1) Fort Collins Discovery Museum — In meeting with Paul, Steve D, Steve O, Ken
Mannon, & Marty Heffernan last Friday afternoon, the conclusion was to hopefully see if
Ingrid Decker would concur that the City could make an adverse possession claim and
seek some sort of immediate claim. Under that scenario, there would presumably be no
concern with Darin signing the site plan showing areas outside of the property boundary.
There are at least two other options: a quiet title claim, which would take several weeks
and not help their time schedule, and redesign their site plan temporarily to make things
work within the existing proposed platted boundary. On the bright side, Carie Dann
indicated as well that the emergency access easement she requires can be delayed in
terms of obtaining until C.O. I gave Steve Olt my comments along with Technical
Services redlines. I had asked folks to get DA type language in to me by the end of this
week which would be placed on the plat.
2) Mid Town Arts Center — The project still needLJQi2rovide an emergency access
easement (and recording fees) in order to theoretically record the site p an no
construction pans). Steve O t was going to check with Carie to see if the emergency
access easement can be delayed until C.O. (which is "on -site" compared to above, so
there's a slight difference, though it seems to be the same question). No DCP is needed as
there are no public improvements, and no DA was done as well.
3) McClelland's Creek .3 Filing —I am awaiting to receive some sort of plans/pdfs of the
project to see if my comments were addressed (mainly on the Kecther Road signing and
striping). Tom Donkle had inquired about two weeks ago on DA language and i indicated
that it would likely be a regurgitation of the 2"d Filing, although the new phasing plan and
Kecther signing and striping might add some further nuances, but I would like to see the
revised drawings to work on getting DA language out from my end, which he had agreed
to. I contacted the other staff folks (Nat Areas, Storm, Parks) also inquiring of DA
language from them.
4) DDA Alley project — I don't think we'll hear anything on this. We gave some
comments on the last meeting looking to get some plan sheets restamped by a civil and
adding a note regarding limits of street repair to be determined by the City Engineering
5) North College Marketplace 2"d Filing — With no DCP being required for the start of the
King Soopers building I don't suspect we'll hear from them any time soon.
6) 938 North College MA — I forwarded an email I had sent out previously to Scoo on the
status. I've since received a check for $250 but all the other items mentioned in the email
remain outstanding. I have not had any responses from anyone since the email, though I
was told that Scoo or someone else may have dropped in looking for me a week or so
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From: Steve Olt
To: kurt@adinnertheater.com
Date: 6/2/2010 10:01 AM
Subject: Midtown Arts Center
CC: Carle Dann; deanne@TFGcolorado.com; Marc Virata; Randy Shortridge; Sheri Langenberger
Re: Midtown Arts Center
First of all, I did locate the mylar for the Landscape Plan to be recorded. Marc Virata had it in his office.
Second, Carie Dann of the Poudre Fire Authority has stated that the necessary Emergency Access Easement
(EAE) can be provided after the recording of the Site Plan and Landscape Plan. Engineering and Planning are
also OK with this. However, the EAE must be submitted, approved and recorded prior to issuance of a Certificate
of Occupancy (CO) for the project. Therefore, you must submit the easement to the City Engineering Department
quickly to ensure its completion before you want to pull a CO.
Steve Olt
Project Planner
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