From: Lockwoodar@aol.com [mailto:Lockwoodar@aol.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 11:21 AM
To: Matthew Wempe
Cc: Irk2665@msn.com; jeffo@landmarkltd.com; Susan Joy
Subject: Re: Islamic Center of Fort Collins Site Plan
Matt, just to be sure I am attaching the latest site plan. Again, the area of most concern is the connection at
Summer Street. We are proposing access through a parking lot, rather than a culdesac. I am including Susan
as well so you can be looking at the same plan if needed. Thanks for you attention on this. If you have any
comments or questions please contact me. Dana
Dana W. Lockwood
Lockwood Architects, Inc.
1027 W. Horsetooth Rd., Suite 200B
Fort Collins, Colorado 80526
cell#: 970-215-3594
Page 1 of 2
Ted Shepard
From: Susan Joy
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 3:48 PM
To: 'Lockwoodar@aol.com'
Cc: Irk2665@msn.com; jeffo@landmarkltd.com; Matthew Wempe; 'Carie Dann'; Ted Shepard; Wes
Lamarque; Ward Stanford
Subject: RE: Islamic Center of Fort Collins Site Plan
Hi Dana,
Here are some comments from Engineering and Transportation Planning based on the latest version of the site
plan. PFA would like to reserve comments until applicable comments to their EAE from Engineering have been
addressed below. We'll need additional dimensions on the EAE once it has been adjusted per comments 6
and 7 and then Carie can see if she has what she needs from there.
From Engineering:
1. Please dimension the existing Lake Street row.
2. Please show the existing features within 150' of the property (sidewalks & driveways on both sides of the
street are most important right now) so we can see how the proposed ties into existing. I'm a little
concerned with the location of the proposed 3 phase electric vault shown to the east of the property on
Lake Street. Where is the existing walk to the east now? Please do not locate the vault where a
sidewalk will ultimately go.
3. Please dimension all portions of sidewalks (Summer Street, on the site itself, and existing offsite).
4. What is the radii of the curb returns off Lake Street and are they to standard?
5. The emergency access easement through the site must be granted to the curbline (24') so that PFA can
enforce the red paint, parking, etc. This is going to require that the trash enclosure be moved back so
that the doors don't open into the easement.
6. The radius around both sides of the curb returns at the Summer/drive aisle intersection needs to be 25',
not 20' to meet PFA's minimum radii requirement.
7. The curb return on the south side of Summer needs to match the curb return on the north side of
Summer. Please see Illinois St in Rigden Farm for a good example of the bumped out style of curb
returns and see LCUASS for additional design requirements.
8. Parking setbacks apply off Summer from the west side flowline of the raised crosswalk to either side of
the drive aisle and to the east as well. The setbacks are determined by the traffic volumes and won't be
100% known until the TIS has been completed. See LCUASS, chapter 19 for more information and to
get a pretty good idea of what they might be.
9. Parking setbacks off Lake will be determined by the TIS and verified once I have a scalable drawing. I
can't scale off the pdf since it won't print to scale on an 8.5x11" so this comment remains an open item
for now, I'm sorry.
From Transportation Planning:
1. As part of the Traffic Impact Study, the bicycle and pedestrian level of service analysis must be
completed. Please call Matt Wempe, 970.416.2040, for help scoping the study.
2. A pedestrian connection to Prospect Road will be required. This can be temporary asphalt until
the additional phase of parking is constructed.
Please send in your revised layout when ready and include everyone in this email on the routing. Thank you