Department: PFA Issue Contact: Carle Dann
Topic: Fire
Number: 3 Created: 12/21/2007
[12121/07] PFA has no comments regarding the proposed amendment but will present
comments when structures are proposed.
Department: Stormwater-Water-Wastewater Issue Contact: Roger Buffington
Topic: WaterMastewater
Number: 14 Created: 12/26/2007
(12/26/07] Revise the conceptual utility plan and proposed water main layout to show
proposed mains west of Lady Moon Drive. Submit for review and approval prior to the
public hearing. It would be helpful to schedule a joint meeting with City and FCLWD/SFCSD
to review this information.
Number: 15 Created: 12/26/2007
[12/26/07] The proposed water main east of Lady Moon between G and H should be
labeled as 12-inch.
Number: 16 Created: 12/26/2007
[12/26/07] The SFCSD will provide sanitary sewer service in this area.
Comments from Current Planning:
Please add the following note:
"Harmony Road is designated as a major arterial street by the City's Master Street Plan. As
such, it will ultimately be improved to include six travel lanes, and auxiliary turn lanes as
needed. Development along Harmony Road shall provide a minimum 80 foot setback from
the future edge of pavement based on the major arterial classification, as determined by the
City of Fort Collins.
2. Please delete note number four.
3. Please add a note stating that the O.D.P. is located within the Harmony Corridor
zone district.
4. Please add a note stating that any residential development shall have an overall
minimum average density of seven dwelling units per net acre of residential land.
5. Please label Harmony Road as a major arterial.
Be sure and return all of your redlined plans when you re -submit.
If you have any questions regarding these issues or any other issues related to this project,
please feel free to call me at (970) 221-6750.
Ted Shepard
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City of Fort Collins
Staff has reviewed your submittal for HARMONY TECH PARK THIRD AMENDED ODP -
TYPE II, and we offer the following comments:
Department: Engineering Issue Contact: Marc Virata
Topic: General
Number. 8 Created: 12/24/2007
[12/24/07] The amended ODP appears to imply a streettroad demarcation from Harmony
Road (east of Tech Parkway) continuing down to Lady Moon, which alignment also shows a
ped/bike trail. Please clarify if this is solely for peds/bikes or is vehicular also intended?
Direct vehicular connection to Harmony Road between Tech Parkway and Lady Moon would
not be supported.
Number: 9 Created: 12/24/2007
[12/24/07] Please label Timberwood Drive as the east -west road corridor that extends from
Ziegler to Cinquefoil (between G & H) as this was the name intended for this roadway as
entitled under the 2nd Filing.
Number: 10 Created: 12/24/2007
[12/24/07] As the former Timberwood Drive alignment proposed on the previous ODP and
approved with the 2nd Filing PDP was recorded as right-of-way, this right-of-way would
need to be vacated by City Council. As a heads -up a Transportation Development Review
Fee of $800 is required to initiate this process as well as recording fee document charges
that the County Clerk requires.
Number: 11 Created: 12/24/2007
[12/24/07] Identify Precision Drive as the east -west street within the ODP (between I &,J)
that ties into Precision Drive at the Brookfield (Momingside Village) project.
Number: 12 Created: 12/24/2007
[12/24/07] Identify LaFever Drive as the east -west street between H and I from. Lady Moon
Drive to the existing LaFever Drive.
Number: 13 Created: 12/26/2007
[12/26/07] As a heads -up, Timberwood, between G & H as a collector street on the ODP, is
not currently identified as a collector on the City's Master Street Plan. The applicant may
wish to contact Transportation Planning to initiate discussion on amending the Master Street
Plan (or this can take place concurrently with a PDP). I'm not sure if any additional. collector
level roadways in this area are needed beyond Tech Parkway, Lady Moon and Rock Creek.
It seems commerical/industrial locals would be consistent with uses and volumes projected
in this area.
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