Steve Olt
From: Brent Bartlett [brentbartlett@fbgpc.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2011 9:56 AM
To: Steve Olt
Subject: Larimer County Canal No. 2
Attachments: Ltr.ACOE.pdf
Hi Steve:
Our firm represents the Larimer County Canal No. 2 Irrigating Company. On June 10, 2011 we wrote to
you to provide an explanation of the status of plans to realign the ditch near Centre Avenue and Shields
Street on the CSU Research Foundation parcel. In my letter I referenced correspondence from the Army
Corps of Engineers which I am attaching for your file. We anticipate that the realignment work would
be completed concurrently with the development of improvements proposed by Campus Crest as part of
the Grove project. We understand that the proposed PDP is still under review and have appreciated the
City's cooperation with the ditch company and the efforts to ensure the developer addresses any
potential impacts to the Larimer County No. 2 structures. If you need any additional information, please
don't hesitate to contact me.
Brent Bartlett
Fischer, Brown, Bartlett & Gunn, P.C.
1319 E. Prospect Road
Fort Collins, CO 80525
(970) 407-9000 Ext. 217
Fax: (970) 407-1055
Website: www.fbbglaw.com
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