City editor:
Mary Benant, 224-7740
The Coloradoaq....3 -11 _99
CARE Housing has ac-
quired six acres near Rol-
land Moore Park for its
newest .affordable housing
project, a 50-unit complex
that should begin construc-
tion this fall, a CARE official
said Wednesday.
When completed, the
Wmdtrail complex will in-
crease CARE's holdings to
166 low-income housing
units in Fort Collins.
CARE, or Community Af-
fordable Residence Enter-
prises, currently manages
three developments with
116 units'.
"We're consistently look-
ing for land, and it's getting
harder and harder to find,"
said Brian Soukup, chair-
man of CARE's board of di-
rectors. "That's why we
bought this one. This is the
`last of the Mohicans,' being
Windtrail project CARE:
this close in to the city."
CARE bought the land
from John McCoy, developer
of the Windtrail subdivision,
a mixture of single-family
houses and townhomes. The
nonprofit housing agency
paid $345,000 for the site,
immediately east of Rolland
Moore Park.
The deal was funded prin-
Thursday, March 4,1999
work will begin next month,
and Soukup expects con-
struction to start in the fall.
Because CARE hasn't put
the project out to bid,
Soukup said he couldn't es-
timate the total cost of the
Windtrail complex. He pre-
dicted the first residents
would move in `within two
Unlike the existing three
CARE complexes, Windtrail
will include 10 units dedi-
cated to senior citizen hous-
CARE's units serve work-
ing families with incomes
between $12,000 and
$30,000, which is 30-to-60
percent of the city's median
income. Currently, the medi-
an income for a family of
four in Fort Collins is about
)y a Fort Collins
uty Development
-ant, which provid-
,000. The balance,
was covered by the
ivestment Partner-
ship Program.
The Wmdtrail project was
approved by the Fort Collins
Planning and Zoning Board
last month. Site preparation
Based on the 1990 U.S.
Census, more than 18,000
households in the city
earned less than the median
income. CARE estimates
the city will need up to 600
more affordable rental units
to house low-income fami-
Housing is considered af-
fordable if residents spend
30 percent or less of their in-
come on rental or mortgage
Agency breaks ground on affordable housing complex
The Coloradoan 4-7.06
Construction began Thurs-
,day on a townhome complex
wthat will add 50 affordable
'housing units in Fort Collins.
The $5 million Windtrail
complex by Community Af-
fordable Residence Enter-
prises, or CARE, will be on a
°six -acre site off Rolland
Moore. Drive just east of
;Shields Street and Rolland
iMoore Park.It will offer 40
!family units and 10 senior
units when it is completed
in January.
It is CARE's fourth afford-
able housing project.
Housing is considered af-
fordable if a household can
obtain it for 30 percent or less
of the households income.
Chadrick David Martinez,
executive director of CARE,
said Windtrail is an example
Who qualifies
To quality for CARE housing,
must follow based on family size.
applicants must:
To apply or gel more Infor-
■ Have permanent job.
mation, call 282-7522. CARE's
■ Have a minor child or chil-
administrative offices are at
dren living with them.
1303 W. Swallow Road, Build-
■ Meet guidelines CARE
ing 11.
of the partnerships that are
required to make affordable
housing projects a reality.
He said the city gave
about $900,000 to the pro-
ject through;: its HOME
grant program and a com-
munity development block
Martinez also said people
such as land planner Jim Sell
and architect John Dengler
play a big role by doing criti-
cal work for little or nothing.
"Those kinds of partner-
ships are some of the things
you have to do," Martinez
said. "And you need a num-
ber of funding sources, too."
Sell, who has worked on
similar projects over the
years, said he's glad to help.
"Everybody has things
that pull their heart
strings," he said. "Doing this
is one of those."
Dengler, a longtime area
architect, designs upscale
"I really love (working with
CARE) ... because there's
such a need for it" he said.
"I'm proud to work for them."
When Windtrail comes on
line, CARE will have an in-
ventory of 166 affordable
housing units.
That's something to be
proud of said Rusty Collins,
executive director of Neigh-
bor to Neighbor, another
agency dedicated to securing
low-income housing. Neigh-
bor to Neighbor has bought
110 affordable housing units
in Fort Collins and Loveland
in the past three years.
Collins expects the recent
affordable housing push by
CARE and Neighbor to
Neighbor to continue.
"I think in the next year or
two in Fort Collins and
Loveland, things will pick up
even more," he said. "That's
because we're becoming
more sophisticated in how
we do this, and we're seeing
new construction heading
into that direction."