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• State Highway 287 is located along the eastern property line. All
access along this highway has been pre -determined by the South
College Access Plan.
This site has only been allowed to have two access points along Highway
287. The location of these determined access points create the shape
and size of the site.
• This project is located on a steeply sloping site. The existing site
conditions make it very difficult to incorporate more public streets in
order to reduce the block size.
The grades on this land steeply slope to Highway 287 on the east. These
existing steep slopes make it difficult to design public streets that meet the
Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards.
After several discussions with city staff, it was decided to make the
internal street system, through the site, private drives. By utilizing private
drives, the block size is larger and there is less opportunity for building
frontage along the block sides.
In summary, the limited access from Highway 287 and the steep slopes on
site create difficult physical conditions, which hinder the ability of this site
to meet the standards.
• The private drives through the site help to reduce the apparent block
size, offer additional building frontage and provide the same
circulation patterns that a public street would.
Streets within the center were originally proposed as public streets, but
because the distinction between public and private begins to blur when we
add amenities like diagonal parking and special paving, it was decided
that a private drive was a more workable scenario. In our estimation, the
private drives essentially function the same way. Private drives provide
opportunities for buildings to face streets and create opportunities for both
pedestrian and vehicular connectivity. If the private drives were public
streets, the overall block size would be 16.9 acres with Long View
Marketplace utilizing 14.1 acres of the block. (See attached drawing)
• By having a block size larger than 10 acres, it is possible to
incorporate additional commercial/retail uses to serve the
surrounding neighborhoods.
Additional commercial and retail uses have been added to the site to
provide the surrounding residential neighborhoods with frequently needed
goods and services. The additional neighborhood center acreage makes
this possible.
• On the west side of the site, there is a mid -block land -use transition
to the MMN zone.
The western property line of the site is adjacent to the MMN zone. This
relationship allows for a mid -block land -use transition rather than a street
transition. According to the LUC, mid -block transitions are preferred.
In summary, the private drive frontage, additional retail uses, and mid -block
land use transition combine to create a site plan that meets the Land Use
Code criteria equally well or better than a site plan which complies with
Section 4.19 (C)(2)(b).
A second justification for this request per the Modification Criteria (Section
2.8.2(H) (3) is that the proposed plan has difficult physical conditions which
hinder the ability of the site to meet the standards. We believe that the proposed
project also falls under this category for this reason.
Currently undeveloped, the adjacent 27 acres to the north and west is zoned
MMN and will serve as a land use transition between the commercial core and
single-family neighborhoods. Ridgewood Hills and Shenandoah, both single-
family developments, are located farther to the north and west. Schrader's
Country Store gas station/convenience store and Victoria Estates are located
across Highway 287 to the east and Longview Farm Open Space borders the
site to the south.
Access and circulation has been determined based on the South College Access
Plan prepared jointly by the City and the Colorado Department of Transportation
(CDOT) and the City's Master Street Plan as well as by, existing street patterns
in Ridgewood Hills and Shenandoah. Avondale Drive will extend from
Ridgewood Hills southeast to align with County Road 32 at Highway 287. This
signalized intersection is located at the southeast corner of the site. Three
primary access points including Avondale Drive on the south, Strasburg Drive on
the north and a three-quarter access along College Avenue serve Longview
A primary objective of the internal vehicular and pedestrian circulation system is
to separate vehicular -oriented and pedestrian -oriented uses. By clustering the
pedestrian -oriented uses at the north end of the project, we are able to minimize
pedestrian/vehicular conflicts, and enhance the pedestrian experience by making
it safe, convenient and interesting. By creating a "main street" with diagonal
parking, placing building facades on the street and providing lots of pedestrian
amenities such as street trees, planters, benches, etc ... we are able to create a
truly pedestrian -oriented environment.
The Longview Marketplace site is approximately 16 acres within a block that is
approximately 21 acres in size. The large block size and inability to incorporate
public streets through the site reduces the overall building frontage. Streets that
conform to the City's South College Access Plan and the Master Street Plan form
the block. (See attached drawing)
This request is for a modification to grant a larger block size than the
allowed 10 acres and allow for a reduced amount of building frontage.
Justification for this proposal relating to the Modification Criteria (Section
2.8.2(H)(1) is that the proposed plan will serve the standard equally well or better
than would a plan which complies with the standard. We believe that the
proposed project meets this criteria in the following ways:
JAB! 2 8 2003
Modification Request
Long View Marketplace, Block Size and Minimum Building Frontage
January 24, 2003
This request is for a modification to the Block Size requirements and the
Minimum Building Frontage standards as outlined in the Fort Collins Land Use
Code. The modification being requested is from section 4.19 (E)(2)(b) and 4.19
(E)(2)(c). This regulation reads that:
"All blocks shall be limited to a maximum size of seven (7) acres, except
that blocks containing supermarkets shall be limited to a maximum of ten
(10) acres."
"Forty (40) percent of each block side or fifty (50) percent of the total block
frontage shall consist of either building frontage, plazas, or other functional
open space."
Longview Marketplace is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of
Highway 287 and County Road 32. The site zoning is designated NC -
Neighborhood Commercial. Originally, the site was part of the Ridgewood Hills
ODP. In 1995, that ODP indicated a neighborhood center of 36 acres. When the
Land Use Code was adopted in 1997, the zoning map was changed to indicate
20 acres in the NC zone. The remaining acreage around the site is zoned MMN,
Medium Density Mixed -Use, and is approximately 27 acres.
