PDP, Bella Vira
significant open space, our efforts to use the space as a buffer, and the overall low density proposed.
The greatest concern about the site was regarding what type of multi family units we were proposing.
The existing smaller, more affordable units without garages or single car garages east of Overland Trail
and south of The Ponds are typically owned by investors who rent them or buy them for their children
attending college. More of this type of housing was not considered desirable by the neighbors in
attendance. The neighbors in attendance were very pleased with our multi family proposal to create
higher quality spacious ranch units with two car garages that appeal (and will be marketed) to empty
nesters or young professionals and typically be owner occupied residences.
A common concern that was brought up are the bright lights from CSU's research buildings near bye,
and if we are concerned about the potential negative effects on sales. We offered to work with The
Ponds HOA and to see if we can create a dialogue with CSU to discuss ways to mitigate the existing
lighting from CSU.
(9) Name of the project as well as any previous names the project may have been known by:
• Bella Vira
• The site was submitted for Annexation as Minatta Annexation
• A concept review meeting was held for the Minatta Property (August, 2005).
• The property has also been verbally referred to as the Minatta Farm
153 Mountain Avenue, Fort Collins CO 80524 970-484-1921
EAPROJECF FH ESU.AND\2427 - Mo ProparyADom\PDP SubmittoltSt wt of Planing Objavvea-PDP.doc Page 7
December 20, 2005
PDP, Bella Vira
This development does not achieve this minimum density, however it is still acceptable since it has been
identified as an infill project. The project does however provide a mix of housing types.
Policy LMN-1.1: Calculating the Density.
In calculating the overall average density of the project, areas that are undevelopable have been
excluded from the density calculation. Specifically the area being purchased by the City of Fort Collins
for their regional detention pond.
Policy LMN-1.2: Mix of Housing Types and Lot Sizes.
At least two (2) housing types have been included in this project. The following housing types have
been included:
a. standard lot single-family houses (lots over 6,000 square feet)
b. small lot single-family houses (lots 6,000 square feet, or less)
c. multi -family housing
(2) Description of proposed open space, buffering, landscaping, circulation, transition areas and
natural areas:
There will be a neighborhood park constructed as part of this development. The park is located at the
entrance to the single-family portion near the large open expanse of the City's regional detention pond.
The required open space for the RF zone surrounds the clustered homes creating a buffer to the north,
south and west of the development.
(3) Statement of proposed ownership and maintenance responsibility of public and private open
space areas:
All open space and landscaped buffer areas will be constructed by the developers of this project and will
be owned and maintained by a Homeowners Association.
(4) Estimate of number of employees for business, commercial, and industrial uses:
(5) Description of rationale behind the assumptions and choices made by the applicant:
(see item A above — Project Overview and Principles and Policies)
(6) Variances from the applicable criteria:
a. We are requesting a variance to allow for a 4' lane shift of West Elizabeth Street as it crosses
Overland Trail. This variance is necessary to avoid the existing water line - air relief valve and
manhole located on the east side of Overland Trail. (see attached Variance Request letter dated
December 20, 2005).
b. In addition we are requesting a modification of standards for the Residential Foothills District
(RF) portion of the project. (see attached Modification of Standards Request letter dated
December 20, 2005).
(7) A narrative description of how conflicts between land uses are being avoided or mitigated:
(see item A above — Project Overview and Principles and Policies)
(8) Narrative addressing each concern/issue raised at the neighborhood meeting:
The neighborhood meeting was held on November 22 and attended by 10 of the 444 property owners
notified, all residents of The Ponds subdivision. The proposed development plan was very well received
and there were no strong objections to any part of the plan. The neighbors reacted favorably to the
153 Mountain Avenue, Fort Collins CO 80524 970484-1921
EAPROIECT FnEESU.ANDt2427 - Nlh a Propvty\D=TDP SubmitW\St eot of Plrsning Objmlive PDP.doc Page 6
December 20, 2005
PDP, Bella Vira
barriers between them. Multiple streets and sidewalks connect into and out of the neighborhood. Streets
within the neighborhood converge upon the neighborhood park within the development.
Policy AN-1.3: Traffic Calming.
The street network has been designed to discourage excessive speeding and cut -through traffic, by
making streets come to controlled intersections.
Policy AN-1.6: Pedestrian Network.
This neighborhood has an interconnected network of paths and sidewalks that link the open spaces and
neighborhood park.
Principle AN-2: A wide range of open lands, such as small parks, squares, greens, play fields, natural areas,
orchards and gardens, greenways, and other outdoor spaces should be integrated into neighborhoods.
