1. Acknowledged.
Current Planning
1. Please see the project description packet for a detailed description of how we satisfy the
outdoor play area requirements. As you can see, the size of the proposed outdoor play area
exceeds the minimum required size.
2. Please see the submitted project description packet to confirm that we are complying with the
parking requirements.
3. Please see the site plan for the bike rack location.
4. Please see the diagram on the landscape plan showing how we comply with the interior parking
lot landscaping standard.
5. Please see the landscape plan and water budget chart on the landscape plan.
6. Please see the project description, which includes a narrative on how we comply with the
limitation that secondary uses are limited to no more than 25% of the development in the
Employment Zoned area.
7. We have opted not to have a neighborhood meeting.
8. Acknowledged.
9. Acknowledged.
10. Acknowledged.
11. Acknowledged.
12. Review Fees were submitted with application.
13. Acknowledged.
Response to Comments
Little Bear's Child Care
1247 Riverside Avenue
May 30, 2012
1. Please see the submitted Site and Landscape plans. Fencing is shown on these plans.
2. Acknowledged. We have also discussed the occupancy designation directly with Russ Hovland.
Water -Wastewater
1. Acknowledged.
2. Acknowledged.
3. The sprinkler system for the playground will come off the main building.
4. Acknowledged.
Street Oversizing
I. Acknowledged.
Stormwater Engineering
1. Please see the utility plan set from Northstar Engineering showing the existing and proposed
impervious area.
2. We do propose over 1000 square feet of additional impervious area, and have included a
drainage and erosion control plan.
3. We have included a detention pond, see the utility plan set.
4. Acknowledged.
5. Acknowledged.
6. Acknowledged.
Environmental Planning ,
I. We have specified native plants in our landscaping, and we have specified low water usage turf.
2. We are protecting all trees on the site as part of the proposed plan.
Engineering Development Review
1. Acknowledged.
2. TDRF submitted as required.
3. Acknowldeged.
4. Done. Please see the attached Traffic Impact Analysis.
5. Acknowledged.
6. Please see the submitted dedications through separate document (two ROW dedications, and
one easement dedication).
7. One foot of extra ROW along Riverside is being dedicated through separate document.
8. Seven feet of additional ROW along Elizabeth is being dedicated through separate document.
9. Note that joint access easements 30 feet wide, for the shared parking lot entries between 1230
& 1236 Elizabeth as well as 1241 & 1247 Riverside were already dedicated in 1979 as part of the
original plat of the property in the Viking I Subdivision.
10. Acknowledged.
11. We are proposing to remove the 4 foot wide sidewalk and replace with a 6 foot wide sidewalk.