/s/ Janet Shaffer Strote /s/ Ronald P. Strote
Courtney Levingston
From: ronald strote <rpstrote@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 7:27 PM
To: Courtney Levingston
Cc: Janet Strote
Subject: Proposed 7-11, South College and Magnolia
Re: Proposed.7-11; South College and Magnolia
Request for additional permitted use
Dear Ms. Levingston:
As we will not be in Fort Collins for the scheduled neighborhood meeting on February 23, 2012, with
respect to the proposed 7-11 store, please accept this letter as our comments regarding the proposal.
We are owners of a unit at The Lofts of Magnolia (210 W. Magnolia) on the corner of Magnolia and
Mason, the closest residential properties to the proposed building site. While we are not opposed to
development in general, the construction of a 7-11, which is open 24 hours, is not a viable
development for the now vacant parcel for a number of reasons. Our initial concern is the impact on
traffic and access to our home.
South College and Magnolia is a busy intersection with periods of heavy congestion on South
College. A convenience store at this location will increase the number of vehicles turning onto
Magnolia from College resulting in increased traffic congestion on Magnolia. Magnolia is only 1 lane
in each direction. Even without the added traffic from a convenience store, South College and
Magnolia is a busy intersection and left turns onto Magnolia from north bound College can be difficult.
Ingress and egress to the store through the proposed curb cut on Magnolia will increase the difficulty
of a left turn onto Magnolia and access to our home. In addition, the ability to access Magnolia from
Mason Street will not be possible once the re -development of the Mason Corridor proceeds, as left
turns from northbound Mason onto Magnolia will be prohibited which eliminates the potential to use
Mulberry to Mason as an alternate route..
We also have concerns regarding the potential for the increased noise and trash a 24 hour
convenience store could generate. Old Town Fort Collins has had continual problems with noise,
fights and litter on many evenings when the bars close. A convenience store on this corner has the
potential to bring these problems to a more residential area of Old Town that has been historically
spared these issues.
The neighborhood presently has access to any necessities on a 24 hour basis at the Safeway at
College and Mulberry as well as the existing 7-11 at the corner of Mulberry and Remington, so there
would seem to be no rationale basis to increase the type of permitted uses tin the district, to add a
convenience store at this Iocation.The addition of a permitted use to the present zoning would not
benefit the area, the City or its residents.
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at this email address or