Longview Marketplace is intended to be a mixed -use commercial core area .
anchored by a King Soopers grocery store. The purpose of the center is to meet
consumer demands for frequently needed goods and services, with an emphasis
on serving the surrounding residential neighborhood. By combining a rich
mixture of shopping opportunities, personal services, various food and drink
venues along with outdoor seating and plaza spaces, Longview Marketplace
hopes to become a strong neighborhood focus where neighborhood residents
have the opportunity to socialize with their neighbors in an attractive, fun setting.
In addition to the pedestrian oriented land uses mentioned, the center will also
provide a fueling station and a banking facility with drive-thru lanes.
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A justification for this proposal relating to the Modification Criteria (Section
2.8.2(H)(1) is that the proposed plan will serve the standard equally well or better
than would a plan which complies with the standard. We believe that the
proposed project meets this criteria in the following ways:
• There is an enhanced 12'-wide pedestrian walkway/plaza along each
• Special paving and raised crosswalks, over the driveways, increase
pedestrian accessibility and safety.
• The pedestrian amenities along the walkways will enhance the shopping
center, and these amenities would not typically be allowed if the streets
were to be public.
• The driveway cuts north of buildings B and E would be permitted if the
streets were public, but the site amenities would be extremely limited.
The wide pedestrian walkways and plaza, the site amenities throughout, and
the raised crosswalk connection to the streets to the north enable the site
plan to meet the Land Use Code criteria equally as well as a plan which
complies with Section 3.5.3.B.
Buildings B and E, at the north end of the site, open and directly face an internal
private walkway/plaza area. This pedestrian connection will link shoppers to the
other buildings within the site via wide walkways and raised crosswalks.
Although buildings B and E have direct access to this pedestrian walkway, they
do not have direct access to the public street sidewalk on Long View or
Strasburg Drives. Before the walkways, north of B and E, reach the public street
sidewalk, they each cross a driveway. Under the Terms and Definitions section
of the LUC, a connecting walkway shall mean "(1) any street sidewalk, or (2) any
walkway that directly connects a main entrance of a building to the street
sidewalk without requiring pedestrian to walk across parking lots or driveways,
around buildings or around parking lot outlines which are not aligned to a logical
The internal street system within this center is comprised of private drives. The
decision to utilize private drives, around buildings B, C, D and E, was made after
several discussions with city staff. If these private drives were to be public
streets, buildings B and E would comply with the connectivity standards and a
modification request would not be necessary. Unfortunately, many of the site
amenities that are being proposed are not allowed within the public right-of-way.
The attached drawing labeled "Public Streets" illustrates what the site would look
like if the connectivity standards were to be met. The driveways north of
buildings B and E would be allowed, the streets would be wider, and no raised
crosswalks, special paving, seat walls, retaining walls or planters would be
allowed within the ROW. The choice to utilize private drives was made to allow
for these site amenities and to grant private control of all street improvements
and maintenance, to the developer.
The driveway cuts north of buildings B and E are necessary for circulation around
the buildings. These driveways also prevent dead end parking from occurring.
The walkway connections from the buildings to the adjacent street shall be raised
and enhanced when they cross the driveways. The pedestrians will have a
constant level sidewalk to make the street connection. See the attached plan
labeled "Private Drives".
The request is for a modification to the connectivity standards for buildings
B and E.
JAN 2 c"0ff
Modification Request
Long View Marketplace, Orientation to a connecting walkway
January 24, 2003
This request is for a modification to the `orientation to a connecting walkway"
requirements as outlined in the Fort Collins Land Use Code. The modification
being requested is from section 3.5.3 (B)(1), Relationship of Buildings to Streets,
Walkways and Parking. This regulation reads that:
"At least one main entrance of any commercial or mixed -use building shall
face and open directly onto a connecting walkway with pedestrian
frontage. "
Long View Marketplace is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of
Highway 287 and County Road 32. The site zoning is designated as NC for
Neighborhood Commercial. Originally, this site was part of the Ridgewood Hills
ODP. In 1995, that ODP indicated a neighborhood center of 36 acres. When the
Land Use Code was adopted in 1997, the zoning map was changed to indicate
20 acres in the NC zone. The remaining acreage, surrounding the site, is zoned
MMN, Medium Density Mixed -Use, and is approximately 27 acres.
Long View Marketplace can be described as a neighborhood center that includes
a mix of land uses. The commercial anchor is a King Soopers Grocery store.
The other potential uses would be a liquor store, a video store, a drug store, a
fuel station, small retail shops and a potential restaurant. While retail is the
primary focus, the site plan also includes a banking facility. The variety of retail
and service shops will provide convenience and service for not only the
neighborhood, but also for people working and commuting along Highway 287.
The adjacent 27 acres to the north and west, zoned MMN, serves as a
transitional land use between the commercial center and single-family
Surrounding land uses include the Schrader gas station and Victoria Estates
located across Highway 287. There is undeveloped land, zoned MMN, to the
immediate north and west and Long View Farm Open Space to the south.
Ridgewood Hills and Shenandoah, both single-family developments, are located
farther to the north and west.