these building heights.
13. SETBACKS FROM STREETS: The minimum setback of single-family detached residential
buildings shall be thirty (30) feet from any arterial street right-of-way. In this case, College
and Trilby both require a 30 foot setback. A fifteen (15) foot setback is required for
single-family detached residential buildings along any other public street rights-of-way. Response: The units
along Trilby have a 30-foot setback from the right-of-way and the maintenance building, which is adjacent
to College Ave. has a 20-foot setback from the right-of-way.
14. LOT DIMENSIONS: Minimum dimensions are listed below.
- 5 feet – side yard
- 8 feet – rear yard
- 50 feet – lot width
- Lots with a front or rear lot line that abuts an arterial street (College or Trilby) must have a
minimum lot depth of 150 feet. Response: The project is not platted into individual lots.
15. Will the houses have garages? The Land Use Code includes garage door standards in
section 3.5.2(F) that should be referenced if garages will be included. Response: Garages will be offered as
an option to the homeowner and will meet the garage standards.
16. PARKING: Two parking spaces are required for each manufactured home on the site. See
Land Use Code Section 3.2.2(K)(1)(d). Response: Three parking spaces are provided in each driveway.
17. BICYCLE PARKING: Depending on the uses on the site, you may be required to provide bike
parking per the table in section 3.2.2(C)(4)(b) of the Land Use Code. Bicycle parking
should be located in visible, easy to access locations close to primary building entrances.
Manufactured Home Parks, single-family houses, and duplexes are not required to provide bicycle parking.
Response: Bicycle parking will be provided at the amenity center.
18. LANDSCAPING: Your formal submittal will require a landscape plan that meets the
requirements of Land Use Code Section 3.2.1 and addresses comments from Forestry
and Environmental Planning.
Some of the important considerations when developing your landscape plan include:
- Providing street trees spaced at 30 40 foot intervals
- Areas next to buildings with low visual interest should provide tree and shrub plantings to
screen these areas of low visual interest
Note that, with the exception of the street tree spacing requirements, you may group
plantings together and average out the tree spacing to meet these requirements. All of
these code standards can be found in section 3.2.1 of the Land Use Code. Response: The landscape plans
will meet these requirements.
19. How will trash and recycling be handled? Requirements for trash and recycling enclosures
can be found in Land Use Code Section 3.2.5. Response: Trash and recycling will be provided for
individual service to each home. Both services will also be provided at the amenity center.
20. LIGHTING: A lighting plan will be required with your formal submittal. In general, the following
standards will apply from the Municipal Code in addition to requirements in Land Use Code Section 3.2.4:
(1) All parts of the park street systems; six-tenths (0.6) average foot-candle, with a
minimum of one-tenth (0.1) foot-candle.
(2) Potentially hazardous locations, such as major street intersections and steps or
stepped ramps; individually illuminated, with a minimum of three-tenths (0.3) foot-candle. Response: A lighting
plan has been prepared that meets these requirements.
21. STREET-LIKE PRIVATE DRIVES: As requested in our conceptual meeting, below is information
from Land Use Code Section 3.6.2(N) for street-like public drives.
A street-like private drive shall be allowed as primary access to facing buildings or to
parcels internal to a larger, cohesive development plan, or for the purposes of meeting
other requirements for streets. Street-like private drives shall be designed to include travel
lanes, on-street parking, tree-lined border(s), detached sidewalk(s) and crosswalks. Other
features such as bikeways, landscaped medians, corner plazas and pedestrian lighting
may be provided to afford an appropriate alternative to a street in the context of the development plan.
On-street parking for abutting buildings may be parallel or angled. Head-in parking may
only be used in isolated parking situations.
Such street-like private drives must be similar to public or private streets in overall
function and buildings shall front on and offer primary orientation to the street-like private drive.
Street-like private drives may be used in conjunction with other standards, such as block
configuration, orientation to connecting walkways, build-to-lines, or street pattern and connectivity. Response: A
zoning modification was granted to approve the proposed private drive road section.
22. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: For more information about how our PUD process works,
please refer to Land Use Code Section 2.15 and 4.29. If the project moves forward with
multiple parcels as a PUD, that process could take the place of the Overall Development
Plan (ODP) process we discussed in our conceptual review meeting. In return for flexibility
in site design, development under a PUD Overlay must provide public benefits
significantly greater than those typically achieved through the application of a standard
zone district, including one or more of the following as may be applicable to a particular PUD Master Plan:
(a) Diversification in the use of land;
(b) Innovation in development;
(c) More efficient use of land and energy;
(d) Public amenities commensurate with the scope of the development;
(e) Furtherance of the City's adopted plans and policies; and
(f) Development patterns consistent with the principles and policies of the City's
Comprehensive Plan and adopted plans and policies. Response: The City PUD process was reviewed.
25. This development proposal will be subject to all applicable standards of the Fort Collins
Land Use Code (LUC), including Article 3 General Development Standards. The entire
LUC is available for your review on the web at http://www.colocode.com/ftcollins/landuse/begin.htm. Response:
Thank you
26. If this proposal is unable to satisfy any of the requirements set forth in the LUC, a
Modification of Standard Request will need to be submitted with your formal development
proposal. Please see Section 2.8.2 of the LUC for more information on criteria to apply
for a Modification of Standard. Response: Zoning modifications were granted for the project.
