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May 26, 2011
Steve Olt
Project Planner
City of Fort Collins Current Planning
PO BOX 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
MAY 3 1 2011
I am aware that Campus Crest is seeking approval to build high -density multi -unit student apartments in
Colorado Springs.. Furthermore, I am aware that there are a group of Colorado Springs citizens who strongly
feel that such a project would greatly effect their way of life, peaceful existence and their pursuit of happiness in
a very negative way.
I most certainly understand their plight and sympathize with their situation. I live in Stillwater, Oklahoma in an
established single family home neighborhood. The homes in this neighborhood are well -kept and show real
pride of ownership. This is a diverse neighborhood ranging from a 97-year old widow still living alone to a
family with 4 young `children: Our careers vary -active and retired teachers, active and retired small business
owners;.active and ietired ministers, active and retired government workers, and yes, some great Oklahoma
State University students. Although-wevary in age and backgrounds we all enjoy our neighborhood and the
peaceful existence it affords us as we pursue happiness in each our own way.
Than one day the people of our neighborhood's peaceful way of life and our tranquil pursuit of happiness was
greatly threatened by Campus Crest
I first learned of this threat by the sound of a bulldozer aggressively moving dirt and lowering trees on a piece
of land bordered on two sides by homes in our neighborhood. The land had been for a long, long, time zoned
single-family residential. It still was zoned single-family residential. At that point there had been no
neighborhood notification. No one had heard anything of the proposed 8 building, 4-story student apartment
complex which,was:to house 510 occupants. No one had heard anything from Campus Crest, The City of
Stillwater or the local newspapers.
Clearly if we were to preserve our tranquil way of life in our neighborhood, we had a major "fight on our hands'.
Yes we had a big fight, a David and Goliath fight' ... and fight we did. Endless hours were spent doing research,
writing letters, attending meeting after meeting, gathering signatures, writing and preparing reports and
=presentations„consulting,and.counciling...We.sought city.-wide:support.for..our.cause..-T,he..batde_lasted.for over
a year. A year of our lives, worrying and fighting. Fighting for our homes, our neighborhood and our tranquil
way of life ... what a shame.
Our lives were certainly compromised by the Campus Crest fight We neglected other duties and
responsibilities. We lost endless hours of sleep. We had,compromised health issues. We had great concerns
of what we could do and would do if Campus Crest prevailed. And we prayed while working endlessly to defeat
I understand that it is within your power to assist the citizens of Colorado Springs in their fight against the
Campus. Crest project there. Like my neighbors in. Stillwater, they fight'to preserve their peaceful way of life.
am sure you know that the citizens there would also be ever grateful for for your help. We citizens in this
Stillwater neighborhood shall be forever grateful to those four Councilmen who voted to allow us to continue
our tranquil pursuit of happiness.
Marsha S Teague