Odell Brewing Co. Expansion
1 Construction noise?
• Construction will generate noise but operations will adhere to City of Fort Collins
permitted construction hours.
2 What is the proposed height of the expansion versus the existing building height?
• Proposed building height is approximately 32 feet. It was estimated the existing
building height was slightly more than 25 feet.
• Trees on the berm will assist with screening the height and mass of the expansion.
3 What is the height of the berm?
• Berm height is approximately 4'-6" with a high density of plantings to assist with
screening from the adjacent residential properties.
4 Little noise is heard during events which are currently held on the east side of the building.
Will the events remain on the east side?
• Currently, the plan is to keep events such as the Small Batch Festival on the east side.
Bands and the public patio space will remain as they are today.
5 Generally, it was voiced on several different occasions that the proposed building looked
very nice and is welcomed.
6 What types of plant material is to be used on the berms?
• Plant material that provided a high level of opacity — evergreen trees and low
branching shrubs, many of the plants will be xeric in nature.
7 During brewing events there is an increase of bike traffic on 3rd Street, not necessarily a
negative but is there an opportunity to provide an off-street walk/bike connection between
Odell's and New Belgium?
• Owner and design team agreed that is a good idea and worth studying in more detail.
8 What's planned in the future for the north property?
• Odell's has purchased the land as a long-term investment
• Site currently restricted by large amounts of lime tailings.
9 Will hours of operation change for the Brewery?
• No. Hours will remain the same.
10 What is the general truck traffic pattern?
• Generally, the semi -trailer trucks arrive from the east on Lincoln.
• Wholesale trucks leave/arrive in both directions for local deliveries.
11 Some concerns were voiced regarding noises generated with the main entrance on the
south and with the future Phase-2 expansion with a potential new patio on the southwest
12 General discussion regarding ROW improvements on Lincoln
• A sidewalk the full length of Lincoln is desired by the neighborhood
• Existing storm drainage swale may need some additional irrigation for the interim but
likely not much will be improved until the ultimate ROW build out is defined.
• Side topic: Extension of downtown character through the use of diagonal parking.
13 Can screening be provided around the truck turn -around area?
• BHA to look at additional screening with plant material suitable for lime tailings.
• Design team pointed out that the truck turn -around area would be 'carved' into the
side of the lime tailing berm. Therefore, much of the operations would be hidden
from the west and northwest.
Statement of Planning Objectives — Neighborhood Meeting Notes Page 1 of f