Why build 12 three-story apartment buildings in that space?
Is it the best use of land that is adjacent to a natural area, a park and Spring Creek
Shouldn't the city consider that expanding the Gardens might be an option they want to
leave open? Look at what a positive thing the Botanic Gardens have been for Denver.
Can residents of the flood plain be completely confident they will not be affected by
runoff from the space when it is developed? The city says it has been addressed but to
someone walking through the area and imagining the black top in addition to the 12
buildings that will fill that area, it is difficult not to see this as a "trust me" statement.
How can that land absorb the water it is able to absorb now, once it is built?
I don't think this is just a NIMBY issue. These questions are considerations affecting the
west side of Fort Collins and the University larger community.
Lastly, I am not convinced that there is a need for a student housing development of this
size. Shouldn't a phase be built rather than all 612 units?
When the city holds meeting for residents, the purpose seems to be to reassure us that all
impacts have been addressed and to keep us informed. But I don't get a sense that our
concerns will effect significant change in the plans.
In summary, I think it is just too large of a development and not appropriate for the spot.
bra 17-ItIl