Poudre Fire Authority Station Four, P.D.P., 33-08
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Poudre Fire Authority has discussed providing a trail connection with the City's Parks
Planning Department. All parties agree that a trail connection is feasible along the east
property line. The project, however, has not progressed to the point where the precise
alignment has been fixed. Also, the legal description and exhibits necessary for granting an
Easement for the trail connection have not been prepared. In order to ensure that the trail
connection is made a part a part of the Final Plan, Staff recommends the following
At the time of submittal for Final Plan, the location, width and structural
component of a connection to the Spring Creek Trail shall be provided.
7. Findings of Fact:
In evaluating the request for Poudre Fire Authority Station Four, P.D.P., Staff makes the
following findings of fact:
A. The P.D.P. complies with the applicable standards of the Medium Density Mixed -
Use Neighborhood zone district.
B. The P.D.P. complies with the applicable General Development Standards of Article
Three with two exceptions.
C. A Modification of Standard is recommended for Section 3.5.3(B) (1) — Orientation to
a Connecting Walkway — to allow for the walkway to cross the driveway.
D. A Modification of Standard is recommended for Section 3.5.3(B) (2) — Orientation to
Build -to Lines — to allow the building to be set back from Drake Road in excess of 25
E. A neighborhood meeting was held on April 28, 2008. The P.D.P. is considered
compatible with the surrounding neighborhood.
F. A condition of approval is recommended to ensure the construction of a connection
to the Spring Creek Trail.
Staff recommends approval of Poudre Fire Authority Station Four P.D.P., #33-08, subject to the
following condition:
At the time of submittal for Final Plan, the location, width and structural
component of a connection to the Spring Creek Trail shall be provided in
accordance with all City requirements.
Poudre Fire Authority Station Four, P.D.P., 33-08
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The height to the top of the ridgeline of the main roof is 41 feet. All exterior facades are
articulated. The use of high quality exterior materials combined with a recognizable base,
middle and top leads to compliance with the standard.
O. Section 3.6.4 — Transportation Level of Service Requirements
A Transportation Impact Study was not performed due to the low trip generation for fire
station. Instead, the applicant met with the City's Traffic Operations Department to
determine the extent of the required public improvements. The key findings are as follows:
• The P.D.P. adequately provides vehicular and bicycle facilities necessary to
maintain the adopted transportation Level of Service standards contained in Part II
of the City of Fort Collins Multi -Modal Transportation Level of Service Manual for the
short term (2009).
• Acceptable level of service for the pedestrian mode can be achieved for all factors.
• The bicycle and transit level of service will be acceptable. In order to ensure
compliance, the connection to the Spring Creek Trail is the subject of the condition
of approval.
• Sole access to the site will be gained from West Drake Road, classified as an
arterial street.
• A traffic signal will be installed at the median cut in Drake Road for the sole purpose
of controlling traffic for responding to calls. This signal would only be actuated when
needed and under the control of P.F.A.
• An eastbound left -turn lane is provided in Drake Road in accordance with the
standard for an arterial.
5. Neighborhood Meeting:
A neighborhood meeting was held on April 28, 2008. A summary of this meeting is
attached. The primary concern was the potential impact on traffic flow with the installation
of the new signal to serve the site. This issue was addressed in that the new signal can
only be actuated by P.F.A. like their existing signals on Mulberry Street,for Stations One
(Peterson Street) and Two (Bryan Avenue). In general, the proposed fire station is viewed
as an acceptable addition to the neighborhood
6. Connection to the Spring Creek Trail — Condition of Approval:
Sections 3.2.2(B), 3.2.2(C) (6) and 3.6.4(B) require that new development provide a
connection to the City's trail system to the extent reasonably feasible. Since the project
abuts the Spring Creek Trail, such connection is deemed to be a requirement. (Note that a
trail connection is an allowable encroachment into the Spring Creek buffer.)
Poudre Fire Authority Station Four, P.D.P., 33-08
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proposed project would substantially address an important community need specifically and
expressly defined and described in the city's Comprehensive Plan or in an adopted policy,
ordinance or resolution of the City Council, and the strict application of such a standard
would render this project, with its physical constraints, practically infeasible.
