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_—/,/I DELICH February2010
the proposed offset. Left -turn movements from the offset north and south legs of Ellis Street will turn into the
respective through lanes of Prospect Road and will not occupy a center turn lane on Prospect Road, since it
does not exist. These minor street left turns are the most subordinate movements and should wait for the
appropriate gap in traffic on Prospect Road before executing the turn. There is not likely to be a conflict.
Based upon the cited TIS and the data/discussion in this memorandum, it is respectfully requested
that the City of Fort Collins grant the proposed offset of the north and south legs of Ellis Street as the only
practical solution for this infill development.
Do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions. Thank you.
DELICH ASSOCIATES Traffic a Transportation EngineeringL-
2272 Glen Haven Drive Loveland, Colorado 80538 �,
Phone: (970) 669-2061 Fax: (970) 669-5034
TO: Dan Tweeton, New Prospect LLC V: „ „ �•
Terence Hoaglund, Vignette Studios
City of Fort Collins
FROM: Matt Delich Z. F
DATE: February 24, 2010
SUBJECT: New Prospect Residential Development Transportation Impact Study— Response to Staff Comments
(File: 0932ME01)
This memorandum provides a response to comments by Ward Stanford contained in the Staff Project
Review dated February 16, 2010 related to "The New Prospect Residential Development Intermediate
Transportation Impact Study' (TIS) dated August 2009. Specifically, comments 58, 59, and 60 are
addressed. The response comments were discussed with Ward Stanford on February 22, 2010 prior to
preparation of this memorandum.
Number 58
The TIS for this project was contracted in the summer of 2009. Due to contractual requirements the
traffic counts were obtained when school was not in session. Recent school -time counts were not available
for comparison purposes. Lesher Middle School staff was contacted to understand the function of the new
parent drop-off/pick-up location. Lesher Middle School staff indicated that most of the parent drop-off activity
occurred between 7:20 am and 7:35 am. The morning peak hour of the street occurred between 7:45 am and
8:45 am. Therefore, the school related traffic would have little impact on the analyzed morning peak hour of
the street in the TIS. However, as requested by Ward, morning peak hour traffic counts were obtained at the
Prospect/Ellis intersection between 7:00 am and 8:00 am and are shown in Figure 1. While the vehicular
activity on Ellis Street is higher due to the school, the through traffic on Prospect Road is lower at this time. As
noted in the TIS, parents were asked to only make right turns at the Prospect/Ellis intersection. During traffic
counting, the movements by the parents after exiting the drop-off area were noted. Approximately 90 percent
of the parent drop-off activity took place between 7:15 am and 7:40 am. Forty percent of the parents made a
right turn at Prospect Road. Twenty-five percent of the parents made a left turn at Prospect Road. Thirty-five
percent of the parents made a U-turn on Ellis Street to go to the north. One of the left turns at the
Prospect/Ellis intersection was a school bus. It is concluded that the morning peak hour of Prospect Road is
after the peak period of school activity.
Numbers 59 and 60
This segment of Prospect Road is in a constrained condition. There is no center left-tum lane on
Prospect Road and it is doubtful that one could be implemented without acquisition of right-of-way on both
sides of Prospect Road. As mentioned in the TIS, this is not likely to occur unless it is undertaken by the City
of Fort Collins. The existing offset at the two Prospect/Stover intersections, to the west, creates left -turn
conflicts on Prospect Road. However, the proposed offset at the two Prospect/Ellis intersections will not
cause left -turn conflicts on Prospect Road, since the left -turning movements do not overlap. They are
separated by the distance between the two legs of Ellis Street (approximately 100 feet). The developer of the
New Prospect Residential Development does not own the land that would allow the south leg of Ellis Street to
line up with the existing north leg of Ellis Street. There were early discussions related to acquisition of this
property, but nothing came of those discussions. The house on the property across from the existing Ellis
Street may have potential local historic landmark status. If that occurs, it would further complicate eliminating