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Courtney Levingston
From: Christopher, Jamie [Jam ie.Christopher@aecom.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2012 5:36 PM
To: Courtney Levingston
Subject: Remington Annex Project - I am severely opposed to this project going through
Attachments: image001.png
Dear Ms. Levingston,
I understand there is a Planning and Zoning Board meeting tonight in which the first item on the
agenda is the Remington Annex Project. I am unfortunately unable to attend to express my
opposition to this proposed project. The project as proposed will have a significant impact on the
Laurel School Historic District, not to mention several other very negative impacts to our wonderful
family neighborhood. I reside at 716 Peterson Street and wish to express my opposition to this
project. In addition my understanding is that if the 5 modifications to Land Use Code are approved —
this would set a precedent for removing single family homes or small multi -family homes to be
replaced by large apartment buildings designed for student housing along Remington Street south of
Laurel. Another 3 homes are for sale in the 700 block in addition to the 3 planned for demolition.
When is going to stop. I bought my house for the neighborhood, not to be a student housing refuge.
Please reconsider and do not allow this project or the proposed modifications to the Land Use Code.
If you continue this type of approval soon everyone will move out of the neighborhood and it will turn
back into only rental properties whereby for the last 15 years we have all worked so hard to get rid of
the rental properties and turn it back into the old town family neighborhood it is today.
Kind regards,
Jamie Christopher
Senior Program Manager
Principal Air Quality Engineer
D 970.530.3459
jamie.christopher@aecom.com <mailto:jamie.christopher@aecom.com>