HomeMy WebLinkAboutMOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH - FDP200020 - - UTILITY PLANS (2)PROJECT SITETIMBERLINE RD PROSPECT RDSHARP POINT DR ACADEMY CTMIDPOINT DRMOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH 12/18/2020U200041" = 500'1" = N/AMOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH 12/18/2020 1:29:56 PMC:\UNITED CIVIL DROPBOX\PROJECTS\U20004 - MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH\CADD\CP\C0.00 - COVER SHEET.DWGC0.00 - COVER SHEET SME JRS C0.0016COVER SHEET PREPARED FOR:JOB NUMBERSHEET NUMBERSHEETSOFDATE SUBMITTED:VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALEF I N A L R E V I EWPLANSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPROJ. MGR:DRAWING NAME:PATH:DESIGNER:DATE:TIME:CIVIL ENGINEERING & CONSULTINGUNITED CIVILDesign Group19 OLD TOWN SQUARE #238FORT COLLINS, CO 80524(970) 530-4044www.unitedcivil.comThe engineer preparing these plans will not be responsible for, or liable for, unauthorized changes to or uses of these plans. All changes to the plans must be in writing and must be approved by the preparer of these plans. NO.BY DATE CAUTIONREVISIONS:1UTILITY PLANS FORMOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCHA PORTION OF TRACT A, SEVEN LAKES BUSINESS PARK P.U.D., SITUATED IN THESOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 68 WEST OF THE 6THPRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COUNTY OF LARIMER, STATE OF COLORADODECEMBER 2020THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN REVIEWED BY THE LOCAL ENTITYFOR CONCEPT ONLY. THE REVIEW DOES NOT IMPLYRESPONSIBILITY BY THE REVIEWING DEPARTMENT, THELOCAL ENTITY ENGINEER, OR THE LOCAL ENTITY FORACCURACY AND CORRECTNESS OF THE CALCULATIONS.FURTHERMORE, THE REVIEW DOES NOT IMPLY THATQUANTITIES OF ITEMS ON THE PLANS ARE THE FINALQUANTITIES REQUIRED. THE REVIEW SHALL NOT BECONSTRUED IN ANY REASON AS ACCEPTANCE OF FINANCIALRESPONSIBILITY BY THE LOCAL ENTITY FOR ADDITIONALQUANTITIES OF ITEMS SHOWN THAT MAY BE REQUIREDDURING THE CONSTRUCTION PHASE.I HEREBY AFFIRM THAT THESE FINAL CONSTRUCTION PLANSWERE PREPARED UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION, INACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE CITY OF FORT COLLINSAND STATE OF COLORADO STANDARDS AND STATUTES,RESPECTIVELY; AND THAT I AM FULLY RESPONSIBLE FORTHE ACCURACY OF ALL DESIGN, REVISIONS, AND RECORDCONDITIONS THAT I HAVE NOTED ON THESE PLANS.SAMUEL ELIASON, PE #38212 DATECERTIFICATION STATEMENTDISCLAIMER STATEMENTOWNER / APPLICANTMOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH328 REMINGTON ST.FORT COLLINS, CO 80524PHONE: 970-490-2262CONTACT: JASON McCONAHYCIVIL ENGINEERUNITED CIVIL DESIGN GROUP, LLC1501 ACADEMY CT., STE 203FORT COLLINS, CO 80524PHONE: (970) 530-4044CONTACT: SAM ELIASONPLANNER/LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTRUSSELL + MILLS STUDIO506 S COLLEGE AVE, SUITE AFORT COLLINS, CO 80524PHONE: 970-484-8855CONTACT: SHELLEY LAMASTRAARCHITECTALM2S712 WHALERS WAY, BUILDING B, SUITE 100FORT COLLINS, CO 80525PHONE: (970) 223-1820CONTACT: BRAD MASSEYSURVEYORKING SURVEYORS650 EAST GARDEN DRIVEWINDSOR, CO 80550PHONE:(970) 686-5011CONTACT: PAUL GROVESUTILITYPROVIDERCONTACTPHONEWATER/WASTEWATERCITY OF FORT COLLINS UTILITIESJIM McCHESNEY(970) 556-8179STORMWATERCITY OF FORT COLLINS UTILITIESMATT SIMPSON(970) 416-2754POWERCITY OF FORT COLLINS LIGHT & POWERCODY SNOWDON(970) 416-2306NATURAL GASXCEL ENERGYSTEPHANIE RICH(970) 225-7828TELECOMCENTURYLINKROBERT RULI(970) 490-7503CABLE COMCASTDON KAPPERMAN(970) 567-0245Note: All utility providers listed hereon is provided as a courtesy. It is the responsibility of the recipient to verify the accuracy and completeness of theinformation shown.UTILITY PROVIDERSCALL UTILITY NOTIFICATION CENTER OFCOLORADOKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.CallRPROJECT COORDINATESCHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED:PAGE #SHEET #SHEET NAME1C0.00COVER SHEET2-3C0.01-C0.02GENERAL NOTES4C1.00EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVALS PLAN5C2.00HORIZONTAL CONTROL PLAN - PHASE 16C2.01HORIZONTAL CONTROL PLAN - PHASE 27C3.00UTILITY PLAN8C3.01STORM SEWER PLAN9C4.00OVERALL GRADING & EROSION CONTROL PLAN10-11C4.01-C4.02DETAILED GRADING PLANS12C5.00DRAINAGE PLAN13-15 C6.00-C6.02CONSTRUCTION DETAILS16TR101TREE PROTECTION PLANSHEET INDEXPROJECT TEAMVICINITY MAP1"=500'PROJECT DATUM: NAVD 88.BENCHMARK 51-01A STANDARD DISK SET IN CONCRETE, LOCATED ON THE NORTH END OF A BRIDGE OVER THE POUDRE RIVER ONTOP OF THE PARAPET WALL, APPROXIMATELY 0.2 MILES SOUTH OF WEST MULBERRY STREET.ELEVATION: 4926.93BENCHMARK 3-07NORTHWEST CORNER OF TIMBERLINE RD. AND PROSPECT RD. ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OFTRAFFIC SIGNAL BASE.ELEVATION: 4919.13PLEASE NOTE: THIS PLAN SET IS USING NAVD88 FOR A VERTICAL DATUM. SURROUNDINGDEVELOPMENTS HAVE USED NGVD29 UNADJUSTED DATUM (PRIOR CITY OF FORT COLLINS DATUM) FORTHEIR VERTICAL DATUMS.IF NGVD29 UNADJUSTED DATUM (PRIOR CITY OF FORT COLLINS DATUM) IS REQUIRED FOR ANYPURPOSE, THE FOLLOWING EQUATION SHOULD BE USED. NGVD29 UNADJUSTED DATUM (PRIOR CITY OFFORT COLLINS DATUM) = NAVD88 DATUM - 3.18'BASIS OF BEARINGS:ASSUMING THE NORTH LINE OF TRACT "A", SEVEN LAKES BUSINESS PARK P.U.D., AS BEARING SOUTH85°10'06" EAST AS SHOWN ON HORIZONTAL CONTROL PLANS, BEING A GRID BEARING OF THE COLORADOSTATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NORTH ZONE, NORTH AMERICAN DATUM 1983/2011, A DISTANCE OF578.13 FEET WITH ALL OTHER BEARINGS CONTAINED HEREIN RELATIVE THERETO.NOTE:1.ALL PROJECT CONTROL LISTED HEREON IS PROVIDED AS A COURTESY. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITYOF THE RECIPIENT TO VERIFY THE ACCURACY OF THE COORDINATES AND ELEVATIONS SHOWNPRIOR TO USING THEM FOR ANY PURPOSES.2.THESE DRAWINGS ARE AT MODIFIED STATE PLANE. TO REDUCE TO STATE PLANE COORDINATES,SCALE AT 0.99973332 (1.00026675) ABOUT THE ORIGIN 0,0.PROJECT SOILS REPORTSUBSURFACE EXPLORATION REPORTMOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCHPROPOSED DEMOLITION AND RECONSTRUCTION OF SANCTUARY2330 EAST PROSPECT ROADFORT COLLINS, COLORADOEEC PROJECT NO. 1202028DATE: MAY 27, 2020REPORT PREPARED BY: EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLCPHASING NOTES:1.THERE ARE TWO PHASES SHOWN WITHIN THIS DRAWING SET. THE FIRST PHASE SHOWS THEREDEVELOPMENT OF THE SITE WITHOUT A NEW SANCTUARY. THE SECOND PHASE SHOWSTHE REDEVELOPMENT OF THE SITE WITH A NEW SANCTUARY. THE DIFFERENCE IN ACTUALSITE IMPROVEMENTS IS MINIMAL BETWEEN THE TWO PHASES. THE DEVELOPER MAYCONSTRUCT PHASE 1 AND PHASE 2 AT THE SAME TIME.2.IMPROVEMENTS NOT SPECIFICALLY CLASSIFIED AS "PHASE 1" OR "PHASE 2" ARE CONSIDERED"PHASE 1" IMPROVEMENTS.3.PHASE 1 IMPROVEMENTS ARE CONSIDERED THE BASE BID. CONTRACTOR TO ALSO PROVIDEAN ALTERNATE BID TO INCLUDE PHASE 2 IMPROVEMENTS AT THE SAME TIME. THERE ARESOME ITEMS THAT ARE SHOWN IN PHASE 1 IMPROVEMENTS THAT WILL NOT NEED TO BECONSTRUCTED IF THE PHASE 2 IMPROVEMENTS ARE BUILT RIGHT AWAY. THESE ARE ALSONOTED ON THE PLANS. MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH 12/18/2020U200041" = N/A1" = N/AMOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH 12/18/2020 1:29:57 PMC:\UNITED CIVIL DROPBOX\PROJECTS\U20004 - MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH\CADD\CP\C0.00 - COVER SHEET.DWGC0.00 - COVER SHEET SME JRS C0.0116GENERAL NOTES PREPARED FOR:JOB NUMBERSHEET NUMBERSHEETSOFDATE SUBMITTED:VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALEF I N A L R E V I EWPLANSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPROJ. MGR:DRAWING NAME:PATH:DESIGNER:DATE:TIME:CIVIL ENGINEERING & CONSULTINGUNITED CIVILDesign Group19 OLD TOWN SQUARE #238FORT COLLINS, CO 80524(970) 530-4044www.unitedcivil.comThe engineer preparing these plans will not be responsible for, or liable for, unauthorized changes to or uses of these plans. All changes to the plans must be in writing and must be approved by the preparer of these plans. NO.BY DATE CAUTIONREVISIONS:2TRAFFIC SIGNING AND PAVEMENT MARKING CONSTRUCTION NOTES1.All signage and marking is subject to the General Notes on the cover sheet of these plans, as well as the Traffic Signing and Marking Construction Notes listed here.2.All symbols, including arrows, ONLYS, crosswalks, stop bars, etc. shall be pre-formed thermo-plastic.3.All signage shall be per Local Entity Standards and these plans or as otherwise specified in MUTCD.4.All lane lines for asphalt pavement shall receive two coats of latex paint with glass beads.5.All lane lines for concrete pavement should be epoxy paint.6.Prior to permanent installation of traffic striping and symbols, the Developer shall place temporary tabs or tape depicting alignment and placement of the same. Theirplacement shall be approved by the Local Entity Engineer prior to permanent installation of striping and symbols.7.Pre-formed thermo-plastic applications shall be as specified in these Plans and/or these Standards.8.Epoxy applications shall be applied as specified in CDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction.9.All surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned prior to installation of striping or markings.10.All sign posts shall utilize break-away assemblies and fasteners per the Standards.11.A field inspection of location and installation of all signs shall be performed by the Local Entity Engineer. All discrepancies identified during the field inspection must becorrected before the 2-year warranty period will begin.12.The developer installing signs shall be responsible for locating and protecting all underground utilities.13.Special care shall be taken in sign location to ensure an unobstructed view of each sign.14.Signage and striping has been determined by information available at the time of review. Prior to initiation of the warranty period, the City of Fort Collins Traffic Engineerreserves the right to require additional signage and/or striping if the City of Fort Collins Traffic Engineer determines that an unforeseen condition warrants such signageaccording to the MUTCD or the CDOT M and S standards. All signage and striping shall fall under the requirements of the two year warranty period for new construction(except fair wear on traffic markings).15.Sleeves for sign posts shall be required for use in islands/medians. Refer to Chapter 14, Traffic Control Devices, for additional detail.LARIMER COUNTY URBAN AREA STREET STANDARDS - REPEALED AND REENACTED OCTOBER 1, 2002GENERAL NOTES1.All materials, workmanship, and construction of public improvements shall meet or exceed the Standards and Specifications set forth in the Larimer County Urban AreaStreet Standards and applicable state and federal regulations. Where there is conflict between these plans and the specifications, or any applicable standards, the mostrestrictive standard shall apply. All work shall be inspected and approved by the local entity.2.All references to any published standards shall refer to the latest revision of said standard, unless specifically stated otherwise.3.These public improvement construction plans shall be valid for a period of three years from the date of approval by the local entity engineer. Use of these plans after theexpiration date will require a new review and approval process by the local entity prior to commencement of any work shown in these plans.4.The engineer who has prepared these plans, by execution and/or seal hereof, does hereby affirm responsibility to the local entity, as beneficiary of said engineer's work,for any errors and omissions contained in these plans, and approval of these plans by the local entity engineer shall not relieve the engineer who has prepared theseplans of all such responsibility. Further, to the extent permitted by law, the engineer hereby agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the local entity, and its officers andemployees, from and against all liabilities, claims, and demands which may arise from any errors and omissions contained in these plans.5.All sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and water line construction, as well as power and other "dry" utility installations, shall conform to the local entity standards andspecifications current at the date of approval of the plans by the local entity engineer.6.The type, size, location and number of all known underground utilities are approximate when shown on the drawings. It shall be the responsibility of the developer toverify the existence and location of all underground utilities along the route of the work before commencing new construction. The developer shall be responsible forunknown underground utilities.7.The developer shall contact the Utility Notification Center of Colorado (UNCC) at 1-800-922-1987, at least 2 working days prior to beginning excavation or grading, tohave all registered utility locations marked. Other unregistered utility entities (i.e. ditch / irrigation company) are to be located by contacting the respective representative.Utility service laterals are also to be located prior to beginning excavation or grading. It shall be the responsibility of the developer to relocate all existing utilities thatconflict with the proposed improvements shown on these plans.8.The developer shall be responsible for protecting all utilities during construction and for coordinating with the appropriate utility company for any utility crossings required.9.If a conflict exists between existing and proposed utilities and/or a design modification is required, the developer shall coordinate with the engineer to modify the design.Design modification(s) must be approved by the local entity prior to beginning construction.10.The developer shall coordinate and cooperate with the local entity, and all utility companies involved, to assure that the work is accomplished in a timely fashion and witha minimum disruption of service. The developer shall be responsible for contacting, in advance, all parties affected by any disruption of any utility service as well as theutility companies.11.No work may commence within any public storm water, sanitary sewer or potable water system until the developer notifies the utility provider. Notification shall be aminimum of 2 working days prior to commencement of any work. At the discretion of the water utility provider, a pre-construction meeting may be required prior tocommencement of any work.12.The developer shall sequence installation of utilities in such a manner as to minimize potential utility conflicts. In general, storm sewer and sanitary sewer should beconstructed prior to installation of the water lines and dry utilities.13.The minimum cover over water lines is 4.5 feet and the maximum is 5.5 fee unless otherwise noted in the plans and approved by the Water Utility.14.A state construction dewatering wastewater discharge permit is required if dewatering is required in order to install utilities or water is discharged into a storm sewer,channel, irrigation ditch or any waters of the united states.15.The developer shall comply with all terms and conditions of the Colorado Permit for Storm Water Discharge (contact Colorado Department of Health, Water QualityControl Division, (303) 692-3590), the storm water management plan, and the erosion control plan.16.The local entity shall not be responsible for the maintenance of storm drainage facilities located on private property. Maintenance of onsite drainage facilities shall be theresponsibility of the property owner(s).17.Prior to final inspection and acceptance by the local entity, certification of the drainage facilities, by a registered engineer, must be submitted to and approved by thestorm water utility department. Certification shall be submitted to the storm water utility department at least two weeks prior to the release of a certificate of occupancy forsingle family units. For commercial properties, certification shall be submitted to the Storm Water Utility Department at least two weeks prior to the release of any buildingpermits in excess of those allowed prior to certification per the development agreement.18.The local entity including but not limited to City of Fort Collins, South Fort Collins Sanitation District and Fort Collins-Loveland Water District shall not be responsible forany damages or injuries sustained in this development as a result of groundwater seepage, whether resulting from groundwater flooding, structural damage or otherdamage unless such damage or injuries are sustained as a result of the local entity failure to properly maintain its water, wastewater, and/or storm drainage facilities inthe development.19.All recommendations of the final drainage and erosion control study entitled "Mountain View Community Church" prepared by United Civil Design Group LLC, and datedDecember 18, 2020, shall be followed and implemented.20.Temporary erosion control during construction shall be provided as shown on the erosion control plan. All erosion control measures shall be maintained in good repair bythe developer, until such time as the entire disturbed areas is stabilized with hard surface or landscaping.21.The developer shall be responsible for insuring that no mud or debris shall be tracked onto the existing public street system. Mud