t Collins
7. This development proposal is subject to all applicable standards of the Fort
Collins Land Use Code, specifically, but not limited to:
• Section 3.2.1 - Landscaping and Tree Protection
• Section 3.2.2 - Access, Circulation and Parking
• Division 3.5 — Building Standards (including project compatibility,
building height review and commercial building standards)
• Division 3.3 - Engineering Standards
• Division 4.19 — Community Commercial North College District
• Division 4.20 — Community Commercial Poudre River District
8. A neighborhood meeting is typically not required for Type 1 (Administrative)
proposals. However, because of the scale of this project, and the fact that
several components of the proposal may go before the Planning and Zoning
Board and/or City Council, a neighborhood meeting should be held early in
the development process. Please contact me and I will coordinate a meeting
date and location. You will need to provide my office with a list of Affected
Property Owner (APO) labels for the meeting notification letters.
City of
/„1't Collins
study complete for the [proposed expanded area. A public meeting will be
held to provide adequate timing for public comment. The findings are then
presented to Planning and Zoning Board for recommendation and ultimately
to the URA Board for approval. This process takes a couple months from
start to finish if all goes as planned.
2. Additionally, there may be some additional concerns if the parcels are
already in the DDA boundaries, the DDA has first right of refusal to the tax
increment. This means (best case scenario) the URA and DDA enter into an
Inter -governmental agreement regarding the TIF and work out a share back
option. (This is not impossible but adds time to the overall project
Contact Info: Shelby Sommer, 416-2138, ssommer(a)fcgov.com
1. For a step-by-step guide to the Development Review process, please visit
the Development Review Guide online at: http://fcgov.com/drq.
2. You will need to submit a Project Development Plan (PDP) for the City to
review. This PDP will be evaluated through the Development Review
Process. City of Fort Collins Departments along with other external
agencies will have the opportunity to review and comment on your Project
Development Plan. Application forms and PDP submittal requirement
checklists can be found online at
3. A decision (approval, approval with conditions or denial) will be made by the
City's Administrative Hearing Officer a Public Hearing. If your Project
Development Plan is approved at the Public Hearing, you will be required to
submit Final Plans for review which will ultimately be recorded.
4. Please be aware that you will owe both the Transportation Development
Review Fee (TDRF) and the Development Review Fee
with your PDP application submittal. The Development Review Fee
Schedule online at http://fcgov.com/currentplanning/submittals.php. Final
Development Review and Transportation Development Review Fees will be
due when you submit your Final Plans after the public hearing.
5. Your Project Development Plan will be evaluated per the standards set forth
in the Land Use Code (LUC) and the Larimer County Urban Area Street
Standards (LCUASS).
6. The entire Fort Collins Land Use Code is available for your review on the
web at.hftp://www.colocode.com/ftcollins/landuse/begin.htm.
3. Traffic Operations believes the layout with buildings and parking on both
sides of Vine is a better plan. This is due to reducing the amount of
pedestrians needing to cross Vine each day.
4. Traffic Operations can not state whether it would approve a crosswalk at this
developments location without further study and the decision as to which
plan will be submitted.
5. In general, Traffic Op's views a crosswalk at Linden and Vine as a good
possible location.
Contact Info: Marc Virata, 221-6605, mvirataO)fc-gov.com
1. General comments made at the conceptual review for the project still apply.
2. Please note a slight clarification to #12 in the meeting minute notes from the
7/18 meeting -- an offsite easement for the pond does not negate the
responsibility of frontage improvements (cash in lieu can be considered
instead of constructing).
Contact Info: Alyson McGee, 221-6597, amcgee(a-fcgov.com
1. The site at 232 E. Vine has historic significance as the former Inverness
Horse Farm. A formal determination of eligibility is needed from the Director
of Advance Planning and Chair of the Landmark Preservation Commission.
