F6rt Collins
March 10, 2010
Dear Resident:
Community Development and
Neighborhood Services
281 North College Avenue
PO Box 580
Fort Collins. CO 80522
970.224.6134 - fax
On Wednesday, March 24, 2010, at 5:30 p.m. (or as soon thereafter as possible), in
the Venti/Mediation Conference Room (2nd floor) at 281 North College Avenue', Fort
Collins, CO., the City of Fort Collins Hearing Officer will conduct an Administrative
Public Hearing to consider a development proposal in your neighborhood. A decision
on the proposal will result from this public hearing. Please access the building by
the public doors at the north or east ends of the building, adjacent to Maple Street or
North College Avenue.
This is a request for a stand-alone Modification of Standard to section 3.8.11(C), fences
& walls, of the Land Use Code for the project known as Colorado Iron and Metal -
Modification of Standard , #5-10. The site is located at 903 Buckingham Street. The
standard is intended to require fences to be set back behind the principal building on
site. The applicant is proposing a 10 foot tall fence to be located in front of the building
for screening of the recycling facility. The property is located in the I — Industrial Zone
District. This request is subject to a Type I, Administrative Hearing.
The list of affected property owners for this public meeting is derived from official
records of the Larimer County Assessor. Because of the lag time between occupancy
and record keeping, or because of rental situations, a few affected property owners may
have been missed. Please feel free to notify your neighbor of this pending meeting so
all neighbors may have the opportunity to attend.
Emma McArdle
City Planner
'The City of Fort Collins will make reasonable accommodations for access to City
services, programs, and activities and will make special communication arrangements
for persons with disabilities. Please call 970.221.6750 for assistance.