HomeMy WebLinkAboutHIDDEN POND ESTATES - PDP - 11-07 - SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS - ROUND 1 - PLANNING OBJECTIVES (3)It is proposed that the plat and PDP will only include the 15.46 acre site. The utility plans will show utility and access improvements in the 60' right of way to the west. The Belds intend to sell Lot 14 (the existing farm house) immediately after the plans are approved and the plat is recorded. The house has an existing water tap and septic system. They would place a deed restriction on the sale stating that once the approved infrastructure is constructed, that the septic and water tap will be abandoned properly. Questions to be answered at the Preliminary Design Meeting: ✓ Are there any staff concerns with this proposed processing or the sale of Lot 14? With the original PDP for this parcel, it was proposed to only detain for the newly developed area. Because of wetlands and associated buffers on the north side of the site, there will be no development, and it is proposed that this area will just remain undisturbed. There is, in reality, some detention provided in the two ponds, but to build a new detention pond downstream of these two ponds would create issues with the irrigation water delivery, the wetlands, and simply is not logical. It is proposed that the north 4.5 acres (which will see no earth moving or other development) be left as is without any stormwater detention. The developed portion of the project (the entry drive and 14 lots) will be detained to 0.23 cfs per acre and water quality will be provided on the east side of the site with a new detention pond. All of the land will be drained overland via a roadside ditch on the south side of the drive, or the swale on the back side of lots 3 through 7 (this swale will prevent the water from getting to the existing northeast pond). The new detention pond will outlet to the existing ground and then to an existing culvert that discharges into FCRID. It is proposed that no new penetrations be made into FCRID. The back portions of Lots 1 and 2 will drain to the existing northwest pond, which is dry. This pond has no outlet, but has considerably more volume available than a typical retention pond would require. Any water draining to this pond will simply percolate into the ground. Questions to be answered at the Preliminary Design Meeting: ✓ Are there any issues with the proposed detention, outfall, and drainage scheme? ✓ Are there any issues with grading further to the east (closer to the FCRID)? Nat- as rer sitivuQ, Poudre Fire Authority considerations There have been several meetings over the past years with PFA regarding this site and specifically this Urban Estate Project. The site will only have the single access from Ziegler, but will have a 30' wide drive (rather than the typical 20' wide minimum). No parking signs will be placed on the drive. There will be two (2) fire hydrants placed on the site, one near the existing form house and a second at the end of the cul-de-sac. The new buildings (13) will have residential sprinkler systems because of the length of the drive and the fire flows that will be available with a 6" main. Questions to be answered at the Preliminary Design Meeting: ✓ We feel all of these issues have previously been discussed with PFA, if there are any issues with the proposal, it would be appreciated prior to our PDP submittal? Plattin It is proposed to plat the site into 14 lots that abut the centerline of the private drive. A tract will be created with the remaining portion of the site. The private drive and the utility corridor will be covered with an access, emergency access, utility and drainage easement. The 1200' entry road is already a public right of way, and will not be included in the plat. The south 30' of the property will remain as it is an access easement for maintenance of the ditch to the east. ✓ Will the variances at the connection be approved? ✓ Is the typical section for the access drive and the layout acceptable to the City and PFA? ✓ Are the proposed grades acceptable? Cl w2t10nd by FP1' � -Sys i�r ✓ Are there any landscaping considerations for a private drive (that would be similar to a Street)? Utilities The project will be served with City water and sewer. The water system will be comprised of a single 6" waterline that will connect to the existing main in Ziegler Road. As with the access road, there is no opportunity for a second point of connection for the waterline. To minimize the volume of water in this line, it is proposed as a 6" rather than 8" main. The 13 new lots will each take a tap off if this line. The existing farm house currently has a FCLWD tap. The house will replace the existing tap and meter, and connect to the new main, but the tap will remain a Fort Collins Loveland Water District tap. There is a City sanitary sewer main in Ziegler Road, but the topography of the project does not allow for the connection to this main with a typical gravity sewer. The only option to sewer this parcel is with some sort of pump station. The City does not have any public lift stations and does not want one on this site. This project does not have the density needed for a typical lift station (public or private) to be feasible. The Belds have proposed using a low pressure sewer pumping system by the manufacturer E/One. Very simply, each lot has its own pump station that pumps to a common small diameter force main in the private drive and out to Ziegler. The system has been used throughout the state and country and has been very successful. Each lot will have a pump station that is owned and maintained by the lot owner. Each pump discharges to the force main. The force main will be privately owned and maintained by the HOA. All of this information will be clearly shown on the plans and the plat so that no owner is surprised that they will be on a private sewer facility. It is proposed to extend a short length of gravity sanitary sewer main from Ziegler Road into the private drive so that the force main does not run within the Ziegler public right of way. A meeting has been held with the Utilities Department and it appears that this system will be acceptable for this project. Notes discussing the sewer system will be needed on the plans, plat, covenants, etc. so that it is clear to any buyer what their responsibility is regarding wastewater. Questions to be answered at the Preliminary Design Meeting: ✓ Are there any issues staff sees with this proposed utility configuration? Stormwater This site is in the Fox Meadows Drainage Basin and the entire site drains to the Fossil Creek Reservoir Inlet Ditch (FCRID). The master plan