Department: Historic Preservation
Contact: Maren Bzdek, 970-221-6206, mbzdek@fcgov.com
PDR stage, the applicant is responsible for working with City staff to determine if any
structures on a development site are historic resources. Staff will provide an initial
assessment of the buildings on the property to determine if further documentation and
review is required. Please provide a complete photo set consisting of all four elevations
of every structure on the property. Once we receive that, we can make a more definitive
determination about whether an intensive-level historic survey would be required. Please
submit those photos to me asap at mbzdek@fcgov.com and I will expedite that decision.
If there is any question about the historic eligibility based on what those photos indicate,
the next step would entail ordering (through historic preservation staff) a third-party
historic property survey by an independent contractor.
Please note that this process is now required as part of the pre-submittal process for
development proposals. Historic Preservation staff cannot sign off on our pre-submittal
requirements until the determination is complete and the survey fee (if applicable) is
paid. The applicant is responsible for the fees associated with historic resource survey
and should confirm completion with Historic Preservation staff before submitting a PDP application.
Response: Photos of the structures were submitted for review and a determination that none of the
structures were considered historic was sent on 02/18/20.
development site are deemed historic resources by the independent surveyor, the
project must include a rehabilitation and adaptive reuse plan for those structures
pursuant to Land Use Code Section 3.4.7(B), to the maximum extent feasible. This
survey process at the conceptual review stage step provides your team with accurate,
predictable, and official information regarding which on-site resources will need to be
considered as historic in terms of the site plan and proposed new construction.
If the development site contains historic resources and you would like to designate them
as a Fort Collins Landmark, you would then qualify for zero-interest landmark
rehabilitation loans from the City, 25 percent tax credits from the state and federal tax
credits, and other grants from the state for rehab and structural assessment. All
proposed work would have to comply with the federal standards for rehabilitation and
our local codes in order to be eligible for these incentives, and all changes to the
property would have to be approved by staff or the Landmark Preservation Commission,
in addition to the primary development review process.
If the buildings on the development site are NOT eligible for local designation based on
the evaluation of the surveyor, no further Historic Preservation review of your proposed
development would be required, because there are no other potential historic resources
within 200 feet of the site. Response: This item does not apply.
Department: Engineering Development Review
Contact: Marc Virata, 970-221-6567, mvirata@fcgov.com
1. Lakeview on the Rise is a development currently under construction directly south.
Concept drawings for the proposal should be showing how this proposal would tie into
the network established with Lakeview on the Rise. Response: A roadway connection is provided into this
project at Debra Drive.
2. The development would need to design frontage improvements along both Trilby Road
and College Avenue abutting the property to City street standards. Trilby Road is
classified as a 4 lane arterial and College Avenue is classified as a 6 lane major arterial. Response: Road
improvements and widening is proposed for the Trilby frontage. The owner is requesting to delay road
improvements to the College Ave. frontage and pay a cash escrow to the City for future construction.
The difference in grade change from the Foothills site to the commercial parcel to the north along
College Ave. and an existing open concrete irrigation ditch siphon make constructing the College Ave.
frontage difficult. There is currently curb and gutter across the College Ave. frontage so drainage in the
roadway will not be adversely impacted.
3. Vehicular access from College Avenue to the property should occur from Lorien Lane to
Debra Drive constructed with Lakeview on the Rise. A separate access onto College
Avenue would not meet separation requirements from streets as part of our street
standards, as well as not meeting the South College Access Control Plan (page 2:
https://www.fcgov.com/transportationplanning/pdf/scollege6.pdf?1122590486). Response: A connection to
Debra Drive has been provided through the Lakeview on the Rise site and across the site to the north. A
separate access to College Ave. is not included in the site plan.
4. The design of the property would need to design and construct the extension of Debra
Drive from the existing Trilby Heights to the north and to be constructed Lakeview on the
Rise to the south. The development proposal should plan its roadway network with
Debra Drive being a public street through the property. Response: A connection to Debra Drive has been
provided through the Lakeview on the Rise site across the site to the north.
5. Independent of Debra Drive, existing stubbed public streets to the property boundary
would need to be either extended as part of the continuation of network of public streets
through the site, or terminated into a cul-de-sac bulb. Crown Ridge Lane from
Provincetowne 2nd and Kevin Drive from Trilby Heights are existing stubbed streets that
would either need to continue and be incorporated into the property or terminated into a cul-de-sac bulb.
Response: Connections to Crown Ridge Lane, Rick Drive and Kevin Drive have been provided. A
stubbed street connection has been provided to the city owned property on the south.
6. The design of the property needs to account for how potential development of the LMN
City owned parcel to the southeast of the amenity center might extend roads from
existing stub streets to the south and east of that parcel. A public street stub from this
development proposal that would align with an extension of Quaking Aspen Drive
through the undeveloped parcel would be anticipated. In addition, the extension of San
Juan Drive into the undeveloped property if extended along the property line, would
result in the creation of lots that would have double frontage to roadways. Response: A stubbed street
connection has been provided to the city owned property on the south.
7. It may be of benefit to consider an overall development plan (ODP) that illustrates a
proposed pattern of connectivity between this development and existing development as
well as undeveloped properties in the vicinity. Response: The site plan provides adequate connectivity to
the streets on the adjacent parcels.
8. Lots are not allowed to have both the rear and front of the lots facing streets (double
frontage lots) under 3.3.1(B) of the Land Use Code. It appears this would occur with
Kevin Drive and could potentially occur with an extension of Quaking Aspen Drive. Response: The lots
provided on the site plan do not have double frontage.
9. The applicant has options that would allow for the implementation of either public streets and/or private drives.
When considering a design of public streets:
1) Public streets are required to be designed and built to City standards in accordance
with the Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards (LCUASS). They are available online at:
2) Public streets generally do not allow privately maintained infrastructure (such as a
private water main service) within City right-of-way. A major encroachment permit may
need to be considered to allow any privately owned and maintained infrastructure.
