Since these streets will become public the cross section design of these streets will need to be
discussed further.
What is the classification of Strasburg Drive and Longview Drive? The TIS does not identify the
projected traffic volumes.
In order to accommodate the connectivity requirements and the minimum pedestrian LOS, both
Avondale and Strasburg Drive will need to connect to existing streets in the neighborhood, such as
Triangle Drive. A temporary asphalt sidewalk would suffice for the pedestrian LOS requirement.
In order to accommodate the 'Town Center' concept and create a strong pedestrian environment as
suggested by the applicant, relocate Building F directly north and adjacent to Building D. This would
thus create a strong pedestrian environment along Strasburg Drive and a strong relationship to the
future MMN development to the north. In addition, it would then require that Longview Drive
terminate into a shared drive aisle with the MMN property, which would also allow for cross access
between lots.
Remove the sidewalk and ramps at the private street and S. College intersection and construct ramps
and a crosswalk to align with the ultimate sidewalk.
Department: Zoning Issue Contact: Gary Lopez
Please provide estimate of uses in Bldgs. C thru F described only as "mixed use" for parking max.
requirements. Supermarket max. parking is 393 veh. spaces, Bldg. A max. parking is 44 veh. spaces,
Bldg. B max parking is 74 veh. spaces.
Indicate pedestrian ramped area with an "R" on site & landscape plans.
This completes staff (and outside reviewing agencies) review and comments at this time. Additional
comments and red -lined plans are forthcoming. This proposal is subject to the 90-day revision re -
submittal requirement (from the date of this comment letter, being December 11, 2002) as set
forth in Section 2.2.11(A) of the Land Use Code. Be sure and return all of your red -lined plans
when you re -submit.
If you have any questions regarding these issues or any other issues related to this project, please feel
free to call me at 970-221-6341. There is a meeting involving the developers, the applicant, and
City staff scheduled for Monday, December 16, 2002 at 2:00 p.m. The meeting will be at 281
North College Avenue in conference rooms A & B.
Yours Truly,
Steve Olt
City Planner
Page 6
FYI - The new Fossil Creek Drainage Master Plan now requires detention with a 2-year historic
release rate for the 100-year storm.
Please include half of all public streets, including Hwy 287, in the detention calculations.
There is one inlet that is not being relocated with the College Ave. widening. Is this to be
abandoned? Please clarify. See sheet 11.
Stormsewer lines FS and FN appear between the sidewalk and highway on the Utility plans and
behind the sidewalk on the Landscape plan. Please clarify. If the stormsewer is to be in the parkway,
street trees will be in conflict with the line. If the stormsewer is to be under pavement for the current
or ultimate condition of College, than RCP will be needed.
Please add HGL to all stormsewer profiles.
The City now requires the pond outlet structure detail to contain a structural design showing rebar
placement and concrete thickness.
Topic: Erosion/Sediment Control
1. The plan lacks required City of Fort Collins standard erosion control notes. Please provide, and
make sure none of the other notes you have on the note sheet of your plan contradicts any of the City
2. Project schedule?
3. The calculations do not reflect BMP's being used during construction
4. What is going to keep runoff/sediment on the main street on the south of the project from the main
highway during construction?
5. What is planned to stabilize the areas disturbed along the roads during and after construction?
Department: Transfort Issue Contact: Garold Smith
Topic: General
Bus pull out will be required on College Avenue where site plan shows proposed bus stop location.
Type "A" shelter amenities will also be required.
Department: Transportation Planning Issue Contact: Tom Reiff
Topic: Streets
After internal City discussions it has been determined that the private street entering the site from S.
College Ave. needs to be designated a public street. This also includes the small section of Strasburg
Drive from the newly designated public street to Longview Drive.
Page 5
Water Supply: No commercial building can be greater then 300 feet from a fire hydrant. Fire hydrants
are required with a maximum spacing of 600 feet along an approved roadway. Each hydrant must be
capable of delivering 1500 gallons of water per minute at a residual pressure of 20 psi. 97 UFC
Sprinkler Requirement: These proposed buildings shall be fire sprinklered. 97 UFC 1003.2.9
NOTE: This pertains to buildings A, B, and King Soopers.
