Steve Olt
From: Sandy Smiley [happyl5hiker@hotmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2012 8:23 PM
To: Steve Olt; Bennet Manvel; Emma McArdle
Subject: Opposition to 5 person boarding house at 516 Dairies Court
To whom it may concern,
I have lived at 1610 Whedbee for the last 5.5 years. My backyard backs up to the Deines Court culd de
sac. I'd like to voice my strong opposition to the proposal to convert 516 Deines Court to a 5 person
boarding house. If you visit the neighborhood it will become painfully obvious that a 5 person rental Is
not in harmony with the culture of this cul de sac. This is a quiet, well maintained, residential area.
Keeping the home as a family or 3 person non -related rental will keep the home synchronized with the
rest of the neighborhood.
My main concern is parking & traffic. Cramming 5+ vehicles into this cul de sac is going to cause a lot of
extra traffic and parking congestion in this tight area. The pain of such an increase in vehicles would be
much easier absorbed on a through street than in this cul de sac. My second concern is inserting a high
occupancy boarding house in this quiet neighborhood. The neighborhoods in this area are a fragile mix
of owner occupied and rental houses. There seems to be less issues with noise, crime, and property
negligence when neighbors take the time to get to know one another. This is very manageable when
properties are rented by families or 2-3 people. I can attest to this in my neighborhood. My house Is
adjacent to or across from three rental houses with three or less renters. I have never encountered any
issues with these rental properties when I have established relationships with the renters. I truly believe
U+2 works. However, once you get 4-5 people in a house, it becomes a lot more difficult trying to
establish a relationship with everyone in the house and I believe property accountability and respect for
ones neighbors suffers.
In summary, believe converting this home to a 5 person non -related rental could be the straw that
breaks the camel's back in this neighborhood. It is not in harmony with the rest of the neighborhood and
will result In increased traffic and parking congestion. I hope the city will take this into consideration the
breakdown of this neighborhood over the greed of an out of town real estate Investor.
Thank you for your time.
Sandy Smiley
3/26/2012 30