The house is likely individually eligible for local landmarking. The outbuilding
likely lacks sufficient integrity/significance for individual landmarking, but
could be landmarked in association with house if desired by development
team. Further consultation with Historic Preservation staff regarding
rehabilitation of house is advised (for appropriateness and funding
incentives). Re -use of outbuilding is preferred, but not required. Landscape
screening between house and new construction can decrease visual impact
to house.
2. Structures as 213 E. Vine were determined not individually eligible for local
landmarking in 2006.
Contact Info: Christina Vincent, 416-2294, cvincent(cDfcgov.com
1. The process for extending the URA North College project area boundary
would take an action by the URA Board (Council). Preliminarily, this is being
evaluated to the East of this property however, not currently including any
property to the South of Vine Drive. The proposal would need to be
presented to the North College CAG for review and recommendation and
then a revision of the Urban Renewal Plan boundary and existing conditions
t Collins
6. FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION: Fire department connections shall be
installed remote from the buildings, and located on the street or fire lane side
of buildings, fully visible and recognizable from the street or nearest point of
fire department vehicle access or as otherwise approved by the fire code
official. If possible, a fire hydrant shall be located within 100 feet of the FDC.
PFA Bureau Policy
7. FIRE LINE REQUIREMENT: Buildings that are required to be fire sprinklered
shall have a minimum 6-inch fire line unless hydraulic calculations can
support a smaller fire line.
8. KNOX BOX REQUIRED: Poudre Fire Authority requires a "Knox Box" to be
mounted on the front of every new building equipped with a required fire
sprinkler system or fire alarm system. 97UFC 902.4; PFA BUREAU POLICY
9. STANDPIPES AND FIRE PUMP: Buildings four or more stories in height are
required to be equipped with firefighting standpipes in every stairwell. The
standpipe system must be capable of supplying a minimum 100 psi to the top
floor; an approved fire pump may be required to obtain this minimum
pressure. IFC 905.3.1
10.STAIRWELL SIGNAGE: Approved stairwell identification signs shall be
posted at each floor level in all enclosed stairways in buildings four or more
stories in height. 97UFC1210.4 and Appendix I-C
Contact Info: Doug Martine, 221-6700, utilities(cDfcgov.com
1. Existing underground electric is along Vine Dr. Developer will need to
coordinate power requirements, facility locations, and electric development
charges with Light & Power Engineering.
Contact Info: Ward Stanford, 221-6820, wstanford(CDfcgov.com
1. Current traffic volumes on Vine are at the low end of a minor arterial. Traffic
does not believe it would be prudent to reclassify Vine to a lower
classification until traffic volumes are also reduced to the lower classification.
2. Current volume studies were taken west of Lemay. Additional volume studies
could be performed on Vine in the area between College and Linden to see
what the volumes are in that segment of Vine. If they are less, the applicant
could request a reclassification via the process to change the Master Street
Plan. Please understand the request could be approved or denied.
City of
,,.F„�t Coltions
contrasting background. (Bronze numerals on brown brick are not
acceptable). 97UFC901.4.4
2. REQUIRED ACCESS: A fire lane maye be required. Fire lanes shall be
visible by painting and signage, and maintained unobstructed at all times. A
fire lane plan shall be submitted for approval prior to installation. In addition
to the design criteria already contained in relevant standards and policies,
any new fire lane must meet the following general requirements:
• Be designed as a flat, hard, all-weather driving surface (asphalt or
concrete) capable of supporting fire apparatus weights. Compacted
road base shall be used only for temporary fire lanes or at
construction sites.
• Have appropriate maintenance agreements that are legally binding
and enforceable.
• Be designated on the plat as an Emergency Access Easement.
• Maintain the required minimum width of 20 feet throughout the length
of the fire lane (30 feet for buildings three or more stories in height).
If a fire lane cannot be provided, the building shall be fire sprinklered.
