Questions for Campus Crest:
1. Please explain/describe the bike ways through the development.
2. Will the Grove be heated with electricity? And is there any other heat source planned?
3. Could the applicant please address the fact that a traffic counting device was observed
by multiple residents on Center at the proposed intersection of the new Rolland Moore
Drive in late February, but no data from such counts was included in the updated
information submitted this spring?
4. Regarding bicycle traffic:
a. How is increased bicycle traffic on Centre Ave going to be dealt with?
b. How is increased bicycle traffic on Spring Creek Trail going to be dealt with?
5. Regarding guest parking:
a. How will it be accommodated?
b. Where will overflow parking go?
c. Will there be permit parking?
6. Please explain how your policy complies with fair housing regulations, as students are
not a federally protected class.
7. We understand you intend to market to students. At what point during the leasing
process will you market and lease to non -students?
8. Regarding pets:
a. How many pets will be allowed in the Grove project? One per lease/bedroom?
b. How will the project deal with animal waste?
c. How will the project deal with animal noise?
d. How will the project protect the wildlife corridor along the Larimer Canal #2 from
predatory pets?
9. How is security going to be maintained in and around the Grove? Does the Grove have a
security force on hand? Does it have other staff on hand trained to deal with criminal
activity? What is the Grove's policy on guns in the project?
Questions for the May 23'd Neighborhood Meeting Regarding The Grove At Fort
Collins PDP and the Amended CSURF Centre for Advanced Technology ODP.
Note For Neighbors: This is a list of questions that we feel Important to get onto the record
and answers for. This list Is also being provided to Steve Olt so that if we run out of time at
this evening's meeting, Steve and The City have a list of our questions and can provide answers
In their meeting notes. You may feel free to ask a question from this list or you may ask any
other questions which you feel are Important. It Is uo to soul Thank you for comingl
General Questions:
1. Who is paying for the canal move?
Questions for CSURF:
2. Please explain the relocation plan (and how it came to be) for Larimer Canal #2.
3. Why is the canal relocation not part of the ODP?
Questions for the City:
1. Will staff be recommending that the canal move be completed before or concurrent
with building permits are issued for The Grove?
2. Although City Code allows filling in the floodplain (thus displacing water onto pre-
existing development), has this been allowed at other locations in the City? If yes,
please describe where and when.
3. Regarding the traffic studies performed:
a. Why did the City not require that each of the 4 major intersections within a mile
radius of the development be studied?
b. Please explain the traffic studies that were required and why.
c. What are the assumptions for numbers of trips generated by the prospective
d. What are the assumptions for numbers of trips generated by other residents of
the City?
e. Please explain LOS (level of service) standards? At what level are each of the
major intersections functioning?
f. Will the developer be paying for any of the cost of Center avenue conversion to
an arterial? How is that calculated?
4. The City has invested millions of dollars in The Gardens on Spring Creek. How does The
Grove meet the compatibility requirements of the LUC relative to the Gardens?
5. Is the City giving any development fee rebates, discounts, or any reductions compared
to published development fee rates.
Steve Olt
From: Richard Thomas [thomasre@lamar.colostate.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 6:38 AM
To: Steve Olt
Cc: Heather Stickler
Subject: Questions
Attachments: May 23 2011 Neighborhood Meeting List of Questions For Neighbors.pdf
May 23 2011
leighborhood Meeti.
Here is the list of questions.