:13D Inc.
209 South Meldrum Street
Fort Collins, CO 80521
FAX 482-6368
TO: Kerrie Ashbeck
Planning Department
Development Services
City of Fort Collins
281 N. College Ave.
Fort Collins, CO 80524
DATE: October 16, 1995
PROJECT: Poudre Valley Plaza
PROJECT NO: 154-008
We are transmitting herewith:
10 sets Final Utility Plans
4 copies Final Drainage Report
21 copies Final Plat
4 copies Redlined Utility Plans
1 copy Redlined Drainage Report
These materials are provided for the City's review. Please contact me with questions.
Thank You.
R C.
Patricia Kroetch
City of Fort Collins
Current Planning
The following checksheet is to be used in the preparation of a complete submittal of a
Final PUD
1. Application form (1 copy)
2. Filing Fee: $2808 + $10 per sheet of subdivision plat
3. Site plan (25 folder copies)
4. Landscape plan (16 folded copies)
5. Final subdivision plat (21 folded copies)
6. Final utility plans (10 unfolded copies)
7. Final drainage report and plans and grading plans (4 copies)
8. Other documentation as determined by special circumstances
9. Signage (circle one) Large Small
S.F. 100 or more D.U. S.F. up to 100 D.U.
M.F. 100 or more D.U. M.F. up to 100 D.U.
Non -Res 50,000 S.F. or more Non -Res 25,000-50,000 S.F.
Non -Res w/regional impact All other projects not listed
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A �: 1* �* il4o) ft & I poapo
■ 9 7 0- 4 9 3- 1 0 2 3 ■
D. Circulation from the west: The fencing of the estate lots in Skyline Subdivision virtually
prohibit any pedestrian circulation from the west except at the intersection of Shields
Street and Horsetooth Avenue. Pedestrian circulation from the intersection will have
convenient access into the plaza via walks along Horsetooth Avenue and Shields Street
and around pad "A". To avoid potential conflicts between vehicle traffic coming to the
drive -up windows and pedestrian circulation, the proposed walks have been designed to
go around the bank.
E. On -site circulation: The proposed pedestrian circulation system within the interior of the
project site is designed to accommodate the primary traffic flow along the store fronts
to encourage window shopping. The major share of patrons coming to the plaza via
automobile will park as close as possible to their destination points and then walk directly
to these stores. Three pedestrian routes through the parking lot provide direct access
across the site from the plaza entry points. The perimeter pedestrian circulation route
along the store fronts will provide the most separation of vehicles and pedestrians and
the safest circulation pattern within the project.
Convenient and safe pedestrian access to neighborhood shopping is necessary for walking to be
encouraged. For today's multiple car families, we have assumed 1/4 mile is generally the
maximum suitable walking distance. Based on an average walking pace of 250-275 feet per
minute, a 1/4 mile walk requires approximately five minutes or roughly ten minutes to and from
a point of destination. Generally people tend to use vehicles if they must walk any further.
Walk systems within existing subdivisions and apartment complexes surrounding the project site
are generally walks serving residential entrance walks connecting to a street or parking lot. The
walk systems within neighborhoods are laid out adjacent to the street curb and usually four feet
wide. There is almost no separation of vehicles and pedestrians except for a few separated
walks or trails through the interior of the developments.
Following are our basic conclusions from our analysis of the pedestrian circulation patterns
surrounding the project site.
A. Circulation from the north: Existing development north of Poudre Valley Plaza
comprises mostly apartments and townhouses. The walk network within these
developments serve primarily the pedestrian routs from parking to residence. The more
direct pedestrian routes from Rose Tree Village to the plaza are the pedestrian walk along
the east side of Shields Street, the walk that leads to Horsetooth Road directly opposite
pad "D", and the walks leading to the west side of the driveway into the 7-Eleven Store
opposite Century Drive. Pedestrians crossing Horsetooth Road at all these points will
have convenient access into the center of Poudre Valley Plaza.
B. Circulation from the east: Within a 1/4 mile of the plaza are approximately 45-50
homes in Four Seasons First Filing and 35 patio homes under construction in Arborgate.
Both areas will have direct pedestrian access into Poudre Valley Plaza via the proposed
walk system at Arbor Avenue and Century Drive and the proposed walk north of pad
C. Circulation from the south: The land south of the plaza within 1/4 mile of the site is
vacant. The future Four Seasons development should be able to provide convenient
direct pedestrian access into Poudre Valley via the walk system on each side of the
central drive off Arbor Avenue and at the two intersections of Arbor Drive with Shield
Street and Century Drive.
No Text
October 16, 1995
::. , • _ _ - .:` . Sill De
Steve Olt, -Project Planner
City of Ft', Collins, Planning
_ 281 North College Ave., PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Dear Mr. Olt,
- . Submitted, herewith; are the final documents for.the First Amendment of Four
Seasons Overall Development Plan, Parcel H-1 and Poudre:Valley Plaza PUD.
u Final docments are dated October 16, 1995"' And include Final Site Plan and
Final Landscape Plan. The application fee of..$2818.00 is also enclosed. The '
Final Subdivision Plat, Final Utility Plans; and Final Drainage report and plans
And grading plans are being.submitted separately by,.RBD Engineers,, Inc: as
are the azchitecturalA awings.by.Dana L'ockwbod.'
In addition, below is our response to the; comments made by.the 'City of Fort
Collins dated August 25, 1995, -(the numerical order' corresponds 'with the
City's. letter).
L. The Final -Landscape Plan -includes additional trees along the west and
north frontages of south Shields Street and west Horestooth Road as'a ;
result of additional discussions with the City's Utilities and yourself:
Along Shields Street one ornamentaltree has been -added opposite each
' building pad for a total of three trees. Since tree plantings needed to
be limited, additional berming at a maximum height of two feet and
more shrub plantings have been,adde'd'to enhance -the zone, along, south,
Shields Street. Along•Horsetooth Road, additional trees and shrub
plantings were added east of Pad D toscreen the parking. lot view from ;
Horsetooth Road. These latter plantings are intended to filter the view
into the parking lot to approximately" 20% opacity.
2: A thorough analysis of pedestrian access to and •through the' site .is
included in the attached report and :the. Pedestrian Circulation Analysis'.
Plan dated October 16, 1995: A second drawing, .which is a blueprint
showing neighborhood development surrounding the Poudre. Valley
Plaza ,site,, 'is submitted ;as rsupport. material., for the pedestrian:'
circulation analysis.' We would like to suggest -that aslide be made of
the drawing and used for, the discussion during -the hearing.
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