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38. Question: What is the distance from the property line to closest
Answer: About 60 feet.
Meeting concluded at 8:30pm
Reply: Shields sounds like the ocean. It's not right there at the
property line like this noise and traffic would be.
33. Question: This may block some noise from Shields but it will be a
source of a great deal more noise. RVs don't move. They're
quiet. What is the advantage to us?
Answer: The ground will be visually enhanced. There will be less
traffic at night. There will be stable residents and the
buildings and site will be more attractive.
34. Comment: I think people would accept this proposal more readily if
these were 2-story units with lower level below grade. This
would transition better with existing single-family heights.
There are no 2-story buildings on this stretch of Shields.
Please consider bringing the height down 16 feet. We'd be
more likely to accept it.
Reply: We looked at many options early on. One of our goals was to
provide living space with no stairs. If we sank units, none
could be accessible units. If we reduced the number of
units, we would fail to meet the minimum density standards.
35. Question: Could you do flat roofs and knock off 14 feet of height that
way? You could do a drainage system on the roof and have
Answer: We cannot drain stormwater into the wastewater sewer. We
must use a water quality pond. We used pitched roves to
match the existing residential character. The residential
buildings all have articulated pitched roofs for residential
compatibility, scale and interest.
36. Question: Do you realize that this project will displace resident foxes?
Answer: No, I didn't realize there were foxes.
37. Question: This project will be just 17 feet from Casa Grande. There is
an existing drainage pipe to Laredo Lane at the southwest
corner where the block wall ends. You should be aware of
this. It's just a pipe, no manholes.
later and signalize the intersection? Shields is getting as bad
as College. Was the observation by the traffic engineer done
during school year/school hours? CSU traffic really adds a
substantial amount of traffic.
Answer: It is unlikely that there would ever be a signal at Richmond
and Shields. This project does not meet the warrants to
provide a light. Also, this intersection is likely too close to
the Shields and Horsetooth intersection for a light. The
study on existing traffic was done during peak times, not a
summer Sunday. Traffic that the development generates is
then added to the background traffic. The total count is
what is evaluated to determine if traffic changes are
30. Question: Did the traffic engineer examine access at the intersection of
Richmond and the drive that connects to the site?
Answer: No, that point was not evaluated because it does not funnel
traffic now. The intersections that were analyzed include
Shields and the primary access point and Shields and
31. Comment: I think you should revisit the traffic report. The stoplight at
Shields and Horsetooth backs up in am rush, noon rush and
pm rush. I can't see this working for anyone going north.
You can't go left after Horsetooth and Richmond.
Response: I agree that this is not the best scenario for traffic but the
conclusion of the study is that it is within normal
32. Comment: My bedroom backs up to the proposed project. I am
concerned about noise, traffic, light, loss of wildlife, and
Response: This project may actually buffer a lot of the traffic noise from
Shields. It also amazes me how many people drive through
the existing site. Yes, cars will be driving on the site but we
have done what we could think of to mitigate. Putting the
buildings in the center of the site allows them to be as far
away from existing residences as possible and way exceeds
the required setbacks.
Answer: Yes, one I can think of is on Harmony, kitty-corner from Red
25. Comment: This area has traditionally been and is single-family units.
26. Question: What about lighting?
Answer: We are working with a lighting designer. The lighting
designer must show that light won't spill across property
lines. He has also proposed lights which have house -side
shields for further protection from light spill and glare. The
lighting for pathways will be bollards, which are very low
intensity, focused lighting.
27. Question: What is the maximum density in the MMN Zone district?
Answer: (Anne Aspen later, wasn't able to discover at meeting): There
is no stated maximum density in the MMN zone district,
however about the maximum possible is 15 -16 units per
acre, meeting the height limit of three stories, drive aisles,
setbacks, parking and detention requirements, etc.
28. Question: How big is this site?
Answer: Just over 3 acres x 12 dwellings per acre = 36 units. The
commercial doesn't count towards the density requirement.
