PRINCIPLE ENV-3: Drinking water provided by the City's Water Utility will meet
or exceed customer expectations for quality, quantity and reliability. Water
Conservation will be strongly encouraged.
Policy ENV-3.3: Water Demand Management
The landscape plan for the project will utilize the following xeriscape principles:
Plant material with low to moderate water requirements
Limited turf areas
Effective use of soil amendments
An efficient irrigation system
Appropriate maintenance
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to working with you during
the development review process.
Joanna Frye
VF Ripley Associates, Inc.
Policy LU-1.1 Compact Urban Form
Eastbrook Office Park is located in an area that is rapidly growing. This project is
surrounded by development and will be an infill development.
PRINCIPLE LU-2: The city will maintain and enhance its character and sense of
place as defined by its neighborhoods, districts, corridors, and edges.
Policy LU-2.1 City -Wide Structure
Eastbrook Office Park will compliment the surrounding land uses and promote a
compact development with a unique identity.
PRINCIPLE T-1: The physical organization of the city will be supported by a
framework of transportation alternatives that maximizes access and mobility
throughout the city, while reducing dependence upon the private automobile..
Policy T-1.1 Land .Use Patterns
Eastbrook Office Park will accommodate alternative modes of transportation by
providing access to the Fort Collins Bike Trail and the bike transit system.
PRINCIPLE T-4: Bicycling will serve as a viable alternative to automobile use for
all trip purposes.
Policy T-4.1 Bicycle Facilities
Eastbrook Office Park is located just south of the Ft. Collins Bike Trail making bicycling
a viable alternative to automobile. use.
PRINCIPLE CAD-3: Commercial developments create a powerful impression of
the city, both individually and taken together as a whole. While corporate
franchises and chain stores will remain vital and recognizable, commercial
developments will be designed to contribute to Fort Collins' distinct visual quality
and uniqueness.
Policy CAD-3.2 Compatibility with Surrounding Development.
Eastbrook Office Park will be a well -designed office park with it's own unique character
able to fit in and complement the existing surrounding office uses.
PRINCIPLE CAD-4 Security and crime prevention will continue to be important
factors in urban design.
Policy CAD-4.2 Lighting and Landscaping.
Eastbrook Office Park will be designed and landscaped to provide a safe environment
for customers and employees by providing appropriate lighting around buildings and
parking areas and avoiding the creation of hidden areas within the landscaping.
V i—r1iiPI4,=yA880CIATE8 INC
Landscape Architecture Urban Design, Planning
February 14, 2006
Steve Olt
City of Fort Collins
Planning Department
281 North College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80522
RE: Planning Objectives for Eastbrook Office Park
Dear Steve:
Eastbrook Office Park is located on a 3.6-acre site at the southwest corner of Eastbrook
and Vermont Drives. The site is surrounded on the south and east sides by office uses.
Union Pacific Railroad lies west of the site and a bike path meanders the open space on
the north. The site is on Lot 2 and a portion of Lot 4 of the New Hampshire PUD and is
in the E-Employment Zoning District.
The proposed project will have two entrances from Eastbrook Drive. The proposal is for
phased construction flex/office space with 48,000 square feet of leaseable floor area to
be divided among 4 buildings with 144 parking spaces. Buildings will be constructed of
masonry and stucco and will range from 1 to 2 stories in height.
An Ecological Characterization Study, prepared by Cedar Creek Associates is included
with this submittal. The study evaluates the habitat conditions on the site. The site is
vegetated entirely by non-native and weedy grass species with no woody vegetation.
The landscape plan utilizes a mix of native trees and shrubs along with non-native
species to create structural diversity and food sources for birds on the site where
possible. A detention area is being planned as establish vegetation to further
encourage use of the site by urban adapted species.
We believe Eastbrook Office Park will be consistent and contextual with the surrounding
development and will both complete and increase employment in this zone,
City Principles and Policies achieved by proposed Eastbrook
and Policies achieved by the proposed Eastbrook
Office Park Project Development Plan
PRINCIPLE LU-1: Growth within the city will promote a compact development
pattern within a well-defined boundary.
Phone 970.224.5828 Fax 970.224.1662
401 West Mountain Ave. Suite 201
Fort Collins, CO 80521-2604
of ipley.com