908 Laporte Avenue o Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 a 970.219.2834
November 6, 2012
Ms. Sheri Langenberger, P.E.
City of Fort Collins, Engineering Department
281 N. College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80524
RE: Hickory Commons - Variance Request #2
Dear Ms. Langenberger,
The purpose of this letter is to request an engineering variance for the non-standard
location of the sidewalk along Hickory Street. The proposed sidewalk on Hickory
transitions from a 5.5' attached sidewalk on the east side of the property to a 5' detached
sidewalk on the west side of the property. As we have discussed, there are several
mitigating factors to justify this request, as follows:
• The proposed street design in this area includes a transition from the existing 60'
paving section to the east (which was constructed based on outdated street
standards) to a 50' section as per current LCUASS. In addition, the sidewalk
constructed to the east of this site is attached to the sidewalk.
• By transitioning to a detached sidewalk on the west side of the property, the existing
waterline will not be located underneath the new sidewalk.
• The location of the sidewalk allows for a continuous and consistent landscaped area
with street trees that are behind the sidewalk, but still within the right of way.
We believe that the currently proposed sidewalk meets the intent of the criteria, and
respectfully request that you grant this variance. Thank you for your consideration of this
request. Please let me know if you need any additional information.
Sam Eliason, P.E.