Ted Shepard
From: Doug Brobst [brobst@peakpeak.comi
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 9:31 AM
To: Ted Shepard
Subject: The District Proposal
Mr. Shepard,
I am writing in support of the proposed student housing project known as The District on West
Plum Street. Having been involved with the issue of student housing in Fort Collins for a number
of years it is very exciting to see a well designed project like the District coming forward.
This project "fits the bill" in so many ways to help solve the problems that the neighborhoods
around the university are now facing. Among the ways it does so are:
. It's close proximity to campus will be attractive to students, walking and biking to class
and other activities will be a natural choice for its occupants, even though the site will
have a parking garage.
. This project is a great example of how infill close to campus can be achieved, making very
good use of property that is not currently being used to its full potential.
. The design is very attractive and yet functional, meaning that it will be an appealing
addition to the area while being attractive to students.
. In keeping with the planning priorities of the city, it is being designed as Silver LEED
certified, not only is this energy smart, but it also adds to the attractiveness for students.
. With the estimated enrollment of CSU to be in the area of 35,000 students in the next ten
years there is no doubt we need to be looking to developments like The District to fulfill
the needs of the additional students and to take the existing and any additional burden off
our neighborhoods.
Thank you very much for your time Mr. Shepard; please feel free to contact me if you'd like to
discuss this matter further.
Doug Brobst
1625Independence Road
Fort Collins, CO 80526-1712
(970) 222-4046