When considering a design of private drives:
1) The design and the construction of the private drives would not need to meet City
standards and would be fully owned and maintained by the owner/owner’s successors in interest.
2) There would still need to be a network of some public streets extended through the
development. The extension of Debra Drive as a public street is still needed and it is
likely Quaking Aspen Drive along with San Juan Drive would need to be incorporated in
some manner within the development. Crown Ridge Lane and Kevin Drive would need
to be terminated as cul-de-sac streets or extended as public streets.
3) 3.6.2(N) of the Land Use Code would not allow private drives that would result in
concerns of cut-through traffic from City maintained public streets through the private drive network.
4) The design of private drives would need to ensure safe travel for all modes of
transportation and potentially meet the City’s definition of street-like private drives. The
dedication of easements for utilities, drainage, access, and emergency access would be required.
Response: The proposed typical section for the private drive has been approved.
10. It is likely that the project would need to contribute funds to mitigate impact to the
College and Trilby intersection as part of level of service standards for intersections set
forth in LCUASS Section 4.5.3A.b. Response: The owner is willing to contribute a traffic impact fee towards
the intersection improvements.
11. Additional comments are anticipated as further refinement of the site plan is
contemplated. The remaining comments below are considered standard comments for
reference. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Response: Thank you.
12. Larimer County Road Impact Fees and Transportation Expansion Fees are due at the
time of building permit. Please contact Kyle Lambrecht at 221-6566 if you have any questions. Response:
Thank you.
13. The City's Transportation Development Review Fee (TDRF) is due at the time of
submittal. For additional information on these fees, please see:
http://www.fcgov.com/engineering/dev-review.php Response: Thank you.
14. Any damaged curb, gutter and sidewalk existing prior to construction, as well as streets,
sidewalks, curbs and gutters, destroyed, damaged or removed due to construction of
this project, shall be replaced or restored to City of Fort Collins standards at the
Developer's expense prior to the acceptance of completed improvements and/or prior
to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy. Response: The owner will comply with this requirement.
15. All public sidewalk, driveways and ramps, existing or proposed, adjacent or within the
site, need to meet ADA standards. If they currently do not, they will need to be
reconstructed so that they do meet current ADA standards as a part of this project. Response: The owner will
comply with this requirement.
16. Any public improvements must be designed and built in accordance with the Larimer
County Urban Area Street Standards (LCUASS). They are available online at:
https://www.larimer.org/engineering/streets. Response: The public streets will be constructed to meet the
required standards.
17. This project is responsible for dedicating any right-of-way and easements that are
necessary or required by the City for this project (i.e. drainage, utility, emergency
access). This shall include the standard utility easements that are to be provided behind
the right-of-way (15 foot along an arterial, 8 foot along an alley, and 9 foot along all other
street classifications). Information on the dedication process can be found at:
http://www.fcgov.com/engineering/devrev.php Response: All ROW and easements have been dedicated by
18. Civil construction plans (“Utility Plans”) will be required. Response: Utility construction plans are included.
19. A Development Agreement will be recorded once the project is finalized with
recordation costs paid by the applicant. Response: This item will be coordinated at final approval.
20. As of January 1, 2015 all development plans are required to be on the NAVD88 vertical
datum. Please make your consultants aware of this, prior to any surveying and/or design work.
Response: The development is on the correct datum.
21. A Development Construction Permit (DCP) will need to be obtained prior to starting any work on the site.
Response: The owner and contractor will obtain the required permits.
22. All fences, barriers, posts or other encroachments within the public right-of-way are only
permitted upon approval of an encroachment permit. Applications for encroachment
permits shall be made to the Engineering Department for review and approval prior to
installation. Encroachment items shall not be shown on the site plan as they may not be
approved, need to be modified or moved, or if the permit is revoked then the site/
landscape plan is in non-compliance. Response: Encroachments are not anticipated at this time.
23. In regard to construction of this site, the public right-of-way shall not be used for staging
or storage of materials or equipment associated with the Development, nor shall it be
used for parking by any contractors, subcontractors, or other personnel working for or
hired by the Developer to construct the Development. The Developer will need to find a
location(s) on private property to accommodate any necessary staging and/or parking
needs associated with the completion of the Development. Information on the
location(s) of these areas will be required to be provided to the City as a part of the
Development Construction Permit application. Response: All staging areas will be kept on the site.
Department: Traffic Operations
Contact: Martina Wilkinson, 970-221-6887, mwilkinson@fcgov.com
1. The anticipated change in traffic volume will meet the threshold of requiring a Traffic
Impact Study. Based on section 4.2.2.B of the Larimer County Urban Area Street
Standards (LCUASS), likely a full Traffic Impact Study will be required. Please have
your traffic engineer contact me to scope the study. Response: The traffic consultant has been in contact
with city staff.
2. There are several existing adjacent streets that are stubbed to the property line with the
intent that they be connected. This includes Debra Drive, Kevin Drive, a connection to
the Pleasant Grove complex, and Crown Ridge Lane. Those will need to be considered further.
Response: Street connections have been provided.
3. We'll need to visit about the expected roadway cross section internal to the
development. Will it include sidewalk and/or parking? Response: The proposed internal street cross section
has been approved through a zoning modification.
4. The intersection of College and Trilby is a challenge in both safety and operations.
There is a capital improvement project planned, but is not yet fully funded. We're asking
nearby developments to contribute a fee-in-lieu that is proportional to their impact to
those improvements. The amount will be determined through your traffic study. Response: The owner is
willing to contribute a traffic impact fee towards the intersection improvements.