97UFC 901.2.2.1; 901.3; 901.4.2; 902.2.1
3. TURNING RADII: Minimum turning radii for emergency -response apparatus
on any fire apparatus roadway is 25 feet inside, 50 feet outside. UFC
4. WATER SUPPLY: Fire hydrants, where required, must be the type approved
by the water district having jurisdiction and the Fire Department. Hydrant
spacing and water flow must meet minimum requirements based on type of
occupancy. Minimum flow and spacing requirements include:
• Commercial, 1,500 gpm at 20 psi residual pressure, spaced not
farther than 300 feet to the building, on 600-foot centers thereafter
• Residential within Urban Growth Area, 1,000 gpm at 20 psi residual
pressure, spaced not farther than 400 feet to the building, on 800-foot
centers thereafter
• Residential outside Urban Growth Area, 500 gpm at 20 psi residual
pressure, spaced not farther than 400 feet to the building, on 800-foot
centers thereafter.
These requirements may be modified if buildings are equipped with
automatic fire sprinkler systems. 97UFC 901.2.2.2
5. SPRINKLER REQUIREMENTS: This proposed buildings shall be equipped
with approved, automatic fire -sprinkler systems.
t Collins
2. Since the south parcel zoning precludes locating a structure of more than
one story next to a natural feature buffer, placing the parking in proximity to
the buffer is the preferred option.
3. Setbacks from Gustav Swanson natural Area actually fall under natural
feature buffers. The quantitative buffer from the Coy ditch and associated
ponds is 50'. As with the case of the Lake Canal buffer, a smaller buffer will
be acceptable using the quantitative standards in Section 3.4.1(E)(1). The
Natural Areas staff is willing to work with the applicant to develop a mitigation
plan for the natural area that reflects the requirements in said section of the
4. In regards to allowable uses within a buffer zone, per Section 3.4.1(E)(2) of
the LUC, "No disturbance shall occur within any buffer zone and no person
shall engage in any activity that will disturb, remove, fill, dredge, clear,
destroy or alter any area, including vegetation within natural habitats or
features including without limitation lakes, ponds, stream corridors and
wetlands, except as provided in subsection c below;"
Subsection c states: "The decision maker may allow disturbance or
construction activity within the buffer zone for the following limited purposes:
1. mitigation of development activities;
2. restoration of previously disturbed or degraded areas or planned
enhancement projects to benefit the natural area or feature;
3. emergency public safety activities;
4. utility installations when such activities and installations cannot
reasonably be located outside the buffer zone or other nearby areas
of development;
5. construction of a trail or pedestrian walkway that will provide public
access for educational or recreational purposes provided that the trail
or walkway is compatible with the ecological character or wildlife use
of the natural habitat or feature; and
6. construction or installation of recreation features or public park
elements, provided that such features or elements are compatible
with the ecological character or wildlife use of the natural habitat or
Contact Info: Carie Dann, 416-2869, cdann(ftoudre-fire.org
1. ADDRESS NUMERALS: Address numerals shall be visible from the street
fronting the property, and posted with a minimum of 6 inch numerals on a
t Collins
7. Parking lots are generally required to be on the same lot as the building for
which they are intended to serve. The Code does allow the City to approve a
remote lot, i.e. the lot on the south side of Vine in Option 1. However, a walk
light or some other device may be required in order to ensure that people
can safely cross Vine Drive.
Contact Info: Glen Schlueter, 224-6065, gschlueter(a-)-fcgov.com
1. In general all the previous comments still apply and the following is additional
information discussed at the PDR on 08-22-08.
2. The applicant mentioned that there can be flooding on the south side of Vine
Dr., due to the Coy ditch culvert under the railroad backing up water. The
detention/retention shown should help mitigate that situation during a storm
event so that may be a benefit to the owners of the Coy ditch that could help
in negotiations with them. However if the culvert plugs when the source of
water is from the diversion off of the river there is no benefit to them. If
another release for the water is provided or if there is a commitment to clear
the culvert under the railroad; that should be something the ditch company
could benefit from as well as this proposal especially the option with a
building on the south side of Vine Dr.
Contact Info: Roger Buffington, 221-6854, rbuffington(cDfcgov.com
1. Existing water mains and sanitary sewers in the area include: 6-inch water
main and 21-inch sanitary sewer in Vine.
