Current Planning
DATE: April 20, 2007
TO: Technical Services
Please return all comments to the project planner no later than the staff
review meeting:
/, BrUAvmer 64so:5.
May 2, 2007
Note -.Please identify your redlines for future reference
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No Problems
E_fJr l%42anaA,7
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Problems or Concerns (see below, attached, or DMS)
Name (please print)
6t 6
Plat _Site _Drainage Report _Other
_Utility _Redline Utility _Landscape
City of Port Collins
Comments from Current Planning:
1. As we have discussed, the Lighting Plan will need to be finalized. Our concern is that
the illumination levels shown are more typically associated with a commercial
development versus residential. In general, all illumination levels should be reduced.
Also, be.sure that the light loss factor is 1.00 so foot-candles on the plan represent the
maximum initial installed condition. Please keep in mind that the Fairway Estates is a
County subdivision which has no street lighting and that we want to keep illumination
from spilling over into the Mail Creek buffer zone.
2. As we have discussed, the Landscaping Plan will need to be finalized. Please be sure
that there is a substantial amount of plant material specifically designed to block
headlight glare from shining onto Fairway Estates. One species of evergreen shrub
that you may want to consider is the Blauuw Juniper which can be planted to form a
hedge. (See enclosed photo.) Other species may be considered as well.
3. Also, the frontage along Harmony Road, less driveway, is approximately 150 feet in
length. Please add a fourth street tree in this area so that trees are spaced at even
intervals. According to the Harmony Corridor Plan, these trees should be Oak. Please
consider two Burr Oaks and two Chinkapin Oaks for this area.
4. Representatives of Fairway Estates Property Owners Association (F.E.P.O.A.) have
forwarded to me a request that the three Emerald Queen Maples be replaced by three
ornamental trees instead in order to preserve a vista to the northwest for the abutting
property owner.
5. Please add the following note to the Plat, Site Plan and Landscape Plan:
"There shall be no development activity or disturbance within the buffer zone for Mail
Creek with the exception of the construction of the stormwater detention ponsW6
conveyance facilities. Such construction shall be mitigated by full restoratior�
including replanting of native vegetation as specified on the Landscape Plan."
( 6� As you are aware, F.E.P.O.A. is concerned about liability issues with regard to
potential trespass on their common area along Mail Creek. Please provide an open rail
fence along the southern property line to discourage such possible trespass.
Be sure and return all of your redlined plans when you re -submit.
If you have any questions regarding these issues or any other issues related to this project,
please feel free to call me at (970) 221-6750.
Ted Shepard
Chief Planner
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Topic: Plat
Number: 49 Created: 3/16/2007
[5/2/07] This does not appear to have been addressed as the area is indicated as
emergency access easement not access and emergency access easement.
[3/16/07] Please ensure that an access easement is provided on the plat to the western
boundary of the site out to Harmony in order to facilitate connectivity to the west.
Department: Light & Power Issue Contact: Doug Martine
Topic: Electric Utility
Number: 50 Created: 4/24/2007
[4/24/07] The developer will need to provide a completed Commercial Service (C-1) form
specifying electric load requirements to Light & Power Engineering. This form is available at
Light & Power Engineering (221-6700).
Department: PFA Issue Contact: Carle Dann
Topic: Fire
Number: 54 Created: 5/2/2007
[5/2/07] FIRE LINE: PFA minimum size requirement for the sprinkler line (fire line) is 6
inches in diameter, UNLESS hydraulic calculations show a smaller line can adequately
support fire -flow needs. Your plans show a 4-inch fire line. Please provide either hydraulic
calculations that justify the 4-inch line or supply a 6-inch line.
Department: Stormwater-Water-Wastewater Issue Contact: Wes Lamarque
Topic: Stormwater
Number: 45 Created: 3/15/2007
[5/1/07] Repeat Comment.
[3/15/07] The outfall for the detention pond is not entirely on site. An offsite drainage
easement is required for the outfall from the property line to the normal water service
elevation of Mail Creek. Coordination needs to take place between the offsite property
owner, Stormwater department, and the Environmental Planner regarding erosion protection
and wildlife buffer concerns.