Department: Water-Wastewater Engineering
Contact: Matt Simpson, (970)416-2754, masimpson@fcgov.com
1. OTHER SERVICE DISTRICT (site specific comment):
This project site is located within the Fort Collins Loveland Water District and the South
Fort Collins Sanitation District for water and sewer service. Please contact them at
(970) 226-3104 for development requirements. Response: The team has coordinated with the separate
districts for utility service.
2. WATER CONSERVATION (standard comment):
The water conservation standards for landscape and irrigation will apply. Information on
these requirements can be found at: http://www.fcgov.com/standards Response: These standards have been
taken into account with the landscape design.
Department: Stormwater Engineering
Contact: Matt Simpson, (970)416-2754, masimpson@fcgov.com
1. MASTER PLAN AND CRITERIA COMPLIANCE (site specific comment):
The design of this site must conform to the drainage basin design of the Fossil Creek
Basin Master Drainage Plan, the Stone Creek Basin Selected Plan of Improvements, as
well the Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual. Response: The stormwater design meets the intent of the
master plan and stormwater criteria manual.
2. DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS (site specific comment):
A drainage report and construction plans are required and must be prepared by a
Professional Engineer registered in the State of Colorado. The drainage report must
address the four-step process for selecting structural BMPs. Response: The report includes the 4 step
3. STORMWATER OUTFALL (site specific comment):
The stormwater outfall options for this site appear to be the existing 8-ft x 4-ft box culvert
located near the E Trilby Rd and Portner Rd intersection. Response: The site releases flow to this location.
4. OFFSITE FLOWS (site specific comment):
The development must accept and pass all offsite stormwater flows. This includes flows
at the Rick Drive outfall, the undeveloped parcel located immediately south of this
proposed site, the mobile home park to the north of the site, and any other areas draining to the site.
Response: All offsite flows have been evaluated and are conveyed through the site.
5. MASTER PLAN IMPROVEMENTS (site specific comment):
The City’s drainage masterplan for this basin (Stone Creek Basin Selected Plan of
Improvements) requires several improvements on this site, these consist of:
1) A concrete box culvert improvement at the Crown Ridge Lane crossing, located at
the east end of this site, with the purpose of removing the existing flow spill to the east.
This crossing improvement has been preliminarily sized by the master drainage plan as
a 10-ft x 3-ft concrete box culvert, but will need to be revised or confirmed with the
design of this project. This development project will be required to remove the easterly flow spill at this location.
Response: The box culvert improvement at Crown Ridge Lane has been evaluated and will be replaced
with 2 @ 8-ft x 3-ft Concrete Box Culverts as discussed in the drainage report.
2) The drainage channel at the east end of the site, between Crown Ridge Lane and
Trilby Road, will need to be regraded and improved to increase capacity.
Response: The site design includes regrading and improving the existing drainage channel to provide
the necessary capacity, calculations can be found in the drainage report.
3) There is a City recognized existing ‘inadvertent detention storage area’ on this site.
This area is located upstream of the existing culvert crossing at Crown Ridge Lane.
This inadvertent storage volume must be preserved with any development on this site.
For more information, please see the provided Selected Plan of Improvements
Document, ‘Location D.’ There may be a developer repay available for the channel and
culvert improvements, contact Stormwater Master Planning to discuss.
Please contact Stormwater Master Planning to discuss these improvements in more
detail. The contact for Stormwater Master Planning is Dan Evans. He can be reached
at daevans@fcgov.com or 970-416-2217.
Response: It is understood that there is existing inadvertent detention storage area on the site and the
developer should contact Stormwater Master Planning to discuss options of repayment of these
improvements. Discussions between Atwell and the Stormwater master Planning were conducted
throughout the design process to ensure improvements to the inadvertent detention storage area were
accounted for.
The standard Fort Collins detention requirement is to provide onsite detention of the
runoff volume difference between the 100-year developed flow rate and the 2-year
historic release rate. In the Fossil Creek basin, the two-year historic release rate is specified as 0.2 cfs/acre.
However, because the City has recognized inadvertent storage on this site, the
development would be able to use the existing inadvertent storage area to combine
onsite stormwater with offsite stormwater in a detention basin. Under this option the City
standard detention criteria (100yr -> 2yr historic) would be relaxed such that the peak
flows in the Selected Plan EPA SWMM hydrology model are not exceeded at the outlet of the development.
Please contact Stormwater Master Planning to discuss the inadvertent storage and
detention requirements in more detail. The contact for Stormwater Master Planning is
Dan Evans. He can be reached at daevans@fcgov.com or 970-416-2217.
Response: The EPA SWMM model was obtained from Dan Evans through the Stormwater Master
Planning to ensure the corrected release rates were used in designing the detention basins on site.
It is important to document the existing impervious area since drainage requirements
and fees are based on new impervious area. An exhibit showing the existing and
proposed impervious areas with a table summarizing the areas is required prior to the
time fees are calculated for each building permit.
Response: Impervious areas have been calculated and summarized within the drainage report.
8. DETENTION DRAIN TIMES (standard comment):
Per Colorado Revised Statute §37-92-602 (8) that became effective August 5, 2015,
criteria regarding detention drain time will apply to this project. As part of the drainage
design, the engineer will be required to show compliance with this statute using a
standard spreadsheet (available on request) that will need to be included in the
drainage report. Upon completion of the project, the engineer will also be required to
upload the approved spreadsheet onto the Statewide Compliance Portal. This will
apply to any volume-based stormwater storage, including extended detention basins.