Policy AN-2.1 Neighborhood Parks and Outdoor Spaces.
Bella Vira incorporates a series of open spaces and a neighborhood park with a multipurpose playfield.
These open spaces are within easy walking distance of any point in the development.
Principle AN-3: The City will require and assist coordinated neighborhood design efforts among separate
development parcels.
Policy AN-3.2: Street and Outdoor Spaces.
The street pattern from the Ponds Subdivision has predetermined the location of the connections to
Bella Vira. In addition the Bella Vira neighborhood street and outdoor space network is patterned off
the Pond Subdivision to provide a unified appearance between the two neighborhoods.
Policy AN-3.3: Neighborhood Edges.
Features shared with the adjoining properties such as the open space and trail network form the edges of
the Bella Vira neighborhood.
Principle AN-4: Design policies for residential buildings are intended to emphasize creativity, diversity, and
individuality. The following design policies are based on the premise that truly creative design is responsive to
its context and the expressed preferences of citizens, and contributes to a comfortable, interesting community.
Policy AN-4.1: Multiple -Family Housing Characteristics.
The multiple -family buildings of Bella Vira have been designed to reflect, to the extent possible, the
characteristics and amenities typically associated with single-family detached houses. These
characteristics and amenities include orientation of the front door to a neighborhood sidewalk and street,
individual identity, private outdoor space, access to sunlight, privacy, and security.
Policy AN-4.3: Single -Family Housing Characteristics.
By the nature of the Bella Vira neighborhood and its combined RF and LMN zones, the single-family
house models will be varied throughout the development.
Policy AN-4A Lot Variation.
Lot widths and depths, in conjunction with block size and shape, have been varied in order to reinforce
variety in building massing, thereby creating a varied streetscape.
Principle LMN-1: Low Density Mixed -Use Neighborhoods will have an overall minimum average density offive
(5) dwelling units per acre, achieved with a mix of housing types
153 Mountain Avenue, Fort Collins CO 80524 970484-1921
E.TROJECr FE,FSUAND12427 - Ko Pro�\PDP SubminahStet®mt of Planning Obie va PDP.doc Page 5
December 20, 2005
PDP, Bella Vira
Principle CAD-1: Each addition to the street system will be designed with consideration to the visual character
and the experience of the citizens who will use the street system and the adjacent property. Together, the layout
of the street network and the streets themselves will contribute to the character, form and scale of the city.
Policy CAD- 1.1: Street Design Standards.
The proposed streets within the development will be designed to meet the Larimer County Urban Area
Street Standards.
Policy CAD-1.2: Street Layout
The proposed street network of this development will provide an integrated extension of the community.
The street system is located taking into consideration physical features of the site, and to create views
and prominent locations for parks and open space.
Policy CAD-1.3: Streetscape Design.
The proposed streets will be functional, safe and visually appealing. Shade trees, landscaped medians
and parkways, have been included in the streetscape.
Policy CAD-1.4: Street Tree Design.
Canopy shade trees constitute the majority of tree plantings, and a mixture of tree types have been
included, arranged to establish a partial urban tree canopy cover. Existing trees have been preserved to
the maximum extent feasible.
Principle HSG-1: A variety of housing types and densities will be available throughout the urban area for all
income levels.
Policy HSG- 1.1: Land Use Patterns
There will be a variety of housing types and densities within this development.
Policy HSG-1.6: Basic Access.
Multi -family housing units will be constructed with practical features that provide basic access and
functionality for people of all ages and widely varying mobility and ambulatory —related abilities.
Principle ENV-8: The City will minimize potentially hazardous conditions associated with flooding, recognize
and manage for the preservation offloodplain values, adhere to all City mandated codes, policies, and goals,
and comply with all State and Federally mandated laws and regulations related to the management of activities
in flood prone areas.
The City Stormwater Utility Department has worked extensively with the developer on this project in order to
obtain necessary ground for an extension of the regional detention ponds located at the Ponds Subdivision. This
regional facility is specifically designed to minimize potentially hazardous conditions associated with flooding
in the Spring Creek drainage basin.
Principle AN-1: New neighborhoods will be integral parts of the broader community structure.
The Bella Vira development fits into the community structure by linking with the adjacent Ponds Subdivision
and maintaining a similar look and feel as determined by that development.
Policy AN-1.2: Street Networks.
