City of Fort Callins
Current Planning
DATE: November 5, 2002 TO: Street Oversizing
PROJECT: #47-95B Longview Marketplace at Shenandoah PDP —
Type II (LUC)
All comments must be received by Steve Olt no later than the staff
review meeting:
December 4, 2002
Note - PLEASE identify vour redlines for future reference
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Name (please pnnP�i
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_Plat _Site _Drainage Report _Other
_Utility _Redline Utility _Landscape Ci�of Fort ColllnaFort Colllna
DATE: November 5, 2002 TO: Engineering Pavement
PROJECT: #47-95B Longview Marketplace at Shenandoah PDP —
Type II (LUC)
All comments must be received by Steve Olt no later than the staff
review meeting:
December 4, 2002
Note - PLEASE identify your redlines for future reference
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Name (please print)
_Plat _Site _Drainage Report _Other
_Utility _Redline Utility _Landscape
2. Has conclusion been reached on City Comment 4153?
City Comment #153 reads as follows: The City and CDOT are still discussing what volumes to use for
the deceleration lane design (Storage). Yes this has been determined and is addressed in comments 2
and 3 above.
3. It is my understanding that the first access into the site from Avondale Road will be allowed per Mike
Herzig's interpretation on the LCUASS Table, is this correct?
The I" access point into the site off of Avondale Road is allowed per Table 7-3, however Eric Bracke
has determined that it will not be allowed. It requires greater separation from College Avenue and the
provided sight distance is not adequate.
Questions 4, 5 and 6 all ask what design criteria can be varied.
The City will not specify what or which standards can be varied. It is the responsibility of the design
engineer to determine what a safe and responsible design is and then request a variance for any criteria
that are not met providing justification and information of the impacts to public health and safety, in
accordance with Section 1.9.4 of LCUASS. We will then review the variance requests to determine if
we agree with the requests and if variances to standards would be granted.
If you have any questions, please contact Sheri Wamhoff at 221-6750.
Sheri L. Wamhoff, P.E.
cc: Cam McNair, City of Fort Collins
Mike Herzig, City of Fort Collins
Steve Olt, City of Fort Collins
Eric Bracke, City of Fort Collins
Garold Smith, City of Fort Collins
Tess Jones, CDOT
Terry Farrill, South Fort Collins Sanitation District.
Rachel Linder, VF Ripley Associates
You wanted to know what additional traffic information was needed from Matt Delich. This was identified
in the comment letter under the topic of TIS and Transporation (comment numbers 122, 123, 124, 125, 126,
165 and 166) but will include it here as well.
Topic: TIS
Need to identify what the traffic volumes on Longview Drive and Strasburg Drive and the EW
roads are to be. This information is needed in order to determine the street classifications and
design parameters.
Per City Council Resolution 2001-120 a roundabout analysis is needed at all arterial/ arterial and
arterial/ collector intersections.
The impact to making Colland Drive a r-in rout needs to be evaluated.
The TIS needs to include Colland Drive and how changing this access to a r-in r-out impacts
things. How does it impact the access onto Carpenter? Need the number of vehicles using this
access point and the classification of vehicles.
Where is the access into the fun center, how far south of this access point is it? Will it be
impacted by a median? (Will need to see location to evaluate)
Topic: Transportation
For impacts to Colland Drive the following are concerns and comments:
The necessary decal length for the N-bound left on SH287 at Avondale extends beyond Colland
Drive. The impact to making Colland Drive a r-in r-out needs to be evaluated.
The TIS needs to include Colland Drive and how changing this access to a r-in r-out impacts
things. How does it impact the access onto Carpenter? Need the number of vehicles using this
access point and the classification of vehicles.
Where is the access into the fun center, how far south of this access point is it? Will it be
impacted by a median? (Will need to see location to evaluate)
Notification of property owners will need to include all impacted property owners in this area.
Please provide me with a set of plans that I can give the County for their review.
