Please let us know if you have any other issues.
Joanna Frye
Project Manager
V.F. Ripley Associates, Inc.
3. Onsite detention is required with a 2-year historic release rate for water
quantity. Extended detention is required for water quality treatment. The
open area is proposed to be used as detention. However the eastern side
of the site may be difficult to drain to a pond west of the lower portion of
the site (along Shields). The applicant responded that there may be some
parking lot detention on the east side of the site. It still may be difficult to
detain runoff from the roofs of the buildings along Shields St. and the
sidewalk on Shields. Actually each site is supposed to detain for half of all
adjacent streets and alleys. In this case a variance may be justified. Water
quality treatment may also be difficult for that area since water quantity
extended detention cannot be in the parking lot. Parking lot detention is
limited to one foot deep.
Water quantity and quality detention is being proposed for this development. Please see drainage report.
4. There also appears to be some offsite flows that need to be considered and
passed through the site.
Yes. These are passed through safely.
Water Wastewater
Contact Info: Roger Buffington, 221-6854, rbuffington@fcgov.com
1. Existing mains: 24-inch water and 8-inch sewer in Shields; 8-inch water
main in N/S drive adjacent to Grease Monkey; 8-inch sewer in a N/S
alignment within an easement on the property to the west.
2. The water main in Shields is part of the main pressure zone which has
pressure in the 40 to 50 psi range. The main in the N/S drive adjacent to
Grease Monkey is in the Foothills pressure zone which has pressure
ranging from 90 to 100 psi. As a result of the different pressure zones, the
main in Shields and the main in the drive west of Grease Monkey cannot be
'tied together to loop the system; however, with the number of units and
amount of commercial space proposed, the development needs two points
of connection to one of the pressure zones..
Due to mature landscaping removal, HOA opposition, utility line crossings/conflicts and
maintenance concerns, one waterline connection is being proposed at this time.
3. Separate water/sewer services will be required for the commercial and
residential portions of the mixed use buildings.
4. Development fees and water rights will be due at time of building permit.
4. Please dedicate an Emergency Access Easement out to Richmond
Drive. Currently, this is dedicated only as an access easement. The
EAE must be a minimum of 20 feet wide. A private drive may be used to
access the rest of the site. Use standard drive approach access point
design at the intersections with public streets.
Due to the existing perpetual public access easement off Richmond Drive filed in 1987, emergency
vehicle access has been guaranteed. In addition, we are dedicating a 28 ft EAE off of Shields Street. This
arrangement provides two separate ingress/egress emergency access points for this project.
5. Access to a fire hydrant capable of providing 1500gpm at 20psi is
required. No structure may be more than 300 feet from a fire hydrant.
Transportation Planning
Contact Info: Dave Averill, 416-2643, daverill@fcgov.com
1. Please describe the context of the neighborhood in your formal
submittal. Show any existing walkways adjacent to the site.
2. The office/retail uses will need bike parking facilities. Please provide at
least as many bike parking spaces as 5% of the number of car parking
Natural Resources
Contact Info: Dana Leavitt, 224-6143, dleavitt@fcgov.com
1. Contact City Forester Tim Buchanan at tuchanan@fcgov.com or 221-6361
to arrange a site visit to examine existing trees on site.
Contact Info: Glen Schlueter, 221-6065, gschlueter@fcgov.com
1. The design of this site must conform to the drainage basin design of the
Foothills Drainage Master Drainage Plan as well the City's Design Criteria
and Construction standards.
2. The city-wide development fee is $3,070/acre ($0.0705/sq.ft.) for any new
impervious area over 350sf. No fee is charged for existing impervious area. This
fee is to be paid at the time each building permit is issued. It is important to
document any existing impervious areas, both for calculation of fees and
detention requirements because it is grandfathered.
8. The existing curb cut along Shields.which serves the existing house must
be closed. Future access to the site will be right -in, right -out only.
Acknowledged. Curb Cut removed for existing house in proposed condition.
9. Utility plans, a development agreement (DA), a development construction
permit (DCP) and a plat will need to be prepared for this project.
10.Any public improvements must be made according to Larimer County
Urban Area Street Standards.
11.Any existing overhead utility lines must be undergrounded.