Number: 56 Created: 5/3/2007
[5/3/07] The concrete drainage ditch that is to remain on site needs to be in good condition.
The property owner will need to replace any sections that are cracked and/or heaving.
Another option is to extend the pipe all the way to the east property line.
Number: 57 Created: 5/3/2007
[5/3/07] Please use the City's standard water quality outlet structure detail. The City does
not incorporate micro pools into the water quality pond design. Email me at
wlamarque@fcgov.com any I will reply with the detail attached.
Number: 58 Created: 5/4/2007
[5/4/07] Please see other comments on the redlined plans.
Page 4
existing cross slope information should be provided along Harmony Road with lane
configurations illustrated. The additional information will help in evidence that drainage and
rideability are maintained. At the time of final submittal, additional information,such as cross
slopes and a flowline profile of Harmony Road should then be provided.
Number: 51 Created: 5/2/2007
[5/2/07] Please ensure a second project benchmark is indicated on the plan set.
Topic: General
Number: 22 Created: 3/13/2007
[5/2/07] Have the letters of intent been received from all properties?
[3/13/07] Letters of intent are required from all offsite property owners affected by the offsite
sidewalk and/or right turn lane.
Number: [26) Created: 3/14/2007
[5/2/07] a response letter indicated that the applicant understands an administrative
approval for the right turn lane not meeting length criteria. This is correct. This approval is
done via the applicant's engineer preparing a variance request as outline in our street
construction standards. A variance request needs to be submitted, again it is not viewed as
a concern with regards to the approval, provided the engineer adequately addresses our
variance criteria.
(3/14/07] A variance request is required for the right turn lane length falling short of criteria.
It is not anticipated though that there will be a concern in granting it in discussion with the
Traffic Engineer.
Number: 27 Created: 3/14/2007
[5/2/07] Please label the horizontal control plan sheets also as signing and striping plans.
There appears to be signage required which isn't shown on the sheets.
[3/14/07] Provide a striping plan to show the right turn lane configuration in conjunction with
the existin travel and bike lanes.
Numbe . 52 Created: 5/2/2007
[5/2/07] all documents, but especially the construction plans, please ensure that the
revision lists on .the revision block is removed. C fl N-T O c — Ho p
Numbe : 53 Created: 5/2/2007
[5/2/07] a titles of the project vary across the planning, engineering and surveying Q
documents. Please coordinate to have one consistent title across all documents.
Number: 59 Created: 5/4/2007
[5/4/07] There may be concerns regarding the separation distance of the sidewalk along
Harmony to the ditch. A follow-up to this comment will be made. If it is viewed that the
separation distance is fine, please provide on the construction drawings a typical cross
section showing the typical separation distance from the sidewalk to the ditch and typical
grade of the ditch itself. In addition, please add a note indicating that the sidewalk shall
maintain a minimum separation distance of "X" throughout, to ensure the contractor does
not field manipulate the construction to narrow the separation for whatever reason.
Page 3
feature and to minimize or adequately mitigate the foreseeable impacts of development. For
this project, additional plants are needed to screen the development activities from the
natural habitat/feature.
[3/15/07] Additional plantings are needed within the buffer to maintain and improve the
quality of the buffer area. Native species are to be used within the buffer zone. Per an
earlier comment about the use of Dwarf Cranberry as a barrier plant, using additional
plantings adjacent to the parking lot in the form of native species will help to deter people
from actively using the buffer.
Topic: Photometric Plan
Number: 40 Created: 3/15/2007
[4/30/07] While the photometric plan demonstrates that it meets the code, the issue is the
ability to see the fixture from the area around Mail Creek, on and off the property.
[3/15/07] Current location/alignment of light fixtures in parking lots needs to be reconfigured
to minimize spill over lighting. Back shields will be needed to minimize spill over lighting into
the buffer area and from the area around Mail Creek, per Section 3.4.1(E)(1)(e).
Topic: la
Numb; : 55 Created: 5/2/2007
[5/2/07] ote will be added to the plat, describing the activities allowed within the buffer
adjacent to Mail Creek.