and debris must be removed within 24hours by an appropriate mechanical method (i.e. machine broom sweep, light duty front-end loader, etc.) or as approved by the local entity street inspector.22.No work may commence within any improved or unimproved public right-of-way until a right-of-way permit or development construction permit is obtained, if applicable.23.The developer shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary permits for all applicable agencies prior to commencement of construction. The developer shall notify thelocal entity engineering inspector (Fort Collins - 221-6605) and the local entity erosion control inspector (Fort Collins - 221-6700) at least 2 working days prior to the startof any earth disturbing activity, or construction on any and all public improvements. If the local entity engineer is not available after proper notice of construction activityhas been provided, the developer may commence work in the engineers absence. However, the local entity reserves the right not to accept the improvement ifsubsequent testing reveals an improper installation.24.The developer shall be responsible for obtaining soils tests within the public right-of-way after right-of-way grading and all utility trench work is complete and prior to theplacement of curb, gutter, sidewalk and pavement. If the final soils/pavement design report does not correspond with the results of the original geotechnical report, thedeveloper shall be responsible for a re-design of the subject pavement section or, the developer may use the local entity's default pavement thickness section(s).Regardless of the option used, all final soils/pavement design reports shall be prepared by a licensed professional engineer. The final report shall be submitted to theinspector a minimum of 10 working days prior to placement of base and asphalt. Placement of curb, gutter, sidewalk, base and asphalt shall not occur until the local entityengineer approves the final report.25.The contractor shall hire a licensed engineer or land surveyor to survey the constructed elevations of the street subgrade and the gutter flowline at all intersections, inlets,and other locations requested by the local entity inspector. The engineer or surveyor must certify in a letter to the local entity that these elevations conform to theapproved plans and specifications. Any deviations shall be noted in the letter and then resolved with the local entity before installation of base course or asphalt will beallowed on the streets.26.All utility installations within or across the roadbed of new residential roads must be completed prior to the final stages of road construction. For the purposes of thesestandards, any work except c/g above the subgrade is considered final stage work. All service lines must be stubbed to the property lines and marked so as to reduce theexcavation necessary for building connections.27.Portions of Larimer County are within overlay districts. The Larimer County floodplain resolution should be referred to for additional criteria for roads within these districts.28.All road construction in areas designated as wild fire hazard areas shall be done in accordance with the construction criteria as established in the wild fire hazard areamitigation regulations in force at the time of final plat approval.29.Prior to the commencement of any construction, the contractor shall contact the local entity forester to schedule a site inspection for any tree removal requiring a permit.30.The developer shall be responsible for all aspects of safety including, but not limited to, excavation, trenching, shoring, traffic control, and security. Refer to OSHAPublication 2226, Excavating and Trenching.31.The developer shall submit a construction traffic control plan, in accordance with MUTCD, to the appropriate right-of-way authority. (local entity, county or state), forapproval, prior to any construction activities within, or affecting, the right-of-way. The developer shall be responsible for providing any and all traffic control devices asmay be required by the construction activities.32.Prior to the commencement of any construction that will affect traffic signs of any type, the contractor shall contact local entity traffic operations department, who willtemporarily remove or relocate the sign at no cost to the contractor; however, if the contractor moves the traffic sign then the contractor will be charged for the labor,materials and equipment to reinstall the sign as needed.33.The developer is responsible for all costs for the initial installation of traffic signing and striping for the development related to the development's local street operations. Inaddition, the developer is responsible for all costs for traffic signing and striping related to directing traffic access to and from the development.34.There shall be no site construction activities on Saturdays, unless specifically approved by the local entity engineer, and no site construction activities on Sundays orholidays, unless there is prior written approval by the local entity.35.The developer is responsible for providing all labor and materials necessary for the completion of the intended improvements, shown on these drawings, or designated tobe provided, installed, or constructed, unless specifically noted otherwise.36.Dimensions for layout and construction are not to be scaled from any drawing. If pertinent dimensions are not shown, contact the designer for clarification, and annotatethe dimension on the as-built record drawings.37.The developer shall have, onsite at all times, one (1) signed copy of the approved plans, one (1) copy of the appropriate standards and specifications, and a copy of anypermits and extension agreements needed for the job.38.If, during the construction process, conditions are encountered which could indicate a situation that is not identified in the plans or specifications, the developer shallcontact the designer and the local entity engineer immediately.39.The developer shall be responsible for recording as-built information on a set of record drawings kept on the construction site, and available to the local entity's inspectorat all times. Upon completion of the work, the contractor(s) shall submit record drawings to the local entity engineer.GENERAL NOTES (CONTINUED)40.The designer shall provide, in this location on the plan, the location and description of the nearest survey benchmarks (2) for the project as well as the basis of bearings.The information shall be as follows:PROJECT DATUM: NAVD 88.BENCHMARK 51-01A STANDARD DISK SET IN CONCRETE, LOCATED ON THE NORTH END OF A BRIDGE OVER THE POUDRE RIVER ON TOP OF THE PARAPET WALL, APPROXIMATELY 0.2 MILES SOUTH OF WEST MULBERRYSTREET.ELEVATION: 4926.93BENCHMARK 3-07NORTHWEST CORNER OF TIMBERLINE RD. AND PROSPECT RD. ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL BASE.ELEVATION: 4919.13PLEASE NOTE: THIS PLAN SET IS USING NAVD88 FOR A VERTICAL DATUM. SURROUNDING DEVELOPMENTS HAVE USED NGVD29 UNADJUSTED DATUM (PRIOR CITY OF FORTCOLLINS DATUM) FOR THEIR VERTICAL DATUMS.IF NGVD29 UNADJUSTED DATUM (PRIOR CITY OF FORT COLLINS DATUM) IS REQUIRED FOR ANY PURPOSE, THE FOLLOWING EQUATION SHOULD BE USED. NGVD29 UNADJUSTEDDATUM (PRIOR CITY OF FORT COLLINS DATUM) = NAVD88 DATUM - 3.18'BASIS OF BEARINGS:ASSUMING THE NORTH LINE OF TRACT "A", SEVEN LAKES BUSINESS PARK P.U.D., AS BEARING SOUTH 85°10'06" EAST AS SHOWN ON HORIZONTAL CONTROL PLANS, BEING A GRIDBEARING OF THE COLORADO STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NORTH ZONE, NORTH AMERICAN DATUM 1983/2011, A DISTANCE OF 578.13 FEET WITH ALL OTHER BEARINGSCONTAINED HEREIN RELATIVE THERETO.41.All stationing is based on centerline of roadways unless otherwise noted.42.Damaged curb, gutter and sidewalk existing prior to construction, as well as existing fences, trees, streets, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, landscaping, structures, andimprovements destroyed, damaged or removed due to construction of this project, shall be replaced or restored in like kind at the developer's expense, unless otherwiseindicated on these plans, prior to the acceptance of completed improvements and/or prior to the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy.43.When an existing asphalt street must be cut, the street must be restored to a condition equal to or better than its original condition. The existing street condition shall bedocumented by the local entity construction inspector before any cuts are made. Patching shall be done in accordance with the local entity street repair standards. Thefinished patch shall blend in smoothly into the existing surface. All large patches shall be paved with an asphalt lay-down machine. In streets where more than one cut ismade, an overlay of the entire street width, including the patched area, may be required. The determination of need for a complete overlay shall be made by the localentity engineer and/or the local entity inspector at the time the cuts are made.44.Upon completion of construction, the site shall be cleaned and restored to a condition equal to, or better than, that which existed before construction, or to the gradesand condition as required by these plans.45.Standard handicap ramps are to be constructed at all curb returns and at all "T" intersections.46.After acceptance by the local entity, public improvements depicted in these plans shall be guaranteed to be free from material and workmanship defects for a minimumperiod of two years from the date of acceptance.47.The local entity shall not be responsible for the maintenance of roadway and appurtenant improvements, including storm drainage structures and pipes, for the followingprivate streets: none.48.Approved variances are listed as follows: None.STREET IMPROVEMENTS NOTES1.All street construction is subject to the General Notes on the Cover Sheet of these plans as well as the street improvements notes listed here.2.A paving section design, signed and stamped by a Colorado licensed engineer, must be submitted to the local entity engineer for approval, prior to any streetconstruction activity, (full depth asphalt sections are not permitted at a depth greater than 8 inches of asphalt). The job mix shall be submitted for approval prior toplacement of any asphalt.3.Where proposed paving adjoins existing asphalt, the existing asphalt shall be saw cut, a minimum distance of 12 inches from the existing edge, to create a cleanconstruction joint. The developer shall be required to remove existing pavement to a distance where a clean construction joint can be made. Wheel cuts shall not beallowed unless approved by the local entity engineer in Fort Collins.4.Street subgrades shall be scarified the top 12 inches and re-compacted prior to subbase installation. No base material shall be laid until the subgrade has beeninspected and approved by the local entity engineer.5.Valve boxes and manholes are to be brought up to grade at the time of pavement placement or overlay. Valve box adjusting rings are not allowed.6.When an existing asphalt street must be cut, the street must be restored to a condition equal to or better than its original condition. The existing street condition shall bedocumented by the inspector before any cuts are made. Cutting and patching shall be done in conformance with Chapter 25, reconstruction and repair. The finishedpatch shall blend smoothly into the existing surface. The determination of need for a complete overlay shall be made by the local entity engineer. All overlay work shallbe coordinated with adjacent landowners such that future projects do not cut the new asphalt overlay work.7.All traffic control devices shall be in conformance with these plans or as otherwise specified in MUTCD (including Colorado supplement) and as per the right-of-waywork permit traffic control plan.8.The developer is required to perform a gutter water flow test in the presence of the local entity inspector and prior to installation of asphalt. Gutters that hold more than inch deep or 5 feet longitudinally, of water, shall be completely removed and reconstructed to drain properly.9.Prior to placement of H.B.P. or concrete within the street and after moisture/density tests have been taken on the subgrade material (when a full depth section isproposed) or on the subgrade and base material (when a composite section is proposed), a mechanical "proof roll" will be required. The entire subgrade and/or basematerial shall be rolled with a heavily loaded vehicle having a total GVW of not less than 50,000 lbs. And a single axle weight of at least 18,000 lbs. With pneumatic tiresinflated to not less than 90 P.S.I.G. "proof roll" vehicles shall not travel at speeds greater than 3 m.p.h. any portion of the subgrade or base material which exhibitsexcessive pumping or deformation, as determined by the local entity engineer, shall be reworked, replaced or otherwise modified to form a smooth, non-yieldingsurface. The local entity engineer shall be notified at least 24 hours prior to the "proof roll." All "proof rolls" shall be performed in the presence of an inspector.STORM DRAINAGE NOTES1.The City of Fort Collins shall not be responsible for the maintenance of storm drainage facilities located on private property. Maintenance of onsite drainage facilitiesshall be the responsibility of the property owner(s).2.All street, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water construction shall conform to City Standards and Specifications current at date of execution of the DevelopmentAgreement pertaining to this development. Any construction occurring three years after the execution of the development agreement shall require re-examination of theplans by the Director who may require that they be made to conform to standards and specifications current at that time.3.The type, size, location, and number of all known underground utilities are approximate as shown on the drawings. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to verifythe existence and location of all underground utilities along the route of the work. Before commencing new construction, the contractor shall be responsible for locatingunknown underground utilities.4.These plans have been reviewed by the City for concept only. The review does not imply responsibility by the reviewing department, the City Engineer, or the City foraccuracy or correctness of the calculations. Furthermore, the review does not imply that the quantities of the items on the plans are the final quantities required. Thereview shall not be construed in any reason as acceptance of financial responsibility by the City for additional quantities of items shown that may be required during theconstruction phase.5.Prior to the commencement of any construction, the contractor must give the City Engineering Department (970-221-6605) and the Erosion Control Inspector(970-221-6700) twenty-four (24) hours advance. Initial erosion control measures must be installed and a site inspection by the Erosion Control Inspector is requiredbefore commencing construction activities.6.Maintenance of onsite drainage facilities shall be the responsibility of the property owners.7.All recommendations of the final drainage and erosion control study entitled "Mountain View Community Church" prepared by United Civil Design Group LLC, and datedDecember 18, 2020, shall be followed and implemented.8.Prior to final inspection and acceptance by the City, certification of the drainage facilities by a Colorado registered professional engineer must be submitted to andapproved by the City Stormwater Department. (including the applicable note as set forth below)For commercial and multi-family developments, certification of all drainage facilities shall be submitted to the City Stormwater Department at least two weeks prior to therelease of a certificate of occupancy. Individual lot certification, elevation certification, or floodproofing certification, as specified in the development agreement, must besubmitted to the City Stormwater Department at least two weeks prior to the release of a certificate of occupancy for such lot.For single family developments, certification of all drainage facilities must be submitted to the City Stormwater Department in accordance with all conditions asprescribed by the development agreement associated with this development. Individual lot certification, elevation certification, or floodproofing certification, as specifiedin the development agreement, must be submitted to the City Stormwater Department at least one week prior to the release of a certificate of occupancy for such lot.9.If dewatering is used to install utilities, and discharge will be into the street, gutter, storm sewer, channel, irrigation ditch, or any waters of the State a State ConstructionDewatering Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit is required.10.All land disturbing activities greater than or equal to one acre must comply with the State of Colorado permitting process for Stormwater Discharges Associated withConstruction Activity. For more information contact the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Water Quality Control Division, at 303-692-3500 or referto the web site at