From: Clint Lucas <clint@detailedlandscape.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2013 12:58 PM
To: Courtney Levingston
Subject: 319-333 Hickory
Ms. Levingston-
I am the property owner of 400 Hemlock. I have read and reviewed both the letter and the plans on
your website. I feel my property may have the greatest impact from this development. My property
has flooded multiple times over the last few years due to the actions of the property owner at this
proposed development site, which I have brought to the attention of the City on multiple occasions.
know that all of that fill dirt that was import to the property was done without permit and has
dramatically affected the drainage for that and surrounding properties. Although the plans are without
much detail, I think there are very important drainage elements about the property under review and
the property directly west of it on Hickory that must be brought to your attention and addressed to
prevent further property and structure damage on my part. My property has existed since the early
1900's and its topography has remained relatively unchanged for more than 100 years. I have a flat
lot and very few impervious surfaces which causes no run-off to adjacent properties. In the time that I
have owned the property, I have invested much time, effort and resources in the property to return it
to what it once was.
Secondly, I see on the plans that there will now be a vehicle entrance and exit to this property from
Hemlock. Is the City going to have the developer pave hemlock to his property? I ask because as it
stands now, the City does a less than adequate job in maintaining the road. The road is graded only
once per year and no longer receives any dust suppression. At my own expense, I fill potholes
regularly, grade out rough spots and plow the snow, just to keep the road from deteriorating any
more. Given the potential for 51 car accessing this new property. What is the plan to deal with these
problems? Lastly, Hemlock is a 15 mph road. It has a tremendous amount of foot traffic, bicycle
traffic, and horseback traffic of people accessing the McAllister Park parking lot. What impact will the
additional traffic have on these citizens?
I don't know if the meeting on January 14 is the correct place to address these concerns or if there
would be enough time. Please let me know how I should proceed. I appreciate your time and
Clint Lucas
400 Hemlock St
Fort Collins,CO 80524