(Anne Aspen): We have a fixed Growth Management Area
(GMA) to discourage sprawl. In City Plan, our community's
vision for itself as it grows, we encourage infill and
redevelopment as a means towards this end. At many
arterial intersections there are commercial zones to provide
shopping needs close to the neighborhood to reduce traffic
trips and lengths and even to encourage other forms of
transportation. MMN zone districts are higher density,
primarily residential districts but which also encourage some
commercial development, especially in mixed -use projects,
again to cut down on longer trips to do errands and
business. Again, the height limitations and other site
constraints create a natural limit to how much commercial
can be mixed in with the residential units.
29. Question: Traffic is going to get gridlocked. Will the City come back
18. Comment: I think it would be better to redesign and fill there. It might
also benefit both sides. If redesigned and filled, a privacy
fence would be possible. It's about privacy more than
Answer: That is something we can talk about. And it's one of the
challenges of development.
19. Question: How many garages are planned to be on the west side?
Answer: Nine. One is handicap accessible.
20. Question: Is City sewer able to handle the additional load?
Answer: Well know the answer after the staff review meeting in 2
21. Question: What about snow removal? Guest parking?
Answer: The commercial and residential buildings will be combined
in an HOA which will handle snow removal. The commercial
parking will be shared with residents.
22. Comment: Most average people have 2 cars.
Response: (Anne Aspen): The parking standards are city-wide for
residential uses and are based on actual car ownership
averages. Not all people living in a two -bedroom unit have 2
cars. Statistically, it is typical for some to have just one car
and that is factored into the requirement. A two -bedroom
unit requires 1.75 spaces. The total number of spaces is
rounded up.
23. Question: What about the RV storage displacement? Will the City
rezone so more RV storage can go in somewhere else?
Answer: (Anne Aspen): There are other areas in the City that are
currently zoned to allow RV storage. I'm sure there's an
entrepreneur out there who will see an opportunity to take
up the slack.
24. Question: Are there higher density projects in Fort Collins?
slows the runoff to the outfall.
13. Question: What will this project do to property values?
Answer: My gut feel is they'll go up. Right now it is RV storage. It
will be a center for the neighborhood. The higher quality
architecture will help property values.
14. Question: How long will the construction dust and noise last?
Answer: Phase I will include all site improvements including the
grading, parking, utilities, drainage, etc. This will last about
4-5 months. We must meet the City's noise and fugitive dust
ordinances. Phase II will include the residential
construction. This phase will likely take about 8-9 months.
Phase III will include the commercial building and will last
about 1 year. Phase II and III will be less dusty and fugitive
dust and noise regulations will apply. There may be some
gaps between the phases.
15. Question: Chaparral backyards back to north property line. Currently
there's a fence and drainage there. What is proposed there?
The neighborhood is pretty exposed to the site —we look
down on the cars and RVs parked there.
Answer: We've designed the site so residences are more internal so
there will be substantially more distance, about 60 feet,
between existing and new buildings than the minimum
allowed by the City. There will be a small drainage swale on
the north property line.
16. Question: The fence is on Harlan's property. Fill was added to abate a
drainage problem.
Answer: We looked into that. It was approved as it is in the 80's
sometime. Well keep our runoff away from that area.
17. Question: The fence is sitting in a low spot, so a fence would have to be
12 feet tall to screen between the properties. How will
buffering or fencing be done?
Answer: We haven't gotten to that level of design detail yet. We are
open to considering a fence.
signal and this project does not meet that warrant.
8. Question: How many people will live here?
Answer: There will be three residential buildings with 12 residential
units each. We are providing parking spaces to meet the
City requirements. There are no minimum requirements for
commercial parking but we are providing parking for that
based on good rules of thumb.
9. Question: How many tenants will there be in the commercial space?
Answer: That will depend. There are no specific tenants lined up yet.
It is likely that the ground level will be a number of small
retail or office businesses with larger offices above.