Building Area In Excess of 5000 Sq. Ft.- These proposed buildings exceed 5000 sq ft. for Type V
construction and are required to be fire sprinklered or fire contained. 97 UBC Table 9B
NOTE: The requirement pertains to buildings C, D, E, F and the Bank.
Department: Police Issue Contact: Joseph Gerdom
Topic: General
Photometric plan appears to be incomplete for fueling station and bank drive -through. Lighting levels
are insufficient (below 0.5fc). Also, need higher lighting level where southern most drive connects to
Avondale Dr.
Department: Stormwater Utility Issue Contact: Wes Lamarque
Topic: Drainage
This site should use a SWMM analysis for the design and sizing of the detention pond, or ponds. The
whole site that is being proposed and designed for is very near 20 acres and once the area of half of
College Ave, which is to be detained, is added to the area of the site, the PDP should be over 20 acres
anyway. Also, the area that will be draining to the pond in the long run is greater than 30 acres. Even
though the PDP is breaking this site into smaller areas, the Shenandoah site will act as one drainage
systenrand should be designed for stormwater in that manner.
Basin E needs to be accounted for presently for the 100-year drainage design since this area is
draining through the Longview Marketplace. The historic drainage path through the existing
residential properties is no longer an allowed path due to the abandonment of the culverts underneath
Hwy 287. If Stormsewer E is to only carry the 10-year existing flow from this basin, than detention
would be required now to detain the difference between the 100-historic and 10-year historic flows.
When development takes place on Basin E, upsizing the ponds to detain the 100-year developed
flows with the same release rate would be required. This proposed drainage study needs to have
SWMM account for the 10-year release rate from Basin E in the sizing of the detention pond for this
Stormsewer E is taking right-of-way flows and than traveling through private landscaping, including
trees. Please provide a better route for this stormsewer to minimize damage if this stormsewer needs
to be repaired. The City does not restore private landscaping and reducing the impact would be best
for all parties.
Page 4
Avondale Road will have to be widened, to the north, at the intersection with South College Avenue
to align with the ultimate cross-section of Carpenter Road to the east of South College. The cross-
section of Avondale Road will require probably another 18' of width, which will have an impact on
the layout of the convenience store and bank sites, as well as the configuration and size of the
detention pond.
It has been determined by Engineering and Traffic Operations that the proposed Private Streets in the
town center area must be public streets. This will have an effect on the grading of the pad sites and
the grades of the streets.
Department: Engineering
Topic: General
Major issues are as follows:
Issue Contact: Sheri Wamhoff
Avondale needs to move north 1 lane or approximately 18 feet.
Will need to dedicate row and easements for the construction of Avondale Road, Longview Drive and
Strasburg Drive. These roads will need to be constructed with this project back to the neighborhood.
Sight distance easement cuts across the gas station site. Pumps and canopy can not be within the
sight distance easement. This easement will change with the adjustment to Avondale Road.
!st access pt (E) onto Avondale Road is not allowed per standards.
Not showing sewerlines within the roads.
Both access points onto South College Ave. need to meet CDOT drainage requirements. No flow
allowed to go onto CDOT row.
No cross pan allowed across Avondale at 287
Need to include ditch alignment plans. Need to meet min cover requirements.
Need the traffic study to discuss the volumes on Strasburg Drive and Longview Road. Need the
volumes to determine the classification of the streets and this design.
Avondale is a collector with parking. Not showing it that way.
Strasburg Drive will need to be widened at Triangle. Will need to align lanes with that across the
street. May need a median as well.
Design issues on 287.
Need to do a roundabout analysis.
Department: PFA
Topic: General
Issue Contact: Michael Chavez
Required Access: A fire lane is required. The fire lane shall be visible by painting and signage, and
maintained unobstructed.
97 UFC 901.2.2.1; 901.3; 901.4.2: FCLUC
Address Numerals: Address numerals shall be visible from the street fronting the property, and posted
with a minimum of 6 to 10 inch numerals on a contrasting background. ( Bronze numerals on brown
brick are not acceptable).