http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/wq/PermitsUnit/.11.Benchmark: See General Note Number 40.12.If fill or dredged material is discharged into waters of the United States, a USACE 404 permit is required.13.If construction affects any Colorado Highway, a Colorado Department of Transportation right-of-way permit is required.CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED:WATERLINE NOTES1.The minimum cover over water lines is 4.5 feet and the maximum cover 5.5 feet unless otherwise noted in plans and approved by the Water Utility. MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH 12/18/2020U200041" = N/A1" = N/AMOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH 12/18/2020 1:30:02 PMC:\UNITED CIVIL DROPBOX\PROJECTS\U20004 - MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH\CADD\CP\C0.00 - COVER SHEET.DWGC0.00 - COVER SHEET SME JRS C0.0216GENERAL NOTES PREPARED FOR:JOB NUMBERSHEET NUMBERSHEETSOFDATE SUBMITTED:VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALEF I N A L R E V I EWPLANSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPROJ. MGR:DRAWING NAME:PATH:DESIGNER:DATE:TIME:CIVIL ENGINEERING & CONSULTINGUNITED CIVILDesign Group19 OLD TOWN SQUARE #238FORT COLLINS, CO 80524(970) 530-4044www.unitedcivil.comThe engineer preparing these plans will not be responsible for, or liable for, unauthorized changes to or uses of these plans. All changes to the plans must be in writing and must be approved by the preparer of these plans. NO.BY DATE CAUTIONREVISIONS:3CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED:STANDARD EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL CONSTRUCTION PLAN NOTESGeneral Erosion Control RequirementsThese notes are a summary for the legal requirements, that are set forth in the Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual (FCSCM), and that any conflict is resolvedby the more stringent requirement controlling.1)The Property Owner, Owner's Representative, Developer, Design Engineer, General Contractor, Sub-contractors, or similar title for the developing entity(here after referred to as the Developer) has provided these Erosion Control Materials in accordance with Erosion Control Criteria set forth in the Manual asan attempt to identify erosion, sediment, and other potential pollutant sources associated with these Construction Activities and preventing those pollutantsfrom leaving the project site as an illicit discharge. Full City requirements and are outlined and clarified in the Manual under Chapter 4: Construction ControlMeasures and should be used to identify and define what is needed on a project.2)The Developer shall make themselves thoroughly familiar with the provisions and the content of the specifications laid out in the Manual, the DevelopmentAgreement, the Erosion Control Materials compiled for this project, and the following notes as all these materials are applicable to this project.3)The Developer shall implement and maintain Control Measures for all potential pollutants from the start of land disturbing activities until final stabilization ofthe construction site.4)The City Erosion Control Inspector shall be notified at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the desired start of any construction activities on this site toallow adequate time for on-site confirmation (initial inspection which can take up to two business days after receiving the request) that the site is in factprotected from sediment and pollutants discharges off site. Please contact erosion@fcgov.com early to schedule those Initial Erosion Control Inspectionswell in advance so that demolition, clearing, grubbing, tree removal, and scraping may begin without delay. Failure to receive an on-site confirmation beforeconstruction activities commence is an automatic “Notice of Violation” and can result in further enforcement actions.5)The Developer shall proactively provide all appropriate Control Measures to prevent damage to adjacent downstream and leeward properties. This includesbut is not limited to: trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, structures, creeks, wetlands, streams, rivers, and utilities that are not designed forremoval, relocation, or replacement in the course of construction.6)At all times the Developer shall be responsible to ensure adequate Control Measures are designed, selected, installed, maintain, repaired, replaced, andultimately removed in order to prevent and control erosion suspension, sediment transportation, and pollutant discharge as a result of construction activitiesassociated with this project.7)All applicable Control Measures based upon the sequencing and/or phasing of the project shall be installed prior to those construction activitiescommencing.8)As dynamic conditions (due to the nature, timing, sequence, and phasing of construction) in the field may warrant Control Measures in addition, or different,to what is shown on these plans, the Developer shall at all times be responsible to implement the Control Measures that are most effective with the currentstate and progress of construction. The Developer shall implement whatever measures are determined necessary, and/or as directed by the City ErosionControl Inspector. The Developer shall insure that all Erosion Control Plans (Maps) or SWMP documents are updated to reflect the current site conditions,with updates being initialed and dated. These site inspections and site condition updates shall be made available upon request by the City.9)All listings, provisions, materials, procedures, activities, site work and the like articulated in this or other written site-specific documents (Including but notlimited to the erosion control reports, development agreements, landscape, and drainage materials) shall meet or exceed the most restrictive language forCity, County, State, and Federal regulations with regards to erosion, sediment, pollutant, and other pollution source Control Measures. The Developer shallbe responsible to comply with all of these aforementioned laws and regulations.10)The Developer shall ensure that all appropriate permits (CDPS General Permit Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activity, Dewatering,Clean Water Act, Army Corps of Engineers' 404 Wetlands Mitigation Permit, etc.) have been attained prior to the relevant activity has begun. These permitsor copies shall be made available upon request by the City.11)The Developer shall furnish all conveniences and assistances to aid the Erosion Control Inspectors of materials, workmanship, records, andself-inspections, etc. of the Control Measures involved in the construction activities.12)The Developer shall request clarification of all apparent site construction issues that may arise due to inconsistencies in construction plans for the site orsite conditions around the selected Control Measures by contacting the Erosion Control Inspector. The Erosion Control Inspector will not be responsible forany explanations, interpretations, or supplementary data provided by others.13)All Control Measures shall be installed in accordance with the Manual.14)The City reserves the right to require additional Control Measures as site conditions warrant, to the extent authorized by relevant legal authority.15)As with any construction standards, occasions may arise where the minimum erosion control standards are either inappropriate or cannot be justified. Inthese cases, a variance to these standards may be applied for pursuant to the terms, conditions, and procedures of the Manual.16)Inspection. The contractor shall inspect site pollutant sources and implement Control Measures at a minimum of once every two weeks during constructionand within 24 hours following a precipitation event. Documentation of each inspection shall be recorded and retained by the contractor.17)All temporary Control Measures shall be cleaned, repaired, or reconstructed as necessary in order to assure continual performance of their intendedfunction. All retained sediments, particularly those on paved roadway surfaces, shall be removed and disposed of in a manner and location so as not tocause their release into any drainage way.18)Any Control Measure may be substituted for another standard Control Measure so long as that Control Measure is equal to, or of greater protection thanthe original Control Measure that was to be used in that location. (ex. silt fence, for wattles, or for compact berms) Wattle alone on commercial constructionsites have shown to be an ineffective substitute for silt fence or compact berms unless it is accompanied by a construction fence to prevent vehicle traffic.19)Any implementation or replacement of existing Control Measures for a non-standard control, or alternative Control Measure, shall require the review andacceptance by the City erosion control staff before the measure will be allowed to be used on this project. These Control Measures' details shall besubmitted, reviewed and accepted to be in accordance with the Erosion Control Criteria based upon the functionality and effectiveness in accordance withsound engineering and hydrological practicesLand disturbance, Stockpiles, and Storage of Soils20)There shall be no earth-disturbing activity outside the limits designated on the accepted plans. Off road staging areas or stockpiles must be preapproved bythe City. Disturbances beyond these limits will be restored to original condition.21)Pre-disturbance vegetation shall be identified, protected, and retained wherever possible. Removal or disturbance of existing vegetation shall be limited tothe area required for immediate construction operations, and for the shortest practical period of time. This should include sequencing and phasingconstruction activities in a way so that the soil is not exposed for long periods of time by schedule or limit grading to small areas. This should also includewhen practical advancing the schedule on stabilization activities such that landscaping takes place shortly if not immediately after grading has occurred.Vegetation efforts shall start as soon as possible to return the site to a stabilized condition. Sensitive areas should avoid clearing and grading activities asmuch possible.22)All exposed soils or disturbed areas are considered a potential pollutant and shall have Control Measures implemented on the site to prevent materials fromleaving the site.23)All soils exposed during land disturbing activity (stripping, grading, utility installations, stockpiling, filling, etc.) shall be kept in a roughened condition at alltimes by equipment tracking, scarifying or disking the surface on a contour with a 2 to 4 inch minimum variation in soil surface until mulch, vegetation,and/or other permanent erosion control is installed.24)No soil stockpile shall exceed ten (10) feet in height. All soil stockpiles shall be protected from sediment transport through the use of surface roughening,watering, and down gradient perimeter controls. All soil stockpiles shall be protected from sediment transport by wind in accordance with Municipal Code§12-150. All stockpiles shall be flattened to meet grade or removed from site as soon as practical, and no later than the completion of construction activitiesor abandonment of the project. All off-site stockpile storage locations in City limits shall have a stockpile permit from the City Engineering Department priorto using the area to store material. If frequent access from hardscape to the stockpile is needed a structural tracking Control Measure shall be implemented.25)All required Control Measures shall be installed prior to any land disturbing activity (stockpiling, stripping, grading, etc.). All of the required erosion ControlMeasures must be installed at the appropriate time in the construction sequence as indicated in the approved project schedule, construction plans, anderosion control report.26)All inlets, curb-cuts, culverts, and other storm sewer infrastructure which could be potentially impacted by construction activities shall be protected withControl Measures. Material accumulated from this Control Measure shall be promptly removed and in cases where the protection has failed, the pipes shallbe thoroughly cleaned out.27)All streams, stream corridors, buffers, woodlands, wetlands, or other sensitive areas shall be protected from impact by any construction activity through theuse of Control Measures.28)All exposed dirt shall have perimeter control. Any perimeter controls that drain off or has the ability to be tracked onto the nearby hardscape shall havesome form of effective sediment control as the, or as part of the, perimeter control.29)All exposed slopes should be protected. All exposed steep slopes (Steeper than 3:1 H:V) shall be protected from erosion and sediment transport throughuse of Control Measures.30)No soils shall remain exposed by land disturbing activity for more than thirty (30) days after activity has ceased before required temporary seeding orpermanent erosion control (e.g. seed/mulch, landscaping, etc.) is installed. This is not just limited to projects that are abandoned; this includes any projectthat is temporarily halted and no immediate activity is to resume within the next thirty (30) days, unless otherwise approved by the City Erosion ControlInspector. During a season when seeding does not produce vegetative cover, anothertemporary erosion control shall be implemented with or until temporaryseeding or permanent erosion control can be performed.31)All individual lots shall have effective sediment controls located on the street side and any down gradient side. Typically most lots drain to the front yet on thosecases where houses are along a pond or drainage swale have the lot drain in a different direction than the street, those individual lots will need protection on thatdown gradient side to prevent sediment from leaving the lot. See the Individual Lot Details for further clarification.Vehicle Tracking32)At all points where vehicles exit or leave the exposed dirt area on to a hardscape or semi hardscape (concrete, asphalt, road base, etc.) shall have installed atleast one structural tracking Control Measure to prevent vehicle tracking. All areas not protected by an adequate perimeter control shall be considered a pointwhere vehicles exit the site. Access points should be limited to as few entrances as possible (All perimeter areas shall be protected from tracking activities).33)In all areas that the structural tracking Control Measures fail to prevent vehicle tracking, collection and proper disposal of that material is required. All inlets locatednear access points and affected by tracking activities shall be prevented from the introduction of sediment into the drainage system.34)City Municipal Code §20-62, among other things, prohibits the tracking, dropping, or depositing of soils or any other material onto city streets by or from anysource. City Municipal Code, §26-498, among other things, prohibits the discharge of pollutants on public or private property if there is a significant potential formigration of such pollutant. Therefore, all tracked or deposited materials (intentional or inadvertent) are not permitted to remain on the street or gutter and shall beremoved and legally disposed of by the Developer in a timely and immediate manner. Dirt ramps installed in the curb-lines are not exempt to these sections ofcode and shall not be permitted in the street right of way (public or private).35)If repeated deposit of material occurs on a site, additional structural tracking controls may be required of the Developer by the City Erosion Control Inspector.Loading and Unloading Operations36)The Developer shall apply Control Measure to limit traffic (site worker or public) impacts and proactively locate material delivered to the site in close proximity tothe work area or immediately incorporated in the construction to limit operational impacts to disturbed areas, vehicle tracking, and sediment deposition that couldimpact water quality.Outdoor Storage or Construction Site Materials, Building Materials, Ferilizers, and Chemicals37)Any materials of a non-polluting nature (steel, rock, brick, lumber, etc.) shall be inspected for any residue coming off the material during routine inspectionand will generally be located where practical at least fifty (50) feet from any permanent or interim drainage ways.38)Any high environmental impact pollutant materials that have a high likelihood to result in discharge when in contact with stormwater (lubricants, fuels,paints, solvents, detergents, fertilizers, chemical sprays, bags of cement mix, etc.) should not be kept on site where practical. When not practical, theyshould be stored inside (vehicle, trailer, connex, building, etc.) and out of contact with stormwater or stormwater runoff. Where not available, they shall bestored outside in a raised (high spots or on pallets), covered (plastic or tarped), and sealed (leak proof container) in secondary containment location. Thesecondary containment or other Control Measure shall be adequately sized, located, where practical, at least fifty (50) feet from any permanent or interimstormwater structures or drainage ways and shall be monitored as part of