Response: It is understood that compliance with this statute using the standard spreadsheet will need to
be included in the drainage report and has been included.
All new or modified impervious areas require stormwater quality treatment. In addition,
the City requires the use of Low Impact Development (LID) methods to treat stormwater
quality on all new or redeveloping property, including sites required to be brought into
compliance with the Land Use Code. There are two (2) categories of LID requirements;
the development will need to meet one of the two following options:
1. LID with Permeable Pavers: When using the permeable pavers option, 50% of the
new or modified impervious areas must be treated by LID methods. Of the new or
modified paved areas, 25% must be pervious.
2. LID - without Pavers: 75% of all new or modified impervious areas must be treated
by LID methods. This typically consists of a rain garden or bioretention system, but other options are allowed.
The remainder of the water quality treatment can be accomplished ‘standard’ or LID
water quality methods. Accepted methods are described in the Fort Collins Stormwater
Criteria Manual (FCSCM), Chapter 7:
Response: The development has been designed to meet the LID criteria without pavers and is discussed
within the drainage report.
10. EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS (standard comment):
The erosion control report requirements are in Section 1.3.3, Volume 3, Chapter 7 of the
Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual. If you need clarification concerning this section,
please contact the Erosion Control Inspector, Jesse Schlam at 224-6015 or jschlam@fcgov.com.
Response: Erosion Control report and Plans have been compiled based on the requirements above.
11. INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE (standard comment):
There will be a final site inspection of the stormwater facilities when the project is
complete and the maintenance is handed over to an HOA or another maintenance
organization. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) for on-going maintenance of all
onsite drainage facilities will be included as part of the Development Agreement. More
information and links can be found at:
Response: It is understood a final site inspection of all stormwater facilities is to be completed.
12. FEES (standard comment):
The 2019 city wide Stormwater development fee (PIF) is $9,142/acre of new impervious
area over 350 square feet and there is a $1,045/acre of site review fee. No fee is
charged for existing impervious area. These fees are to be paid at the time each
building permit is issued. Information on fees can be found at:
pment-fees or contact our Utility Fee and Rate Specialists at (970) 416-4252 for
questions on fees. There is also an erosion control escrow required before the
Development Construction permit is issued. The amount of the escrow is determined by
the design engineer, and is based on the site disturbance area, cost of the measures, or
a minimum amount in accordance with the Fort Collins Stormwater Manual.
Monthly fees - http://www.fcgov.com/utilities/business/rates
Response: It is understood that the stormwater development fees will be paid at the time the building
permit is issued.
Department: Electric Engineering
Contact: Rob Irish, 970-224-6167, rirish@fcgov.com
1. INFORMATION ONLY: Fort Collins Light & Power has existing 3-phase electric facilities
at the entrance to this site off of College Ave. There is also 3-phase electric running
along the North side of Trilby Rd. at Portner Rd. Response: Acknowledged.
2. POTENTIAL FEES: If any existing electric infrastructure needs to be relocated or
underground as part of this project, it will be at the expense of the developer and will
need to be relocated within Public Right-of-Way or a dedicated easement. Please
coordinate relocations with Light and Power Engineering. Response: Understood.
3. INFORMATION ONLY: Any existing and/or proposed Light & Power electric facilities
that will remain within the limits of the project must be located within a utility easement. Response:
4. INFORMATION ONLY: Please provide adequate space along the private drives to
ensure proper utility installation and to meet minimum utility spacing requirements. A
minimum of 10 ft separation is required between water, sewer and storm water facilities,
and a minimum of 3 ft separation is required between Natural Gas. Please show all
electrical routing on the Utility Plans. Response: These standards will be met.
5. INFORMATION ONLY: This project will need to comply with our electric metering
standards. Electric meter locations will need to be coordinated with Light and Power
Engineering. Reference Section 8 of our Electric Service Standards for electric
metering standards. A link has been provided below:
AL_18November2016_Amendment.pdf Response: Electric meter locations will be coordinated prior to
6. INFORMATION ONLY: The secondary services to the buildings will be consider
commercial; therefore, the service line from the transformer to the meter is required to
be installed, owned and maintained by the property owner. Response: Understood.
7. INFORMATION ONLY: A commercial service information form (C-1 form) and a one-line
diagram for all commercial meters will need to be completed and submitted to Light &
Power Engineering for review prior to Final Plan. A link to the C-1 form is below:
http://zeus.fcgov.com/utils-procedures/files/EngWiki/WikiPdfs/C/C-1Form.pdf Response: The required forms
will be provided prior to construction.
8. INFORMATION ONLY: Transformer and meter locations must be coordinated with Light
& Power Engineering and shown on the plan set. Transformers must be located within
10’ of an all-weather surface accessible by a line truck. Please adhere to all clearance
requirements in the Electric Service Standards at the following link.
Response: Transformer locations will be identified when information is provided.
9. POTENTIAL FEES: Electric Capacity Fee, Building Site charges, and any system
modification charges necessary will apply to this development. Please contact Light &
Power Engineering at ElectricProjectEngineering@fcgov.com. Please reference our
Electric Service Standards, development charges and fee estimator at the following link:
http://www.fcgov.com/utilities/business/builders-and-developers Response: Understood.
10. The City of Fort Collins is currently rolling out our new city broadband utility, Connexion.
Fort Collins Connexion will bring high-speed internet, digital phone and advanced video
services to the residents and businesses of Fort Collins. Please reach out for more information
Response: Understood.
