P A R T N E R S -
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June 5, 2009
Ted Shepard, Chief Planner
City of Fort Collins
281 North College Avenue
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
Dear Mr. Shepard,
Brinkman Partners owns and has been marketing a land parcel at 4518 Innovation Drive in Fort Collins.
We currently have an interested buyer who wishes to use the land as an Archery Range, but the
Harmony Corridor District per the City of Fort Collins does not at present allow this type of user. This
property has been available for the past 4 years and we have found it very difficult to sell or develop this
narrow piece of land because of many factors. These factors include the lot's configuration, the adjacent
substation, and access to the property. First, the lot configuration is very thin and long only allowing
one option for building lay -out, which is a very awkward lay -out for every user we have talked to.
Second, the property is not a desirable site for office and retail users, with the concern of its location
next to the electrical substation. Every user that looks at the site looks directly at the substation and has
health and safety concerns for themselves and employees. Third, access to the property is by right -in
and right -out only from Harmony Road and limited parking available because of lot size makes this site
almost impossible for every user we have spoken to over the last four years.
We view an approval of this special use as an opportunity to convert a vacant lot into an improved
location housing a revenue generating and community supportive business.
I appreciate your time and consideration on how we can put the parcel to good use. Please contact me at
970-206-4500 if you have any further questions.
Kevin Brinkman, Managing Broker
Brinkman Partners
1315 Oalaidge Drive, Suite 100, Fort Collins, CO 80525 0970.267.0954 F 970.206.1011