the routine inspections.Vehicle and equipment maintenance and fueling39)Parking, refueling, and maintenance of vehicles and equipment should be limited in one area of the site to minimize possible spills and fuel storage areas.This area shall be located, where practical, at least fifty (50) feet from any permanent or interim stormwater structures or drainage ways and shall bemonitored as part of the routine inspections. All areas shall keep spill kits and supplies close.Significant Dust or Particulate generating Process40)The property must be actively preventing the emission of fugitive dust at all times during construction and vegetation activities. All land disturbing activitiesthat result in fugitive dust shall be in accordance with Municipal Code §12-150 to reduce the impacts to adjacent properties and community health. Allrequired practices shall be implemented and additional ones shall be followed. These practices include watering the sites and discontinuing constructionactivities until the wind subsides as determined by any City Inspectors.Concrete truck / equipment washing, including the concrete truck chute and associated fixtures and equipment41)All concrete and equipment washing shall use structural Control Measures appropriate to the volume of wash and frequency of use. These ControlMeasures shall be located, where practical, at least fifty (50) feet from any permanent or interim stormwater structures or drainage ways and shall bemonitored as part of the routine inspections. These areas shall be clearly identified and protected from any wash from leaving the Control Measure. Iffrequent access from hardscape to the Control Measure is to occur, a structural tracking Control Measure shall be implemented. These Control Measuresshall be frequently cleaned out.42)The Developer is responsible for ensuring washing activity is taking place at the appropriate Control Measure and site workers are not washing or dumpingwash water on to the dirt or other uncontrolled locations.Dedicated Asphalt and concrete batch plants43)Dedicated asphalt and concrete batch plants are not acceptable on construction sites within the City of Fort Collins without an expressed written requestand plan to reduce pollutants associated with that type of activity and approval by the City of Fort Collins specifically the Erosion Control Inspector. TheDeveloper shall inform the erosion control inspection staff of any dedicated asphalt, or concrete batch plants that is to be used on site.Concrete Saw Cutting Materials44)Saw cutting material shall be in accordance with Municipal Code §12-150 for air emissions and all water applications to the saw cutting shall preventmaterial from leaving the immediate site and collected. These cutting locations, once dried, shall be swept and scraped of all material and shall have properand legal disposal.Waste Materials Storage and Sanitary Facilities45)Trash, debris, material salvage, and/or recycling areas shall be, where practical, at least fifty (50) feet from any permanent or interim stormwater structuresor drainage ways and shall be monitored as part of the routine inspections. These facilities should be located out of the wind and covered as able. Wherenot able to cover, locating said areas on the side of other structures to reduce exposure to winds, and follow maximum loading guidelines as marked on thecontainer. The Developer is required to practice good housekeeping to keep the construction site free of litter, construction debris, and leaking containers.46)Sanitary facilities shall be prevented from tipping through the use of anchoring to the ground or lashing to a stabilized structure. These facilities shall also belocated as far as practical from an inlet, curb cut, drainage swale or other drainage conveyances to prevent material transport from leaving the local area.This consists of the facility being located, where practical, at least fifty (50) feet from any permanent or interim drainage ways.Other Site Operations and Potential Spill Areas47)Spills: For those minor spills that; are less than the State's reportable quantity for spills, stay within the permitted area, and in no way threaten anystormwater conveyance, notify theCity of Fort Collins Utilities by email at erosion@fcgov.com or phone (970) 817-4770. For any significant, major, orhazardous spills, notify the City of Fort Collins Utilities by phone only after Emergency Response (911) has been notified and is on route, County HealthDepartment (LCDHE) has been notified through Larimer County Sheriff Dispatch (970) 416-1985, and the State Spill Hotline Incident Reporting have beencontacted 1-877-518-5608. Written documentation shall be provided to the City within 5 days of the event. All spills shall be cleaned up immediately.48)Selection of “plastic welded” erosion control blankets shall not be used in areas that wildlife, such as snakes, are likely to be located as these have provento cause entrapment issues.Final stabilization and project completion49)Any stormwater facilities used as a temporary Control Measure will be restored and storm sewer lines will be cleaned upon completion of the project andbefore turning the maintenance over to the Owner, Homeowners Association (HOA), or other party responsible for long term maintenance of those facility.50)All final stabilization specifications shall be done in accordance with the Manual, Chapter 4: Construction Control Measures.51)All disturbed areas designed to be vegetated shall be amended, seeded & mulched, or landscaped as specified in the landscape plans within 14 workingdays of final grading.52)Soil in all vegetated (landscaped or seeded) areas, including parkways and medians shall comply with all requirements set forth in Sections 12-130 through12-132 of the City Municipal Code, as well as Section 3.8.21 for the City Land Use Code.53)All seeding shall refer to landscaping plans for species mixture and application rates and depths requirements.54)All seed shall be drilled where practical to a depth based upon the seed type. Broadcast seeding shall be applied at double the rate as prescribed for drillseeding and shall be lightly hand raked after application. Hydroseeding may be substituted for drill seeding on slopes steeper than 3(H):1(V) or on otherareas not practical to drill seed and crimp and mulch. All hydroseeding must be conducted as two separate processes of seeding and tackification.55)All seeded areas must be mulched within twenty-four (24) after planting. All mulch shall be mechanically crimped and or adequately applied tackifier. Theuse of crimped mulch or tackifier may require multiple re-applications if not properly installed or have weathered or degraded before vegetation has beenestablished. Areas of embankments having slopes greater than or equal to 3H:1V shall be stabilized with an erosion mat or approved equal to ensure seedwill be able to germinate on the steep slopes. During a season when seeding doesnot produce vegetative cover, another temporary erosion control shall beimplemented alongwith, or until, temporary seeding or permanent erosion control can be performed.56)The Developer shall warranty and maintain all vegetative measures for two growing seasons after installation or until seventy percent (70%) vegetativecover has been established, whichever is longer and meets all the Criteria outlined in the Fort Collins Stormwater Criteria Manual Chapter 4: ConstructionControl Measures.57)The Developer shall maintain, monitor, repair, and replace any and all applicable Control Measures until final stabilization has been obtained. All ControlMeasures must remain until such time as all upstream contributing pollutant sources have been vegetated or removed from the site. When any ControlMeasure is removed, the Developer shall be responsible for the cleanup and removal of all sediment and debris from that Control Measure. At the point atwhich the site has been deemed stabilized and verified by City Erosion Control Inspector, all temporary Control Measures can then be fully removed. Allmeasures shall be removed within 30 days after final stabilization is achieved.58)The responsible party shall maintain and keep current all payments or related forms of security for the Erosion Control Escrow until 1) stabilization has beenreached and 2) all Control Measures and/or BMPs have sediment materials collected and the Control Measure removed from the site. At that time the sitewill be considered completed and any remaining Erosion Control Escrow shall be returned to the appropriate parties.LCUASS APPENDIX E-2 NOTESA.Standard Grading and Erosion and Sediment Control Construction Plan Notes1.The erosion control inspector must be notified at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to any construction on this site.2.There shall be no earth-disturbing activity outside the limits designated on the accepted plans.3.All required perimeter silt and construction fencing shall be installed prior to any land disturbing activity (stockpiling, stripping, grading, etc). All other requirederosion control measures shall be installed at the appropriate time in the construction sequence as indicated in the approved project schedule, construction plans,and erosion control report.4.At all times during construction, the Developer shall be responsible for preventing and controlling on-site erosion including keeping the property sufficiently wateredso as to minimize wind blown sediment. The Developer shall also be responsible for installing and maintaining all erosion control facilities shown herein.5.Pre-disturbance vegetation shall be protected and retained wherever possible. Removal or disturbance of existing vegetation shall be limited to the area(s) requiredfor immediate construction operations, and for the shortest practical period of time.6.All soils exposed during land disturbing activity (stripping, grading, utility installations, stockpiling, filling, etc.) shall be kept in a roughened condition by ripping ordisking along land contours until mulch, vegetation, or other permanent erosion control BMPs are installed. No soils in areas outside project street rights-of-way shallremain exposed by land disturbing activity for more than thirty (30) days before required temporary or permanent erosion control (e.g. seed/mulch, landscaping, etc.)is installed, unless otherwise approved by the Local Entity.7.In order to minimize erosion potential, all temporary (structural) erosion control measures shall:a.Be inspected at a minimum of once every two (2) weeks and after each significant storm event and repaired or reconstructed as necessary in order to ensurethe continued performance of their intended function.b.Remain in place until such time as all the surrounding disturbed areas are sufficiently stabilized as determined by the erosion control inspector.c.Be removed after the site has been sufficiently stabilized as determined by the erosion control inspector.8.When temporary erosion control measures are removed, the Developer shall be responsible for the clean up and removal of all sediment and debris from alldrainage infrastructure and other public facilities.9.The contractor shall clean up any inadvertent deposited material immediately and make sure streets are free of all materials by the end of each working day.10.All retained sediments, particularly those on paved roadway surfaces, shall be removed and disposed of in a manner and location so as not to cause their releaseinto any waters of the United States.11.No soil stockpile shall exceed ten (10) feet in height. All soil stockpiles shall be protected from sediment transport by surface roughening, watering, and perimetersilt fencing. Any soil stockpile remaining after thirty (30) days shall be seeded and mulched.12.The stormwater volume capacity of detention ponds will be restored and storm sewer lines will be cleaned upon completion of the project and before turning themaintenance over to the Local Entity or Homeowners Association (HOA).13.City Ordinance and Colorado Discharge Permit System (CDPS) requirements make it unlawful to discharge or allow the discharge of any pollutant or contaminatedwater from construction sites. Pollutants include, but are not limited to discarded building materials, concrete truck washout, chemicals, oil and gas products, litter,and sanitary waste. The developer shall at all times take whatever measures are necessary to assure the proper containment and disposal of pollutants on the site inaccordance with any and all applicable local, state, and federal regulations.14.A designated area shall be provided on site for concrete truck chute washout. The area shall be constructed so as to contain washout material and located at leastfifty (50) feet away from any waterway during construction. Upon completion of construction activities the concrete washout material will be removed and properlydisposed of prior to the area being restored.15.To ensure that sediment does not move off of individual lots one or more of the following sediment/erosion control BMPs shall be installed and maintained until thelots are sufficiently stabilized, as determined by the erosion control inspector, (Within Loveland GMA and City Limits Only).a.Below all gutter downspouts.b.Out to drainage swales.c.Along lot perimeter.d.Other locations, if needed.16.Conditions in the field may warrant erosion control measures in addition to what is shown on these plans. The Developer shall implement whatever measures aredetermined necessary, as directed by the City/County.17.A vehicle tracking control pad shall be installed when needed for construction equipment, including but not limited to personal vehicles exiting existing roadways.No earthen materials, i.e. stone, dirt, etc. shall be placed in the curb & gutter or roadway as a ramp to access temporary stockpiles, staging areas, constructionmaterials, concrete washout areas, and/or building sites.18.Add notes to reflect the stormwater runoff control plan of the individual development. PROPERTY BOUNDARYN:1450812.44E:3129943.10ABANDON EXISTINGGAS SERVICEGM4908490749064904SPRING CREEKCROSS SECTION 1335E. PROSPECT ROAD2330 E PROSPECT RDOWNER: MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH2362 E PROSPECT ROADOWNER: TRI-LIFE HEALTHPROPERTIES LLC2290 E PROSPECT ROADOWNER: DDNH COMMERCIAL INC2310 E PROSPECT RDOWNER: C AND C HOLDINGS LLCOWNER: GATEWAY MEDICAL SERVICES LLC24' EAE TO BEVACATED BYSEPARATEDOCUMENT20' UTILITYEASEMENT10' UTILITY EASMENTLOT LINE (TYP)LOT LINE (TYP)EXISTING 8"SANITARY SEWEREXISTING 8" WATEREXISTINGELECTRICLINEEXISTING WATER METEREXISTING ELECTRIC LINE15' TRAILEASEMENTEXISTINGDECIDUOUSTREE (TYP)EXISTINGDECIDUOUSTREE (TYP)EXISTINGGAS LINEEXISTINGSANITARYCLEANOUTEXISTINGDECIDUOUSTREE (TYP)EXISTING EVERGREEN TREE (TYP)EXISTINGEVERGREENTREE (TYP)EXISTINGEVERGREENTREE (TYP)FLOODWAYEXISTING 10'CONCRETE TRAILEXISTING FIBEROPTIC LINEEXISTINGELECTRIC LINEEXISTING PONDCATTAIL CHORUSNATURAL AREALIMITS OF 100-YEAR FLOODPLAINLIMITS OF 100-YEAR FLOODPLAINMODERATE RISK FLOODPLAINEXISTING 8" WATERLOT LINE (TYP)LOT LINE (TYP)100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN(BUILDING REMOVED FROM FLOODPLAIN PERLOMA CASE NO. 19-08-0473A DATED 3/27/2019)OLD PROPERTY LINE USEDIN LEGAL DESCRIPTIONOF THE PARCELEDGE OF PONDLIMITS OF WETLANDSEXISTING WATERSERVICE TO REMAINEXISTINGWATER METER TOBE RELOCATED24' EAE TO BEVACATED BYSEPARATEDOCUMENTREMOVE 632 SY CONCRETEPAVEMENT & SIDEWALKREMOVE 23 SYASPHALTREMOVE 85 SY ASPHALTREMOVE 57 LF FENCEREMOVE 140 LF CONCRETE WALLREMOVE 78 SYSIDEWALKREMOVE 72 SY ASPHALTREMOVE 50 SY ASPHALTREMOVE 135 SY ASPHALTREMOVE 280 SY ASPHALTREMOVE 68 SY ASPHALTREMOVE 207 LF CURBREMOVE 155 LF CURBREMOVE 269 LF CURBREMOVE TREE (TYP)REMOVE TREE (TYP)REMOVE TREE (TYP)SAWCUT ASPHALT (TYP.)SPRING CREEK TRAILN43° 36' 05.61"W 133.83'N88° 36' 05.61"W 103.12'N30° 18' 54.39"E 70.12'N70° 48' 54.39"E 143.25'N2° 56' 35.61"W 24.56'S85°10'05.61"E465.93'S1° 23' 54.39"W 228.79'N88°34'05.61"W459.06'PROPERTY BOUNDARYN:1450797.72E:3130406.11PROPERTY BOUNDARYFOUND #4 REBARBEGIN BASIS OF BEARINGSN:1450836.97E:3129941.84PROPERTY BOUNDARYN:1450765.37E:3129807.81PROPERTY BOUNDARYN:1450704.83E:3129772.41PROPERTY BOUNDARYN:1450702.32E:3129875.50N 4 6 ° 2 3 ' 5 4 . 3 9 " E 3 6 . 