1630 A 30th street # 495
Boulder, CO 80301
August 15, 2008
Steve Olt
281 N. College Ave.
PO Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522
RE: North College Market Place
Dear Mr. Olt:
This letter is to communicate my concerns regarding the proposed Market Place development
and my request for documentation. Please communicate my concerns for your records.
I oppose the request for drive-in restaurants and gas stations at the proposed Market Place
development on North College Avenue in Fort Collins, CO. Further, I oppose the size and
amount of grocery and retail space proposed.
The corner of Willox Lane and College already has a gas station and I do not see the need for
another gas station in the community. Further, I see a mega grocery store of 123,000 square feet
as over building and out of character for this area.
Additionally, I am quite concerned with the proposed round about on Willox Lane for it appears
to hinder access in and out of Country Club Comers, the Albertsons center.
I am concerned with this development encroaching on valuable and irreplaceable wetlands. I
imagine the city of Fort Collins would be very concerned with preserving the environment and
it's natural resources. It is my hope that the city is quite conservative with an approach to
development when it relates to conservation imposing on wetlands.
I am requesting that your office send me copies of all reports, consultations and opinions
currently on file and those created in the future regarding the wetlands on this site. My mailing
address is above. And I am happy to pick up these requested reports at you office. Please advise
in this regard.
Respectfully, ;
Barry Lewis