From: Ian Schneider <iwschneid@yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 8:13 AM
To: Jason Holland
Subject: Dividing lot on Whitcomb
Categories: Print
To whom it may concern:
I'd like to voice my support for Chris Maldonado subdividing her lot on Whitcomb.
My family and I have lived a couple blocks away from her for ten years, and we believe that it would be fine to
divide the lot. We like living in this neighborhood because of the diversity-- and part of that is the mix of big
and small lots and houses. Smaller lots fit with the character of our neighborhood. Of course, we don't want
big developers coming in and building gigantic expensive houses, but Chris's plan is to allow only a modest -
sized home built that fits with the character of our neighborhood. Her lot, in particular, lends itself well to
being subdivided, since it's very wide, and her own house is small and on the far left hand side of the lot. It
seems reasonable, even natural, to divide the lot in two. I hope you allow her to do this.
Ian Schneider
Jason Holland
-- From: Marypat Aukema <marypat60@gmail.com>
�^ Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 10:03 AM
To: Jason Holland
Subject: Chris Maldonado's request to divide 412 N Whitcomb Street lot
Categories: Print
Dear Mr.Holland,
I am writing in support of Chris Maldonado's request to divide her lot located at 412 N. Whitcomb Street, here
in Fort Collins.
I have been over to Chris's in the past, and know how large that lot is, and I fully support the request Chris has
presented to divide it. Chris has always been very supportive of our neighborhood, and I know she would only
do what would add an element of solidity to our neighborhood.
Mary Pat
"If today were your last day on earth, what is the one thing, or things, you would need to do to die in
Make it happen. Only you can do it"