1 6 'PROPERTY BOUNDARYN:1450605.40E:3129967.80PROPERTY BOUNDARYN:1450580.47E:3129941.61PROPERTY BOUNDARYN:1450569.00E:3130400.53EXISTING 8" ADSROOF DRAINEXISTINGTREE TOREMAINREMOVE 4 SYCONCRETEREMOVE 36 LF CURBREMOVE 2 LFCURB & GUTTER60 LF SAWCUT ASPHALTREMOVE 18 SYASPHALTLIMITS OF DISTURBANCEEXISTING 12" CMPEXISTINGSHRUB (TYP)SAWCUTASPHALT (TYP.)REMOVE 33 LF CURBFOUND #4 REBAREND BASIS OFBEARINGSASPHALT PATCH ANDCURB REPLACEMENTFOR STORM SEWEREXISTING FIREHYDRANTEXISTING FIREHYDRANTEDGE OF SPRING CREEKLIMITS OF WETLANDS2100 E PROSPECT RDOWNER: HRS FAMILYINVESTMENT CO LLC1502 S TIMBERLINE RDOWNER: POUDRE SCHOOL DISTRICT R-1OWNER: CITY OF FORT COLLINSREMOVAL OF EXISTINGBUILDING FOR PHASE 230' UTILITYEASEMENTEXISTINGTRANSFORMERTO BE REMOVEDEXISTING GAS METERTO BE REMOVEDOWNER: SEVEN LAKESBUSINESS PARK ASSNREMOVE LIGHT POLE20' EMERGENCYACCESS EASEMENT (EAE)TO BE VACATED BYSEPARATE DOCUMENTREMOVE EXISTINGLIGHT BOLLARDRECONSTRUCTROOF DRAINCONNECTIONEXISTING SEWERSERVICE TO REMAINEXISTING WATERSERVICE TO REMAINEXISTING FIRESERVICE TO REMAINREMOVE AC UNITLIMITS OF ROCK MULCHNEXT TO BUILDING TO REMAINEXISTING TURF TO BECONVERTED TO GRASS100' SPRING CREEK/WETLAND BUFFERMOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH 12/18/2020U200041" = 40'1" = N/AMOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH NORTH 12/18/2020 1:30:17 PMC:\UNITED CIVIL DROPBOX\PROJECTS\U20004 - MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH\CADD\CP\C1.00 - EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVALS PLAN.DWGC1.00 - EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVALS PLANSME JRS C1.0016EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVALS PLAN040'80'SCALE: 1" = 40'20'PREPARED FOR:JOB NUMBERSHEET NUMBERSHEETSOFDATE SUBMITTED:VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALEF I N A L R E V I EWPLANSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPROJ. MGR:DRAWING NAME:PATH:DESIGNER:DATE:TIME:CIVIL ENGINEERING & CONSULTINGUNITED CIVILDesign Group19 OLD TOWN SQUARE #238FORT COLLINS, CO 80524(970) 530-4044www.unitedcivil.comThe engineer preparing these plans will not be responsible for, or liable for, unauthorized changes to or uses of these plans. All changes to the plans must be in writing and must be approved by the preparer of these plans. NO.BY DATE CAUTIONREVISIONS:4LOT LINEPROPERTY BOUNDARYRIGHT OF WAYEASEMENTFLOODWAYEXISTING MAJOR CONTOUREXISTING MINOR CONTOURLIMITS OF DISTURBANCEREMOVE EXISTING CURB &GUTTERREMOVE EXISTING FENCESAWCUT LINEREMOVE EXISTINGUTILITY LINEREMOVE & PATCHEXISTING ASPHALTREMOVE EXISTINGBUILDINGREMOVE & REPLACEEXISTING CONCRETEREMOVE EXISTING TREE100-YEAR FLOODPLAINREMOVE EXISTINGUTILITY STRUCTURE500-YEAR FLOODPLAINLEGENDNOTES1.EXISTING UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD PUBLIC ANDPRIVATE UTILITIES AS SHOWN ARE INDICATED ACCORDINGTO THE BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO THE ENGINEER.THE ENGINEER DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OFSUCH INFORMATION. EXISTING UTILITY MAINS ANDSERVICES MAY NOT BE STRAIGHT LINES OR AS INDICATEDON THESE DRAWINGS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BERESPONSIBLE TO CALL ALL UTILITY COMPANIES (PUBLICAND PRIVATE) PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION TO VERIFYEXACT UTILITY LOCATIONS.2.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT ALL EXISTINGFEATURES THAT ARE NOT TO BE REMOVED ADJACENT TOTHE CONSTRUCTION AREA INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITEDTO, PAVEMENT, PRIVATE FENCES, ABOVE GROUND ORUNDERGROUND UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, ANDUNDERGROUND FOUNDATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALLBE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE THAT SHOULD OCCURTO ANY ON-SITE, OFF-SITE, PUBLIC OR PRIVATE FACILITYOR FEATURE AS A RESULT OF THE CONSTRUCTIONPROCESS FOR THIS PROJECT.3.CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK SHALL BE REMOVED TO THENEAREST JOINT.4.CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL CONSTRUCTIONITEMS IMPACTING ADJACENT PROPERTIES WITH THEPROPERTY OWNERS PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANYCONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES.5.COORDINATE THE REMOVAL AND/OR SALVAGING OF ALLEXISTING TREES AND OTHER PLANTINGS WITH THELANDSCAPE DRAWINGS. SEE SHEET TR01 AT THE BACKOF THE UTILITY PLAN SET FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONON EXISTING TREES AND TREE PROTECTION NOTES.6.CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL UTILITY DEMOLITIONAND/OR RELOCATION ITEMS WITH THE APPROPRIATEUTILITY PROVIDER PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY ONSITEDEMOLITION.7.STRUCTURES TO BE REMOVED PER LOCAL, STATE ANDFEDERAL REGULATIONS. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLEFOR OBTAINING ANY AND ALL REQUIRED PERMITTINGPRIOR TO THE REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AS SHOWN ONTHIS PLAN.8.REFER TO THE EROSION CONTROL PLAN FOR EROSIONCONTROL MEASURES REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED PRIORTO COMMENCING DEMOLITION ACTIVITIES.9.THE LIMITS OF THE FLOODPLAIN AND FLOODWAY ARESHOWN BASED ON FEMA FIRM MAP #08069C0983H REVISEDMAY 2, 2012. THE LINE WORK WAS PROVIDED BY THE CITYOF FORT COLLINS.CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED: SPRING CREEKCROSS SECTION 13352330 E PROSPECT RDOWNER: MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH2290 E PROSPECT ROADOWNER: DDNH COMMERCIAL INC2310 E PROSPECT RDOWNER: C AND C HOLDINGS LLCOWNER: GATEWAY MEDICAL SERVICES LLC24' EAE BYSEPARATEDOCUMENT30' UTILITYEASEMENT20' UTILITYEASEMENTLOT LINE (TYP)15' TRAIL EASEMENTEXISTING 10'CONCRETE TRAILEXISTING PONDCATTAIL CHORUSNATURAL AREAEXISTING EDGE OF PONDEXISTING LIMITS OF WETLANDS24' EAE5.5' SIDEWALK4'SIDEWALK4'SIDEWALK8'6' SIDEWALK6'16.3'PROPOSED TRASHENCLOSURE7.92'44.5'12'17' (TYP)9' (TYP)8' (TYP)8' (TYP)8' (TYP)5'5.25'10.22'EXISTING BUILDING25.03' FL-FL22.8' FL-FL16.43' WALKCRUSHED LIMESTONE BICYCLE PARKING AREA(SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS)8425.6'DRIVE LANELANDSCAPEBOULDER (TYP)OUTFALL CURB & GUTTERMID-BLOCK RAMP W/TRUNCATEDDOMES (SEE DETAIL SHEET C6.00)LANDSCAPEBOULDER (TYP)SIDEWALK FLUSH WITH ASPHALTLIGHT DUTYCONCRETEPAVEMENTSPRING CREEK TRAILPROPERTY BOUNDARYADA RAMP WITHHAND RAILING26'19.86'6'PROPOSED SIDEWALK5.5'16.5'R18'24' EMERGENCYACCESS EASEMENT(EAE) BY SEPARATEDOCUMENT6" VERTICAL CURB35 SY OF CONCRETE PATIONECESSARY FOR PHASE 1 ONLY5'2' SIDEWALKCHASE2' CURB CUT82 LF 8" LEVEL SPREADER(SEE SHEET C4.00 FOR DETAILS)EXISTING BUILDING/PHASE 1 BUILDING OUTLINECONCRETESIDEWALKSIDEWALK 6" ABOVE ASPHALT (SEE THICKENEDEDGE SIDEWALK DETAIL SHEET C6.00)ADA RAMP (NO TRUNCATED DOMES)PARKING BLOCK (TYP.)SIDEWALK FLUSHWITH ASPHALTLIGHT DUTYASPHALTASPHALT PATCHAND REPLACEMENTOF 6" CURB FORINSTALLATIONOF STORM SEWERADA RAMP (NO TRUNCATED DOMES)16 LF 2' CONCRETE CHANNEL4' CONCRETE PANW/6" CURB HEADCONCRETE PATCHASPHALT PATCH4 STEPS WITHHAND RAILINGS3 STEPS WITHHAND RAILINGSLANDINGADA RAMP WITHHAND RAILINGLANDINGRETAINING WALL22' EAECONCRETESIDEWALKW/RETAININGWALLSRETAINING WALLW/HAND RAILING42.5'12.6'12.5'OWNER: SEVEN LAKESBUSINESS PARK ASSN12 LF 2' CONCRETE CHANNEL25 SY OF CONCRETE SIDEWALKCONSTRUCTED FOR PHASE 1 ONLYHEAVY DUTYCONCRETEPAVEMENTOUTLET C(SEE DETAIL SHEET C6.01)OUTLET B(SEE DETAILS)LIGHT DUTYASPHALTCONCRETEPATIOCONCRETEPATIO444433333333452(TYP.)1(TYP.)2(TYP.)SEE STRUCTURAL PLANSFOR "RAMP RETAININGWALL DETAIL"CATCH CURB & GUTTER14'13'4' CONCRETEPAN46" CURBHEADFIRE PIT1(TYP.)7(TYP.)SEE SHEET C2.01 FOR ALLLINE & CURVE INFORMATIONNATURAL HABITAT BUFFER ZONEMOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH 12/18/2020U200041" = 20'1" = N/AMOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH NORTH 12/18/2020 1:30:23 PMC:\UNITED CIVIL DROPBOX\PROJECTS\U20004 - MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH\CADD\CP\C2.00 - HORIZONTAL CONTROL PLAN.DWGC2.00 - HORIZONTAL CONTROL PLANSME JRS C2.0016HORIZONTAL CONTROL PLAN - PHASE 1020'40'SCALE: 1" = 20'10'PREPARED FOR:JOB NUMBERSHEET NUMBERSHEETSOFDATE SUBMITTED:VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALEF I N A L R E V I EWPLANSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPROJ. MGR:DRAWING NAME:PATH:DESIGNER:DATE:TIME:CIVIL ENGINEERING & CONSULTINGUNITED CIVILDesign Group19 OLD TOWN SQUARE #238FORT COLLINS, CO 80524(970) 530-4044www.unitedcivil.comThe engineer preparing these plans will not be responsible for, or liable for, unauthorized changes to or uses of these plans. All changes to the plans must be in writing and must be approved by the preparer of these plans. NO.BY DATE CAUTIONREVISIONS:5CURB & GUTTERRETAINING WALLSIDEWALK CHASESIDEWALK/TRAILFENCEPARKING BLOCKCONCRETE PANSIGNPARKING STALL STRIPINGHANDICAP PARKING STALLDETECTABLE WARNINGBOLLARDSASPHALT PAVEMENTCONCRETE PAVEMENTLIGHT POLESLEGENDLANDSCAPE BOULDERCRUSHED LIMESTONEGRAVELNOTESCHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED:12ONSITE SIGNING AND STRIPING KEY3564" SOLID WHITE LINEADA PARKING STRIPING4"NO PARKING - FIRE LANE"SIGNADA PARKING SIGNAGE"NO PARKING - FIRE LANE"SIGN ON LIGHT POST"NO PARKING - FIRE LANE"SIGN ON BUILDINGDIRECTION OF ARROWON NO PARKING SIGN712" SOLID WHITE LINE1.FOR BUILDING LAYOUT REFERENCE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS.LAYOUT AND DIMENSION INFORMATION SHOWN REPRESENTSOUTSIDE FACE OF FOUNDATION WALL AS PROVIDED BY THEARCHITECT AND IS SHOWN FOR INFORMATION ONLY.2.ALL DIMENSIONS AND LINE AND CURVE INFORMATION AREMEASURED TO CURB FLOW LINE OR EDGE OF PAVEMENTUNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.3.CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO AND COORDINATE WITH THEAPPROVED LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR ALL LANDSCAPE ANDSITE FEATURES INCLUDING CONCRETE PLAZAS, LANDSCAPEWALLS, BOULDERS, BIKE RACKS, TRASH RECEPTACLES, SITEFURNITURE, FIRE PIT, LANDSCAPE ROCK AND MULCH, ETC.4.TRUNCATED DOME WARNING DETECTION SYSTEMS PERLARIMER COUNTY URBAN AREA STREET STANDARD DETAILS.5.REFER TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FORCONCRETE PAVEMENT JOINT PATTERNS.6.PROPOSED EASEMENTS AS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING SHALL BEDEDICATED BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT.7.ALL ONSITE SIDEWALK SHALL BE 4" THICK, BUT OTHERWISESHALL MEET LARIMER COUNTY URBAN AREA STREETSTANDARDS (LCUASS) SPECIFICATIONS.8.ALL ONSITE ASPHALT AND CONCRETE SHALL MEET LCUASSSPECIFICATIONS. SEE DETAILS AND PAVEMENT SECTIONRECOMMENDATIONS ON SHEET C6.00. WWSWSWSWSWSSPRING CREEKCROSS SECTION 13352330 E PROSPECT RDOWNER: MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH2290 E PROSPECT ROADOWNER: DDNH COMMERCIAL INC2310 E PROSPECT RDOWNER: C AND C HOLDINGS LLCOWNER: GATEWAY MEDICAL SERVICES LLC24' EAE BYSEPARATEDOCUMENT30' UTILITYEASEMENT20' UTILITYEASEMENTLOT LINE (TYP)15' TRAIL EASEMENTEXISTING 10'CONCRETE TRAILEXISTING PONDCATTAIL CHORUSNATURAL AREAEXISTING EDGE OF PONDEXISTING LIMITS OF WETLANDS24' EAEEXISTING BUILDINGSPRING CREEK TRAILPROPERTY BOUNDARY24' EMERGENCYACCESS EASEMENT(EAE) BY SEPARATEDOCUMENTPHASE 2 BUILDINGLANDINGOWNER: SEVEN LAKESBUSINESS PARK ASSN25 SY CONCRETE SIDEWALKTO BE REMOVED OR NOTINCLUDED WITH PHASE 2PHASE 2 SANCTUARY BUILDING ADDITIONLIMITS OFEXISTING BUILDING35 SY CONCRETE PATIOTO BE REMOVED OR NOTINCLUDED WITH PHASE 231 SY CONCRETE PATIOREMOVED AND REPLACEDWITH PHASE 2SEE STRUCTURAL PLANSFOR "RAMP RETAININGWALL DETAIL".5'9.2'8'9.11'NON ADA RAMPLANDINGL1 C1L2C2C3L3L4L5L6L7L8L9C4L10C5L11L12C6 L13C7C8L14C9L15C10L16C11L17L18C12L19L20C13L21L22C14C15C16 C17C18L23C19C20C21C22L24L25C23C24C25C26L26C27L27C28L28L29 C29C30L30C31L31R6.23'R8.5'R8.5'R50.5' (PHASE 1)11 LF 2' CONCRETE CHANNELLANDSCAPE BOULDERS (SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS)R36.25' (PHASE 2)NATURAL HABITAT BUFFER ZONELine TableLINEL1L2L3L4L5L6L7L8L9L10L11L12L13L14L15L16LENGTH6.68'34.98'25.97'19.75'9.27'21.47'16.00'83.22'10.75'11.45'15.84'45.05'18.02'42.51'0.23'118.18'BEARINGN36°09'26.27"EN56°02'37.51"EN66°29'28.75"EN44°53'00.33"EN44°53'00.33"ES43°36'05.61"EN45°07'10.08"ES43°36'05.61"ES43°36'05.61"ES46°23'54.39"WN89°57'56.75"ES00°02'11.33"ES88°34'05.61"ES88°34'05.61"ES41°07'12.04"ES88°34'05.61"ELine TableLINEL17L18L19L20L21L22L23L24L25L26L27L28L29L30L31LENGTH45.27'29.40'1.50'7.51'6.27'6.90'3.15'0.41'10.03'1.87'27.89'5.24'4.96'4.73'3.33'BEARINGN01°25'54.39"ES88°34'05.61"ES01°25'54.39"WS88°34'05.61"EN09°57'36.00"WS32°14'53.05"ES89°58'11.73"WS29°59'47.58"ES00°00'00.00"ES57°07'26.34"ES88°34'05.61"EN26°12'39.66"WS56°53'51.49"EN00°00'00.00"EN90°00'00.00"ECurve TableCURVEC1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9C10C11C12C13C14C15C16DELTA19°53'11"1°33'21"8°53'31"42°54'59"136°25'58"88°32'02"47°26'48"49°06'07"47°26'54"47°26'54"90°00'00"90°00'00"101°23'30"77°03'07"11°26'40"88°58'55"RADIUS10.17'123.25'50.17'20.50'8.00'10.00'20.50'14.54'14.50'20.50'25.00'10.00'12.00'12.00'15.00'6.00'LENGTH3.53'3.35'7.79'15.36'19.05'15.45'16.98'12.46'12.01'16.98'39.27'15.71'21.24'16.14'3.00'9.32'BEARINGS46°06'02"WS56°49'18"WS62°02'43"WN22°08'36"WS21°49'04"ES44°18'04"EN67°44'42"ES66°50'27"WN64°50'39"WS64°50'39"EN46°25'54"EN43°34'06"WN40°44'09"ES70°46'27"ES76°25'20"WN37°39'12"ECHORD3.51'3.35'7.78'15.00'14.86'13.96'16.50'12.09'11.67'16.50'35.36'14.14'18.57'14.95'2.99'8.41'Curve TableCURVEC17C18C19C20C21C22C23C24C25C26C27C28C29C30C31DELTA13°54'32"46°05'17"41°48'49"63°20'25"92°03'13"125°40'54"95°33'24"49°59'43"144°46'13"161°07'27"31°26'39"117°38'34"88°50'37"55°05'39"90°00'00"RADIUS32.75'19.00'36.25'23.00'28.75'6.00'32.75'32.75'11.00'8.50'30.00'5.00'3.00'20.00'15.00'LENGTH7.95'15.28'26.45'25.43'46.19'13.16'54.62'28.58'27.79'23.90'16.46'10.27'4.65'19.23'23.56'BEARINGS00°07'01"WN15°58'21"WN35°01'48"EN24°35'56"WS38°57'16"EN32°50'39"EN47°46'43"ES60°01'44"ES70°38'03"WS57°17'51"ES72°50'46"EN32°36'37"EN78°40'50"ES61°48'21"WN45°00'00"ECHORD7.93'14.87'25.87'24.15'41.38'10.68'48.51'27.68'20.97'16.77'16.26'8.56'4.20'18.50'21.21'MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH 12/18/2020U200041" = 20'1" = N/AMOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH NORTH 12/18/2020 1:30:29 PMC:\UNITED CIVIL DROPBOX\PROJECTS\U20004 - MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH\CADD\CP\C2.00 - HORIZONTAL CONTROL PLAN.DWGC2.00 - HORIZONTAL CONTROL PLANSME JRS C2.0116HORIZONTAL CONTROL PLAN - PHASE 2020'40'SCALE: 1" = 20'10'PREPARED FOR:JOB NUMBERSHEET NUMBERSHEETSOFDATE SUBMITTED:VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALEF I N A L R E V I EWPLANSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPROJ. MGR:DRAWING NAME:PATH:DESIGNER:DATE:TIME:CIVIL ENGINEERING & CONSULTINGUNITED CIVILDesign Group19 OLD TOWN SQUARE #238FORT COLLINS, CO 80524(970) 530-4044www.unitedcivil.comThe engineer preparing these plans will not be responsible for, or liable for, unauthorized changes to or uses of these plans. All changes to the plans must be in writing and must be approved by the preparer of these plans. NO.BY DATE CAUTIONREVISIONS:6CURB & GUTTERRETAINING WALLSIDEWALK CHASESIDEWALK/TRAILFENCEPARKING BLOCKCONCRETE PANSIGNPARKING STALL STRIPINGHANDICAP PARKING STALLDETECTABLE WARNINGBOLLARDSASPHALT PAVEMENTCONCRETE PAVEMENTLIGHT POLESLEGENDLANDSCAPE BOULDERCRUSHED LIMESTONEGRAVELCHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED:NOTES1.FOR BUILDING LAYOUT REFERENCE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS.LAYOUT AND DIMENSION INFORMATION SHOWN REPRESENTSOUTSIDE FACE OF FOUNDATION WALL AS PROVIDED BY THEARCHITECT AND IS SHOWN FOR INFORMATION ONLY.2.ALL DIMENSIONS AND LINE AND CURVE INFORMATION AREMEASURED TO CURB FLOW LINE OR EDGE OF PAVEMENTUNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.3.CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO AND COORDINATE WITH THEAPPROVED LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR ALL LANDSCAPE ANDSITE FEATURES INCLUDING CONCRETE PLAZAS, LANDSCAPEWALLS, BOULDERS, BIKE RACKS, TRASH RECEPTACLES, SITEFURNITURE, FIRE PIT, LANDSCAPE ROCK AND MULCH, ETC.4.TRUNCATED DOME WARNING DETECTION SYSTEMS PERLARIMER COUNTY URBAN AREA STREET STANDARD DETAILS.5.REFER TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FORCONCRETE PAVEMENT JOINT PATTERNS.6.PROPOSED EASEMENTS AS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING SHALL BEDEDICATED BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT.7.ALL ONSITE SIDEWALK SHALL BE 4" THICK, BUT OTHERWISESHALL MEET LARIMER COUNTY URBAN AREA STREETSTANDARDS (LCUASS) SPECIFICATIONS.8.ALL ONSITE ASPHALT AND CONCRETE SHALL MEET LCUASSSPECIFICATIONS. SEE DETAILS AND PAVEMENT SECTIONRECOMMENDATIONS ON SHEET C6.00. 