and to the south and east, Staff recommends that Lincoln Avenue remain classified as a four -lane
arterial on the Master Street Plan.
Odell has also requested an additional access point west of their existing driveway. The new
access point would accommodate additional visitor parking and truck deliveries as part of the
proposed expansion. LCUASS would typically require a 19-foot median along a four -lane
arterial in connection with access consolidation. Staff recommends that the median be replaced
with a 12-foot two-way left turn lane as an interim solution and that the additional Odell access
point be permitted. The projected ADT for Lincoln Avenue is relatively low for a four -lane
arterial. Approximately 12 access points (nine driveways and three public roads) already exist
along the north side of Lincoln Avenue. The City would retain the ability to install a median and
consolidate access points in the future if warranted by safety concerns or redevelopment.
t` Collins
TO: Jeff Scheick
Mark Jackson
FROM: Kathleen Bracke
Planning, Development & Transportation
Transportation Planning & Special Projects
250 North Mason Street
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins. CO 80522.0580
970.221.6239 - fax
fcgov. com4ransportation
RE: Lincoln Avenue Road Classification and Access
DATE: November 11, 2008
Transportation Planning staff has been working with LSA Associates, Inc. to analyze the 2035
forecast conditions on Lincoln Avenue between Riverside Avenue and Lemay Avenue. This
analysis was in response to Odell Brewing Company's request to reclassify Lincoln Avenue
from a four -lane to a two-lane arterial on the Master Street Plan. The analysis incorporated the
traffic impact study submitted by Odell's, as well as existing studies for the River District and
Airpark property. A summary of the LSA analysis and supporting technical documentation is
attached as reference.
The Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards (LCUASS) specify an average daily traffic
(ADT) of 15,000 to 35,000 vehicles for a four -lane arterial and 3,500 to 15,000 for a two-lane
arterial. The analysis results are summarized below:
Projected ADT
2005 Traffic Count 7,550
LSA 2005 5,700 — 6,000
Odell 2005 8,650
Odell 2030 (4-lane) 13,000
LSA 2035 (4-Lane)* 15,000 — 16,000
LSA 2035 (2-Lane)* 13,100 — 13,700
* LSA adjusted the model to address the differences
between the 2005 model run and the 2005 traffic
count. See attached for reference.
In the two-lane LSA scenario, traffic shifts onto surrounding roads including Mulberry (+800
ADT east of Riverside; +85 ADT west of Riverside), Riverside (+150 ADT), and Buckingham
The analysis was reviewed by Traffic Operations, Engineering, and Current Planning staff.
Based on the projected 2035 ADT and the potential for future development along the corridor