Staff recommends approval of Modification of Section 3.5.3(B)(2)(b) and Rocky
Mountain Archery P.D.P., #21-09A.
(2.) The plan as submitted will promote the general purpose of the
standard of which the modification is requested equally well or
better than would a plan which complies with Section 3.5.3(B)(2)(b)
because the proposed setback conforms to the contextual setback
established by the existing adjoining buildings to the north and
south. Such building placement will have the effect of being
compatible with the surrounding area to a greater extent than if
placed at the build -to line. With the Modification, the character of
the Golden Meadows Business Park will be preserved.
6. Neighborhood Meeting:
A neighborhood information meeting was held on May 18, 2009. A summary is
attached. Those in attendance supported the project. The three surrounding
businesses were personally contacted by the Current Planning Department as
part of field survey to determine the number of employees at each firm, and to
gauge feedback on an indoor archery facility. All of those contacted supported
the proposed project.
7. Findings of Fact and Conclusion:
A. The Planning and Zoning Board granted an Addition of a Permitted Use to
allow Unlimited Indoor Recreation on this parcel in the Harmony Corridor
B. The P.D.P. is in substantial compliance with the site plan, landscape plan
and architectural character as depicted at the time of the granting of the
Addition of a Permitted Use.
C. The P.D.P. complies with the applicable standards of the Harmony
Corridor district and the General Development Standards with one
D. A Modification to Section 3.5.3(B)(2)(b) has been requested to allow the
building to be placed 50 feet from the front property line along Innovation
Drive versus 15 feet.
E. Staff finds that the Modification complies with the criteria of Section
2.8.2(H)(1) in that the P.D.P. is not detrimental to the public good and that
the plan will promote the general purpose of the standard equally well or
better than would a plan that complies with the standard because the plan
preserves the existing contextual setback and character of the area.
B. Description of the Modification
The building is setback from the front property line along Innovation Drive (which
allows on -street parking) by 50 feet instead of being placed at the build -to line of
15 feet.
C. Summary of the Applicant's Justification
The applicant contends that the other two businesses that adjoin the property to
the north and south are built approximately 85 feet back from the street curb. In
order to not stand out from these two existing buildings, the new building is
proposed to be placed 65 feet from back of curb and 50 feet from front property
line in keeping with the context of the area.
D. Staff evaluation of the Modification
The Golden Meadows Business Park was approved in 1978 and is characterized
by industrial and wholesale distribution buildings that are all approximately 20
years old. All of these buildings were constructed prior to 1997, the year the
build -to line standard became effective as part of the Land Use Code.
By placing the building in conformance with the adjoining buildings, the P.D.P. is
complying with an established contextual setback typical of the overall business
park. The orientation of the proposed building, the street -facing entry along with
the small, front -loaded parking lot, matches the pattern and layout of both
Colotex Electrical Supply to the south and Farmer Brothers Coffee to the north.
The existing business park represents a suburban development pattern and does
not contain any pedestrian -oriented uses. There is no established urban
character. The industries and wholesale distributors attract professional
tradesmen and not the general public.
Placing the building 15 feet behind the property line would look out of place given
the established character of the area. Such placement would have the effect of
looking as if the building were simply dropped in without any consideration of the'
relationship of the adjoining properties.
E. Staff Recommendation and Finding of Fact
Staff recommends approval of the Modification. In evaluating the request and in
fulfillment of the requirements of Section 2.8.2(H)(1), Staff makes the following
findings of fact:
(1.) The granting of the Modification would not be detrimental to the
public good.
In conclusion, from an architectural perspective, the indoor archery facility
demonstrates a level of quality and interest that exceeds the immediate area and
is, therefore, considered compatible with the context of the area.
J. Section 3.5.1(J) — Operational/Physical Compatibility
There are no issues relating to the operating characteristics of the indoor archery
K. Section 3.6.4 — Transportation Level of Service
The Transportation Impact Study was waived by the City of Fort Collins Traffic
Engineer for the following reasons:
• There will be less than 50 vehicles per hour on a typical day.