Department: Environmental Planning
Contact: Stephanie Blochowiak, 970-416-4290, sblochowiak@fcgov.com
1. PRIOR TO PDP SUBMITTAL: An Ecological Characterization Study (ECS) is required
by City of Fort Collins Land Use Code (LUC) Section 3.4.1 as the site is within 500 feet
of LUC defined natural habitats and features (wetlands, wet meadows, naturalized
drainages, prairie dog colonies equal to or greater than 1.0ac). Please note the buffer
zone standards range from 50-100ft for these features. The ECS should address all
items (a)-(l) of LUC 3.4.1(D)(1) available for view online. In addition, ensure that the
study identifies feature(s) size, the "top of bank" of any stream or ditch, the edge(s) of
wetlands, and whether jurisdictional wetlands may be impacted by the proposed project.
If prairie dogs are onsite or within 500ft, the ECS should specifically address the
presence of active prairie dogs including estimate of number of individuals and entire
size of the colony within the project area. The ECS should address all items (a) (l) of
LUC 3.4.1(D)(1) available for view online and include prairie dog mitigation options. Online LUC link:
This will affect the site layout. The ECS is due a minimum of 10 days prior to PDP submittal. Response: The
ECS has been submitted for review.
2. PRIOR TO PDP SUBMITTAL: The ECS is due a minimum of 10 days prior to PDP submittal. Response: The
ECS has been submitted for review.
3. PRIOR TO PDP SUBMITTAL: The Ecological Characterization Study should include a
delineation of all wetlands and detailed recommendations for protecting and enhancing
the features that are on or adjacent to the site. The Ecological Characterization Study
should also include information on presence or absence of prairie dog colonies or
burrows on or near the site, including estimated size of acreage covered by prairie
dogs. Please contact me if you would like to discuss the scope and requirements of the
ECS further. The Ecological Characterization Study is due a minimum of 10 days prior to the PDP submittal.
Response: The ECS has been submitted for review.
4. INFORMATION ONLY: The ECS informs the design of the Natural Habitat Buffer Zone
(NHBZ) to be delineated on site, landscape, grading and utility plans. Response: The ECS has been
submitted for review.
5. INFORMATION ONLY: Within a designated Natural Habitat Buffer Zone, the City has the
ability to determine if the existing landscaping within the zone is incompatible with the
purposes and intent of the buffer zone [Section 3.4.1(E)(1)(g)]. Please ensure the ECS
discusses existing vegetation on-site and identifies potential restoration options. If
existing vegetation is determined to be insufficient, then restoration and mitigation measures will be required.
Response: Acknowledged.
6. FOR FINAL PLAN APPROVAL: With respect to lighting, the City of Fort Collins Land
Use Code, Section 3.2.4(D)(6), requires that "natural areas and natural features shall be
protected from light spillage from off site sources." Thus, lighting from the parking areas
or other site amenities shall not spill over to NHBZ areas. Response: The lighting plan has been submitted
and comments will be addressed once provided.
7. NHBZ DESIGN: Pedestrian and passive recreation features are allowable uses within a
natural habitat buffer zone, provided they are compatible with the ecological character of
the site. For example, plaza areas should be quiet, contemplative, and designed to
encourage a connection with nature. See the Nature in the City Executive Summary for reference.
https://www.fcgov.com/natureinthecity/pdf/nature-in-the-city-executive-summary.pdf Response:
8. PRIOR TO PDP SUBMITTAL: Contact the assigned Development Review Coordinator
prior to submittal for the project to discuss trail connections, easements and parks. This
project is within 0.25-0.5mi of a future park and/or trail as shown on the City of Fort
Collins Trails Master Plan and as such the project must comply with LUC Section
3.4.8(C): development plans shall provide for, accommodate or otherwise connect to,
either on-site or off-site, the parks and trails identified in the Trails Master Plan. Please
contact assigned Development Review Coordinator directly at 970-221-6689 or email
DRCoord@fcgov.com to be connected with appropriate Parks Planning staff prior to submittal.
Response: Sidewalk connections have been provided at all entrances to the project.
9. PRIOR TO PDP SUBMITTAL: Contact the assigned Development Review Coordinator
(DRC) prior to PDP submittal for the project if trees may be impacted. A review of trees
shall be conducted by City Forestry staff to determine the status of existing trees and
any mitigation requirements that could result from the proposed development. LUC
Section 3.2.1(C) requires developments to submit a landscape and tree protection plan,
and if receiving water service from the City, an irrigation plan, that: "...(4) protects
significant trees, natural systems, and habitat, and (5) enhances the pedestrian
environment. " A significant tree is defined as one having DBH (Diameter at Breast
Height) of six inches or more. Please contact assigned Development Review
Coordinator directly at 970-221-6689 or email DRCoord@fcgov.com to schedule a tree
inventory site visit. Please plan for at least two weeks to get an onsite meeting
scheduled, especially during April - October. Response: A site visit with City Forestry staff was completed
and a tree preservation plan submitted for review.
10. PRIOR TO PDP SUBMITTAL: City of Fort Collins Land Use Code [Section 3.2.1 (E)(3)],
requires that to the extent reasonably feasible, all plans be designed to incorporate
water conservation materials and techniques. This includes use of low-water-use plants
and grasses in landscaping or re-landscaping and reducing bluegrass lawns as much
as possible. Native plants and wildlife-friendly (ex: pollinators, butterflies, songbirds)
landscaping and maintenance are also encouraged. Please refer to the Fort Collins
Native Plants document available online and published by the City of Fort Collins Natural
Areas Department for guidance on native plants is:
http://www.fcgov.com/naturalareas/pdf/nativeplants2013.pdf. Also see the City of Fort
Collins Plant List : https://www.fcgov.com/forestry/plant_list.pdf. Response: The landscape plan was prepared
in accordance with the applicable city standards.