Topic: Utility Plans
Number: 42 Created: 3/15/2007
[4/30/07] Show the LOD as a black line not a grey scale line. LOD is a proposed condition,
not an existing one.
[3/15/07] Add the LOD to the Demolition, Grading, Utility and Drainage Control plans.
Department: Engineering Issue Contact: Marc Virata �,
Topic: n truction Plans
Numb 20 Created:3/13/2007
[5/2/0 note was added regarding the pavement design for Harmony Road to be done
prior to demo of Harmony Road. This will likely not be the case. The pavement design
report should be noted as being conducted and approved by the City during the time of
[3/13/07] 1 assume both of the asphalt paving sections on sheet C1.41 are on private
property. ("Drive Lane" is not for Harmony Road?) Please add "(private on -site areas only)"
to the end of the drive lane and parking designations.
Number: 21 Created: 3/13/2007
[5/4/07] The revised plans, along with the revised PDF information provided by the
engineer, has resolved this issue. Please ensure that the revised PDF information is
reflected on the plan set. In addition, please correct some clarity concerns with information
being cut off between matchlines. Finally, please add a note on the grading plan indicating
that the existing median on Harmony has a spill curb with a 1" drop over 1' (in case others in
the future may want to calculate cross -slope grades).
[3/13/07] The grading plan information on Harmony Road indicates cross slope,and flowline
grades along Harmony Road that are not to standards (4.89% cross slope, .49% flowline
grade -- both are not to standards). This will need to be addressed prior to a hearing. In
addition, additional information should be provided prior to hearing to show existing grades
at either side of the flowline of the proposed Harmony Road improvements. In addition,
Page 2
Citv of Fort Collins
DISTYLE DESIGN, PC Date: 05/07/2007
Staff has reviewed your submittal for FORT COLLINS SUPPORTIVE HOUSING PDP -
TYPE II, and we offer the following comments:
Department: Current Planning Issue Contact: Dana Leavitt
Topic: General
Number: 33 Created: 3/14/2007
[4/30/07] Tim Buchanan has visited the site. His comments will need to be integrated into
the plans.
[3/14/07] There are several trees on or adjacent to the site that need to be evaluated by Tim
Buchanan City Forester. If required, mitigation for trees deemed to be significant existing
trees will be necessary.
Topic: Landscape Plan
Number: 36 Created: 3/15/2007
[4/30/07) Submitted plans - Site and Landscape, still show the detention pond grading
within the drip edge of existing trees.
[3/15/07) Refers to Grading Plan also. Grading for the water quality pond extends up to the
eastern property line, encroaching into the drip edge of several existing trees on the
neighboring property. Refer to Section 3.2.1(F)(G) of the LUC for the protection of
significant existing trees. Contact Tim Buchanan, City Forester for an evaluation of the
existing trees.
Number: 37 Created: 3/15/2007
[4/30/07] Needs to be added to the Landscape Plan with notes.
[3/15/07] Show.the erosion control matting on the Landscape Plan. Note methods for
installation and restoration on this plan.
Numbe : 3g Created: 3/15/2007
[5/2/07] a site X-section has been reviewed. Additional plantings in informal groupings
across the site are needed to mitigate views per the LUC as noted below.
[3/15/07] This project has to comply with Section 3.4.1(E)(1)(e). Of major concern is the
view into the sight from both sides of Mail Creek. Provide a section through the site from the
creek through the building. Mitigating the bulk if the building, parking and site lighting have
to be addressed.
Number 41 Created: 3/15/2007
[4/30/0 a landscape material on the south edge of the drive lane is not the type of
screening to be used next to the buffer. A monoculture plant grouping is undesirable. A mix
of plant materials, deciduous and evergreen plants are needed in this area. This ties into
the comment regarding the site x-section. The buffer standards in 3.4.1 E)(1) have not been
adequately addressed. Per 3.4.1(E)(1)(a) states "The project shall be designed to preserve
or enhance the ecological character or function and wildlife use of the natural habitat or
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