.Mr. Mike Scheckel
Kin,, Soopers
65 Tejon
Denver, CO 8022_
Re: Cedarwood Plaza Kin` Soopers Store =9 and that certain lease
elated April 13. 1994 and amended May I. 1997 between Cedarwood Plaza.
LLC No. 1 and Dillon Companies. Inc d/h'a King Soopers
Dcar N•1ikc:
As %%e have discussed recently. we are considering leasing space in the Cedar\ ood Plaza
Shopping Center to Snap Fitness For use as a fitness facility. The restrictive covenants as
defined. in Article 111, Section F(t) of the above referenced lease specifically prohibits us
firm leasin, for the primary use of "health spa or studio". YOU have indicated that Kill,-,
Soopers will waive this restriction in this instance and allow us to lease either space "S"
or " V & %V" as depicted on the attached site plan to Snap Fitness. Please formally
ackno\\ led_e Kin, Soopers' mwaiver of said lease restriction by signing below and
returninu, this letter.
In consideration of vour accommodation. we agree to enter into a cross casement
a"recmcnt to facilitate ingress and cress for patrons of the Center and the fuel facility
should King Soopers acquire ownership or leasehold interest in the Biel center located
adjacent to the Shopping Center. This approval sliall not be Lill reasonahIv delayed.
conditioned or withheld. provided that the easement does not Unreasonably burden or
obligate the Center and further provided that Kin_ Soopers agrees to pay all costs
associated with the preparation of the easement. including any related construction.
uerely. /
Robert E. Perryv
Ma nauer
Cedar\\-ood Plaza. L,LC No. I
Acknowledued and arced tc o26� daw of November 2006.
:Mike Schecke
Real Estate Representative
King Soopers