2 4 3 12 1 331222124323211 211 23112212211223 1121231 1223223GMW3 2 222 21 1 22 1 2 121WSWSWSWSWS2311134908490749064904SPRING CREEKCROSS SECTION 1335GM2330 E PROSPECT RDOWNER: MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH2290 E PROSPECT ROADOWNER: DDNH COMMERCIAL INC2310 E PROSPECT RDOWNER: C AND C HOLDINGS LLCOWNER: GATEWAY MEDICAL SERVICES LLC24' EMERGENCYACCESS EASEMENT30' UTILITYEASEMENT20' UTILITYEASEMENTLOT LINE (TYP)15' TRAIL EASEMENTEXISTING 10'CONCRETE TRAILEXISTING PONDLIMITS OF 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN(BUILDING REMOVED FROM FLOODPLAIN PERLOMA CASE NO. 19-08-0473A DATED 3/27/2019)EXISTING EDGE OF PONDEXISTING LIMITS OF WETLANDS24' EMERGENCYACCESS EASEMENTLIMITS OF FLOODWAYEXISTING BUILDINGEXISTING GAS SERVICE TO BEREMOVED /ABANDONED(COORDINATE WITH XCEL)EXISTING 8"SANITARY SEWEREXISTING 8" WATEREXISTING 1.5"WATER METER(SEE NOTE 7)EXISTING 4" FIRE SERVICEEXISTING ELECTRIC LINEEXISTINGGAS LINEEXISTINGSANITARYCLEANOUTEXISTING 12" CMPEXISTING FIBEROPTIC LINEEXISTINGELECTRIC LINEEXISTING 8" WATEREXISTING 1.5"WATER SERVICEEXISTING 1"WATER METERTO BE RELOCATEDEXISTING FIBEROPTIC LINEPROPOSEDTRANSFORMERLOCATIONEXISTING 8" ADSROOF DRAINPROPOSED TYPE C INLETSTORM LINE B(SEE SHEET C4.01FOR MORE DETAILS)PHASE 2BUILDINGOUTLINEEXISTING BUILDING/PHASE 1 BUILDINGOUTLINEEXISTING FIRE HYDRANTPROPOSED PHASE 1 INLETTO BE REMOVED WITHPHASE 2 CONSTRUCTIONEXISTING 1" WATER SERVICERELOCATED 1"WATER METERWITH CURB STOPSEE NOTE 6PROPOSED 1.5" WATERSERVICEDOWNSTREAMOF METER PITNYOPLAST INLETEXISTING GAS METER TOBE REMOVED(COORDINATE WITH XCEL)PROPOSED GAS SERVICE(COORDINATE WITH XCEL)PROPOSED GAS METER(COORDINATE WITH XCEL)PROPOSED PRIMARYELECTRIC LINE(COORDINATE WITHFC UTILITIES)OWNER: SEVEN LAKESBUSINESS PARK ASSNPROPOSED PHASE 1 STORMDRAIN TO BE REMOVED WITHPHASE 2 CONSTRUCTIONPROPOSED GAS SERVICEFROM BUILDING TOFIRE PITPROPOSED ELECTRICALBOXES AND METERSHUTOFF VALVEFOR WATER SERVICEPROPOSED LIGHT POLES (TYP)(SEE LIGHTING PLANS FORMORE DETAILS)ELECTRICAL LINE TO BERELOCATED TO PROVIDE6' SEPARATION WITHSTORM SEWERPROPOSED BUILDING LIGHT (TYP)(SEE LIGHTING PLANS FORMORE DETAILS)MODERATE RISKFLOODPLAINEXISTING TRANSORMERTO BE REMOVEDNATURAL HABITAT BUFFER ZONELEVEL SPREADERSTORM DRAINOUTLET C(PHASE 1 ONLY)MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH 12/18/2020U200041" = 20'1" = N/AMOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH NORTH 12/18/2020 1:30:37 PMC:\UNITED CIVIL DROPBOX\PROJECTS\U20004 - MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH\CADD\CP\C3.00 - UTILITY PLAN.DWGC3.00 - UTILITY PLAN SME JRS C3.0016UTILITY PLAN020'40'SCALE: 1" = 20'10'PREPARED FOR:JOB NUMBERSHEET NUMBERSHEETSOFDATE SUBMITTED:VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALEF I N A L R E V I EWPLANSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPROJ. MGR:DRAWING NAME:PATH:DESIGNER:DATE:TIME:CIVIL ENGINEERING & CONSULTINGUNITED CIVILDesign Group19 OLD TOWN SQUARE #238FORT COLLINS, CO 80524(970) 530-4044www.unitedcivil.comThe engineer preparing these plans will not be responsible for, or liable for, unauthorized changes to or uses of these plans. All changes to the plans must be in writing and must be approved by the preparer of these plans. NO.BY DATE CAUTIONREVISIONS:7CABLE TV LINEELECTRIC LINEFIBER OPTIC LINEGAS LINEGGAS METERSANITARY MANHOLESANITARY MAINSANITARY SERVICESANITARY SERVICECLEANOUTTELEPHONE LINEFIRE DEPARTMENTCONNECTIONFIRE HYDRANTFIRELINEWATER MAINWATER SERVICEWATER METERLEGENDNOTES1.EXISTING UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD PUBLIC ANDPRIVATE UTILITIES AS SHOWN ARE INDICATED ACCORDINGTO THE BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO THE ENGINEER.THE ENGINEER DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OFSUCH INFORMATION. EXISTING UTILITY MAINS ANDSERVICES MAY NOT BE STRAIGHT LINES OR AS INDICATEDON THESE DRAWINGS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BERESPONSIBLE TO CALL ALL UTILITY COMPANIES (PUBLICAND PRIVATE) PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION TO VERIFYEXACT UTILITY LOCATIONS.2.THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION WILL BE IN CLOSEPROXIMITY TO SEVERAL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. THECONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH ALL UTILITYPROVIDERS PRIOR TO AND DURING CONSTRUCTION TOMINIMIZE SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS TO SURROUNDINGBUILDINGS OR PROPERTIES.3.CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL CONSTRUCTIONITEMS IMPACTING ADJACENT PROPERTIES WITH THEPROPERTY OWNERS PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANYCONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES.4.REFER TO APPROVED SITE ELECTRICAL PLANS FOR ALLCONDUITS AND POWER LINE ROUTING FOR SITE LIGHTING.5.THE LIMITS OF THE FLOODPLAIN AND FLOODWAY ARESHOWN BASED ON FEMA FIRM MAP #08069C0983H REVISEDMAY 2, 2012. THE LINE WORK WAS PROVIDED BY THE CITYOF FORT COLLINS.6.EXISTING WATER SERVICE TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACEDBETWEEN THE PROPOSED CONNECTION AND THECONNECTION TO THE BUILDING. THE PROPOSED WATERSERVICE LINE SHALL BE 1" FROM THE METER PIT TO APOINT 5' DOWNSTREAM OF THE METER PIT AND THEN 1.5" INSIZE TO THE POINT OF TIE IN AT THE BUILDING.7.EXISTING 1.5" METER IS LOCATED IN A 4' INSIDE DIAMETERMANHOLE. THE EXISTING METER PIT DOES NOT NEED TOBE RESET FOR THE PHASE 1 CONSTRUCTION, BUT WILLNEED TO BE LOWERED 1.2' FOR THE PHASE 2 SANCTUARYADDITION.CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED: CONNECT TO ROOF DRAIN (NOTE 8)INV.=4905.91FG=4908.172 4 3 12 1 331222124323211 211 2311221211223 11212 1223223GMW3 2 222 21 1 22 1 2 121WSWSWSWSWS2311132330 E PROSPECT RDOWNER: MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH2290 E PROSPECT ROADOWNER: DDNH COMMERCIAL INCLIMITS OF 100-YEAR FLOODPLAINEXISTING BUILDINGEXISTING 8" ADSROOF DRAINPHASE 2BUILDINGOUTLINEOWNER: SEVEN LAKESBUSINESS PARK ASSN24 IN NYLOPLAST DRAIN BASIN W_ SOLID COVERINV. IN=4904.76 (E)INV. OUT=4904.76 (NW)FG=4907.82INCLUDE 12" SUMPTYPE C INLETINV. IN=4905.11 (SE)INV. OUT=4904.95 (W)FG=4906.45(PIPES SHALL BE CUT FLUSHWITH INSIDE OF INLET)10.5 LF8" HDPE@ 0.50%8'' 11.25° BENDINV.=4905.16FG=4907.3551.9 LF 8" HDPE @ 0.50%8''X8''X6'' WYEINV. IN=4905.42 (SE)INV. IN=4905.50 (E)INV. OUT=4905.42 (NW)FG=4908.0811.2 LF6" HDPE@ 0.50%6''X6'' TEEINV.=4905.56FG=4908.3638.9 LF 8" HDPE @ 0.50%7.8 LF 6" HDPE @ 0.50%8''X6'' TEEINV. IN=4905.61 (SE)INV. IN=4905.97 (NE)INV. OUT=4905.61 (NW)FG=4908.2212.4 LF 6" PVC @ 1.60%CONNECT TO EXISTING DOWNSPOUTINV.=4906.17FG=4908.5020.8 LF 8" HDPE @ 0.50%8" INLINE DRAIN W/SOLID LIDINV.=4905.77FG=4908.178" DRAIN BASIN W/SOLID LIDFG=4907.975.8 LF 6" HDPE @ 0.50%17.9 LF 6" HDPE @ 0.50%CONNECT TO EXISTING DOWNSPOUTINV.=4906.00FG=4908.138'' PVC DRAIN & DOME GRATEW/ 90° ELBOWINV.=4906.00FG=4907.79STORM DRAIN OUTLET CINV. IN=4905.87 (N)8.7 LF 4" PVC @ 2.30%48.3 LF 10" HDPE @ 0.40%4'' INLINE DRAININV.=4907.57FG=4907.57OUTFALLINV.=4907.3724' EMERGENCYACCESS EASEMENTCONNECTING TO EXISTING DRAININV.=4907.88FG=4908.69OUTFALLINV.=4907.73FG=4907.7315.0 LF 4" PVC @ 1.00%8.7 LF 6" HDPE @ 0.50%6'' 45° BENDINV.=4905.96FG=4907.64CONNECT TO EXISTING ROOF DRAININV.=4905.86FG=4908.278.5 LF 6" HDPE @ 0.50%3.8 LF 6" HDPE @ 0.50%9.2 LF 8" HDPE @ 0.50%4.6 LF 6" HDPE @ 0.50%6''X6'' TEEINV.=4905.60FG=4908.60CONNECT TO ROOF DRAIN (NOTE 8)INV.=4905.62FG=4908.69CONNECT TO CANOPY DRAIN (NOTE 8)INV.=4905.685.7 LF 6" HDPE @ 2.00%CONNECT TO EXISTING DOWNSPOUTINV.=4905.67FG=4908.974.0 LF 6" HDPE @ 2.00%31.9 LF 8" PVC @ 0.40%8.4 LF 6" HDPE @ 0.50%2.0 LF 8" HDPE @ 0.50%6"X6" WYEFG=4907.998''X8''X6'' WYEINV. IN=4905.76 (SE)INV. IN=4905.85 (E)INV. OUT=4905.76 (NW)FG=4908.17RECONSTRUCT EXISTING DOWNSPOUTCONNECTION TO STORM PIPE:DOWNSPOUT TO BE CUT ABOVE BENDAND EXTENDED STRAIGHT DOWN THROUGHNEW CONCRETE SIDEWALK WITH NEW90 DEGREE CONECTION TO EXISTING8" ADS STORM PIPE UNDER SIDEWALKOUTLET BFG=4905.9011.2 LF 10" HDPE @ 0.40%8''X8''X6'' WYEINV. IN=4905.80 (S)INV. OUT=4905.72 (NW)FG=4908.33EXISTING BUILDING/PHASE 1 BUILDING OUTLINEMODERATE RISKFLOODPLAINCONNECT TO ROOF DRAIN (NOTE 8)INV.=4905.91FG=4908.172 4 3 12 1 331222124323211 211 23112212211223 1121231 1223223GMW3 2 222 21 1 22 1 2 121WSWSWSWSWS2330 E PROSPECT RDOWNER: MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH2290 E PROSPECT ROADOWNER: DDNH COMMERCIAL INCLIMITS OF 100-YEAR FLOODPLAINEXISTING BUILDINGEXISTING 8" ADSROOF DRAINPHASE 2BUILDINGOUTLINEOWNER: SEVEN LAKESBUSINESS PARK ASSN24 IN NYLOPLAST DRAIN BASIN W_ SOLID COVERINV. IN=4904.76 (E)INV. OUT=4904.76 (NW)FG=4907.82INCLUDE 12" SUMPTYPE C INLETINV. IN=4905.11 (SE)INV. OUT=4904.95 (W)FG=4906.45(PIPES SHALL BE CUT FLUSHWITH INSIDE OF INLET)10.5 LF8" HDPE@ 0.50%8'' 11.25° BENDINV.=4905.16FG=4907.3551.9 LF 8" HDPE @ 0.50%8''X8''X6'' WYEINV. IN=4905.42 (SE)INV. IN=4905.50 (E)INV. OUT=4905.42 (NW)FG=4908.0811.2 LF6" HDPE@ 0.50%6''X6'' TEEINV.=4905.56FG=4908.367.8 LF 6" HDPE @ 0.50%8" INLINE DRAIN W/SOLID LIDINV.=4905.77FG=4908.178" DRAIN BASIN W/SOLID LIDFG=4907.978.7 LF 4" PVC @ 2.30%48.3 LF 10" HDPE @ 0.40%4'' INLINE DRAININV.=4907.57FG=4907.57OUTFALLINV.=4907.3724' EMERGENCYACCESS EASEMENTCONNECTING TO EXISTING DRAININV.=4907.88FG=4908.69OUTFALLINV.=4907.73FG=4907.7315.0 LF 4" PVC @ 1.00%4.6 LF 6" HDPE @ 0.50%6''X6'' TEEINV.=4905.60FG=4908.60CONNECT TO ROOF DRAIN (NOTE 8)INV.=4905.62FG=4908.69CONNECT TO CANOPY DRAIN (NOTE 8)INV.=4905.685.7 LF 6" HDPE @ 2.00%CONNECT TO EXISTING DOWNSPOUTINV.=4905.67FG=4908.974.0 LF 6" HDPE @ 2.00%8.4 LF 6" HDPE @ 0.50%10.1 LF 6" HDPE @ 0.50%59.7 LF 8" HDPE @ 0.50%11.2 LF 8" HDPE @ 0.50%RECONSTRUCT EXISTING DOWNSPOUTCONNECTION TO STORM PIPE:DOWNSPOUT TO BE CUT ABOVE BENDAND EXTENDED STRAIGHT DOWN THROUGHNEW CONCRETE SIDEWALK WITH NEW90 DEGREE CONECTION TO EXISTING8" ADS STORM PIPE UNDER SIDEWALKOUTLET BFG=4905.9011.2 LF 10" HDPE @ 0.40%8''X8''X6'' WYEINV. IN=4905.80 (S)INV. OUT=4905.72 (NW)FG=4908.33EXISTING BUILDING/PHASE 1 BUILDING OUTLINEMODERATE RISKFLOODPLAINMOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH 12/18/2020U200041" = 20'1" = N/AMOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH NORTH 12/18/2020 1:30:50 PMC:\UNITED CIVIL DROPBOX\PROJECTS\U20004 - MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH\CADD\CP\C3.01 - STORM SEWER PLAN.DWGC3.01 - STORM SEWER PLAN SME JRS C3.0116STORM SEWER PLAN020'40'SCALE: 1" = 20'10'PREPARED FOR:JOB NUMBERSHEET NUMBERSHEETSOFDATE SUBMITTED:VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALEF I N A L R E V I EWPLANSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPROJ. MGR:DRAWING NAME:PATH:DESIGNER:DATE:TIME:CIVIL ENGINEERING & CONSULTINGUNITED CIVILDesign Group19 OLD TOWN SQUARE #238FORT COLLINS, CO 80524(970) 530-4044www.unitedcivil.comThe engineer preparing these plans will not be responsible for, or liable for, unauthorized changes to or uses of these plans. All changes to the plans must be in writing and must be approved by the preparer of these plans. NO.BY DATE CAUTIONREVISIONS:8CABLE TV LINEELECTRIC LINEFIBER OPTIC LINEGAS LINEGGAS METERSANITARY MANHOLESANITARY MAINSANITARY SERVICESANITARY SERVICECLEANOUTTELEPHONE LINEFIRE DEPARTMENTCONNECTIONFIRE HYDRANTFIRELINEWATER MAINWATER SERVICEWATER METERLEGENDNOTES1.EXISTING UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD PUBLIC ANDPRIVATE UTILITIES AS SHOWN ARE INDICATED ACCORDINGTO THE BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO THE ENGINEER.THE ENGINEER DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OFSUCH INFORMATION. EXISTING UTILITY MAINS ANDSERVICES MAY NOT BE STRAIGHT LINES OR AS INDICATEDON THESE DRAWINGS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BERESPONSIBLE TO CALL ALL UTILITY COMPANIES (PUBLICAND PRIVATE) PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION TO VERIFYEXACT UTILITY LOCATIONS.2.THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION WILL BE IN CLOSEPROXIMITY TO SEVERAL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. THECONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH ALL UTILITYPROVIDERS PRIOR TO AND DURING CONSTRUCTION TOMINIMIZE SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS TO SURROUNDINGBUILDINGS OR PROPERTIES.3.CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL CONSTRUCTIONITEMS IMPACTING ADJACENT PROPERTIES WITH THEPROPERTY OWNERS PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANYCONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES.4.THE LIMITS OF THE FLOODPLAIN AND FLOODWAY ARESHOWN BASED ON FEMA FIRM MAP #08069C0983H REVISEDMAY 2, 2012. THE LINE WORK WAS PROVIDED BY THE CITYOF FORT COLLINS.5.ONSITE STORM SEWER SHOWN ON THESE PLANS SHALL BEPRIVATE AND MAINTAINED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER.6.STORM SEWER MAINS SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS ASHIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) SHALL BEWATERTIGHT ADS-N12 OR APPROVED EQUAL.7.ALL PIPE LENGTHS ARE FROM CENTER TO CENTER OFADJACENT STRUCTURES. DESIGN LENGTH OF THE PIPEINCLUDES THE LAYING LENGTH OF FLARED END SECTIONS.8.ALL PIPE STUBS FOR FUTURE PHASE 2 CONSTRUCTIONTHAT ARE CONSTRUCTED IN PHASE 1 MUST BE PLUGGEDAND THE LOCATION SURVEYED FOR FUTURE CONNECTIONTO ROOF DRAINS AND DOWNSPOUTS.9.CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL MANUFACTURED CONNECTIONSAT ALL STORM DRAIN AND ROOF DRAIN / DOWNSPOUTCONNECTIONS.10. SEE PLUMBING PLANS FOR CONTINUATION OF ROOFDRAINS INTO THE BUILDING.CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED:PHASE 1 CONSTRUCTION (INCLUDES FUTURE STUBS FOR PHASE 2)PHASE 2 CONSTRUCTION (DOES NOT INCLUDE INTERIM PHASE 1 DOWNSPOUT CONNECTIONS) 2 4 3 12 1 331222124323211 211 23112212211223 1121231 1223223GMW3 2 222 21 1 22 1 2 121WSWSWSWSWS2311134908490749064904SPRING CREEKCROSS SECTION 1335GM2330 E PROSPECT RDOWNER: MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH2290 E PROSPECT ROADOWNER: DDNH COMMERCIAL INC2310 E PROSPECT RDOWNER: C AND C HOLDINGS LLCOWNER: GATEWAY MEDICAL SERVICES LLC24' EMERGENCYACCESS EASEMENT30' UTILITYEASEMENT15' TRAIL EASEMENTEXISTING 10'CONCRETE TRAILEXISTING PONDLIMITS OF 100-YEAR FLOODPLAINEXISTING EDGE OF PONDEXISTING LIMITS OF WETLANDSEXISTING BUILDINGEXISTING 12" CMPEXISTING 8" ADSROOF DRAIN6" VERTICAL CURB490549074908 4906 4906 490649074908490649072' CURB CUT2.0%2' SIDEWALK CHASE4907PHASE 2 GRADING DETAIL(SEE SHEET C4.02)4908LIMITS OF DISTURBANCELIMITS OF DISTURBANCE SHOWNFOR PHASE 2 SANCTUARY ADDITIONSTORM DRAIN AND GRADING INTHIS AREA FOR PHASE 1 CONSTRUCTIONTURF AREAS NORTH AND WEST OF BUILDINGTO BE CONVERTED TO NATIVE GRASS (SEELANDSCAPE PLANS FOR DETAILS)10' WIDE SPRING CREEK TRAIL(SEE NOTES ON THIS SHEET CONCERNINGCONSTRUCTION NEAR THE TRAIL)OWNER: SEVEN LAKESBUSINESS PARK ASSNFLUSH CURBPROPOSED RAILING (TYP)PHASE 1 GRADING DETAIL C(SEE SHEET C4.01)490649074908PHASE 1 GRADING DETAIL B(SEE SHEET C4.01)FFE=4908.78.535.548.538 . 7 0PHASE 1 GRADING DETAIL A(SEE SHEET C4.01)CONSTRUCTION ACCESFROM PROSPECT ROAD.CONTRACTOR TO ENSUREMUD AND DEBRIS ISNOT TRACKED OFF OF SITE24' EMERGENCYACCESS EASEMENT100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN(BUILDING REMOVED FROM FLOODPLAIN PERLOMA CASE NO. 19-08-0473A DATED 3/27/2019)TURF AREAS NORTH AND WEST OF BUILDINGTO BE CONVERTED TO NATIVE GRASS (SEELANDSCAPE PLANS FOR DETAILS)LIMITS OF FLOODWAY(NO GRADING WITHIN FLOODWAY)CONSTRUCTION FENCE SHOULDBE SET ON FLOODWAY LINE(SEE FLOODPLAIN NOTES) LEVEL SPREADER(SEE DETAIL ON SHEET C4.01)LEVEL SPREADER GRADING DETAIL(SEE SHEET C4.01)5' x 8' TRM (SEE EROSIONCONTROL NOTE 10)CONSTRUCTION FENCE SHOULD ONLY BE IN PLACE FOR A LIMITEDTIME DURING THE ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION. CONSTRUCTIONFENCING SHALL BE BREAK AWAY AND TETHERED.MODERATE RISK FLOODPLAINPROVIDE INLET PROTECTIONON EXISTING AREA INLETAPPROXIMATELY 100' EAST OF SITE3'EXISTING ROCK MULCH TO REMAIN1.5'x3' COBBLE(SEE E.C. NOTE 13)1.5'x3' COBBLE(SEE E.C. NOTE 13)2'x5' COBBLE(SEE E.C. NOTE 13)2'x5' COBBLE(SEE E.C. NOTE 13)1'x1' COBBLE(SEE E.C. NOTE 13)1'x1' COBBLE(SEE E.C. NOTE 13)2'x5' COBBLE(SEE E.C. NOTE 13)NATURAL HABITAT BUFFER ZONE3' STRIP OF EXISTING GRASS TO REMAIN IN PLACEEROSION CONTROL BLANKETON BOTH FILL SLOPES ON EITHERSIDE OF LEVEL SPREADER.SEDIMENT CONTROL LOGENDS 5' INTO EROSION CONTROLBLANKET (TYPICAL)SEDIMENT CONTROL LOGENDS 5' INTO EROSION CONTROLBLANKET (TYPICAL)OUTER CRITICAL ROOT ZONEFOR EXISTING TREE (TYP.)