Poudre Fire Authority
Contact Info: Contact Info: Carie Dann, 416-2869, cdann@ poudre-fire.org
1. Addressing must be visible from the street on which the project fronts.
A kiosk on Shields would meet this standard. Numerals must be at least
6 inches high on a contrasting background. Each building must also be
clearly addressed.
Acknowledged. Commercial building is proposed to address off Shields St. and residential buildings off
of Richmond Dr. per recent meeting with current planning and PFA.
2. We are in the process of switching to the International Fire Code (IFC).
As a result, there will be some changes in regulations. One change that
affects your project is that it is classified as NFPA13 (mixed -use) which
requires sprinklers.
3. The private drive must be dedicated as an Emergency Access Easement
with a minimum width of 30 feet for buildings 3 stories and over and 20
feet for 2 stories and under. Minimum inside turning radii of 25 feet and
maximum outside turning radii of 50 feet. Each time the private drive
turns 90 degrees, it must have a new name to keep addressing clear.
Acknowledged. A 30 ft EAE is being dedicated for the residential private drive loop. This easement .
includes the private drive, roll-over curb & gutter, and sidewalk as previously coordinated with applicant
and PFA during meeting in late July. A 28 ft EAE is being dedicated along the private drive off Shields
Street and a 24 ft EAE is being dedicated along the private drive on the west side of the commercial
building as previously coordinated during this meeting as well.
Contact Info: Randy Maizland, 416-2292, rmaizland@fcgov.com
1. Larimer County Road Impact Fees and a City Street Oversizing Fee will
apply to this project. You may contact Matt Baker at (970) 224-6108 for an
estimate of the fees.
Acknowledged. It is our knowledge that the oversizing fee has expired for this area.
2. The City's Transportation Development Review Fees will apply to this
project. You can get more information about these fees at
3. A Transportation Impact Study (TIS) will need to be submitted for this
project. Contact Eric Bracke at (970) 224-6062 for a scoping meeting. You
also need to contact Transportation Planning (see below) for information
on what non -vehicular modes of transportation should be included in the
TIS submitted.
4. Right-of-way for streets and utility easements will need to be dedicated.
Shields is a four -lane arterial so 57.5 feet from the centerline of Shields will
need to be dedicated, plus a15-foot utility easement behind the right-of-
way. Construct a six-foot detached walk to standard or apply for a
variance to this requirement.
5. A repay may be due for recent street improvements to Shields St. Matt
Baker (contact info in comment #1) can give you more information.
It is our knowledge that the repay for Shields St. has expired for this area.
6. Because the site is tight, a utility coordination meeting is suggested for
this project.
7. Any damaged sidewalk, gutter or curb will need to be repaired or replaced.
Damaged curb, gutter and sidewalk existing prior to construction, as well
as streets, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, destroyed, damaged or removed
due to construction of this project, shall be replaced or restored in like kind
at the Developer's expense prior to the acceptance of completed
improvements and/or prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of
1. The entire Fort Collins Land Use Code (LUC) is available for your review on
the web at hftp://www.colocode.com/ftcollins/landuse/begin.htm
2. This development proposal is subject to all applicable standards of the Fort
Collins Land Use Code (LUC), including Article 3 General Development
Standards, and Division 4.6 Medium Density Mixed -Use Neighborhood
3. When developing your plans for submittal, pay particular attention to the
following sections of the Code:
• 3.2.1. Landscaping and Tree Protection
• 3.2.2 Access, Circulation and Parking
• 3.2.3 Solar Access, Orientation and Shading
• 3.2.4 Site Lighting
• 3.5.1 Building and Project Compatibility
• 3.5.2 Residential Building Standards
• 3.5.3 Mixed -Use, Institutional and Commercial Building
Standards (for the non-residential and mixed -use units)
• 4.6 (D) and (E) Land Use Standards and Development
4. The multi -family buildings in the interior of the site need a connecting
walkway to the street sidewalk on Shields, per Section 3.5.2(C)(1). Given
that there is a park with pathways in the middle of the three multi -family
units and it looks like there is a passage way under the easternmost
building, it would be acceptable to create a connecting walkway from the
easternmost building to Shields, between the mixed -use buildings on
Shields. Since it does not appear that you can break up the eastern
parking area, you will need to employ special techniques called out in
Section 3.2.2(C)(5)(b), including raising the pedestrian surface and having it
be continuous across the drive aisle. Incorporate landscaping, lighting and
traffic calming measures to enhance this walkway.