Neighborhood streets and sidewalks throughout the development form an interconnected network,
including automobile, bicycle and pedestrian routes within the neighborhood and between
neighborhoods, knitting this development together with the adjacent Ponds Subdivision and minimizes
153 Mountain Avenue, Fort Collins CO 80524 970-484-1921
EAPROJECr FQ,FSU AND\2427 - Mnaua Propaty�D=\PDP Subminal\St cnt of Planning Objoc iva PDP.doc Page 4
December 20, 2005
PDP, Bella Vira
(1) Statement of appropriate City Plan Principles and Policies achieved by this PDP:
Principle LU-1: Growth within the city will promote a compact development pattern within a well defined
This site is in the GMA and is within three miles of downtown Fort Collins and two miles of CSU's main
campus. It is bordered on three sides by the city and along with its neighbors makes up the City's western border
of developable land at the foothill fringe.
Policy LU-1.1: Compact Urban Form
The project as it is proposed will cohesively tie into established neighborhoods and create a logical
extension of mixed uses that will be pedestrian and transit friendly.
Principle LU-2: The City will maintain and enhance its character and sense of place as defined by its
neighborhoods, districts, corridors and edges.
This development meets the intent of the City Structure Plan of having distinguishable neighborhoods that
achieve a compact urban form, and is well served by all modes of transportation.
Principle T-1: The physical organization of the city will be supported by a framework of transportation
alternatives that balances access, mobility, safety and emergency response throughout the city, while working
toward reducing vehicle miles traveled and dependence upon the private automobile.
Policy T-1.1 Land Use Patterns.
It also fills in a currently existing void at the intersection of an arterial and connector, which in the
context of land use patterns is an appropriate location for development. There is an existing transit stop
at the corner of Elizabeth and Overland Trail, within easy walking distance of this neighborhood.
Policy T- 1.2 Multi -Modal Streets.
The street corridors provide for safe and convenient use of all modes of travel, including motor vehicles,
transit, bicycles, and pedestrians.
Policy T-1.3 Street Design Criteria.
The streets within the neighborhood have been designed to minimize vehicular -pedestrian conflicts and
to efficient distribute traffic throughout the neighborhood.
Principle T- 2: Mass transit will be an integral part of the city's overall transportation system.
Policy T-2.2 Transit Stops
This development will provide riders to the existing bus route along West Elizabeth and help contribute
to its current marginal demand for service. This development is within close proximity to the existing
transit stop.
Principle T-4: Bicycling will serve as a practical alternative to automobile use for all trip purposes.
This development will connect up with the existing bike lanes on W. Elizabeth and Overland Trail.
Principle T-6: Street crossings will be developed to be safe, attractive, and easy to navigate
Policy T-6.1 Street Crossing
The proposed improvements to Overland Trail and W. Elizabeth as well as all internal street crossings
will meet the current Latimer County Urban Area Street Standards.
153 Mountain Avenue, Fort Collins CO 80524 970-484-1921
EAPROJECr FQ.E.S\LAND\2427 - N inaaa Ptopcty\Do6\PDP Submittel\Swmcat of Planning Objativa PDP.doe Page 3
December 20, 2005
PDP, Bella Vira
The eastern 4-acre portion of the site slopes downward from Overland Trail in a westerly direction to a
low point where the City of Fort Collins is negotiating the purchase of approximately 4 acres for a
regional detention pond. From this low point where the detention pond will be located, the remaining
27+/- acres exhibits a gentle gradient as it rises to the west and is relatively flat. There are no wetlands,
environmentally sensitive areas, or wildlife as indicated in the Ecological Characterization Study
provided by Cedar Creek Associates. The only trees on the site are along the Pleasant Valley and Lake
Canal that runs for approximately 200' along the southeast border of the property. These trees will be
protected since no development is planned in close proximity to the ditch bank.
The PDP proposes to gradually decrease density from east to west as the site moves up toward the
foothills. The 19+/- acre LMN zone is divided by the 3.7+/- acre City of Fort Collins Regional
Detention Pond. To the east of the pond is the highest density portion of the development; this is where
ranch style multi -family units are located. To the west of the pond is a slightly lower density and is
made up of single-family detached lots ranging from 5,448 square feet to 8,119 square feet. To the west
of the LMN zone is the RF zone. This PDP proposes a residential cluster development within the RF
zone. There is at least 50% open space within this area and the lots are significantly larger ranging from
9,378 square feet to 15,118 square feet.
Within the LMN zone this PDP provides a 1.7+/- acre park and open space area. The park will provide a
multi -use turf area and picnic shelter with tables for the community's use. The park has been centrally
located and will double as a water quality basin for the development. It has been located directly
adjacent to the Regional Detention Pond to visually create a much more open area. The overall project
provides an off-street soft trail network that provides a recreational opportunity for the residents. This
trail network links up with the park, open spaces, and to the Ponds Subdivision's trail system.
