City editor: Pat -rier, 224-7742
Policed illhave new, 92,000-square-foot headquartf
Fort Collins police will
soon get a chance to
stretch their legs after
decades spent cramped in
their headquarters at 300
Laporte Ave.
After four years of
searching and planning,
the city and the depart-
ment will break ground
Thursday on the new $225
million police headquar-
ters at 2221 Timberline
The new 92,000 square -
foot building is more than
triple the size of the exist-
ing building on LaPorte
and will include an ex-
panded crime lab, evidence
property rooms, an
emergency communica-
tions center, training facili-
ties and a Fort Collins po-
lice museum, according to
spokeswoman Rita Davis.
The new building also al-
lows for growth over the
next 20 years, Davis said.
The police department
currently leases about
25,000 square feet of space
at various locations around
the city to augment the
26,564-square-foot facility
on LaPorte, Davis said.
The east -side location
was chosen primarily be-
cause it is close to the geo-
graphic center of Fort
Collins, Davis said
The District 1 station on
By the numbers
Exfsting building, 300 Laporte Ave.
■ Built 1957
■ Site size:l'h acres
■ Building size: 26,564 square feet
New building, 2221 Timberline Road
■ Built: Will break ground Thursday, open August 2007
■ Site size:10.8 acres, Th net acres (subtracting space
for future roads)
■ Building size: 92,000 square feet
Walnut Street in Old Town
will remain there when the
rest of the department
moves, Davis said
The land — bought for
$1.8 million in July 2004 —
was paid for using money
from the 1997 voter -ap-
proved Building Commu-
nity Choices sale tax, ac-
cording to City Manager
Darin Atteberry. The fa-
cility is being paid through
Certificates of participa-
E-mail: CityNews@coloradoan.com
ors next year
lion, which are similar to
bonds, with the city mak-
ing 22 annual payments
between 2005 and 2026.
Money set aside from the
city's general fund over
recent years will cover
those payments, Atteberry
The total project is esti-
mated to run about $33 mil-
lion, Davis said.
Despite deep budget
cuts over the last few
years, including a $5 mil-
lion cut to the 2006 budget,
building the new station
was a priority for the city,
Atteberry said.
,,The (current) building
is deficient and has been
for a number of years," he
Rich Abrahamson he Coloradoan
The future home of the Fort Collins police deparbTWd is
shown at 2221 Timberline Road The facility, ju tn of �
Road, is e1�lected to be canPleied by year.
said. "We felt this was a
very high priority."
Two road construction
projects currently under
way in the area — includ-
ing the widening of Tim-
berline between Drake and
Prospect roads and im-
provements at the inter-
section of Timberline and
Prospect — are not related
to the new building, but
will be completed prior to
its opening, according to
city engineer Don Bach-
man. The project, which
will alleviate congestion at
one of the city's worst in-
tersections, is scheduled
for completion this fall.