M. Section 3.5.3(B) (2) (d) 2 — Relationship of Buildings to Streets, Walkways and Parking
— Orientation to Build -to Lines for Streetfront Buildings
The building is set back from Drake Road by 53 feet which exceeds the maximum of 25
feet. Thus compliance with the standard is not achieved.
Request for Modification:
The applicant has requested a Modification to this standard. The rationale, as with the
connecting walkway standard, is that the driveway, located between the public sidewalk
and the building, provides access to the western bays which allows for pull -through parking
for fire trucks. In addition, the driveway serves the western parking lot which is primarily for
the community room. Finally, it would be impossible to place the driveway around the south
side of the building due to topography and sensitivity to Spring Creek. Since this driveway
is of critical importance to the operation of the facility, the building must be located further
back from the street than the build -to line of 25 feet.
Evaluation of the Modification:
Staff supports the Modification on the basis that the operational advantages gained by the
driveway allow P.F.A. to better respond to emergencies. In addition, the buffer for Spring
Creek would impacted by a design that complied with the standard by placing the driveway
around the back of the building. Finally, breaking up the parking lot into two components
creates a more attractive streetscape along Drake Road.
Justification of the Modification:
In compliance with Section 2.8.2(H), Staff finds that the granting of the Modification would
not be detrimental to the public good. Further, Staff finds that the granting of the
Modification would result in a substantial benefit to the city by reason of the fact that the
proposed project would substantially address an important community need specifically and
expressly defined and described in the city's Comprehensive Plan or in an adopted policy,
ordinance or resolution of the City Council, and the strict application of such a standard
would render the project, with its physical constraints, practically infeasible.
N. Section 3.5.3(C) (D) — Variation in Massing and Character and Image
The 15,990 square foot building is relative large given the context of the surrounding area.
As mentioned, the mass of the structure is articulated by traditional elements associated
with a residential character. Vertical relief is provided by the use of both brick and
cementious siding and finished with sloping roof. Gables and dormers help break up the
horizontal mass. The north elevation facing the arterial street and the neighborhood reads
as a two-story building.
Poudre Fire Authority Station Four, P.D.P., 33-08
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The building is located along an arterial street but within a residential area. The nearest
buildings are single family detached dwellings and a church designed in a contemporary
manner featuring a flat roof and large glass panels.
Architectural compatibility has been approached with the idea of blending in with the
residential character of the neighborhood versus the church. For example, the station
building features a sloped roof with asphalt shingles. The north elevation includes two
distinct roofs, one for each floor. The second floor roof is characterized by three dormers
which break up the mass of the roof. The east elevation features three gables, two for the
equipment bays and one for the main entrance. The south elevation facing Spring Creek
includes the walk -out level windows as well as a balcony above. The result is a building
that is detailed and articulated sufficiently to mitigate its mass and uses residential exterior
K. Section 3.5.1(G) —Building Height Review
The building slightly exceeds 40 feet with the top of the ridgeline being 41 feet as measured
from the grade of the walk -out level on the south side of the building. The height of 41 feet
does not impact the views, light, shadow, privacy or relative scale of the neighborhood.
L. Section 3.5.3(B) (1) — Relationship of Buildings to Streets, Walkways and Parking —
Orientation to a Connecting Walkway
There is a connecting walkway linking the main entrance to the public sidewalk along Drake
Road. By necessity, however, this walk will require pedestrians to cross a driveway. Thus
compliance with the standard is not achieved.
Request for Modification:
The applicant has requested a Modification to this standard. The rationale is the driveway,
located between the public sidewalk and the building, provides access to the western bays
which allows for pull -through parking for fire trucks. In addition, the driveway serves the
western parking lot which is primarily for the community room. Finally, it would be
impossible to place the driveway around the south side of the building due to topography
and sensitivity to Spring Creek.
Evaluation of the Modification:
Staff supports the Modification on the basis that the operational advantages gained by the
driveway allow P.F.A. to better respond to emergencies. In addition, the buffer for Spring
Creek would be impacted by a design that complied with the standard by placing the
driveway around the back of the building. Finally, breaking up the parking lot into two
components creates a more attractive streetscape along Drake Road.