Acknowledged. A safe pedestrian connection that will be well lit has been incorporated.
5. This project is subject to Neighborhood and Community Parkland Fees.
Contact Craig Foreman in the Parks Department for more information. He
can be reached at 221-6618 or cforeman@fcgov.com.
6. 1 will have more detailed comments once I have more detailed plans to
7. An exhaustive list of submittal requirements for this type of project is
available at http://fcgov.com/currentplanning/pdf/project-dev-plari.pdf.
There is a submittal checklist at
http://fcgov.com/currentplanning/pdf/pdp.pdf. Please let me know if you
have any questions about the requirements for your submittal.
8. You will need to set up an appointment to submit your application with
Current Planning at 221-6750. Incomplete submittals will not be accepted.
9. Though it is not required, I suggest that we conduct a neighborhood
meeting for this project since it will be a big change from what is currently
there. Amy has contacted me about setting this up so I will follow up with
her to schedule.
2. Required parking standards are found in Section 3.2.2 (K). Minimum
required residential parking is based on number of bedrooms, per the chart
in Section 3.2.2 (K)(1)(a). Maximum allowed non-residential parking is
based mostly on square footage, per the chart in Section 3.2.2 (K)(2)(a).
There are also standards that must be met for handicap parking including
at least 1 van -accessible handicap spot.. Please disburse handicap parking
throughout the project at locations very convenient to entrances and
Acknowledged. We anticipate shared parking among both residential and commercial uses.
Residential parking can cross -park after business hours.
3. This parcel is in the Residential Neighborhood Sign District. Please call or
email me for more information and show signs on elevations.
4. Landscape the park area according to Land Use Code Section 3.2.1.
5. Provide bike parking for the mixed -use buildings on Shields in locations convenient
to the entrances. Provide additional bike parking for the residential buildings
unless bike parking will be provided in garages, in which case please note on plans.
6. Anywhere where garbage will be centrally collected, provide trash
enclosures that are large enough to accommodate recycling and that are
designed with materials that are consistent with building materials.
Acknowledged. Both trash collectors are centrally located for each use and they will be consistent
with the architecture.
7. Check with Tim Buchanan, City Forester at 221-6361 or
tuchanan@fcgov.com about using the existing trees to meet your street
tree requirements. Tim can also assess any other trees onsite for health
and significance.
8. The interior of the parking lot must have a minimum of 10% landscaping.
9. Buildings are limited to a maximum of three stories.
Current Planning
Contact Info: Anne Aspen 221-6206, aaspen@fcgov.com
Landscape Architecture Urban Design Planning
August 22, 2007
Anne Aspen
Fort Collins Planning Department
281 North College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80524
RE: 3425 S. Shields Mixed Use PDP
Response to staff Project Review comments
Dear Ms. Aspen:
We have reviewed the staff letter dated April 26, 2007 and have the following response
• ITEM: 3425 S. Shields redevelopment
Contact Info: Jenny Nuckols, 416-2313, jnuckols@fcgov.com
1. The proposed uses are permitted in the MMN zoning district. Currently,
without non-residential uses, this project would be subject to an
Administrative (Type 1) review. With Type I non-residential uses, it will be
subject to Administrative (Type 1) review. With any Type II non-residential
uses, it will be subject to a Planning and Zoning Board (Type 11) review. Be
aware that as of the week before your conceptual, we are considering Land
Use Code changes for the current Land Use Code cycle which may be
approved in June that would impact your project favorably. Specifically,
the changes would be as follows: Mixed -use dwellings (any of the
allowable Type I or Type II non-residential uses plus dwelling units in one
building) would be allowed, subject to Type I review. Type II Non-
residential uses (standalone with no dwelling unit included) would be
allowed as they are currently, subject to a Type II review. Stay tuned as we
progress through the Land Use Code change cycle to see if these changes
are approved by City Council. If they are approved, they would apply to
projects that are submitted starting around late -June.
Phone 970.224.5828 Fax 970.224.1662
401 West Mountain Ave. Suite 201
Fort Collins, CO 80521-2604