11. PRIOR TO PDP SUBMITTAL: Site light sources shall be fully shielded and
down-directional to minimize up-light, spill-light, glare and unnecessary diffusion on
adjacent property [see LUC 3.2.4(D)(3)]. Please submit a site photometric plan and
luminaire schedule for proposed outdoor lighting. Response: A photometric plan is included with the
12. PRIOR TO FINAL PLAN APPROVAL: All lighting shall have a nominal correlated color
temperature (CCT) of no greater than three thousand (3,000) degrees Kelvin [see LUC
3.2.4(D)(11)]. Please also consider fixtures with motion-sensing or dimming capabilities
so that light levels can be adjusted as needed. Regarding outdoor lighting, cooler color
temperatures are harsher at night and cause more disruption to biological rhythms for
humans and wildlife. The American Medical Association (AMA) and International
Dark-Sky Association (IDA) both recommend using lighting that has a CCT of no more
than 3000K to limit the amount of blue light in the night environment. Thank you in
advance for supporting City of Fort Collins Night Sky Objectives. For further information
regarding health effects please see:
http://darksky.org/ama-report-affirms-human-health-impacts-from-leds/ Response: The lighting plan was
prepared in accordance with the applicable city standards.
13. NATURE IN THE CITY: Please reach out to explore partnership opportunities with the
Fort Collins Nature in the City (NIC) Program. The NIC vision is a connected open space
network accessible to the entire community that provides a variety of experiences and
functional habitat for people, plants and wildlife. One goal of the program is to ensure
equitable access to nature and to ensure all Fort Collins residents are within a 10-minute walk to nature.
http://fcgov.com/natureinthecity, contact Julia Feder at jfeder@fcgov.com Response: The applicant will reach
out to Ms. Feder as the project progresses to determine what opportunities might exist for other
connections. There is a large wetland area that is being preserved on the site with a trail along the north
side for residents to use and connect with nature.
14. INFORMATION ONLY: Our city has an established identity as a forward-thinking
community that cares about the quality of life it offers its residents now and generations
from now. Thus, the City of Fort Collins has many sustainability programs and goals that
may benefit this project. Of particular interest may be:
1) ClimateWise Program: http://fcgov.com/climatewise, contact
climatewise@fcgov.com or Kelsey Doan at KDoan@fcgov.com, 970-416-2410
2) Zero Waste Plan and the Waste Reduction and Recycling Assistance Program
(WRAP): http://fcgov.com/recycling/wrap.php, contact Jonathon Nagel at 970-416-2701 or jnagel@fcgov.com
3) Utilities Building Energy Scoring:
https://www.fcgov.com/utilities/business/building-energy-scoring , contact Kirk Longstein
at 970-416-4325 or klongstein@fcgov.com
4) Solar Rebate Program: www.fcgov.com/solar, contact Rhonda Gatzke at
970-416-2312 or rgatzke@fcgov.com
5) Integrated Design Assistance Program: http://fcgov.com/idap, contact Gary
Schroeder at 970-224-6003 or gschroeder@fcgov.com
6) Nature in the City Program: http://fcgov.com/natureinthecity, contact Julia Feder at jfeder@fcgov.com
7) Bike Share Program: http://fcgov.com/bikeshare, contact Stacy Sebeczek at Bike
Fort Collins at stacy@bikefortcollins.org or 970-481-5577 Response: Thank you for the information.
Department: Forestry
Contact: Nils Saha, nsaha@fcgov.com
1. There are existing trees on the property. What are the anticipated impacts to the trees?
Please schedule an on-site meeting with City Forestry to obtain tree inventory and
mitigation information. Existing significant trees should be retained to the extent
reasonably feasible. This meeting should occur prior to first round PDP. Response: A site walk was completed
with Ms. Saha and an existing tree inventory was submitted for review.
2. Please provide a landscape plan that meets the Land Use Code and 3.2.1
requirements. This should include, but is not limited to, the City of Fort Collins General
Landscape Notes, Tree Protection Notes, and Street Tree Permit Note. It should
provide a detailed Plant List – species, quantity, size, method of transplant, and species
percentage, and include current and proposed utility lines as well as proper tree
separation requirements. Please contact Nils Saha (nsaha@fcgov.com) if you have any questions.
Required tree sizes and method of transplant:
Canopy Shade Tree: 2.0” caliper balled and burlapped
Evergreen tree: 6.0’ height balled and burlapped
Ornamental tree: 1.5” caliper balled and burlapped Response: The landscape plans show this required
3. If applicable, please include locations of any water or sewer lines on the landscape plan.
Please adjust tree locations to provide for proper tree/utility separation:
10’ between trees and public water, sanitary, and storm sewer main lines
6’ between trees and water or sewer service lines
4’ between trees and gas lines Response: Utilities will be shown on the landscape plans.
Department: Park Planning
Contact: Suzanne Bassinger, 970-416-4340, sbassinger@fcgov.com
1. INFORMATION ONLY: The Park Planning & Development Department is available to
discuss these comments in more detail. Please contact Suzanne Bassinger at
970-416-4340, sbassinger@fcgov.com. Response: Acknowledged.
2. INFORMATION ONLY: The South College Corridor Plan (SCCP), adopted in 2009
contains information for a multi-use paved trail located in the vicinity or on the parcel in
development review. A multi-use trail should be incorporated in the site layout. The
SCCP is available at https://www.fcgov.com/planning/pdf/sccp-doc.pdf. Response: Acknowledged.