• There are no proposed new intersections on Harmony Road or any
proposed changes at existing intersections.
• Acceptable levels of service on the adjacent public streets will be
• The site is not adjacent to a location with an identified safety
5. Modification of Standard — Section 3.5.3(B)(2)(b) — Relationship of
Buildings to Streets. Walkways and Parking:
A. The Standard at Issue
(2) Orientation to Build -to Lines for Streetfront Buildings. Build -to
lines based on a consistent relationship of buildings to the street
sidewalk shall be established by development projects for new
buildings and, to the extent reasonably feasible, by development
projects for additions or modifications of existing buildings, in
order to form visually continuous, pedestrian -oriented streetfronts
with no vehicle use area between building faces and the street.
(b) Buildings shall be located no more than fifteen (15) feet
from the right-of-way of an adjoining street if the street is
smaller than a full arterial or has on -street parking.
E. Section 3.2.2 — Access, Circulation and Parking
As mentioned, the parking lot is small. A six foot wide attached public sidewalk
will be constructed along Innovation Drive. A four foot wide walkway will connect
into the parking lot in the area of the 16-foot wide, van -accessible handicap
parking stall.
F. Section 3.2.2(K) — Off-street Parking
There is no maximum number of parking spaces for Unlimited Indoor Recreation.
The standard, however, addresses Limited Indoor Recreation with a maximum of
six spaces per 1,000 square feet. The break point between the two uses is 5,000
square feet of gross floor area. Since the proposed building is 10,682 square
feet, using the six spaces per 1,000 maximum standard is reasonable. The
building size would allow up to 64 spaces. With only eight spaces, the P.D.P. is
well under the allowable maximum as if it were Limited Indoor Recreation.
G. Section 3.5.1(B) — Building and Project Architectural Compatibility
The front elevation features a mix of cultured stone, synthetic stucco, lap siding
and asphalt -fiberglass roof shingles. The entrance is highlighted by a front porch
running the entire width of the building and covered with a metal awning. The
wood timber accents over the door speak to the "Colorado Lodge" theme.
The two side elevations each include a large dormer to break up the long roof
line. The rear elevation is not accented since it faces the railroad tracks and the
electrical substation.
Most buildings in the immediate vicinity are a combination of an accented front
with a flat -roofed warehouse behind. Materials are basically a variety of concrete
block and metal siding. One building addition, Grainger, includes an entire
addition of metal siding.
H. Section 3.5.1(C) — Building Size, Height, Bulk, Mass, Scale
The new building will be two stories with a pitched roof. There would be 10,060
square feet on the first floor and 1,667 square feet on the second floor. The total
of 11,727 square feet is comparable to Farmer Brothers Coffee (10,937 square
feet) to the north and Colotex Electric (11,304 square feet) to the south.
I. Section 3.5.1(E) — Building Materials
As indicated, the exterior materials for the warehouse are different from the three
immediate surrounding buildings but attractive and used in a combination that is
familiar to our community.
4. Compliance with Applicable General Development Standards:
A. Section 3.2.1 — Landscaping and Tree Protection
The P.D.P. provides two street trees within the parkway along Innovation Drive.
The two side yards are fully landscaped with existing trees and shrubs by the two
adjoining properties. These mature plants are over 20 years old and have grown
over the side property lines onto the subject lot. The applicant does not object to
these encroachments. Preserving existing landscaping will benefit all property
owners and contribute to the overall quality of the industrial park. The benefit
gained by the established plant material will soften the appearance of the new
B. Section 3.2.1(E) — Parking Lot Perimeter and Interior Landscaping
There are only eight spaces including one, van -accessible handicap parking stall.
This stall is 16-feet wide and prevents a landscape island from being placed at
the end of the row. The plan provides for eight parking stalls and no landscape
island based on placing a higher priority on off-street parking versus adding one
tree in an area that is already characterized by mature landscaping. The impact
of this small parking lot is minimal in relationship to the immediate vicinity and
industrial park. Both sides of the parking lot are screened by the aforementioned
landscaping established by the two adjoining properties.