2. Water and sewer services which extend onto these properties must be used
(if properly sized) or abandoned at the main.
3. Existing water services to these properties include: 3/4-inch to 213 Vine,
3/4-inch to 408 Vine and 3/4-inch to 500 Vine.
4. Development fees and water rights will be due at time of building permit.
Credit will be given for existing services where accounts were established
and can be applied on the property where the service currently exists.
Contact Info: Dana Leavitt, 221-6143, dleavitt(cilfcgov.com
1. Where the quantitative buffer cannot be achieved then the qualitative
standards in Section 3.4.1(E)(1) of the Land Use code (LUC) will be applied
to the buffer along the Lake Canal. In this case, if the proposed development
footprint does not exceed the existing footprint, the applicant will be able to
apply the buffer zone standards.
�.F�ort Collins
Ward Stanford: Current traffic volumes on Vine are at the low
end of a minor arterial. Traffic staff does not believe it would be
prudent to reclassify Vine to a lower classification until traffic
volumes are also reduced to the lower classification.
Current volume studies were. taken west of Lemay. Additional
volume studies could be performed on Vine in the area between
College and Linden to see what the volumes are in that segment of
Vine. If they are less, the applicant could request a reclassification
via the process to change the Master Street Plan. Please
understand the request could be approved or denied.
GENERAL COMMENTS: The. following departmental agencies have offered
comments for this proposal based two alternative plans and project narrative
which were presented to the review team:
Contact Info: Peter Barnes, 416-2355, pbames(cDfcgov.com
1. The office/lab uses in the CCN are a Type 1 public hearing. The office in the
CCR is also a Type 1, but the CCR doesn't allow lab uses as a principal use.
If the lab space of the RM12 building is determined to be a principal use,
then that user isn't allowed in the zone, except that a recent code revision
may allow the addition of the use to this specific site (Section 1.3.4 of the
2. Buildings over 40' tall are subject to the Building Height Review requirements
in Sec. 3.5.1(G). Maximum height allowed in CCN zone is 4 stories.
Maximum height allowed in CCR is 3 stories. The proposed 4 story building
in Option 2 would require a modification.
3. The CCN property is subject to compliance with the applicable standards and
guidelines of the North College Avenue Corridor Plan.
4. A building on the CCR lot must be stepped down to 1 story in height where it
directly abuts any natural area protection buffer.
5. A parking lot by itself on the CCR site (Option 1) doesn't comply with the
parking location standard in Sec. 4.20(D)(3)(a)(2).
6. Number of handicap parking stalls provided must comply with number
required per Sec. 3.2.2(K)(5).
F,�rt Collins
land value) is required to make the substantial improvement
3. Any new non-residential structures in the Poudre River 100-
year floodplain must be elevated or floodproofed 2 ft. above the
flood level.
4. No new residential or mixed -use structures are allowed in the
Poudre River 100-year floodplain.
5. No new life -safety, emergency response or hazardous
materials critical facilities are allowed in the Poudre River 100-
year floodplain.
6. No new life -safety or emergency response critical facilities are
allowed in the Poudre River 500-year floodplain. Hazardous
materials critical facilities are allowed in the 500-year
floodplain, but it is recommended they be protected to the 500-
year flood level.
7. New non-residential structures in the 500-year floodplain are
not required to be elevated or floodproofed per City Code, but it
is highly recommended.
8. A floodplain use permit is required for any work (remodel, new
building, parking lot, detention pond, landscaping, etc.) that is
proposed in the 100-year floodplain. A separate permit is
required for each site element. The floodplain use permit fee is
9. Chapter 10 of City Code contains all of the floodplain
regulations. A Quick Guide to the Poudre River regulations is
available on our website.
10. Floodplain development review checklists, floodplain use
permit, Quick Guide and other forms are available on our
website at_h_ttp://www.fcgov.com/stormwater/fp-forms.php
11.The Floodplain Admin contact for this project is Marsha Hilmes-
Robinson, 224-6036.
