Steve Olt
From: Lynn Strong Dynn@drleslieparis.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 9:40 AM
To: Steve Olt; Peter Barnes; Polly Lauridsen; Gary Lopez; Roger Buffington; Glen Schlueter; Craig
Foreman; Lindsay Ex; Marc Virata; Justin Fields
Subject: 516 Deines Court
I am a home owner with my husband at 1620 Whedbee Street which is west of Dienes Court.
I don't know if any of you have been in our neighborhood or maybe taken a walk around on a
Saturday or Sunday but it is really a great part of old town even though we are not "down town".
Over the past 10 years we have had more home owners than rental units and rental units that are
very well kept up. We don't have any wild beer parties, no beer bottles or trash on lawns and we
take pride in our homes as well as our neighborhood. I see us as a "community" that is also very
fragile in that if you let someone come in to develop their property for 5 renters that is a very big
impact on all of us who live here. It means more traffic, more cars in the cul-de-sac and the
potential of taking Deines. Court in a direction none of us want.
As you may be aware, Eric from Deines Court, has driven by and taken pictures of the other
properties that the developer has in Ft. Collins, non of which are up to the standards of other
rental properties in our area. My husband went and talked to everyone on Smith Street as well as
other residents on Parker and no one is in favor of adding more renters to a home in a very
residentual area; not to mention this is an absentee landlord who has no affiliation with Ft.
Collins or her properties. I have been a landlord and I made sure that my property was well
maintained, the renters followed very specific rules that I set forth and the property was well
maintained in all manners. I know this would not fly in other upper scale residental areas! !
Our homes were all built between 1947-1960's and though older this neighborhood takes pride in
themselves. We look out for one another, clean up when there is a storm and assist where
someone may not be able. We know who are neighbors are and alert each other if something
needs to be addressed. I really hope that you take a very close look at this request for
development, take a walk around our neighborhood and help us keep its fragile existence intact.
I don't want to feel once again that "money" talks but more what is rightH
Thank you.
Lynn Strong
1620 Whedbee Street
Ft. Collins, CO 80525