states that the site is required to detain to 0.23 cfs per acre. There are two existing ponds on the north side of the site that are in series. The northwest pond is about 6' deep, but is completely dry. Any historic off site flow to this pond was cut off by the Woodland Estates development. The northeast pond does hold water and appears to be spring fed. There is a headgate on this pond to allow irrigation water to be transferred to the land to the east in a pipe over FCRID. qualifies for a cluster development under the U-E zoning because it has a minimum of 50% open space. Questions to be answered at the Preliminary Design Meeting: ✓ What width of buffer will be required around the wetlands? Tijd OJ"oU/16 Welh cA &4 -Qvnd , V-1-C*) Compatibility with Surrounding Area 25 i &r1 p 4 01 o4rr� The site location is consistent with the aims of the Urban -Estate District and the proposed development fulfills the goals of communities within this zone district. The site is adjacent to existing development on the eastern and southern boundaries; landscape buffers will provide visual buffering from both adjacent uses. The low density of the community and total of only 14 total homes will minimize impacts on existing residences in Woodland Park Estates in terms of visual impact and traffic along the private access drive. Engineering Design Concept Access / Private Drive The site will be accessed from Ziegler Road within a 60' wide by 1,200' long Right of Way / Easement which is controlled by the Belds. The connection to Ziegler will be made with a 24' private drive with 15' radial returns. The private drive will immediately change to a 20' asphalt drive with 5' gravel shoulders on each side (providing a 30' drivable surface). The drive connection required two LCUASS Variances with the previous Feather Ridge PDP. Both were approved in 2004 and both will be required again for Hidden Pond Estates. Copies of these original approved variance requests are attached. The private drive within the project site will have the same section with 20' asphalt and 5' shoulders. It will be designed with a single cross slope so that there will only be a need for a roadside ditch on the south side of the drive. There will be no curb, gutter, or walk on the private drive, maintaining a "Country Road" feeling, and it will be completely within an access and emergency access easement. Maintenance will be the responsibility of the HOA. There will be no parking allowed on the drive in order to keep a 30' drivable area throughout the project. The drive continues from the east end of the 60' right of way approximately 900' into the site to a modified cul-de-sac. The cul-de-sac is larger than the City's standard, in order to allow for landscaping within the center. The cul-de-sac will be signed for one way traffic counterclockwise. At the west end of the site, the drive slope will be fairly flat, at the cul-de-sac, the existing grades are approximately 10%. It is proposed that the grades along the private drive be a maximum of 7% in this area. There is no feasible possibility for a second point of access to this site. It is the design team's understanding that a private drive access of this type is acceptable in the UE Zoning. Poudre Fire Authority (PFA) has indicated in past meetings that by making the drive wider than standard, the long dead end drive is acceptable. Questions to be answered at the Preliminary Design Meeting: r HIDDEN POND ESTATES PRELIMINARY DESIGN REVIEW PROJECT DESCRIPTION The site for Hidden Pond Estates is a tract of approximately 15 acres immediately east of Woodland Park Estates and north of Hewlett Packard, approximately a half mile from Harmony Road. Fossil Creek Reservoir Inlet runs along the site's eastern boundary. The site is accessed from Ziegler Road to the west along a 60-foot wide corridor of approximate `/a mile in length. Current zoning is Urban Estate, which provides for 50% open space with 50% of the homes being clustered, typically in areas which are in transition between more intense urban or commercial development and rural or open lands. Existing Site Features Existing site features includes a farmhouse with an existing garage and a pond that is approximately a third of an acre in size. The site slopes to the north and east, where an existing pond and wetlands are located in the lower portion of the site. The site has several mature trees concentrated near the existing farmhouse and existing pond; however, many of these trees are Siberian Elm and Russian Olive, both of which the City has classified as "undesirable". An ecological characterization was completed for the site in June, 2004, by Cedar Creek Associates. A copy of the habitat map is attached, showing locations of wetlands, principal existing vegetation and other habitat areas. According to the report, the pond and associated wetlands create "considerable habitat diversity", which is retained in the proposed concept plan. Unusual Site Characteristics The unusual site characteristics that affect the design include an existing farmhouse in the southwest comer of the site (to remain) and farm pond and wetlands in the low-lying areas. The site has a relatively small area of level terrain on the ridge before it slopes toward the pond and wetlands. However, this feature limits both circulation and lotting alternatives, but provides the opportunity for a majority of "walk -out" type lots accessed from higher ground and overlooking the existing pond and wetlands. The site's location and existing features create a unique opportunity for an attractive large -lot community that is still fairly close to I-25 and the shopping and employment centers along and near Harmony Road. Design Concept The concept is intended to provide 13 single-family urban estate homesites (majority of the homes will be 1/2 acre), in addition to the existing farmhouse, giving a total of 14 lots. The community is accessed through the existing 60-foot wide corridor from Zeigler Road; new trees planted along this drive will give the effect of a tree lined private drive. The proposed homes are located on both sides of a centrally located private drive; the drive will end in a one-way loop at the eastern limit of the higher ground. The location of the lots creates a clustering effect and will provide approximately 50 percent open space. The site design allows retaining the existing farmhouse and detached garage and does not encroach on the existing wetlands, which are retained as natural features and open space. The concept also includes a pedestrian trail looping around the developed area of the site to provide additional amenity. Hidden Pond Estates