10. We would like to get confirmation that Vine Drive can and will be down
graded to something less than an Arterial classification and what we need
to do to have that implemented concurrent with our development.
Ft Collins
important to pin this down so we know what boundaries we have to work
with for the footprint of the buildings.
Dana Leavitt: Where the quantitative buffer cannot be achieved
then the qualitative standards in Section 3.4.1(E)(1) of the Land
Use code (LUC) will be applied to the buffer along the Lake Canal.
In this case, if the proposed development footprint does not
exceed the existing footprint, the applicant will be able to apply the
buffer zone standards.
7. Can we use the existing water taps that exist on the north and south
parcels and can we get credit for them when we apply for new taps?
Roger Buffington: Credit will be given for existing services where
accounts were established and can be applied on the property
where the service currently exists.
8. There is a high power transmission line that just crosses the southern
parcel. Are there any setbacks from the towers or any other issues we
need to address for this utility?
This line is owned by Platte River Power Authority. Please contact
Mike Dahl at 226-4000
9. We would like a simple summary statement to confirm our
understandings of the floodplain issues affecting the site under the
revised FEMA designations.
1. The description of the sites relative to the floodplain in the PDR
appears to be correct. The parcel to the east on the north side
of Vine Drive and the parcel south of Vine Drive are primarily in
the FEMA-designated 100-year Poudre River floodplain,
including the existing house. The other Parcel to the west on
the north side of Vine Drive is primarily in the Poudre River
500-year floodplain.
2. A remodel to the existing house that is to be converted to office
space is subject to the substantial improvement requirements
(If the structure is improved more than 50% of its value, then it
will be required to be elevated or floodproofed 2 ft above the
100-year flood level). If the house is historically designated,
then it may qualify for a variance to the substantial
improvement requirements. Itemized cost lists of
improvements and a valuation of the existing house (excluding
1. mitigation of development activities;
2. restoration of previously disturbed or degraded areas or
planned enhancement projects to benefit the natural area or
3. emergency public safety activities;
4. utility installations when such activities and installations cannot
reasonably be located outside the buffer zone or other nearby
areas of development;
5. construction of a trail or pedestrian walkway that will provide
public access for educational or recreational purposes provided
that the trail or walkway is compatible with the ecological
character or wildlife use of the natural habitat or feature; and
6. construction or installation of recreation features or public park
elements, provided that such features or elements are
compatible with the ecological character or wildlife use of the
natural habitat or feature."
5. Is infiltration going to be an allowable option for the Stormwater
requirements for the site? What standards and conditions would apply?
Glen Schlueter: Yes, infiltration is an allowable option for
drainage release from the site. The requirements for an infiltration
pond include sizing the detention/retention pond for two times the
volume of the 100 year runoff and there has to be a back up
method to empty the pond so that runoff water is released in less
than 72 hours. In this case the obvious method would be to use a
pump. Also the obvious place to pump to would be the Coy Ditch,
so the ditch owners would have to approve discharging into their
ditch. Pumping would occur after a storm so the ditch should have
the capacity for it and the ditch owners' liability is minimal. The
Cache La Poudre River may be an optional discharge point for a
pump also. A back up to the pump is not required since the
primary release is infiltration. If infiltration fails in the future and the
primary release is by pumping, then a back up pumping system
would be required at that time. In either case a maintenance
schedule for the pumping system would be required.
There is presently no required infiltration rate or factor of safety for
an infiltration rate. This is to be determined by Geotechnical
Engineering Company such as CTL / Thompson which prepared
the information in the submittal package.
6. We'd like to understand, from the City's perspective, the options and
trade-off allowed for the Lake Canal ditch buffer on the north parcel. It is
/0.F�ort Collins
regarding the TIF and work out a share back option. (This is not
impossible but adds time to the overall project expansion.)
b. Which option would be more desirable from an environmental
perspective as it pertains to the development on the south parcel
and any perceived impacts on the Gustav Swanson Natural Area?