Justification of the Modification:
In compliance with Section 2.8.2(H), Staff finds that the granting of the Modification would
not be detrimental to the public good. Further, Staff finds that the granting of the
Modification would result in a substantial benefit to the city by reason of the fact that the
Poudre Fire Authority Station Four, P.D.P., 33-08
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The parking lot provides convenient access to the building entry on the east elevation. As
mentioned, the parking lot will be screened along the west as well as the property lines.
D. Section 3.2.1(E) (5) — Parking Lot Interior Landscaping
Because of the unique attributes of a fire station, there are no parking lot interior landscape
islands. Instead, as an alternative compliance provision, landscaping of the parking lot is
concentrated along the exterior. There are no rows of greater than 15 spaces.
E. Section 3.2.2(B - E) — Access Circulation and Parking
The parking and circulation system is intentionally designed to provide convenient west
(enter) to east (exit) pull -through access for fire equipment. There would be only one
access to Drake. There are no plans for fire equipment to gain access to Taft Hill Road.
The on -site pedestrian system provides connections out to the public sidewalk along Drake
Road and to the south to the Spring Creek Trail. A bicycle rack is provided near the public
F. Section 3.2.2(J) —Setbacks
The parking lots (east and west) are setback from the right-of-way of Drake Road by
distances that significantly exceed the required 15 feet.
G. Section 3.2.2(K) (2) — Parking Lots — Minimum Number of Spaces
The station is designed to accommodate two fire fighting companies — Engine and Heavy
Rescue. Each company will employ three to four employees per shift. The maximum
number of fire fighters per shift is eight. There are 24 parking spaces which will be
sufficient to handle the expected staffing level as well as shift overlap. The total number of
spaces is also a reasonable number to allow for visitors to the community meeting room.
H. Section 3.2.4(D) — Site Lighting — Design Standards
The Lighting Plan is designed to provide uniform illumination at levels that are appropriate
for the amount of outdoor activity and security for a facility that operates on a 24-hour and
seven -days -per week basis. Illumination is significantly reduced along Spring Creek.
Further, the Lighting Plan calls for sharp cut-off luminaries so that there is no illumination
trespass over the property line.
Section 3.4.1(E) — Spring Creek Buffer Zone
Spring Creek is required to have a 100-foot buffer zone. Both the building and parking
areas are outside of the 100-foot buffer zone for Spring Creek. The stormwater detention
pond is an allowable encroachment into the buffer.
J. Section 3.5.1(B) (C) (E) (F) —Building Project and Compatibility —Architectural
Poudre Fire Authority Station Four, P.D.P., 33-08
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C. Land Use Standard:
Section 4.6(D)(4) — Secondary Uses requires that projects under 10 acres demonstrate how
the project contributes to the overall mix of land uses within the surrounding area but shall
not be required to provide a mix of land uses within the development.
A key component of Station Four is a community meeting room. This room is 722 square
feet in size and can accommodate a meeting of approximately 48 persons. The number of
parking spaces and direct connecting walkway are intended to provide convenient access
for the public. Finally, the future connection to the Spring Creek Trail will further tie the
community room to the City's trail system.
D. Development Standard:
Section 4.6(E) (1) — Block Requirements prescribes a block pattern development style,
unless rendered infeasible due to unusual topographic features or a natural area.
The southern portion of the site is Spring Creek. Combined with its associated floodway
and floodplain, Spring Creek represents a natural topographic condition that renders the
block requirements infeasible.
4. Compliance with Article Three General Development Standards:
A. Section 3.2.1(C) (D) — Landscaping and Tree Protection
Street trees are provided along Drake Road and located to maximize sight visibility for fire
equipment responding to calls. Foundation shrubs are provided on all four sides of the
B. Section 3.2.1(E) (1) (a) — Landscaping Standards — Buffering Between Incompatible
Uses and Activities
The 6.7 acre parcel is divided into two lots with the Station Four being located on the
easterly 2.8 acres. The westerly parcel is 2.5 acres and contains an existing single family
dwelling and various out buildings. This parcel is presently owned by the applicant and is
zoned M-M-N with re -development potential despite the constraints related to existing
easements, topography and access.