3. INFORMATION ONLY: The 2013 Paved Recreational Trail Master Plan (“Trail Master
Plan”) was adopted by City Council and provides conceptual locations and general trail
design guidelines for future regional recreational trails. The Trail Master Plan is
available at https://www.fcgov.com/parkplanning/plans-and-policies. Response: Acknowledged.
4. INFORMATION ONLY: The Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards (“LCUASS”),
Chapter 16 Pedestrian Facilities and Chapter 17 Bicycle Facilities provide additional
design guidelines for multi-use regional recreational trails. Response: Acknowledged.
5. INFORMATION ONLY: A Public Access and Trail easement width is 50’. The minimum
easement width of 30’ may be acceptable for short distances upon approval by Park
Planning & Development. The location of the easement must be approved by Park Planning & Development.
Response: Acknowledged.
6. INFORMATION ONLY: A future trail alignment cannot be used to provide internal
pedestrian circulation and cannot provide direct access to buildings. Internal access to
the recreational trail from the internal bike/pedestrian system should be provided at
limited and defined access points. Response: Acknowledged.
7. INFORMATION ONLY: The typical paved recreational regional trail cross-section is
constructed as a 10’ wide concrete trail, widened to 12’ in areas of high traffic area or
other areas of potential user conflicts. A 4-6’ wide soft (gravel) path is located parallel to
the paved surface, separated by 3-5’ of vegetated area; there shall be 3’ wide level
shoulders on both sides of the trail, providing 3’ of horizontal clearance from vertical
obstructions such as trees, transformers, fences and/or walls. Modifications of the
typical cross-section must be approved by Park Planning & Development Response: Acknowledged.
Department: Fire Authority
Contact: Jim Lynxwiler, 970-416-2869, jlynxwiler@poudre-fire.org
1. FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS: Fire access is required to every mobile home. The
system of private drives will need to be dedicated as Emergency Access Easements
and No Parking - Fire Lane signage installed in all areas. Fire lane specifications provided below.
Due to the overall length of the project, a minimum of 4 points of access are required.
The plan appears to propose 4 access points, two are proposed into connecting
neighborhoods. PFA would allow gating of these two points if local neighborhoods resist these connections.
Response: The plat includes dedication of emergency access easements on all of the private roads. A
signage plan will be submitted with the final construction plans.
2. FIRE LANE SPECIFICATIONS: A fire lane plan shall be submitted for approval prior to
installation. In addition to the design criteria already contained in relevant standards and
policies, any new fire lane must meet the following general requirements:
> Fire lanes established on private property shall be dedicated by plat or separate
document as an Emergency Access Easement.
> Maintain the required 20 foot minimum unobstructed width & 14 foot minimum
overhead clearance. Parking is NOT allowed within the limits of a dedicated fire lane.
> Be designed as a flat, hard, all-weather driving surface capable of supporting 40 tons.
> Dead-end fire access roads in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with an
approved turnaround area for fire apparatus.
> Dead-end roads shall not exceed 660' in length without providing for a second point
of access. Dead-end access roads in excess of 1320 feet in length require a third point
of access. Dead-end access roads in excess of 2640 feet in length require a fourth point of access.
> The required turning radii of a fire apparatus access road shall be a minimum of 25
feet inside and 50 feet outside. Turning radii shall be detailed on submitted plans.
> Dedicated fire lanes are required to connect to the Public Way unless otherwise approved by the AHJ.
> Be visible by red curb and/or signage, and maintained unobstructed at all times. Sign
locations or red curbing should be labeled and detailed on final plans. Refer to LCUASS
detail #1418 & #1419 for sign type, placement, and spacing. Appropriate directional
arrows required on all signs. Response: A fire lane plan will be submitted for review and approval prior to
installation of any signs.
3. WATER SUPPLY: Fire hydrants capable of providing 1000 gpm at 20 psi residual
pressure are required within 300' of any mobile home. This distance is measured along
an approved path of vehicle travel. The separation distance between hydrants shall not exceed 600'. Response:
The water system is designed to provide these flows and pressures.
> The network of private drives will require individual street naming and street signs
installed at every intersection.
> Addresses shall be posted on each structure in a position that is plainly legible,
visible from the street or road fronting the property, and posted with a minimum of
four-inch numerals on a contrasting background.
> A plan for address posting and wayfinding shall be submitted to PFA for review prior to FDP approval.
Response: Acknowledged.
Department: Building Inspection
Contact: Katy Hand, khand@fcgov.com
1. Newly set manufactured homes will need to comply with local wind and snow loads. Response:
2. INFORMATION ONLY: Please visit our website for local wind and snow loads:
https://www.fcgov.com/building/codes.php Response: Acknowledged.
3. Homes should be spaced 10ft min apart from each other for fire separation distance per code. Response:
Department: Technical Services
Contact: Jeff County, 970-221-6588, jcounty@fcgov.com
1. As of January 1, 2015, all development plans are required to be on the NAVD88 vertical
datum. Please make your consultants aware of this, prior to any surveying and/or design
work. Please contact our office for up to date Benchmark Statement format and City
Vertical Control Network information. Response: The project is using the correct benchmark and a
statement is on the cover of the construction plans.
2. This property is not platted. If submitting a Subdivision Plat for this property/project,
addresses are not acceptable in the Plat title/name. Numbers in numeral form may not
begin the title/name. Please contact our office with any questions. Response: A subdivision plat is included
with the submittal.