Comments from the County at this time - additional comments will probably be forthcoming once
they have a set of plans to look at.
If Colland Drive does become right-in/right-out because of the development, we would like the
following to be addressed:
> The developer should review the Colland and Carpenter Road intersection to determine if
improvements are necessary due to increased traffic. This includes drainage concerns on the north
side of this intersection.
> A traffic impact study should evaluate the increased traffic, and evaluate the Carpenter
Road287 intersection for southbound traffic that will now turn at Carpenter instead of Colland.
The TIS should evaluate the type of traffic as well.
> Staff recommends that area property owners around Colland Drive are notified, including any
residences that are adjacent to Colland.
The following questions were also posed:
1. How much ultimate design of College needs to be done and/ or shown on the plans? Do we need to
take it so far as to relocate the District'sanitary sewer?
Need to provided enough information and design to show that the horizontal and vertical layout meets
standards and how the adjacent roadways tie into this design (including any access points on the east
side). In regards to relocating the sewer — this only needs to be done at this time if it needs to be done
to install the improvements that are to be done with this project or if required by the District. If it is
the sewerline that is located under the ultimate sidewalk and parkway (which are to be built with this
project) it will probably need to be built at this time due to the impact of that construction.
.stion Services
Engineering Department
City of Fort Collins
December 30, 2002
Nicholas Haws
Northern Engineering Services, Inc.
420 South Howes, Suite 202
Fort Collins, Co 80521
Re: Longview Marketplace at Shenandoah
Dear Nicholas,
This letter is in response to the letter sent to meet dated December 23, 2002 as well as to provide some
additional comments on the project that were determined after the previous comments had been forwarded
The following are additional comments that apply to this project
1. CDOT general notes will need to be added to the plans. I can get you a copy of these after the
2. For the South bound left at Carpenter road a left turning storage volume of 300 ft needs to be used
since the number of left turns is close to needing a double left the storage needs to be maximized.
3. When appling a factor to the acceleration lanes or deceleration lanes on 287 due to the grades the
following is how it should be done. Only the decel/ accel lengths and the taper are factored and
they are to be factored seperatly to know the lengths of each. The storage length is not factored.
Example — The deceleration length for 55 mph posted speed is 600 feet. That is 222 feet of taper
and 378 feet of decel. The adjustment factor for a 3-4.9% down grade is 1.2. This makes the taper
266.4 feet long (222xl.2) and the decel lane 453.6 feet long (378xl.2). The total length of the
decel lane would then be 266.4+453.6+ storage required. The storage required would be the short
term traffic numbers other than the southbound left at Carpenter as mentioned above.
4. Any bus stop design will need to be coordinated with Chuck Steiner of CDOT (phone number
5. The roads within the development that were proposed to be private roads need to be public streets.
In difference to the previous comments, the City has agreed that diagonal parking will be allowed
on the North South portion of the Strasburg Drive within the site provided the design meets the
following requirements. At a minimum the design of the street will be like Walnut Street
downtown, depending on the traffic volumes additional width maybe needed for a left tarn lane or
additional width within the lanes. We will need anticipated traffic volumes for the streets internal
to the site to determine this. The minimum criterion is 102 feet of right-of-way, with 76 feet of
pavement (from flowline to flowline), which leaves 12 feet of area on each side for a sidewalk and
parkway (or sidewalk with tree grates), in addition a 9 foot utility easement will need to be
provided behind the row. The 76 feet of pavement will be a crowned section with drainage at the
curbline and will be divided as such, two 26 foot diagonal parking lanes, and two 12 foot travel
lanes. Parking setbacks for the diagonal parking will also need to be met from street and driveway
intersections. The setbacks are based on the volumes and therefore, can not be fully determined
until the street volumes are known, but would be 40 or 50 feet from the edge of the intersecting
street or driveway.
6. See attached comments from Engineering Pavement and Street Oversizing departments.
The following are answers to the questions posed within the letter sent to me dated December 23, 2002.
281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6605