(Anne Aspen): It was pointed out that there was an error in
the notification letter —there is one building on Shields, not
10. Question: How big is the project? What about the elevations?
Answer: The site is just over three acres. There will be 8237sf of
commercial in the front building and a total of 15,411sf in
the residential buildings. 117 parking spaces will be
provided, 58 for the residential and 59 for the commercial.
The commercial building is 39 feet tall plus some tower
elements on the corners. The residential buildings are also
39 feet tall. We've used brick, stone and softened the sides
with stucco and other detailing. We've also varied the
roofiines for visual interest.
11. Question: Will you sell the property or keep it and manage it?
Answer: Right now, we're thinking well construct and keep/manage
the residential part of the project. Well probably sell the
commercial part of the project or stay involved as part
owners and partner with commercial developers. We are
local and want to be good neighbors and citizens.
12. Question: What is south of the project? Pond? Container?
Answer: That is a water quality pond. It is proposed to be 40 x40'x8'
deep with landscaped, terraced walls. A water quality pond
connection. Another attendee pointed out that a majority of
the attendees and neighbors are senior citizens and typically
drive not walk to their destinations.
3. Question: Who is the target buyer for these units?
Answer: Young professionals. Two -bedroom units are probably too
small for most families and the rent will probably be too high
for most students. All residential units will be for rent.
4. Question: Where will access to and from the site be located?
Answer: One off Shields at existing access location, secondary access
off Richmond behind the Grease Monkey.
5. Comment: I use the RV storage lot, and daily. It is very difficult to turn
left on northbound Shields or even right on southbound
Shields from Richmond. How will folks be able to get out? I
have to loop around the neighborhood. If others loop too,
this project will increase traffic through the neighborhood.
Response: This is one of our concerns too. We will work on this. We
hired a traffic engineer to do a Transportation Impact Study,
which is required by the City. As a part of creating the
report, the engineer sat at the intersection and observed
traffic firsthand. There are times when folks have to wait
more than one minute to exit, but it is within the tolerances
allowed by the City regulations.
6. Question: What about flood control?
Answer: During the 100-year storm event we had recently, I observed
that all runoff comes from off the Chaparral green space.
Our project must control our own runoff. There is a water
quality pond proposed for the southeast corner of the
project. We will be required to release water from the site at
the 2-year historic levels, so in fact there will be less runoff
than there is currently.
7. Question: Will there be a traffic light at Richmond and Shields?
Answer: No, not as a result of this development. A certain number of
vehicle trips generated trigger the installation of a traffic
PROJECT: 3425 S. Shields
DATE: August 27, 2007
APPLICANT: Chris Matkins, Wes Lamarque, Joanna Frye
This is a request to redevelop an existing single family lot with outdoor storage
to a mixed -use project with one commercial building on Shields and three 3-
story residences behind. The property is located within the City of Fort Collins
and is zoned MMN—Medium Density Mixed -Use Neighborhood.
The meeting started at about 6:35pm. After a general introduction by Anne
Aspen and an overview of the City's development review process, Chris Matkins
walked the audience through the proposal. Anne opened up the meeting to a
question and answer session. The following questions and comments are those
posed by audience members. Answers were provided by the applicant unless
otherwise noted. The audience was 50-60 members strong and was roughly
2/3rds Casa Grande residents, 1/3rd Chaparral residents.
1. Question: Is the owner the same as the developer?
Answer: (Anne Aspen): It depends. Sometimes the developer is the
owner and sometimes not. (Chris Matkins): In this case, the
developers have the property under contract.
2. Question (by Chris Matkins of the audience): What do you think of
having a pedestrian connection through the site to Shields
and vice versa? In favor, raise your hand.
Response: No hands raised. (Anne Aspen): Just to clarify, those
opposed, raise your hand. About 2/3 of the audience of 50-
60 members raised their hands. One attendee pointed out
that 100% of the Chaparral residents were opposed to such a