(SEE SHEET TR01 FOR MOREINFORMATION ON EXISTINGTREES AND PROTECTING THEMDURING CONSTRUCTION)INNER CRITICAL ROOT ZONEFOR EXISTING TREE (TYP.)MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH 12/18/2020U200041" = 20'1" = N/AMOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH NORTH 12/18/2020 1:31:07 PMC:\UNITED CIVIL DROPBOX\PROJECTS\U20004 - MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH\CADD\CP\C4.00 - OVERALL GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN.DWGC4.00 - OVERALL GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLANSMEJRS C4.0016OVERALL GRADING & EROSION CONTROL PLAN020'40'SCALE: 1" = 20'10'PREPARED FOR:JOB NUMBERSHEET NUMBERSHEETSOFDATE SUBMITTED:VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALEF I N A L R E V I EWPLANSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPROJ. MGR:DRAWING NAME:PATH:DESIGNER:DATE:TIME:CIVIL ENGINEERING & CONSULTINGUNITED CIVILDesign Group19 OLD TOWN SQUARE #238FORT COLLINS, CO 80524(970) 530-4044www.unitedcivil.comThe engineer preparing these plans will not be responsible for, or liable for, unauthorized changes to or uses of these plans. All changes to the plans must be in writing and must be approved by the preparer of these plans. NO.BY DATE CAUTIONREVISIONS:9INLET PROTECTIONROCK SOCKCONCRETE WASHOUT AREACONSTRUCTION FENCE90.30PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION3.13EXISTING GRADE10.0%4.0:1(10.0%)(4.0:1)PROPOSED SLOPEEXISTING SLOPEGRADE BREAKPROPOSED 5' MAJORCONTOURPROPOSED 1' MINORCONTOURLEGENDPERMANENT SEEDINGSEDIMENT CONTROL LOGEROSION CONTROL BLANKET(SEE E.C. NOTE 12)CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED:NOTES1.EXISTING UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD PUBLIC ANDPRIVATE UTILITIES AS SHOWN ARE INDICATEDACCORDING TO THE BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE TOTHE ENGINEER. THE ENGINEER DOES NOT GUARANTEETHE ACCURACY OF SUCH INFORMATION. EXISTINGUTILITY MAINS AND SERVICES MAY NOT BE STRAIGHTLINES OR AS INDICATED ON THESE DRAWINGS. THECONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO CALL ALLUTILITY COMPANIES (PUBLIC AND PRIVATE) PRIOR TOANY CONSTRUCTION TO VERIFY EXACT UTILITYLOCATIONS.2.SPOT ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE TO FLOWLINE OR EDGEOF WALK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.3.ALL DISTURBED AREAS NOT PAVED SHALL BEREVEGETATED PER THE LANDSCAPE PLANS.4.NOTE THAT THE FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION AS SHOWNON THIS DRAWING CORRESPONDS TO ELEVATION 100'-0"AS SHOWN ON THE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS.5.THERE SHALL BE NO EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, OR ITEMSSTORED ON THE SPRING CREEK TRAIL OR WITHIN THETRAIL EASEMENT. IF THERE IS A NEED TO CLOSE ASECTION OF THE TRAIL FOR ANY REASON, A TRAFFICCONTROL PLAN IS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED ANDAPPROVED THROUGH TRAFFIC CONTROL. THE PARKSDEPARTMENT WILL SIGN OFF ON IT ONCE SUBMITTED.PLEASE KEEP THE CLOSURES TO THE SHORTESTAMOUNT OF TIME DEPENDING ON WORK SCHEDULINGAND FLOW. PARKS DEPARTMENT PLANNING STAFF CANHELP WITH ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE REGARDINGTHESE STANDARDS. PLEASE CONTACT JILL WUERTZ(JWUERTZ@FCGOV.COM), 970_416_2062, OR PARKSPLANNING TECHNICIAN, AARON WAGNER(AAWAGNER@FCGOV.COM) 970_416_8083, 413 S. BRYANAVE, FORT COLLINS, CO 80521 REGARDING THE PARKS'DEPARTMENT'S INTEREST.6.THERE SHALL BE NO ENCROACHMENTS INTO THE TRAILEASEMENT DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS. IF ITIS DETERMINED THAT AN ENCROACHMENT IS REQUIRED,FOR ANY REASON, A TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN SHALL BESUBMITTED AS NOTED ABOVE.FLOODPLAIN NOTES1.PORTIONS OF THIS PROJECT ARE LOCATED WITHIN THEFEMA REGULATED 100-YEAR SPRING CREEKFLOODPLAIN AND FLOODWAY. THIS PROPERTY IS ALSOLOCATED IN THE SPRING CREEK MODERATE RISKFLOODPLAIN AND IS SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTSOF CHAPTER 10 OF THE CITY CODE.2.ALL DEVELOPMENT (CURB & GUTTER, PAVEMENT,GRADING, FILL, PARKING LOTS, UTILITIES, LANDSCAPING,ETC.) WITHIN THE FEMA REGULATORY FLOODPLAINMUST BE PRECEDED BY AN APPROVED FLOODPLAIN USEPERMIT AND APPLICABLE FEES.3.A NO RISE CERTIFICATION IS REQUIRED PRIOR TOPERFORMING ANY WORK WITHIN THE FLOODWAY (I.E.CURB CUT, CURB & GUTTER, UTILITY WORK,LANDSCAPING, ETC.)4.ALL SPOT ELEVATIONS AND BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONSAS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING ARE PER VERTICALCONTROL DATUM NAVD 88.5.NO STORAGE OF MATERIAL OR EQUIPMENT MAY OCCURAT ANY TIME IN THE FLOODWAY BEFORE, DURING ORAFTER CONSTRUCTION.6.ANY ITEMS LOCATED IN THE FLOODWAY THAT CANFLOAT (E.G. PICNIC TABLE, BIKE RACKS, ETC.) MUST BEANCHORED.7.FLOODWAY MUST BE SURVEYED AND STAKED IN THEFIELD PRIOR TO COMMENCING ANY SITE WORK.8.ALL FENCING IN THE FLOODWAY SHALL BE BREAK-AWAYAND TETHERED INCLUDING ANY CONSTRUCTIONFENCING.CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED:EROSION CONTROL NOTES1.TOTAL DISTURBED AREA FOR COMBINED PHASE 1 WORK AND PHASE 2 SANCTUARY BUILDING ADDITION = 40,550 SF (0.93 ACRES). TOTALDISTURBED AREA FOR JUST PHASE 1 CONSTRUCTION WITHOUT PHASE 2 SANCTUARY BUILDING ADDITION IS 32,700 SF (0.75 ACRES). TOTALDISTURBED AREA FOR PHASE 2 SANCTUARY BUILDING ADDITION IS 10,500 SF (0.24 ACRES)2.THE SITE WILL BE LANDSCAPED TO FINAL STABILIZATION. SEE FINAL LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR DETAILS.3.REFER TO SHEET C0.02 FOR STANDARD EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL CONSTRUCTION PLAN NOTES.4.EROSION CONTROL PRACTICES, SITE PROTECTION, AND REVEGETATION METHODS SHALL FOLLOW CITY REGULATIONS.5.ANY AREAS USED FOR STOCKPILING AND/OR STAGING SHOULD ALSO HAVE SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS NECESSARY.THESE AREAS SHOULD BE LOCATED AT LEAST 100' AWAY FROM DRAINAGE WAYS. THE ITEMS MAY INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TOVEHICLE TRACKING CONTROL, SILT FENCE, CONSTRUCTION FENCE, CONCRETE WASHOUT, AND SEDIMENT TRAP.6.SOIL AMENDMENTS SHALL BE INCORPORATED IN ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS TO A DEPTH OF 6" AT A RATE OF 3 CUBIC YARDS PER 1000SQUARE FEET OF AREA -OR- 4" OF LOOSE TOPSOIL IMPORTED ONTO THE SITE OVER 4" OF LOOSENED SUBGRADE SOILS. REFER TO CITY OFFORT COLLINS CODE SECTIONS 12-130 THROUGH 12-132.7.TEMPORARY SEEDING SHALL BE UTILIZED IN THE EVENT THAT A GRADED AREA IS EXPOSED LONGER THAN 30 DAYS. THE SITE SHALL BESEEDED WITH THE APPROPRIATE SEED MIX AND INSTALLATION METHOD AS SPECIFIED ON THE APPROVED LANDSACPE PLANS.8.A COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER WITH THE FOLLOWING SPECS SHALL BE USED:9.DOWNSPOUTS DESIGNED TO DISCHARGE RUNOFF AT GROUND SURFACE ARE TO BE PROVIDED WITH A SPLASH GUARD.10.TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT (TRM) SHALL BE NORTH AMERICAN GREEN VMAX SC250 OR APPROVED EQUAL. SEE MANUFACTURER'SSPECIFICATIONS FOR INSTALLATION.11.NO MUD AND DEBRIS SHALL BE TRACKED ONTO NEIGHBORING STREETS OR PROPERTIES. IN THE EVENT THAT TRACK OUT DOES OCCUR,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEAN MUD/DEBRIS IMMEDIATELY.12.TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS (ECB) SHALL BE NORTH AMERICAN GREEN ERONET S75 OR APPROVED EQUAL.13.2" TO 6" COBBLE ROCK SHALL BE PLACED AT THE END OF PIPES AND DOWNSPOUTS PER MINIMUM DIMENSION SHOWN ON PLANS.14.SEE EROSION CONTROL DETAILS ON SHEET C6.02INGREDIENT% AVAILABLEBY WEIGHTAPPLICATIONRATE INLBS/ACRENITROGEN1365POTASSIUM1680POTASSIUMM120PROJECT:MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCHBEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE ITEM:PRESERVE EXISTING VEGETATIONSILT FENCEVEHICLE TRACKING CONTROLSTAGING AREAS (if applicable)CONSTRUCTION FENCE (if applicable)ROCK SOCKSCONCRETE WASHOUT AREA(if applicable)TEMPORARY SEEDINGINLET PROTECTION (EXIST. & PROP.)1.COLUMNS SHOWN BELOW FOR TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL ITEMS REPRESENT PHASE OFCONSTRUCTION INCREMENTS, NOT SPECIFIC TIME DURATIONS.2.CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REGULAR MAINTENANCE OF ALL BMPs.MOBILIZATIONDEMOLITIONUTILITYINSTALLATIONBUILDINGCONSTRUCTIONSITE GRADING& PAVINGFINAL LANDSCAPING& STABILIZATIONPHASE OF CONSTRUCTIONEROSION CONTROL SEQUENCING 4.717.707.87 LEVEL SPREADERTOP ELEVATION 4905.10(SEE DETAIL ON THIS SHEET)4.625.105.105.1049054.64.83.0%18.4%12.7%15.8%9.4%20.8%15.5%6.5%(16.1%)(14.2%)(16.2%)(9.7%)5 . 2 0 5.204.474. 4 54.414.534.594.424.394.764.784.775. ELEVATION ATTOE OF SLOPE (TYP.)4.98MODIFIED IMPACT STILLINGBASIN/FOREBAY (SEE DETAILON SHEET C6.01)16.0%4 . 6 4 . 8 4 9 0 5 4. 6 4. 8 LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE/TOE OF BERM SLOPE (TYP.)1' WIDE TOP OF BERM AT ELEV = 4905.20TO TIE INTO LEVEL SPREADERAND EXISTING GROUND TOTHE SOUTHINNER CRITICAL ROOT ZONEFOR EXISTING TREE (TYP.)OUTER CRITICAL ROOT ZONEFOR EXISTING TREE (TYP.)2 4 3 12 1 331222124323211 211 231122 1211223 11212 1223223GMW3 2 222 21 1 22 1 2 121WSWSWSWSWSWSWSWSWSWSWSWSWSWS231113GM2.0%1. 9 % 2.2 %2.0%2.1%0.9%5.0 %5.1%2.3%2.4%2.2%2.1%2.4%2.8%2.0%2.0%2.1%3.1%2.2%17.6%18.6%9.7%9.9%4.3%2.9%1.8%2.3%1.8%2.1%1.3%3.8%FFE=4908.7490649074908490849064907490749074908490849064 9 0 76.768 . 4 4 6.858.448.17 . 1 0 6.396.716.416.908.278.208.356 . 9 4 7 . 1 15.757.147.796.286.667.978.64 TBC8.078.708.708.688.478.708.706.887.197.957.316.686.798.228.708.357.477 . 5 66.755.916.877.068.085.938.26 8.49 7.026.856.676.426.486.575.856.426.446.875.876.286.265.677.798.04EXISTING WATER METER TOREMAIN AT EXISTING GRADEIN PHASE 8.27 8.708.668.598.668.44EXISTING SEWER CLEANOUT TOREMAIN AT EXISTING GRADEIN PHASE 17.197 . 1 0 7.427 . 8 5 7 . 9 2 7.647.977 . 8 9 8 . 3 0 7.598. . 3 98.488.556 . 9 77.537.048.90 TOB8.79 TOB8.70 TOB8.70 TOB 8 . 4 8 8.356.526.726.687.267.837.457.576.945.265.205.715.215.675.192.0%8.2%8.6%5.565. . 7 0 6.947.376.336 . 5 1 6 . 5 4 6 . 5 0 6 . 4 0 6 . 2 5 . 1 2 7 . 7 96.185 . 6 8 6 . 1 6 6 . 0 9 6 . 0 0 5 . 8 9 5.825.595.505.395 . 3 2 6 . 1 8 8.70 TOB8.70 TOB8.70 TOB8.50 TOB8.50 TOB8.50 TOB8.50 TOB8.50 TOB8.50 TOB8.50 TOB8.50 TOB8.50 TOB8.57 TOB8.57 TOB8.74 TOB8.84 TOB8.70 TOB8.50 TOBOUTLET C DETAIL(SEE SHEET C6.00)4.2%8.6%2.7%2.0%RETAINING WALL, TYP.DO NOT OVEREXCAVATE NEARDRIP LINE OF TREES.CUT AND PULL AWAY FROMTREE, NOT TOWARD TREE7.828.597.938.638.527.827.936.115.995.745.625.715.71490649074908FFE=4908.78.701.8%1.9%4.0%2 . 0%2.2%4.8%4.8%5.4%2.6%3.0%2.0%2.1%2.0%8.307.798.488.378.218.96 TBC 8.237.978.64 TBC8.078.708.708.088.497.85 7.307.307.27 7.988.187.216.437.887.617.298.048.806.178.696.456.657.7049074908490749088.078.03 8.648.0%2.1%7.21 1' CURBCHANNEL6.496.487.026.99 TBC6.586.537.058.3%6.526.497. TBC 7.02 TBC7.79 TBC 2.5%2.4%7.24 TBC6.746.846.706.706.49 6.627.10 TBC6.776.856.696.796.806.696.807.417.743.4%3.4%6.5%2.3%6.3%10.4%7.71 TBC7.808.448.629.4%8.537.85 8.35THICKENED EDGESIDEWALK8.16 8.188.218 . 3 3 8.648.477.417.657.707.804' CONCRETE PAN8.27LEVEL SPREADER DETAILSNOT TO SCALE4" MAXIMUM FILL2"4:1 MAX(TYP.)2"NOTES:1.CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE CARE NOT TO OVEREXCAVATE WHEN REMOVING THE TURF IN VICINITY OF THEEXISTING TREE ROOT ZONES.2.NO TRUCKS OR HEAVY EQUIPMENT SHALL BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE LEVEL SPREADER. MATERIALSSHALL BE REMOVED AND PLACED BY MANUAL LABOR SO AS NOT TO DISTURB EXISTING TREES.3.CONTACT DESIGN ENGINEER FOR FIELD REVIEW ONCE LEVEL SPREADER IS STAKED FOR CONTRUCTION.4.CONTACT MATT SIMPSON IN THE STORMWATER DEPARTMENT AT 970-416-2754 AND NILS SAHA IN THE FORESTRYDEPARTMENT AT 301-204-7852 PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION SO THEY CAN BE PRESENT TO OBSERVE AND INSPECTINSTALLATION.5.EROSION CONTROL BLANKET REQUIRED ON BOTH SIDE SLOPES ON EITHER SIDE OF THE STRIP STRIP STONE.SIDE SLOPES TO BE SEEDED PER LANDSCAPE PLANS.APRROXIMATELY 4" x 4" STRIP STONEEXISTING TURF TO BE STRIPPED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTIONOF THE LEVEL SPREADER (SEE NOTE 1) STRIP STONE SUPPORTED ON BACKSIDE WITH ONE 18"STEEL J HOOK REBAR GROUND STAKE FOR EVERY STONEFLOWMOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH 12/18/2020U200041" = ##'1" = N/AMOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH NORTH 12/18/2020 1:31:18 PMC:\UNITED CIVIL DROPBOX\PROJECTS\U20004 - MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH\CADD\CP\C4.00 - OVERALL GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN.DWGC4.00 - OVERALL GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLANSMEJRS C4.0116PHASE 1 DETAILED GRADING PLAN0##'##'SCALE: 1" = ##'##'PREPARED FOR:JOB NUMBERSHEET NUMBERSHEETSOFDATE SUBMITTED:VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALEF I N A L R E V I EWPLANSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPROJ. MGR:DRAWING NAME:PATH:DESIGNER:DATE:TIME:CIVIL ENGINEERING & CONSULTINGUNITED CIVILDesign Group19 OLD TOWN SQUARE #238FORT COLLINS, CO 80524(970) 530-4044www.unitedcivil.comThe engineer preparing these plans will not be responsible for, or liable for, unauthorized changes to or uses of these plans. All changes to the plans must be in writing and must be approved by the preparer of these plans. NO.BY DATE CAUTIONREVISIONS:10NOTES1.EXISTING UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD PUBLIC ANDPRIVATE UTILITIES AS SHOWN ARE INDICATED ACCORDINGTO THE BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO THE ENGINEER.THE ENGINEER DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OFSUCH INFORMATION. EXISTING UTILITY MAINS ANDSERVICES MAY NOT BE STRAIGHT LINES OR AS INDICATEDON THESE DRAWINGS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BERESPONSIBLE TO CALL ALL UTILITY COMPANIES (PUBLICAND PRIVATE) PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION TO VERIFYEXACT UTILITY LOCATIONS.2.SPOT ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE TO FLOWLINE OR EDGE OFWALK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.3.ALL DISTURBED AREAS NOT PAVED SHALL BEREVEGETATED PER THE LANDSCAPE PLANS.4.NOTE THAT THE FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION AS SHOWN ONTHIS DRAWING CORRESPONDS TO ELEVATION 100'-0" ASSHOWN ON THE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS.CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED:90.30PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION FFE = FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION FG = FINISHED GRADE AT EXTERIOR WALL EOP = EDGE OF PAVEMENT LP = LOW POINT HP = HIGH POINT TOW = TOP OF WALL BOW = BOTTOM OF WALL TOB = TOP OF BOULDER3.13EXISTING GRADE10.0%4.0:1(10.0%)(4.0:1)PROPOSED SLOPEEXISTING SLOPEGRADE BREAKPROPOSED 1' MAJOR CONTOURPROPOSED 0.2' MINOR CONTOUR4905LEGEND4.8CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED:LEVEL SPREADER GRADING DETAILSCALE: 1" = 10'FLOODPLAIN NOTES1.PORTIONS OF THIS PROJECT ARE LOCATED WITHIN THEFEMA REGULATED 100-YEAR SPRING CREEK FLOODPLAINAND FLOODWAY. THIS PROPERTY IS ALSO IN THE SPRINGCREEK MODERATE RISK FLOODPLAIN AND IS SUBJECT TOTHE REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 10 OF THE CITY CODE.2.ALL DEVELOPMENT (CURB & GUTTER, PAVEMENT, GRADING,FILL, PARKING LOTS, UTILITIES, LANDSCAPING, ETC.) WITHINTHE FEMA REGULATORY FLOODPLAIN MUST BE PRECEDEDBY AN APPROVED FLOODPLAIN USE PERMIT ANDAPPLICABLE FEES.3.A NO RISE CERTIFICATION IS REQUIRED PRIOR TOPERFORMING ANY WORK WITHIN THE FLOODWAY (I.E. CURBCUT, CURB & GUTTER, UTILITY WORK, LANDSCAPING, ETC.)4.ALL SPOT ELEVATIONS AND BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS ASSHOWN ON THIS DRAWING ARE PER VERTICAL CONTROLDATUM NAVD 88.5.NO STORAGE OF MATERIAL OR EQUIPMENT MAY OCCUR ATANY TIME IN THE FLOODWAY BEFORE, DURING OR AFTERCONSTRUCTION.6.ANY ITEMS LOCATED IN THE FLOODWAY THAT CAN FLOAT(E.G. PICNIC TABLE, BIKE RACKS, ETC.) MUST BEANCHORED.7.FLOODWAY MUST BE SURVEYED AND STAKED IN THE FIELDPRIOR TO COMMENCING ANY SITE WORK.8.ALL FENCING IN THE FLOODWAY SHALL BE BREAK-AWAYAND TETHERED INCLUDING ANY CONSTRUCTION FENCING.PHASE 1 GRADING DETAIL CSCALE: 1" = 10'PHASE 1 GRADING DETAIL BSCALE: 1" = 10'PHASE 1 GRADING DETAIL ASCALE: 1" = 10' 1 223121231223223 3 2 2 2 1 2 PHASE 2 SANCTUARY BUILDING EXPANSIONGMMATCH GRADE AT REMOVALLIMITS PER PHASE 1 GRADING8.432.8%4.3%2.5%2.5%3.4%2.2%5.9%(2.0%)(2.0%)(2.1%)(2.1%)(2.2%)(2.3%)(0.9%)(1.2%)(1.0%)(1.1%)8.438.438.70 FG8.62 FG8.66 FG8.66 FG8.64 FG8.70490749084907490749074908490849084908490949074 9 0 8 4 9 0 7 4 9 0 7 4 9 0 8 4 9 0 8 4 9 0 8 4 9 0 8 49 0 8 4 9 0 9 4 9 0 96.72 FG6.74 FG6.07 FG6.79 FG6.82 FG9.289.28 7.837.937.897.737.742.0%3.1%18.3%(2.8%)(2.8%)(2.6%)7.429.19 TOW7.74 TOW9.199.18 TOWFFE=4908.74907 49074907490849084908MATCHEXISTINGGRADE ATBACK OFWALK PERPHASE 1GRADING7.26 FGLIMITS OF EXISTING BUILDINGLIMITS OF PHASE 2 SANCTUARY BUILDING ADDITION6.87 FG7.09 FG7.44 FG7.85 FG 6.94 FG6.13 FG 6 . 4 2 6.686.756 . 4 8 6 . 4 2 8 . 9 0 8.70 FG8.708.548.608.62 8.62 8.628.478.50 8.678.418.698.688.308.478.518.338.488.0516.2%11.5%3.4%2.8%2.8%3.2%2.4%3.2%5.1%EXISTING WATER METER TOBE LOWERED 1.2' IN PHASE 2EXISTING SEWER CLEANOUT TOTO BE LOWERED 1.2' IN PHASE 27 . 0 1 7.068.70 TOB8.468.488.538.79 TOB6.85 FG6 . 7 2 FG5.0%6.2%6.2%FFE = 4909.28(7" HIGHER AT BACK OF SANCTUARYTHAN REST OF THE BUILDING)8.67 FG6.426.446.435 . 8 5 MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH 12/18/2020U200041" = ##'1" = N/AMOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH NORTH 12/18/2020 1:31:24 PMC:\UNITED CIVIL DROPBOX\PROJECTS\U20004 - MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH\CADD\CP\C4.00 - OVERALL GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN.DWGC4.00 - OVERALL GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLANSMEJRS C4.0216PHASE 2 DETAILED GRADING PLAN0##'##'SCALE: 1" = ##'##'PREPARED FOR:JOB NUMBERSHEET NUMBERSHEETSOFDATE SUBMITTED:VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALEF I N A L R E V I EWPLANSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPROJ. MGR:DRAWING NAME:PATH:DESIGNER:DATE:TIME:CIVIL ENGINEERING & CONSULTINGUNITED CIVILDesign Group19 OLD TOWN SQUARE #238FORT COLLINS, CO 80524(970) 530-4044www.unitedcivil.comThe engineer preparing these plans will not be responsible for, or liable for, unauthorized changes to or uses of these plans. All changes to the plans must be in writing and must be approved by the preparer of these plans. NO.BY DATE CAUTIONREVISIONS:11NOTES1.EXISTING UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD PUBLIC ANDPRIVATE UTILITIES AS SHOWN ARE INDICATED ACCORDINGTO THE BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO THE ENGINEER.THE ENGINEER DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OFSUCH INFORMATION. EXISTING UTILITY MAINS ANDSERVICES MAY NOT BE STRAIGHT LINES OR AS INDICATEDON THESE DRAWINGS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BERESPONSIBLE TO CALL ALL UTILITY COMPANIES (PUBLICAND PRIVATE) PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION TO VERIFYEXACT UTILITY LOCATIONS.2.SPOT ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE TO FLOWLINE OR EDGE OFWALK UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.3.ALL DISTURBED AREAS NOT PAVED SHALL BEREVEGETATED PER THE LANDSCAPE PLANS.4.NOTE THAT THE FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION AS SHOWN ONTHIS DRAWING CORRESPONDS TO ELEVATION 100'-0" ASSHOWN ON THE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS.PHASE 2 GRADING DETAILSCALE: 1" = 10'CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED:90.30PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION FFE = FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION FG = FINISHED GRADE AT EXTERIOR WALL EOP = EDGE OF PAVEMENT LP = LOW POINT HP = HIGH POINT TOW = TOP OF WALL BOW = BOTTOM OF WALL TOB = TOP OF BOULDER3.13EXISTING GRADE10.0%4.0:1(10.0%)(4.0:1)PROPOSED SLOPEEXISTING SLOPEGRADE BREAKPROPOSED 1' MAJOR CONTOURPROPOSED 0.2' MINOR CONTOUR4905LEGEND4.8CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED:FLOODPLAIN NOTES1.PORTIONS OF THIS PROJECT ARE LOCATED WITHIN THEFEMA REGULATED 100-YEAR SPRING CREEK FLOODPLAINAND FLOODWAY. THIS PROPERTY IS ALSO LOCATEDWITHIN THE SPRING CREEK MODERATE RISK FLOODPLAINAND IS SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 10OF THE CITY CODE.2.ALL DEVELOPMENT (CURB & GUTTER, PAVEMENT, GRADING,FILL, PARKING LOTS, UTILITIES, LANDSCAPING, ETC.) WITHINTHE FEMA REGULATORY FLOODPLAIN MUST BE PRECEDEDBY AN APPROVED FLOODPLAIN USE PERMIT ANDAPPLICABLE FEES.3.A NO RISE CERTIFICATION IS REQUIRED PRIOR TOPERFORMING ANY WORK WITHIN THE FLOODWAY (I.E. CURBCUT, CURB & GUTTER, UTILITY WORK, LANDSCAPING, ETC.)4.ALL SPOT ELEVATIONS AND BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS ASSHOWN ON THIS DRAWING ARE PER VERTICAL CONTROLDATUM NAVD 88.5.NO STORAGE OF MATERIAL OR EQUIPMENT MAY OCCUR ATANY TIME IN THE FLOODWAY BEFORE, DURING OR AFTERCONSTRUCTION.6.ANY ITEMS LOCATED IN THE FLOODWAY THAT CAN FLOAT(E.G. PICNIC TABLE, BIKE RACKS, ETC.) MUST BEANCHORED.7.FLOODWAY MUST BE SURVEYED AND STAKED IN THE FIELDPRIOR TO COMMENCING ANY SITE WORK.8.ALL FENCING IN THE FLOODWAY SHALL BE BREAK-AWAYAND TETHERED INCLUDING ANY CONSTRUCTION FENCING. 