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file://C:\Documents and Settings\ssommer\Local Settings\Temp\GW}00001.HTM 05/19/2008
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Shelby Sommer - Liberty Farms submittal extension request
From: "Don Tiller" <dontillerl@comcast.net>
To: "'Shelby Sommer"' <ssommer@fcgov.com>, "'Cameron Gloss"'
Date: 05/19/2008 9:13 AM
Subject: Liberty Farms submittal extension request
Shelby and Cameron,
I would like to request a 60 day extension for the Liberty Farms Final Development Plan
resubmittal. We received comments from the city on March 3, 2008. Per LU 2.2.11 Step
11: Lapse, we have until June 1, 2008 to resubmit the application to respond to comments
The purpose of the extension is to allow additional time to complete negotiations for an
offsite sanitary sewer easement. Boxelder Santitation District is requiring the sanitary
sewer line be routed directly south to connect to the East Ridge stub, rather than routing
the sanitary sewer along Timberline and Vine.
We have been in discussions to obtain the necessary sanitary sewer offsite easement with
the owner to the south, George Holter, for three months. These discussions included
multiple meeting with George Holter, Basil Hamdan (City of Fort Collins), Randy
Siddens (Boxelder Sanitation District), and Fred Walker (Boxelder Sanitation District).
Mr. Holter has serious concerns the proposed route puts an unfair burden on his property
and that until the property is developed it is difficult to determine the significance of this
We reached tenative agreement with Mr. Holter last week and are in the process of
formalizing that agreement. The additional 60 days should provide sufficient time to
complete the agreement, update the plans, and complete the resubmittal by July 31, 2008.
Thank you for your consideration of this extension request.
Don Tiller
2121 Midpoint Drive Suite 302
Fort Collins, Colorado 80525
(970) 498-0833 x123 - office
(970) 402-3888 - mobile
(970) 498-0843 - fax
file://CADocuments and Settings\ssommer\Local Settings\Temp\GW)00001.HTM 05/19/2008