As mentioned previously the City is negotiating with the applicant to purchase ground for a regional
detention pond. This pond is an extension of the existing Ponds Subdivision ponds. Per discussions with
City Stormwater Utility Department, the Bella Vira Development will be able to utilize this pond for
storm water detention, as long as this development provides it's own water quality ponds, and conveys
off -site flows through -the project. See the PDP Drainage Report for more detailed information.
West Elizabeth Street will be extended with this project. Additional Right of Way to the north (CSU
property) is required in order to align with the existing West Elizabeth Street ROW. This additional
ROW has been agreed to by CSU and a letter of intent from CSU is attached. West Elizabeth Street west
of Overland Trail will be classified as a Residential Local Street per the Larimer County Urban Area
Street Standards. The internal street network of the project is simply a continuation of the streets
currently stubbed at the southern boundary. The drives within the multi -family portion of the project
will be designated as private and will be for access to the units and emergency access.
Landscaping for the project has been designed to fit the area. The plan utilizes drought tolerant,
adaptable, plants either native or non-native to this region. In addition as you move toward the foothills
the landscape is a more open, grass -like environment. To the east in the denser portions of the project
the amount landscape plant materials increase as well. Street trees are provided along the local streets.
Native grasses make up the ground cover of the open space areas, except for the multipurpose play field
within the park and the areas around the multi -family units, which are composed of a bluegrass turf. All
of the open space areas will be owned and maintained by a Home Owners Association for the entire
The residential uses indicated for the Bella Vira PDP will include small -lot single-family, standard -lot
single-family and multi -family dwellings, for a total of three residential use types.
153 Mountain Avenue, Fort Collins CO 80524 970-484-1921
EAPROJECT FUMY AND2427 - N iu Pmputy\Do TDP Submittal\Stat®®t of Planning Objativa-PDPAoc Page 2
December 20, 2005
PDP, Bella Vira
Current Planning Department
City of Fort Collins
281 N. College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80521
December 20, 2005
Dear Current Planning Department:
Jim Sell Design, Inc. represents John Minatta of the OFP Development Company and is submitting for your
review the Bella Vira Project Development Plan. The following items represent the narrative portion of the
submittal and are in direct response to the submittal requirements for a PDP to the City of Fort Collins. Please
see the attached appropriate documentation where noted.
A. Application form, filing fee, and sign posting fee:
(see attached Application Form)
B. Adjacent property owners list:
(see attached APO lists)
C. Director's certification of Type I or Type H review:
(see attached Concept Review letter dated August 29, 2005)
D. Statement of planning objectives:
Project Overview
The proposed PDP is for the 34.709 acre Bella Vira (also known as Minatta Farm), Low Density Mixed -
Use (LMN), and Residential Foothills (RF) Neighborhood in west Fort Collins on the west side of
Overland Trail near the intersection of Overland Trail and West Elizabeth. The site is a long rectangular
shape, approximately 600' wide by 2622' long. It is bordered on three sides by the City of Fort Collins:
on the east by Overland Trail Road and existing LMN developments, on the south and west by The
Ponds Subdivision (RF and RL Districts). The CSU Foothills Campus and Equine Facility border the
north side (FA-1), which are currently in Latimer County.
The property is within the City of Fort Collins Growth Management Area (GMA) and the current
zoning is Larimer County FA-1. The City Structure Plan delineates the easterly 20+/- acre portion as
Low Density Mixed -Use District (LMN) and the westerly 15+/- acre portion as Residential Foothills
District (RF) and the entire area falls within the "Infill Area" as defined in Land use Code 5.1.
The property was originally purchased by Evelyn Minatta's parents, Sam and Elvira Aranci in 1929. I1
is currently owned by a family partnership made up of Evelyn Minatta and her three sons Al, Sam and
John Minatta (The Overland Family Partnership). There are two existing residences on the site. One is
the primary residence of Sam Minatta, who has lived at the site since 1972 and the other is a rental
property. Karen McWilliams, a Historic Preservation Planner with the City of Fort Collins has
researched the older residence and provided a letter stating that there is no historical significance. The
greater part of the site has primarily been utilized as pasture for horses and cattle over the last fifty
153 Mountain Avenue, Fort Collins CO 80524 970-484-1921
EAPROJECr FJLFS\J-AND\2427 - Nfmatta Ptuperty\Docs\PDP Submittal\Stet®ml of Planning Objective PDP.dm Page 1