Dana Leavitt: Since the south parcel zoning precludes locating a
structure of more than one story next to a natural feature buffer,
placing the parking in proximity to the buffer is the preferred option.
2. What are the requirements for pedestrian crossings between parcels for
both options?
Ward Stanford: Traffic Operations can not state whether it would
approve a crosswalk at this development's location without further
study and the decision as to which plan will be submitted
3. What are the setback requirements from the Gustav Swanson Natural
Dana Leavitt: Setbacks from Gustav Swanson natural Area
actually fall under natural feature buffers. The quantitative buffer
from the Coy ditch and associated ponds is 50 feet. As with the
case of the Lake Canal buffer, a smaller buffer will be acceptable
using the quantitative standards in Section 3.4.1(E)(1). The
Natural Areas staff is willing to work with the applicant to develop a
mitigation plan for the natural area that reflects the requirements in
said section of the LUC.
4. What development improvements are allowed in the buffer space
identified above?
Dana Leavitt: In regards to allowable uses within a buffer zone,
per Section 3.4.1(E)(2) of the LUC, "No disturbance shall occur
within any buffer zone and no person shall engage in any activity
that will disturb, remove, fill, dredge, clear, destroy or alter any
area, including vegetation within natural habitats or features
including without limitation lakes, ponds, stream corridors and
wetlands, except as provided in subsection c below;"
Subsection c states: "The decision maker may allow disturbance
or construction activity within the buffer zone for the following
limited purposes:
ITEM: Proposed office, laboratory and light industrial uses on the
properties at 213, 232, 300, 400, 412 and 500 East Vine
MEETING DATE: August 20, 2008
APPLICANT: Michael Bello
Urban Development Partners, LLC
1220 South College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80524
mbellol 0(cDcomcast.net
LAND USE DATA: The properties are located on the north and south sides of
East Vine Drive between Jerome Street to the west and Redwood Street to the
east. The historic Inverness Stock Farm home is located on a portion of the
property and will be renovated as office space.
APPLICANT QUESTIONS: The applicant wished to have the following
questions addressed during the Preliminary Design Review. A brief response
follows each question and further comments can be found in the departmental
comment section.
1. Option 1 vs. Option 2 configuration:
a. Can the URA be extended to the south parcel?
Christina Vincent: The process for extending the URA North
College project area boundary would take an action by the URA
Board (Council). Preliminarily, this is being evaluated to the East
of this property however, not currently including any property to the
South of Vine Drive. The proposal would need to be presented to
the North College CAG for review and recommendation and then a
revision of the Urban Renewal Plan boundary and existing
conditions study complete for the [proposed expanded area. A
public meeting will be held to provide adequate timing for public
comment. The findings are then presented to Planning and Zoning
Board for recommendation and ultimately to the URA Board for
approval. This process takes a couple months from start to finish if
all goes as planned.
Additionally, there may be some additional concerns if the parcels
are already in the DDA boundaries, the DDA has first right of
refusal to the tax increment. This means (best case scenario) the
URA and DDA enter into an Inter -governmental agreement
�t Collins
August 26, 2008
Michael Bello
Urban Development Partners, LLC
1220 South College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Current Planning
281 N. College Ave.
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
970.221.6750 y
970.224.6134 - fax L
For your information, attached is a copy of staffs comments for Inverness
Innovation Park Preliminary Design Review, which was presented before the
development review team on August 20, 2008.
The comments are informally offered by staff to assist you in preparing the
detailed components of a project application. Modifications and additions to
these comments may be made at the time of formal review of this project.
The City's Current Planning Department coordinates the development review
process. I am the Project Planner for your project. I will be commenting as well
as assisting in the coordination process. If you have any questions regarding
these comments or the next steps in the review process, please feel free to call
me at 970-221-6750.
Shelby Sommer
City Planner
CC: Michael Jensen — mike(cD-fortcollinsre.com
Olexa Tkachenko- of previewap.com
Bob Gowing - bobg(cDQEDassoc.com
Don Bundy - db(cDthe-architects-studio.com