97 UFC 901.4.4
Page 3
The curb -cut opening from the internal drive into the convenience store site is 90' to 95' wide, which
appears to be excessive. Why is this width needed?
How will the one-way out curb -cut from the bank and convenience store be enforced?
The City's Director of Planning Certificate on the Site Plan should read:
Approved by the Director of Planning of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado on this day
of , 20_.;
and should be undersigned by the Director of Plannine. This is because, even though the Project
Development Plan will go to the Planning & Zoning Board for project approval, The Final
Compliance Plan to be recorded will be signed by the Director of Planning.
Most significant comments on the Landscape Plan deal with Section 3.2.1(E)(2)(d) of the Land Use
Code regarding building foundation plantings. Portions of Buildings A, B, and King Soopers do not
meet this standard.
The buildings appear to satisfy and comply with the criteria and standards set forth in Section
3.5.3(C) Variation in Massing and Section 3.5.3(D) Character and Image for the pad sites, and
Section 3.5.4(C) Development Standards for Large Retail Establishments in the Land Use Code
The Lighting Plan (photometric) does not appear to be complete and accurate. The lighting levels
shown in and around the bank and convenience store sites are very low or 0.0 foot candles. This does
not seem probable. Also, why the lighting values in the north portion of Building B?
The proposed metal halide lighting in this center will probably cast a brighter, harsher lighting source
than High Pressure Sodium. Is it necessary to have metal halide lighting? What is the benefit to the
site or the surrounding neighborhoods?
There is a Sight Distance Easement required along Avondale Road that will have a significant impact
on the convenience store site relating to both buildings and maybe some landscaping in the easement.
Topic: Streets
The Avondale Road, Longview Drive, and Strasburg Drive street connections to the west and north,
into the existing neighborhoods, must be made with this development. With a supermarket -anchored
shopping center in this proximity the residents in the neighborhoods must not be made to go out to
South College Avenue to access the center.
Page 2
Citv of Fort Collins
VF Ripley Associates Date: 12/11/2002
c/o Rachel Linder
401 West Mountain Ave., Suite 201
Fort Collins, CO. 80525
Staff has reviewed your submittal for LONGVIEW MARKETPLACE at SHENANDOAH PDP 947-
95B, and we offer the following comments:
Department: Current Planning Issue Contact: Steve Olt
Topic: Genera!
The number one concern is the site layout and building placement for Buildings B, C, D, E, and F.
Both Planning and Transportation Planning suggest that relocating Building F to the north and west,
just to the north of Building D, may provide a better relationship of the proposed "town center"
component in this commercial development (in the NC - Neighborhood Commercial District) with the
potential future multi -family residential neighborhood just to the north, either side of Strasburg Drive.
This suggestion also applies to Building E, which could move to the south and west just south of
Building C, providing direct pedestrian connectivity (from the neighborhoods) in a town -like
streetscape along the public or private street between the buildings on either side. Although there
have been previous discussions about how these buildings should be clustered, it would appear that
the actual grades on the site make the placement of Buildings E & F awkward and isolated from the
neighborhood center relative to convenient pedestrian movement.
Is a retaining wall necessary and planned between the parking lot and Longview Drive north of
Building B? The Site and Landscape Plans do not show a wall there but apparently to the
utility/grading plans do.
The proposed amount of parking, as shown on the Site Plan, appears to be about 15 spaces more than
the maximum allowable spaces for a shopping center with 124,930 square feet of building floor area.
Please see Section 3.2.2(K)(2) of the Land Use Code.
The information on the Site Plan for properties surrounding this development is insufficient. Please
see Item (3)(bb), Page 6, of the Project Development Plan Submittal Requirements (attached to this
comment letter.
How was the location for the bus stop along South College Avenue determined and has Transfort
given any input yet? Handicapped access to the neighborhood shopping center from this bus stop
would be difficult at best and does not put Transfort riders in the most logical and convenient location
to access the primary part of the town center.
Page 1