During calls, fire equipment will exit the east -facing bays lessening the impact to the west.
The building is set back from the west property line by 70 feet at the closest point and the
100 feet at the four bays. Landscaping is provided along the west property line. Further,
fire stations are considered to be compatible with residential areas. For example, of the 13
fire stations in the Growth Management Area, seven are presently located adjacent to
residential neighborhoods.
C. Section 3.2.1(E) (4) (a, b) — Parking Lot Perimeter Landscaping — Trees and Screening
Poudre Fire Authority Station Four, P.D.P., 33-08
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1. Background:
The surrounding zoning and land uses are as follows:
N: R-L; Existing church and single family dwellings (Lexington Green)
S: M-M-N; Spring Creek
S: M-M-N; Existing large -lot, semi -rural single family dwellings
E: M-M-N; Existing large -lot, semi -rural single family dwelling
W: L-M-N; Existing single family dwelling
The parcel is part of the larger 18.25 acre Springbrook Annexation which was annexed in 1983.
The southerly portion of the site is part of Lots 3 and 4 which are a part of the Subdivision of the
West Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 7 North, Range 69 West of the 6t'
P.M., Larimer County. This plat was approved in 1922.
It is significant to note that along the entire south and west portions of the site, there are four
existing non -build areas that are governed by existing easements:
• 100-year floodway/floodplain for Spring Creek and Drainage Easement;
• 30-foot wide Sanitary Sewer Easement;
20-foot wide Spring Creek Trail easement;
• Drainage, Utility, Slope, Access, Spring Creek Trail Easement.
2. M-M-N Zone District:
A. Purpose Statement
"The Medium Density Mixed -Use Neighborhood District is intended to be a setting for
concentrated housing within easy walking distance of transit and a commercial district.
Secondarily, a neighborhood may also contain other moderate -intensity complementary
and supporting land uses that serve the neighborhood. These neighborhoods will form a
transition and a link between surrounding neighborhoods and the commercial core with a
unifying pattern of streets and blocks. Buildings, streets, bike and walking paths, open
spaces and parks will be configured to create an inviting and convenient living environment.
This District is intended to function together with surrounding low density neighborhoods
(typically the L-M-N zone district) and a central commercial core (typically an N-C or C-C
zone district). The intent is for the component zone districts to form an integral, town -like
pattern of development, and not merely a series of individual development projects in
separate zone districts."
B. Land Use:
The proposed land use, fire station, is defined as Public Facility which is a permitted use in
the M-M-N zone, subject to Administrative Review.
F Collins
PROJECT: Poudre Fire Authority Station Four, P.D.P., 33-08
APPLICANT: Poudre Fire Authority
c/o Belford — Watkins Group
231 South Howes Street
Fort Collins, CO 80521
OWNER: Poudre Fire Authority
102 Remington Street
Fort Collins, CO 80524
The project consists of building a new fire station for the purpose of relocating Station #4 to 2604
South Taft Hill Road. The entire site is approximately 6.7 acres and located at the southeast
corner of West Drake Road and South Taft Hill Road. The new station would be two stories in
height, plus a walk -out level on the south, and contain 15,990 square feet. The building site is
located on 2.8 acres east of the existing house and features four vehicle bays and a community
meeting room. A new traffic signal will be installed on Drake Road but can only be actuated by the
Poudre Fire Authority during a call and will otherwise not impede traffic flow. The site is zoned M-
M-N, Medium Density Mixed -Use Neighborhood.
RECOMMENDATION: Approval with one condition.
A. The P.D.P. complies with the applicable standards of the M-M-N zone district.
B. The P.D.P. complies with the applicable General Development Standards of Article Three
with two exceptions. Modifications of standard are recommended.
C. The P.D.P. is considered compatible with the surrounding neighborhood.
Current Planning 281 N College Ave - PO Box 580 - Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
fcgov.com/currentplanning 970.221.6750