C. Section 3.2.1(e) — Screening
The trash receptacle is located in the rear of the lot and shielded from view.
D. Section 3.2.1(N) — Alternative Compliance
The landscape plan does not include side yard landscaping due to the
overhanging trees and shrubs from the two adjoining properties. In addition, a
parking lot landscape island is exchanged for one additional off-street parking
stall. The proposed alternative plan accomplishes the purposes of the
landscaping standards equally well or better than a plan would otherwise comply
by preserving the existing mature plant material and by providing eight off-street
parking spaces versus seven. Existing vegetation in the vicinity has over 20
years of maturity and creates an attractive quality to the industrial buildings. This
established character will be preserved by the alternative plan. Removing
existing landscaping in order to plant new, younger plants would detract from the
overall appearance of the three lots combined as viewed from Innovation Drive.
The alternative plan is equal to or better than a plan that would otherwise comply
with Section 3.2.1.
1. Background:
The surrounding zoning and land uses are as follows:
N: H-C;
Wholesale Distribution (Farmer Brothers Coffee)
S: H-C;
Wholesale Distribution (Colotex Electric)
E: H-C;
Union Pacific Railroad and Electrical Substation
W: H-C;
Wholesale Distribution (Grainger Industrial Supply)
2. Zoning History:
• The property was annexed in 1977 and zoned I-P, Industrial Park.
• The property is Lot 10 of the Golden Meadows Business Park
approved in August of 1978.
• Prior to the adoption of City Plan and the Land Use Code in 1997,
the property was zoned I-P, Industrial Park.
• In 1997, with the adoption of the Land Use Code, the property was
placed into the new H-C, Harmony Corridor District.
• On June 18, 2009, the Planning and Zoning Board granted an
Addition of a Permitted Use to allow Unlimited Indoor Recreation for
this parcel, subject to Administrative Review.
3. Harmony Corridor Sub -Area Plan and Zone District:
The site is located within the Harmony Corridor and within the sub -area known as
the Basic Industrial Non -retail Employment Activity Center (BINREAC). The land
use, Unlimited Indoor Recreation, has been determined by the Planning and
Zoning Board to be a permitted use, subject to Administrative Review, that will
contribute to the mix of land uses envisioned for this area of the Harmony
The height of 28.5 feet is below the six story maximum. The property does not
adjoin Harmony Road so the 80-foot setback is not applicable.
,,F�co�rt� Collins
MEETING DATE Aiie udT 17 .1o09
STAFF TEo sgrp",a _
PROJECT: Rocky Mountain Archery — 4518 Innovation Drive — Project
Development Plan #21-09A
APPLICANT: Kodiak Construction
c/o Mr. Stewart King
37126 Soaring Eagle Circle
Windsor, CO 80550
OWNER: Brinkman Properties
3003 E. Harmony Road, Suite 300
Fort Collins, CO 80528
This is a request to develop the vacant property at 4518 Innovation Drive in the
Harmony Corridor zone district. Specifically, the proposed use is an indoor
archery range. As proposed, the request is for a 11,727 square foot building
containing an indoor archery range and pro shop. The maximum height of the
building would be 28.25 feet. The site is 27,600 square feet in size located on
Lot 10 of the Golden Meadows Business Park. The request includes a
Modification to Section 3.5.3(B)(2)(b) of the Land Use Code. This standard
requires that the front of the building be located no more than 15 feet behind the
front property line along Innovation Drive. The applicant is requesting that the
building be placed 50 feet from the front property line.
RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the P.D.P. and Modification
The P.D.P. complies with parameters by which the Planning and Zoning Board
granted the Addition of a Permitted Use. In addition, P.D.P. complies with the
applicable standards of the Harmony Corridor zone and General Development
standards with one exception. A request for a Modification to Section
3.5.3(B)(2)(b) to allow a contextual setback versus compliance with the build -to
line has been evaluated and meets the criteria of Section 2.8.2(H).
Current Planning 281 N College Ave - PO Box 580 - Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
fcgov.com/currentplanning 970.221.6750