The owner of the development property is Kaufman & Robinson Inc., 1306 Blue Spruce
Drive, Fort Collins, Colorado 80524.
The Board of Directors consists o£
Harold R. Kaufman (Chairman),
Elinor M. Kaufman (Secretary), and
Raymond S. Robinson.
The officers are:
Harold R. Kaufman (President) and
James R. Kahn (Treasurer).
Future ownership of this development is intended to remain a single ownership of the entire
property including the improved structures, parking, landscaping, open spaces and other
property improvements with all responsibility of property maintenance and care.
Prepared by: Matthew Heiser BASIS Architecture, P.C.
Vehicular access to the subject property will enter from Blue Spruce Drive running
north/south along the western edge of the property. The proposed plan locates the drive
central to the property with intent to distinguish this drive as separate from Red Cedar Circle
and to provide a more central internal circulation path that allows for consideration of the
future use of the southern portion of the lot.
Parking is located north of the entrance between the building fagade and the street, intended
primarily for office and customer parking and south of the entrance, along the drive,
intended primarily for employee parking.
9 spaces 3000 sq ft office @ 3 spaces per 1000 sq ft
17 spaces Estimated 23 employees in industrial (cry 0.75 spaces per employ
26 spaces Total Maximum Allowed
22 spaces Provided
Pedestrian access internal to the project is provided along the parking and drive edge leading
to the building's primary western entrance and a southern employee entrance. Pedestrian
access along the street is provided by a new sidewalk connecting to existing sidewalks both
to the north and the south of the subject property.
Landscape design focuses on large, deciduous trees to provide a defined streetscape as well
as shade and screening of parking areas, while native, flowering shrubs provide a lower cover
screen between parking and Blue Spruce Drive and the associated pedestrian way.
There are no existing trees or shrubs on the site that require protection.
The project is anticipated to be constructed in two phases. Phase I would include all site
improvements including utilities and storm water management facilities, all parking and
construction of the first 9500 square feet of commercial construction. Phase I is anticipated
to begin and be completed during 2010. Phase II would include 4875 square feet of an
addition to the Phase 1 building at a future time not yet delineated.
Ag„APS-fe'le Oto,
Kaufman & Robinson Office Development
1324 & 1330 Blue Spruce Drive
Lots 3 & 4, Block 5 Evergreen Park
November 121h 2008
Revised November 23`d, 2009
The proposed project is designed to accommodate the growing needs of Kaufman &
Robinson Inc., a technology -based design and manufacturing company. Located
approximately one mile north of downtown in the Evergreen Park Subdivision, this project
is an infill development utilizing existing infrastructure without the extension of public roads
or utilities.
The site consists of two existing lots, proposed to be combined, in the I -Industrial zoning
classification. Uses within development comply with the Land Use Code section 4.28(B)(2)
with approximately 3,000 square feet of office space and 11,500 square feet of small to light
industrial space. Combined employees occupying both the office and manufacturing space
is anticipated between 12 and 30 people.
The proposed building is a single -story structure not exceeding 22 feet in height. The
proposed metal budding is similar in character to other developed properties along Blue
Spruce Drive.
The building will be served by utilities located along the western edge of the property or in
the adjacent Right -of -Way without extension of any main utility lines. A 4-inch fire line will
be run to the building to serve an NFPA-13 sprinkler system equipped throughout the
The project proposes on -site storm water detention with release off the property to the
Evergreen West pond immediate east of the site.
The wrap -around nature of the parking design allows parking and internal pedestrian access
(see below) to remain close to the proposed building. This proximity will allow all parking
lot lighting to be provided off of the building itself, without free-standing parking lot