2 4 3 12 1 331222124323211 211 23112212211223 1121231 12232233 2 222 21 1 22 1 2 1212311134908490749064904SPRING CREEKCROSS SECTION 1335GM2310 E PROSPECT RDOWNER: C AND C HOLDINGS LLCOWNER: GATEWAY MEDICAL SERVICES LLCEXISTING BUILDINGLOT LINE (TYP)LIMITS OF 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN(BUILDING REMOVED FROM FLOODPLAIN PERLOMA CASE NO. 19-08-0473A DATED 3/27/2019)EXISTING EDGE OF PONDEXISTING LIMITS OF WETLANDSLIMITS OF FLOODWAYEXISTING 12" CMPEXISTING 8" ADSROOF DRAINB20.150.951.00B10.600.871.00DPB2DPB1C10.160.951.002330 E PROSPECT RDOWNER: MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCHBASINS LINES SHOWN BASEDON PHASE 2 ROOF DESIGN(NOT SIGNIFICANTLYDIFFERENT THAN PHASE 1)82 LF - LEVEL SPREADER TO DISTRIBUTESTORMWATER FLOW TO VEGETATIVE BUFFERSTORM LINE BSTORM LINE C(PHASE 1 ONLY)SPRING CREEK TRAILTYPE C INLETEXISTING PONDCATTAIL CHORUSNATURAL AREASTORM LINE BDPC1OWNER: SEVEN LAKESBUSINESS PARK ASSNSPRING CREEKVEGETATIVE BUFFER (APPROX. 4,412 SF)44'EXISTING CREEK BANK9'OUTLET B1502 S TIMBERLINE RDOWNER: POUDRE SCHOOLDISTRICT R-1DRAIN BASINW/12" SUMPVEGETATIVE BUFFER (APPROX. 6,786 SF)3.102.402.454.19 3.974.094.524.804.784.41 4.274.28MODERATE RISK FLOODPLAINSTORM INLET(PHASE 1 ONLY)2290 E PROSPECT ROADOWNER: DDNH COMMERCIAL INCSTORM CULVERTCANOPY DRAINNATURAL HABITAT BUFFER ZONENATURAL HABITAT BUFFER ZONEMOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH 12/18/2020U200041" = 20'1" = N/AMOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH NORTH 12/18/2020 1:31:33 PMC:\UNITED CIVIL DROPBOX\PROJECTS\U20004 - MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH\CADD\CP\C5.00 - DRAINAGE PLAN.DWGC5.00 - DRAINAGE PLAN SME JRS C5.0016DRAINAGE PLAN020'40'SCALE: 1" = 20'10'PREPARED FOR:JOB NUMBERSHEET NUMBERSHEETSOFDATE SUBMITTED:VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALEFINAL REVIEWP L A N S NO T FO R CO N S T R U C T IO N PROJ. MGR:DRAWING NAME:PATH:DESIGNER:DATE:TIME:CIVIL ENGINEERING & CONSULTINGUNITED CIVILDesign Group19 OLD TOWN SQUARE #238FORT COLLINS, CO 80524(970) 530-4044www.unitedcivil.comThe engineer preparing these plans will not be responsible for, or liable for, unauthorized changes to or uses of these plans. All changes to the plans must be in writing and must be approved by the preparer of these plans. NO.BY DATE CAUTIONREVISIONS:12X.XXX.XXXX.XXBASIN DESIGNATIONBASIN AREA (ACRE)5 - YR RUNOFF COEFF.100 - YR RUNOFF COEFF.DESIGN POINTFLOW DIRECTIONDPD1LEGENDNOTES1.ONSITE DETENTION NOT REQUIRED SINCE INCREASE INIMPERVIOUS AREA IS LESS THAN 1000 SQUARE FEET.2.ONSITE WATER QUALITY AND LID PROVIDED BASED ONMODIFIED IMPERVIOUS AREA FOR PHASE 1 AND PHASE 2INCLUDING THE NEW SANCTUARY IMPROVEMENTS.CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED:FLOODPLAIN NOTES1.PORTIONS OF THIS PROJECT ARE LOCATED WITHIN THEFEMA REGULATED 100-YEAR SPRING CREEK FLOODPLAINAND FLOODWAY. THIS PROPERTY IS ALSO LOCATEDWITHIN THE SPRING CREEK MODERATE RISK FLOODPLAINAND IS SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 10OF THE CITY CODE.2.ALL DEVELOPMENT (CURB & GUTTER, PAVEMENT, GRADING,FILL, PARKING LOTS, UTILITIES, LANDSCAPING, ETC.) WITHINTHE FEMA REGULATORY FLOODPLAIN MUST BE PRECEDEDBY AN APPROVED FLOODPLAIN USE PERMIT ANDAPPLICABLE FEES.3.A NO RISE CERTIFICATION IS REQUIRED PRIOR TOPERFORMING ANY WORK WITHIN THE FLOODWAY (I.E. CURBCUT, CURB & GUTTER, UTILITY WORK, LANDSCAPING, ETC.)4.ALL SPOT ELEVATIONS AND BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS ASSHOWN ON THIS DRAWING ARE PER VERTICAL CONTROLDATUM NAVD 88.5.NO STORAGE OF MATERIAL OR EQUIPMENT MAY OCCUR ATANY TIME IN THE FLOODWAY BEFORE, DURING OR AFTERCONSTRUCTION.6.ANY ITEMS LOCATED IN THE FLOODWAY THAT CAN FLOAT(E.G. PICNIC TABLE, BIKE RACKS, ETC.) MUST BEANCHORED.7.FLOODWAY MUST BE SURVEYED AND STAKED IN THE FIELDPRIOR TO COMMENCING ANY SITE WORK.8.ALL FENCING IN THE FLOODWAY SHALL BE BREAK-AWAYAND TETHERED INCLUDING ANY CONSTRUCTION FENCING.WATER QUALITY SUMMARYWATER QUALITY REQUIREMENT:TOTAL NEW OR MODIFIED IMPERVIOUS AREA = 18,850 SFREQUIRED LID WQ TREATMENT = 9,425 SF (50% MIN.)WATER QUALITY PROVIDED:PAVED AREAS IN BASINS B1 & B2 DRAINING TO VEGETATIVEBUFFER = 29,332 SFVEGETATIVE BUFFER (LID CREDIT) IS LIMITED TO THE SIZE OFTHE VEGETATIVE BUFFER = 11,198 SFDOES NOT MEET CITY OF FORT COLLINS REQUIREMENTS.VARIANCE APPROVED FOR WATER QUALITY REQUIREMENTS.DRAINAGE BASIN SUMMARY TABLE MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH 12/18/2020U200041" = N/A1" = N/AMOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH 12/18/2020 1:31:48 PMC:\UNITED CIVIL DROPBOX\PROJECTS\U20004 - MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH\CADD\CP\C6.00 - CONSTRUCTION DETAILS.DWGC6.00 - CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SME JRS C6.0016CONSTRUCTION DETAILS PREPARED FOR:JOB NUMBERSHEET NUMBERSHEETSOFDATE SUBMITTED:VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALEF I N A L R E V I EWPLANSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPROJ. MGR:DRAWING NAME:PATH:DESIGNER:DATE:TIME:CIVIL ENGINEERING & CONSULTINGUNITED CIVILDesign Group19 OLD TOWN SQUARE #238FORT COLLINS, CO 80524(970) 530-4044www.unitedcivil.comThe engineer preparing these plans will not be responsible for, or liable for, unauthorized changes to or uses of these plans. All changes to the plans must be in writing and must be approved by the preparer of these plans. NO.BY DATE CAUTIONREVISIONS:13ONSITE CONCRETE DETAILSNOT TO SCALE6"2"R.6"6" 12"1 1/2"R.6"4 1/2"ONSITE CATCH CURB & GUTTERGutter edge may betapered or battered.(Typical for all Curb && Gutter Types)1" 6"2"R.1 1/2"R.6"4 1/2"Gutter edge may betapered or battered.(Typical for all Curb && Gutter Types)1"1'-6"6"6" 12"1 1/2"4' CONCRETE PAN4'6" CONCRETENOTES:1.THE PAVEMENT SECTIONS ARE BASED ON SUPPLEMENTAL PAVING INFORMATION PROVIDED BY EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS.2.TWO SOIL BORINGS IN THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT SHOW UP TO 10" OF AGGREGATE BASE COURSE IN PLACE UNDERNEATH THEEXISTING ASPHALT. IT IS ANTICIPATED THAT THIS MATERIAL WILL BE ADEQUATE FOR THE NEW ASPHALT THAT IS SHOWN.CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY EXISTING DEPTH AND CONDITION PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ASPHALT. AGGREGATE BASE COURSE SHOULDBE ADJUSTED IN MOISTURE CONTENT AND COMPACTED TO ACHIEVE A MINIMUM OF 95% OF STANDARD PROCTOR MAXIMUM DRYDENSITY.3.HBP SHOULD BE GRADED AS SX OR S AND BE PREPARED WITH 75 GYRATIONS USING A SUPERPAVE GYRATORY COMPACTOR INACCORDANCE WITH CDOT STANDARDS. THE HBP SHOULD CONSIST OF PG 58-28 OR PG 64-22 ASPHALT BINDER. HBP SHOULD BECOMPACTED TO ACHIEVE 92 TO 96% OF THE MIX'S THEORETICAL MAXIMUM SPECIFIC GRAVITY (RICE VALUE).4.PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE SHOULD BE AN APPROVED EXTERIOR PAVEMENT MIX WITH A MINIMUM 28-DAY COMPRESSIVESTRENGTH OF 4,500 PSI AND SHOULD BE AIR ENTRAINED. WIRE MESH OR FIBER SHALL BE INCLUDED TO REDUCE SHRINKAGECRACKING.HOT MIX ASPHALTAGGREGATE BASECOURSE (CLASS 5 OR 6)(VERIFY EXISTINGMATERIAL)APPROVED SUBGRADE(SEE GEOTECHNICALREPORT)HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVEMENT SECTIONSONSITE PAVEMENT DETAILSNOT TO SCALEONSITE OUTFALL CURB & GUTTERHEAVY DUTYLIGHT DUTY4"7"5"7"PORTLAND CEMENTCONCRETEAPPROVED SUBGRADE(SEE GEOTECHNICALREPORT)RIGID CONCRETE PAVEMENT SECTIONSHEAVY DUTYLIGHT DUTY5 1/2"6"1'-6"2' CONCRETE CHANNEL2'6" CONCRETE6"6"4"8"6"CONCRETE18"SIDEWALK6"2"PROPOSEDGRADETHICKENED EDGE SIDEWALK6"6"12"PAVEMENT6" CONCRETE CURB (NO GUTTER)6"6'-0"6"2-1"Ø HOLESSECTIONNOTE:1. WHEEL STOPS SHALL BE PREFABRICATED UTILIZING GRAY CONCRETE.PREFABRICATED WHEEL STOPNOT TO SCALE1 1/2"4' CONCRETE PAN W/CURB HEADS4'6" CONCRETE6"6"1' CONCRETE CHANNEL1'6" CONCRETE6"6"6" CURBPROPOSED GRADE6" CONCRETE (TYP)8" PIPE OUTLET(SEE SHEET C3.01FOR MORE INFO)STORM DRAIN OUTLET CNOT TO SCALE2'4.5 '3'6 " CURB 1 2 " CURB NOTES1.ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS B.2.FOR LOCATION OF STILLING BASIN AND OUTLET PIPES, SEE PLANS.3.EXPOSED CONCRETE CORNERS SHALL BE CHAMFERED 3/4 INCH.4.SEE PLANS FOR GRADING DETAILS.MODIFIED IMPACT STILLING BASIN/FOREBAY DETAILELEVATION VIEWPLAN VIEWWELDED WIRE FABRIC 6X6 - W 1.4 X W 1.4REBAR DETAILWELDED WIRE FABRIC 6X6 - W 1.4 X W 1.4IN BASE SLAB3" CLEARANCE TOP AND BOTTOM#4 @ 18" O.C. BENT TIE BAR3"#4 CONTINUOUS10" TO 18"#4 @ 18" O.C.7"BENT BAR DETAIL10"10"0.67'3'1.5'0.08'1.25'2'3.05'0.83'10" Ø0.83'2'0.5'0.83'1.5'#4 @ 18" O.C. BENT INTO SLAB10" Ø4'5'MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH 12/18/2020U200041" = N/A1" = N/AMOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH 12/18/2020 1:31:53 PMC:\UNITED CIVIL DROPBOX\PROJECTS\U20004 - MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH\CADD\CP\C6.00 - CONSTRUCTION DETAILS.DWGC6.00 - CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SME JRS C6.0116CONSTRUCTION DETAILS PREPARED FOR:JOB NUMBERSHEET NUMBERSHEETSOFDATE SUBMITTED:VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALEF I N A L R E V I EWPLANSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPROJ. MGR:DRAWING NAME:PATH:DESIGNER:DATE:TIME:CIVIL ENGINEERING & CONSULTINGUNITED CIVILDesign Group19 OLD TOWN SQUARE #238FORT COLLINS, CO 80524(970) 530-4044www.unitedcivil.comThe engineer preparing these plans will not be responsible for, or liable for, unauthorized changes to or uses of these plans. All changes to the plans must be in writing and must be approved by the preparer of these plans. NO.BY DATE CAUTIONREVISIONS:14 MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH 12/18/2020U200041" = N/A1" = N/AMOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH 12/18/2020 1:31:59 PMC:\UNITED CIVIL DROPBOX\PROJECTS\U20004 - MOUNTAIN VIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH\CADD\CP\C6.00 - CONSTRUCTION DETAILS.DWGC6.00 - CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SME JRS C6.0216CONSTRUCTION DETAILS PREPARED FOR:JOB NUMBERSHEET NUMBERSHEETSOFDATE SUBMITTED:VERTICAL:HORIZONTAL:SCALEF I N A L R E V I EWPLANSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPROJ. MGR:DRAWING NAME:PATH:DESIGNER:DATE:TIME:CIVIL ENGINEERING & CONSULTINGUNITED CIVILDesign Group19 OLD TOWN SQUARE #238FORT COLLINS, CO 80524(970) 530-4044www.unitedcivil.comThe engineer preparing these plans will not be responsible for, or liable for, unauthorized changes to or uses of these plans. All changes to the plans must be in writing and must be approved by the preparer of these plans. NO.BY DATE CAUTIONREVISIONS:15 WWSWSWSWSWSRDRDRDRDUPUPUPUPVANMOUNTAIN VIEW CHURCH BUILDING(2330 E. PROSPECT ROAD)30'-0" UTILITY EASEMENT REC. NO. 462755 (PLAT)FLOODWAYMODERATE RISK FLOODPLAIN15'-0" TRAILEASEMENT24'-0"EMERGENCYACCESSEASEMENTMOUNTAIN SAGE SCHOOLPARKING AND DROP-OFFEXISTINGPARKING LOTSPRING CREEK TRAILMAINENTRANCEDROP-OFF24'-0"EMERGENCYACCESSEASEMENT MAINENTRANCE2290 E. PROSPECT ROAD2310 E. PROSPECT ROADUNDEVELOPED LOT (CURRENTLY USED FORMOUNTAIN SAGE SCHOOL PLAYGROUND)2362 E.PROSPECTROAD100' SPRING CREEK/WETLAND BUFFEREXISTING TRAIL CONNECTION FDCUTILITY METERSAND EQUIPMENT100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN NHBZNHBZ12345678910111213141516171819202122232425ALL EXISTING TREESAND LANDSCAPINGNOT IDENTIFIED FORREMOVAL TO REMAINAND BE PROTECTEDIN PLACE2728293026ALL EXISTING TREESAND LANDSCAPINGNOT IDENTIFIED FORREMOVAL TO REMAINAND BE PROTECTEDIN PLACETREE PROTECTION NOTES:1.ALL EXISTING TREES WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE DEVELOPMENT AND WITHIN ANY NATURAL AREA BUFFERZONES SHALL REMAIN AND BE PROTECTED UNLESS NOTED ON THESE PLANS FOR REMOVAL.2.WITHIN THE DRIP LINE OF ANY PROTECTED EXISTING TREE, THERE SHALL BE NO CUT OR FILL OVER AFOUR-INCH DEPTH UNLESS A QUALIFIED ARBORIST OR FORESTER HAS EVALUATED AND APPROVED THEDISTURBANCE.3.ALL PROTECTED EXISTING TREES SHALL BE PRUNED TO THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS FORESTRY STANDARDS.TREE PRUNING AND REMOVAL SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A BUSINESS THAT HOLDS A CURRENT CITY OF FORTCOLLINS ARBORIST LICENSE WHERE REQUIRED BY CODE.4.PRIOR TO AND DURING CONSTRUCTION, BARRIERS SHALL BE ERECTED AROUND ALL PROTECTED EXISTINGTREES WITH SUCH BARRIERS TO BE OF ORANGE FENCING A MINIMUM OF FOUR (4) FEET IN HEIGHT, SECUREDWITH METAL T-POSTS, NO CLOSER THAN SIX (6) FEET FROM THE TRUNK OR ONE-HALF (½) OF THE DRIP LINE,WHICHEVER IS GREATER. THERE SHALL BE NO STORAGE OR MOVEMENT OF EQUIPMENT, MATERIAL, DEBRISOR FILL WITHIN THE FENCED TREE PROTECTION ZONE.5.DURING THE CONSTRUCTION STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT, THE APPLICANT SHALL PREVENT THE CLEANING OFEQUIPMENT OR MATERIAL OR THE STORAGE AND DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIAL SUCH AS PAINTS, OILS,SOLVENTS, ASPHALT, CONCRETE, MOTOR OIL OR ANY OTHER MATERIAL HARMFUL TO THE LIFE OF A TREEWITHIN THE DRIP LINE OF ANY PROTECTED TREE OR GROUP OF TREES.6.NO DAMAGING ATTACHMENT, WIRES, SIGNS OR PERMITS MAY BE FASTENED TO ANY PROTECTED TREE.7.LARGE PROPERTY AREAS CONTAINING PROTECTED TREES AND SEPARATED FROM CONSTRUCTION OR LANDCLEARING AREAS, ROAD RIGHTS-OF-WAY AND UTILITY EASEMENTS MAY BE "RIBBONED OFF," RATHER THANERECTING PROTECTIVE FENCING AROUND EACH TREE AS REQUIRED IN SUBSECTION (G)(3) ABOVE. THIS MAYBE ACCOMPLISHED BY PLACING METAL T-POST STAKES A MAXIMUM OF FIFTY (50) FEET APART AND TYINGRIBBON OR ROPE FROM STAKE-TO-STAKE ALONG THE OUTSIDE PERIMETERS OF SUCH AREAS BEINGCLEARED.8.THE INSTALLATION OF UTILITIES, IRRIGATION LINES OR ANY UNDERGROUND FIXTURE REQUIRING EXCAVATIONDEEPER THAN SIX (6) INCHES SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY BORING UNDER THE ROOT SYSTEM OFPROTECTED EXISTING TREES AT A MINIMUM DEPTH OF TWENTY-FOUR (24) INCHES. THE AUGER DISTANCE ISESTABLISHED FROM THE FACE OF THE TREE (OUTER BARK) AND IS SCALED FROM TREE DIAMETER AT BREASTHEIGHT AS DESCRIBED IN THE CHART BELOW:TREE DIAMETER AT BREAST HEIGHT (INCHES)AUGER DISTANCE FROM FACE OF TREE (FEET)0-213-425-9510-141015-1912Over 19159.NO TREES SHALL BE REMOVED DURING THE SONGBIRD NESTING SEASON (FEBRUARY 1 TO JULY 31) WITHOUTFIRST HAVING A PROFESSIONAL ECOLOGIST OR WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST COMPLETE A NESTING SURVEY TO IDENTIFY ANY ACTIVE NESTS EXISTING ON THE PROJECT SITE. THE SURVEY SHALL BE SENT TO THECITY ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER. IF ACTIVE NESTS ARE FOUND, THE CITY WILL COORDINATE WITH RELEVANTSTATE AND FEDERAL REPRESENTATIVES TO DETERMINE WHETHER ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS ON TREEREMOVAL AND CONSTRUCTION APPLY."TREE MITIGATION CHARTTREESPECIESDIAMETERCONDITIONACTIONMITI. TREES REQ'DNOTES1PONDEROSA17"FAIR PROTECT2.52PONDEROSA14"FAIRPROTECT23RUSSIAN OLIVE3 STEMS (7"-12")FAIRPROTECT1.54PONDEROSA16"FAIR +PROTECT2.55MUGOPINE20 STEMSGOODPROTECT26SPRUCE14"FAIR -PROTECT27WILLOW26.5"FAIRPROTECT2.58SPRUCE16"FAIRPROTECT29PINYONMULTI-STEMFAIR -REMOVE1.510HONEYLOCUST9"FAIR -REMOVE1.511ASH14"FAIRPROTECT1.512JUNIPERS(5) 4"-10"FAIRREMOVE2.5 FOR ALL 5 REMOVED13HACKBERRY3"FAIRREMOVE114ASH12"FAIRREMOVE1.515ASH6"FAIRREMOVE116ASH12"FAIRPROTECT1.517COTTONWOOD17"POORREMOVE018COTTONWOOD20"FAIR -REMOVE219PINYON14"GOODPROTECT2.520SPRUCE15"FAIR +PROTECT2.521MUGO PINE15 STEMSFAIRPROTECT1.522MUGO PINE15 STEMSFAIRPROTECT1.523MUGO PINE12"FAIR +PROTECT224MUGO PINE26" MULTI-STEMFAIR + PROTECT225MUGO PINE(4) MULTI STEMFAIR + PROTECT1.526PONDEROSA17"FAIR +PROTECT2.527COTTONWOOD26"FAIRPROTECT2.528COTTONWOOD25"FAIRPROTECT2.529AUSTRIAN PINE11"FAIR -PROTECT1.530PINYON PINE7" (BELOW 4')FAIRPROTECT1.5TOTAL MITIGATION TREES REQUIRED: 11TOTAL MITIGATION TREES PROVIDED: 11TREE MITIGATION LEGEND:PROTECT EXISTING TREEREMOVE EXISTING TREESHRUBPROPERTY LINELIMIT OF WORKEASEMENTFLOODWAY100 YEAR FLOODPLAINMODERATE RISK FLOODPLAINWATER EDGEWETLAND BOUNDARYNATURAL HABITAT BUFFER ZONE (NHBZ)CRITICAL ROOT ZONE010'20'20'40'N O R T HSheetSheet NameChecked By:Drawn By:Date:CRSL12.18.2020FINALDEVELOPMENTPLANTR101TREE PROTECTIONPLAN